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Jul 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy

Tokamak posted:

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Metal Gear Solid. The political commentary is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of international politics most of the meaning will go over a typical gamer’s head.

When I want apt political commentary I usually go play Metal Wolf Chaos but MGS does indeed deliver on that front too.

Fatte catte tax:


Mar 30, 2017

Now, aside from the Abuminable, business goes on as usual.
On the fourth day of Chrismas Chris Roberts gave to me

Four polished turds

Three con men

Two turtlenecks

And an invite to Evocati

Feb 18, 2016

I'm going to space!

:gary: :yarg:

D_Smart posted:

Yeah, I don't eat fried foods.

Do it or I give Ben a raise!

Jun 7, 2010

It wasn't an ELE that wiped out the backer funds. It was Tristan Timothy Taylor.

Toops posted:

What the gently caress is wrong with these people


Shitizen thinks "What I am posting here is fine and good":

Scam them Chris.

Scam them.

Liking his wifu background! Obviously his girlfriend in real life!

Sorry not real.

Jun 7, 2010

It wasn't an ELE that wiped out the backer funds. It was Tristan Timothy Taylor.

Abuminable posted:

On the fourth day of Chrismas Chris Roberts gave to me

Four polished turds

Three con men

Two turtlenecks

And an invite to Evocati

On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me!

FIVE Derek Blogs

Four polished turds

Three con men

Two turtlenecks

And an invite to Evocati

Jan 5, 2013

The recent spate of communications regarding network code changes in recent patches, the emphasis on <magic word> network-related testing and scheduling the network god for a presentation to the faithful seems to be payback from the other devs and community managers for speaking out of turn.

1. You said netcode was working fine. So how about we tell everyone that it isn't fine by pointing out that it is being updated and needs focused testing.
2. We're gonna let you feed the wolves directly, instead of semi-anonymously via text.

That should send a clear message to any other devs who feel like speaking out of turn, but are not quickly replaceable. If they were deep in networking guys, I'm pretty sure he would have been disavowed and memory-holed by now.

Feb 18, 2016

I'm going to space!

:gary: :yarg:

TheAgent posted:

I am Dereks alter, the fat white guy who loves alcohol and fried foods

and I don't blog

the therapist sometimes wonders if I'm the primary or if the Derek personality was so strong it took over

or if it's a primal fear sorta situation and I don't exist at all

well it is simple black and white issue actually.

Nov 5, 2015

-find mood stabilizers

Lladre posted:

But guy's like that Michu feller are broken in the brain in the sort of way that while they will get taken advantage of, and will be taken advantage of in the future like a loyal dog who thinks their master is coming back after leaving the on the side of the road.
They don't deserve it in any karmic sense.

I feel pity for him.

He's a small sapling in a dense forest, surrounded on every side by ancient oaks and redwoods, strangled of light for he is not tall, strangled of water for his roots are not deep. He will suffer and then die. This is the way of the forest.

Nov 5, 2015

-find mood stabilizers

monkeytek posted:

Liking his wifu background! Obviously his girlfriend in real life!

How much you wanna bet that's Clifford aka Miku's desktop.

Jan 5, 2013

Cloud Imperium Games LLC updated their California Statement of Information on 12/6/17 (2 years late).

The only changes of note are they finally notified the state that they are no longer on Sunset Blvd. and they changed the business activities from "Game Development and Publishing" to "Game Development"

So maybe they need a publisher now?

e: They also created a new LLC on 11/30/17. Roberts Space Industries LLC (a separate entity from Roberts Space Industries Corp)

Golli fucked around with this message at 00:24 on Dec 13, 2017

Beet Wagon
Oct 19, 2015

Toops posted:

How much you wanna bet that's Clifford aka Miku's desktop.

Dude, it's right in the name. No way his desktop wallpaper isn't some creepy fan-made 34d rendering of the anime ponytail woman.

e: gently caress it that was supposed to say 3d but i think 34d works there too so im leaving it

Jul 17, 2017

Beet Wagon posted:

The best thing about all the guys screaming for first person fidelity and maximum box-loading immersion is they're the same idiot morons who are going to do everything in their power to skip all that poo poo once it ends up in game.

The same thing happened in Elite - you can check the trade routes and find a loop trading poo poo for a couple thousand credits in profit per ton, OR you can look at the subreddit and realize that you can make 50 million credits in a single jump if you go to X system and spend ten minutes flipping the mission boards to pick up high paying transfers to the next system over. Every patch there's a dozen new posts about how to maximize your space trucking profit and it's all from the same braindead fuckfaces who complained about instant ship transfers.

