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Jun 11, 2016

D_Smart posted:

I have blocked him. Life's too short, and I don't have time to be having Internet arguments with someone who desperately seeks attention and acceptance lest he slink back to obscurity and nobody notices.

At least we will always have our Discord chat logs.

Derek Smart - The Eternal Victim

I've dealt with people like Dr. Derek throughout my life; the over-promising under-achiever. people like Derek Smart only know how to victimize themselves. The problem is he never wins, and can’t help himself to make enemies.

The joke is always on him though, as the foundation of the something awful forums is to do nothing but simply point and laugh. Derek Smart is the joke, literally. So let's go ahead and give “the warlord” the full warlord treatment.

When I told Derek Smart that I was going to be suing Chris Roberts for Consumer Fraud, the very first thing he did was call me a liar. This perplexed me for two reasons: A) He never had any reason before to believe that I was lying about anything, B) We are technically both on the same side. It just seemed to be a self-destructive act of accusation out of nowhere. So, as any higher-level functioning adult would do, I tried to understand the position he was coming from.

Eventually it came to a point where he wanted to know the docket number for my case. I simply explained to him that docket numbers don't get handed out the moment you have a case filled, and that it takes a week or two for the court secretary to put it into the system. I told him that once I received my docket number, I would go ahead and give it to him for his own perusal.

He continued to berate me and call me a liar for absolutely no reason at all. So in response, I decided to take a photo of my receipt from the court because he tried to continue to argue with me over the semantics of “filing” versus “submitting” court documents. Even after it was told to him by several people in the chat room that he was wrong, he continued to dig in his heels on his position. I eventually decided it was not worth my time to continue arguing with someone over the internet, and simply ended the conversation.

A few weeks past without a word for me at all. in fact, a majority of the time I'm simply a lurker.

I received my docket number after a few weeks and posted the number in a private area specifically designed for that sort of thing. Derek then told me that this was the wrong chat and deleted it; telling me to post it somewhere else. Considering I was invited to the discord and this channel specifically to keep them updated on my progress, this only perplexed me further.

He then posted all of my suit information to his public lobby, which included my docket number, my real name, and my address… To a room of people where the potentiality of a number of people who threatened my well-being resided.

The only reason I can possibly come up with for you to about-face on me, for absolutely no reason what-so-ever, is that someone came along and did what you’ve been fantasizing about doing for literally four years and that upset your seemingly delicate ego. You seem to lack the ability to see outside yourself and to see yourself for the attention seeker you really are. To then project this trait upon me is just absurd. I barely post.

So keep me blocked, you can’t handle this. Like the “666” of this page number, you are nought but an internet demon. You’re the one sinking into obscurity. This is your own personal room, your own opus maximus, and you’ll be laughed at for all eternity for all to see, long after your dust and gone.

You have an extremely fragile ego, and I pity you.
See ya.
rear end in a top hat.

devil cat tax:

Streetroller fucked around with this message at 05:28 on Feb 3, 2018


Aug 10, 2015


Streetroller posted:

Derek Smart - The Eternal Victim

I've dealt with people like Dr. Derek throughout my life; the over-promising under-achiever. people like Derek Smart only know how to victimize themselves. The problem is he never wins, and can’t help himself to make enemies.

The joke is always on him though, as the foundation of the something awful forums is to do nothing but simply point and laugh. Derek Smart is the joke, literally. So let's go ahead and give “the warlord” the full warlord treatment.

When I told Derek Smart that I was going to be suing Chris Roberts for Consumer Fraud, the very first thing he did was call me a liar. This perplexed me for two reasons: A) He never had any reason before to believe that I was lying about anything, B) We are technically both on the same side. It just seemed to be a self-destructive act of accusation out of nowhere. So, as any higher-level functioning adult would do, I tried to understand the position he was coming from.

Eventually it came to a point where he wanted to know the docket number for my case. I simply explained to him that docket numbers don't get handed out the moment you have a case filled, and that it takes a week or two for the court secretary to put it into the system. I told him that once I received my docket number, I would go ahead and give it to him for his own perusal.