Any would be developers out there. Never listen to your community, they will ruin your loving game. They will do everything they can to destroy it.

Aug 14, 2015

Occasional vampire queen

Beet Wagon posted:

Dude, it's right in the name. No way his desktop wallpaper isn't some creepy fan-made 34d rendering of the anime ponytail woman.

Feb 21, 2005

Playing games, watching movies, owning goons. 'sup
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the verse
Not a citizen was stirring, not even an Osiris;
The jpegs were hung by the computer with care,
In hopes that St. Roberts soon would be there;
The manchildren were nestled all snug in their wankpod beds;
While visions of space rape gangs danced in their heads;
And mamma in her bedroom, and I in my snoop cap,
Had just settled my smoothbrain for a soon to be out 3.0 nap,
When out on the landing pad there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my wankpod to see what was the matter.

Colostomy Bag
Jan 11, 2016

:lesnick: C-Bangin' it :lesnick:

Foo Diddley posted:

I can't wait for the Galactic Historian Lecture :allears:

This whole fiasco has been a history lesson of galactic proportions.

Colostomy Bag
Jan 11, 2016

:lesnick: C-Bangin' it :lesnick:

Golli posted:

So maybe they need a publisher now?


Nanako the Narc
Sep 6, 2011

monkeytek posted:

On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me!

FIVE Derek Blogs

Four polished turds

Three con men

Two turtlenecks

And an invite to Evocati

On the sixth day of Christmas, Chris Roberts gave to me

Six bankers lending

FIVE Derek Blogs

Four polished turds

Three con men

Two turtlenecks

And an invite to Evocati.

E: I can't spell.

Nanako the Narc fucked around with this message at 01:00 on Dec 13, 2017

Jun 7, 2010

It wasn't an ELE that wiped out the backer funds. It was Tristan Timothy Taylor.

Toops posted:

How much you wanna bet that's Clifford aka Miku's desktop.

I would take the bet but the last time I did I ended up shaved in places no man should ever venture.

Feb 5, 2003
The comedy of games starts like this
Our dreams are way too big for the likes of Chris
And so Sandi, she divines this alternative
They'll sell fake ships and hope whoever buys them from their store
Is kind enough to buy some more
And, pledging, that's pretty much how it's been ever since

Now the Kickstarter left a few issues to address
Like, say, that most of the game hadn't even been thought up yet
So somebody's got to code the physics while I advertise more ships
I'd do it myself, but what, are you going to deal with the spergs?
He says as soon as he gets back from Paris, we can switch
It's hard not to fall in love with something so hopeless
Backers, I hope we don't end up regretting this

Comedy, now that's what I call pure comedy
Just wait until the part where they start to believe
That they can do almost anything
And some "all-powerful" being endowed this horror show with meaning

Oh, their ships are all the best
They worship the Devs and they're totally obsessed
With rape fantasies, updated ship stats, boring lore, an expensive and bland decor
And they get terribly upset
When you question their sacred texts
Written by woman-hating epileptics

Their languages just serve to confuse them
Their confusion somehow makes them more sure
They build fortunes bilking mental illness
And send out shills to maintain perceived allure
Why do they hate these Goons just trying to help them?
What makes these clowns they idolize so remarkable?
These morons are hell-bent on fashioning new lives
So they can go on without confronting their own

Oh comedy, their illusions they've no choice but to believe
Their horizons that just forever recede
And how's this for irony, their idea of being free is a prison of beliefs
That they never ever have to leave

Oh comedy, oh it's like something that a madman would conceive!
The only thing that seems to make them feel alive is a several hour drive
But the only thing that they request is something to buy to warp with
Until there's nothing left to theft
Just random pledges made simply out of spite
I hate to say it, but Derek Smart was right

Dec 23, 2015

Fidelity. Wait, was I'm working on again?
On the seventh day of Christmas, Chris Roberts gave to me

Seven frames per second

Six bankers lending

FIVE Derek Blogs

Four polished turds

Three con men

Two turtlenecks

And an invite to Evocati.

Scruffpuff fucked around with this message at 00:42 on Dec 13, 2017

Feb 5, 2016

by Fluffdaddy
Am I back at school? It's been a long time since I've seen or heard "You're gay" meaning "You are literally a homosexual" as an insult.

TheAgent posted:

fyi any and all Norwegian ladyboys are welcome to PM myself or The Titanic
Unlike this racist, ladyboys of any nationality are welcome to PM me. :smug:

Nov 11, 2017
In case you missed it, an earlier Cottee column about Star Citizen:,468095


One day a gamer with vivid memories of playing Wing Commander back in the 1980s entered an antique store and picked up a cursed monkey paw. Whilst inspecting the curio, he absent-mindedly said to himself: “Man, those old Chris Roberts space shooters were great, but I wish he had unlimited time and money to make a game that could truly live up to his vision.” With a sinister creak, one of the fingers curled. The shop-keeper rang up the purchase, and to the aging nerd spoke two ominous words: “No refunds.”