He continued to berate me and call me a liar for absolutely no reason at all. So in response, I decided to take a photo of my receipt from the court because he tried to continue to argue with me over the semantics of “filing” versus “submitting” court documents. Even after it was told to him by several people in the chat room that he was wrong, he continued to dig in his heels on his position. I eventually decided it was not worth my time to continue arguing with someone over the internet, and simply ended the conversation.

A few weeks past without a word for me at all. in fact, a majority of the time I'm simply a lurker.

I received my docket number after a few weeks and posted the number in a private area specifically designed for that sort of thing. Derek then told me that this was the wrong chat and deleted it; telling me to post it somewhere else. Considering I was invited to the discord and this channel specifically to keep them updated on my progress, this only perplexed me further.

He then posted all of my suit information to his public lobby, which included my docket number, my real name, and my address… To a room of people where the potentiality of a number of people who threatened my well-being resided.

The only reason I can possibly come up with for you to about-face on me, for absolutely no reason what-so-ever, is that someone came along and did what you’ve been fantasizing about doing for literally four years and that upset your seemingly delicate ego. You seem to lack the ability to see outside yourself and to see yourself for the attention seeker you really are. To then project this trait upon me is just absurd. I barely post.

So keep me blocked, you can’t handle this. Like the “666” of this page number, you are nought but an internet demon. You’re the one sinking into obscurity. This is your own personal room, your own opus maximus, and you’ll be laughed at for all eternity for all to see, long after your dust and gone.

You have an extremely fragile ego, and I pity you.
See ya.
rear end in a top hat.


Aug 10, 2015

But yea, the :ironicat: cannot be big enough on his last post, so Derek Smart this is me speaking honestly - don't block me or other people some more, because that way you'll eventually wind up blocking all of Something Awful again, don't do a stupid failpost in response to try and look cool, just read the following and take a quiet moment to reflect upon whether or not it applies to you:

You're like the walking proof of it.

big nipples big life
May 12, 2014

D_Smart posted:

someone who desperately seeks attention


Feb 26, 2016

You clearly don't understand game development

Streetroller posted:

Derek Smart - The Eternal Victim

I've dealt with people like Dr. Derek throughout my life; the over-promising under-achiever. people like Derek Smart only know how to victimize themselves. The problem is he never wins, and can’t help himself to make enemies.

The joke is always on him though, as the foundation of the something awful forums is to do nothing but simply point and laugh. Derek Smart is the joke, literally. So let's go ahead and give “the warlord” the full warlord treatment.

When I told Derek Smart that I was going to be suing Chris Roberts for Consumer Fraud, the very first thing he did was call me a liar. This perplexed me for two reasons: A) He never had any reason before to believe that I was lying about anything, B) We are technically both on the same side. It just seemed to be a self-destructive act of accusation out of nowhere. So, as any higher-level functioning adult would do, I tried to understand the position he was coming from.

Eventually it came to a point where he wanted to know the docket number for my case. I simply explained to him that docket numbers don't get handed out the moment you have a case filled, and that it takes a week or two for the court secretary to put it into the system. I told him that once I received my docket number, I would go ahead and give it to him for his own perusal.

He continued to berate me and call me a liar for absolutely no reason at all. So in response, I decided to take a photo of my receipt from the court because he tried to continue to argue with me over the semantics of “filing” versus “submitting” court documents. Even after it was told to him by several people in the chat room that he was wrong, he continued to dig in his heels on his position. I eventually decided it was not worth my time to continue arguing with someone over the internet, and simply ended the conversation.

A few weeks past without a word for me at all. in fact, a majority of the time I'm simply a lurker.

I received my docket number after a few weeks and posted the number in a private area specifically designed for that sort of thing. Derek then told me that this was the wrong chat and deleted it; telling me to post it somewhere else. Considering I was invited to the discord and this channel specifically to keep them updated on my progress, this only perplexed me further.

He then posted all of my suit information to his public lobby, which included my docket number, my real name, and my address… To a room of people where the potentiality of a number of people who threatened my well-being resided.

The only reason I can possibly come up with for you to about-face on me, for absolutely no reason what-so-ever, is that someone came along and did what you’ve been fantasizing about doing for literally four years and that upset your seemingly delicate ego. You seem to lack the ability to see outside yourself and to see yourself for the attention seeker you really are. To then project this trait upon me is just absurd. I barely post.

So keep me blocked, you can’t handle this. Like the “666” of this page number, you are nought but an internet demon. You’re the one sinking into obscurity. This is your own personal room, your own opus maximus, and you’ll be laughed at for all eternity for all to see, long after your dust and gone.

You have an extremely fragile ego, and I pity you.
See ya.
rear end in a top hat.


big nipples big life
May 12, 2014

There is no bridge he can't burn

Oct 2, 2011

It feels so good to be so posting.

big nipples big life posted:

There is no bridge he can't burn
Always burn your bridges behind you, you never know who might be trying to follow.

Sep 14, 2013

Sometimes it's not the bomb that's retarded.

So, SC calculates the monocle reflection for every player on the server, right?

Jul 9, 2003

by Fluffdaddy

Streetroller posted:

Derek Smart - The Eternal Victim

I've dealt with people like Dr. Derek throughout my life; the over-promising under-achiever. people like Derek Smart only know how to victimize themselves. The problem is he never wins, and can’t help himself to make enemies.

The joke is always on him though, as the foundation of the something awful forums is to do nothing but simply point and laugh. Derek Smart is the joke, literally. So let's go ahead and give “the warlord” the full warlord treatment.

When I told Derek Smart that I was going to be suing Chris Roberts for Consumer Fraud, the very first thing he did was call me a liar. This perplexed me for two reasons: A) He never had any reason before to believe that I was lying about anything, B) We are technically both on the same side. It just seemed to be a self-destructive act of accusation out of nowhere. So, as any higher-level functioning adult would do, I tried to understand the position he was coming from.

Eventually it came to a point where he wanted to know the docket number for my case. I simply explained to him that docket numbers don't get handed out the moment you have a case filled, and that it takes a week or two for the court secretary to put it into the system. I told him that once I received my docket number, I would go ahead and give it to him for his own perusal.

He continued to berate me and call me a liar for absolutely no reason at all. So in response, I decided to take a photo of my receipt from the court because he tried to continue to argue with me over the semantics of “filing” versus “submitting” court documents. Even after it was told to him by several people in the chat room that he was wrong, he continued to dig in his heels on his position. I eventually decided it was not worth my time to continue arguing with someone over the internet, and simply ended the conversation.

A few weeks past without a word for me at all. in fact, a majority of the time I'm simply a lurker.

I received my docket number after a few weeks and posted the number in a private area specifically designed for that sort of thing. Derek then told me that this was the wrong chat and deleted it; telling me to post it somewhere else. Considering I was invited to the discord and this channel specifically to keep them updated on my progress, this only perplexed me further.

He then posted all of my suit information to his public lobby, which included my docket number, my real name, and my address… To a room of people where the potentiality of a number of people who threatened my well-being resided.

The only reason I can possibly come up with for you to about-face on me, for absolutely no reason what-so-ever, is that someone came along and did what you’ve been fantasizing about doing for literally four years and that upset your seemingly delicate ego. You seem to lack the ability to see outside yourself and to see yourself for the attention seeker you really are. To then project this trait upon me is just absurd. I barely post.

So keep me blocked, you can’t handle this. Like the “666” of this page number, you are nought but an internet demon. You’re the one sinking into obscurity. This is your own personal room, your own opus maximus, and you’ll be laughed at for all eternity for all to see, long after your dust and gone.

You have an extremely fragile ego, and I pity you.
See ya.
rear end in a top hat.

Being part of the blocked buddies? That's a quotin'
Posting on page 666? That's a quoting'
Lookin' out the window? That's a quoting'
Wreckin' Derek? Oh, you better believe that’s a quotin'

Streetroller posted:

devil cat tax:

Dusty Lens
Jul 1, 2015

All Glory unto the Stimpire. Give up your arms and legs and embrace the beautiful agony of electricity that doubles in pain every second.