Oct 14, 2016

On the eighth day of Christmas, Chris Roberts gave to me

(Ben) Eight all the pies

Seven frames per second

Six bankers lending

FIVE Derek Blogs

Four polished tuds

Three con men

Two turtlenecks

And an invite to Evocati.

Feb 18, 2016

I'm going to space!

:gary: :yarg:
On the ninth day of Christmas, Chris Roberts gave to me

nine server farms

(Ben) Eight all the pies

Seven frames per second

Six bankers lending

FIVE Derek Blogs

Four polished tuds

Three con men

oh for fucks sake let me fuckin finish!

Colostomy Bag
Jan 11, 2016

:lesnick: C-Bangin' it :lesnick:

Mu77ley posted:

On the eighth day of Christmas, Chris Roberts gave to me

(Ben) Eight all the pies

No offense, doesn't really roll off the tongue.

A minor refactor:

Eight donuts eaten

Foo Diddley
Oct 29, 2011


Colostomy Bag posted:

No offense, doesn't really roll off the tongue.

A minor refactor:

Eight donuts eaten

Voting for this

Mar 20, 2002

intardnation posted:

On the ninth day of Christmas, Chris Roberts gave to me

nine server farms

(Ben) Eight all the pies

Seven frames per second

Six bankers lending

FIVE Derek Blogs

Four polished tuds

Three con men

oh for fucks sake let me fuckin finish!

Ten united stimpires

nine server farms

(Ben) Eight all the pies

Seven frames per second

Six bankers lending

FIVE Derek Blogs

Four polished turds

Three con men

Two turtlenecks

And an invite to Evocati.

ComfyPants fucked around with this message at 00:59 on Dec 13, 2017

Dec 23, 2015

Fidelity. Wait, was I'm working on again?
I'd just like to say for the record that I did spell-correct "tuds".

Nanako the Narc
Sep 6, 2011

Scruffpuff posted:

I'd just like to say for the record that I did spell-correct "tuds".

:negative: My terrible spelling strikes again. I'll edit my post.

Colostomy Bag
Jan 11, 2016

:lesnick: C-Bangin' it :lesnick:

Foo Diddley posted:

Voting for this

Glad to see I have your support. BTW, glad you got that $20 I slipped ya for the bribe.

Dec 22, 2004

Sunswipe posted:

Am I back at school? It's been a long time since I've seen or heard "You're gay" meaning "You are literally a homosexual" as an insult.

The insult is more that Derek's boyfriend is Milo Yabadabadoo.

Jun 28, 2011

Soiled Meat

See? The Agent?
How can you look at those baby blues and not see some abandoned pup at the side of the road?

Preen Dog
Nov 8, 2017

Santa is getting lazy.

Communist Thoughts
Jan 7, 2008

Our war against free speech cannot end until we silence this bronze beast!

Sarsapariller posted:

I really wanted to do the Croberts bear but it wasn't in the thread recap. That's a shocking oversight imo.

The battle angel alita movie is taking a bit too much license for my taste

Aug 30, 2017

ShitMeter: -------------|- 99%

ComfyPants posted:

Ten united stimpires

nine server farms

(Ben) Eight all the pies

Seven frames per second

Six bankers lending

FIVE Derek Blogs

Four polished turds

Three con men

Two turtlenecks

And an invite to Evocati.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, Chris Roberts gave to me

Eleven Whales a-buying

Ten united stimpires

nine server farms

(Ben) Eight all the pies

Seven frames per second

Six bankers lending

FIVE Derek Blogs

Four polished turds

Three con men

Two turtlenecks

And an invite to Evocati.

Aug 14, 2015

Occasional vampire queen

They're like jittery tumbleweeds

May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

Foo Diddley posted:

That list :psyduck:

This is a grown-rear end adult

Joe Blobbers is a Star Citizen treasure trove of hilarity.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Dec 23, 2015

Fidelity. Wait, was I'm working on again?
Lots of pressure to get the 12th day right. The suspense is killing me...

Mar 20, 2002

It just keeps going!


May 11, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
College Slice

TheAgent posted:

by the way, Clive Johnson hasn't produced an mmo ever and here's his networking creds

Yeah. And he's lead network dev on Star Citizen. Makes sense if you ask me. :colbert:

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

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