If you burn your bridge at both ends you're unstoppable.

Dec 22, 2004

Sun Tzu was not a true warlord

Jul 27, 2006

Guys don't scare him away

We need him for hot scoops

Mar 19, 2015

Some galactic defender you are, Space Cadet.

Trilobite posted:

A G0RF effortpost is always a treat, but this sentence is sublime.

Keep typing, you beautiful internet ghost wanderer.

edit - also:

...should be the thread title when/if (when) they start selling Space Housing.

overseer07 posted:

Every time I see a huge wall of text like this I always think 'gently caress that, I'm not reading this wall of drivel,' and keep scrolling. Then I scroll back up to double-check, just in case G0RF posted it.

Seriously, write a book. You're way too entertaining and informative not to.

The Titanic posted:

G0RF you always make me feel like I’m not good enough, you always have such great and deptgy insights. Thank you! :glomp:

Thanks everybody for the kind replies. Given the cacophony that is the day to day thread, I feel like periodic summaries, even skeptically biased ones, are helpful for our newer participants.

FWIW, despite being harshly critical of Roberts history in that summary post, I actually had more positive than negative feelings about Meet the Devs and Reverse the Verse this week. Sean Tracy proved once again willing to be open about internal problems than anyone else presently working there. Plus, his story about using Faceware combined with a 3D scanned Chris Roberts head to tell himself “You’re doing a great job, Sean” may be the single funniest story ever told on a CIG show. (At least of the non-accidentally funny kind.) I :lol::lol::lol: bigtime.

Todd Papy’s no-nonsense pragmatism continues to offer a welcome contrast against other upper rankers like Erin, Tony and of course Chris himself. Candor and sobriety are so antithetical to Roberts cockiness and hyping. but between sweet poison and bitter medicine, I’ll take the latter every time.

Feb 13, 2011

Streetroller posted:

Derek Smart - The Eternal Victim

I've dealt with people like Dr. Derek throughout my life; the over-promising under-achiever. people like Derek Smart only know how to victimize themselves. The problem is he never wins, and can’t help himself to make enemies.

The joke is always on him though, as the foundation of the something awful forums is to do nothing but simply point and laugh. Derek Smart is the joke, literally. So let's go ahead and give “the warlord” the full warlord treatment.

When I told Derek Smart that I was going to be suing Chris Roberts for Consumer Fraud, the very first thing he did was call me a liar. This perplexed me for two reasons: A) He never had any reason before to believe that I was lying about anything, B) We are technically both on the same side. It just seemed to be a self-destructive act of accusation out of nowhere. So, as any higher-level functioning adult would do, I tried to understand the position he was coming from.

Eventually it came to a point where he wanted to know the docket number for my case. I simply explained to him that docket numbers don't get handed out the moment you have a case filled, and that it takes a week or two for the court secretary to put it into the system. I told him that once I received my docket number, I would go ahead and give it to him for his own perusal.

He continued to berate me and call me a liar for absolutely no reason at all. So in response, I decided to take a photo of my receipt from the court because he tried to continue to argue with me over the semantics of “filing” versus “submitting” court documents. Even after it was told to him by several people in the chat room that he was wrong, he continued to dig in his heels on his position. I eventually decided it was not worth my time to continue arguing with someone over the internet, and simply ended the conversation.

A few weeks past without a word for me at all. in fact, a majority of the time I'm simply a lurker.

I received my docket number after a few weeks and posted the number in a private area specifically designed for that sort of thing. Derek then told me that this was the wrong chat and deleted it; telling me to post it somewhere else. Considering I was invited to the discord and this channel specifically to keep them updated on my progress, this only perplexed me further.

He then posted all of my suit information to his public lobby, which included my docket number, my real name, and my address… To a room of people where the potentiality of a number of people who threatened my well-being resided.

The only reason I can possibly come up with for you to about-face on me, for absolutely no reason what-so-ever, is that someone came along and did what you’ve been fantasizing about doing for literally four years and that upset your seemingly delicate ego. You seem to lack the ability to see outside yourself and to see yourself for the attention seeker you really are. To then project this trait upon me is just absurd. I barely post.

So keep me blocked, you can’t handle this. Like the “666” of this page number, you are nought but an internet demon. You’re the one sinking into obscurity. This is your own personal room, your own opus maximus, and you’ll be laughed at for all eternity for all to see, long after your dust and gone.

You have an extremely fragile ego, and I pity you.
See ya.
rear end in a top hat.

devil cat tax:

Welcome to the club, bud

Dusty Lens posted:

If you burn your bridge at both ends you're unstoppable.


Aug 23, 2010

Feb 5, 2003
616 is actually considered the real Number of the Beast.

Oct 9, 2012

Just me and my 🌊dragon🐉 hanging out
Gremlich is from the US. There are few things I hate more than US people affecting UK slang. "Whanker" was head-exploding levels of horror, though. Dude gives me the icks.

Nov 25, 2003

Posting on 3,666

Feb 5, 2003
Bring back Marching Powder.

Feb 5, 2003

thatguy posted:

Every time Derek or MoMA gets one of their posts quoted by six or more people everyone who responded including the OP (Derek/MoMA) should get probated. This should be enacted immediately as it would improve the thread immensely. Thank you for listening to my suggestion.

Nov 5, 2009

ElvUI super fan at your service!

Ask me any and all questions about UI customization via PM

Streetroller posted:


Holy poo poo, dude.

Aug 25, 2017

D_Smart posted:

I have blocked him. Life's too short, and I don't have time to be having Internet arguments with someone who desperately seeks attention and acceptance lest he slink back to obscurity and nobody notices.

At least we will always have our Discord chat logs.

Look, everyone here likes Streetroller. There is a reason that even your hypeman isn't throwing digs at the guy nobody but you has a problem with.

Mar 19, 2015

Some galactic defender you are, Space Cadet.

I’m chagrined to see the schism here. When you first joined the Discord, I was pretty skeptical about your refund talk and figured you had some hidden agenda. I believe I was the mod who kicked you out; even if I hadn’t I know I voiced early doubts in the green room about your earnestness.

I was wrong, Streetroller. You did what you said you do and dealt Roberts the fresh black eye he deserved. Beyond that, you and Derek participated in that impromptu live-stream that later led to debate with turbo-zealot James Brand. I honest to God may have laughed harder at that surreal, impromptu theater than at anything in the last five years.

So I’m bummed to see the divisions emerge, especially when the real target is and always has been the morally bankrupt leadership and business practices of Roberts, Gardiner and Ortwin. I am not sure what exactly prompted the new hostilities but whatever they are probably doesn’t matter that much. I still think you did heroic work in your efforts to see the refund through, talk about backer rights in media interviews, put up with abuses of the Zealot fringe and all the rest.

I am both sorry i underestimated you and delighted to have been so wrong.


G0RF fucked around with this message at 06:10 on Feb 3, 2018

Sep 23, 2015

Fun Shoe

AlbieQuirky posted:

Gremlich is from the US. There are few things I hate more than US people affecting UK slang. "Whanker" was head-exploding levels of horror, though. Dude gives me the icks.

lol I suspect that the Gremlich clown is a lurker ITT and that is why he has corrected his comical mis-spelling of wanker. What a wanker.


Streetroller posted:

Derek Smart - The Eternal Victim

I've dealt with people like Dr. Derek throughout my life; the over-promising under-achiever. people like Derek Smart only know how to victimize themselves. The problem is he never wins, and can’t help himself to make enemies.

The joke is always on him though, as the foundation of the something awful forums is to do nothing but simply point and laugh. Derek Smart is the joke, literally. So let's go ahead and give “the warlord” the full warlord treatment.

When I told Derek Smart that I was going to be suing Chris Roberts for Consumer Fraud, the very first thing he did was call me a liar. This perplexed me for two reasons: A) He never had any reason before to believe that I was lying about anything, B) We are technically both on the same side. It just seemed to be a self-destructive act of accusation out of nowhere. So, as any higher-level functioning adult would do, I tried to understand the position he was coming from.

Eventually it came to a point where he wanted to know the docket number for my case. I simply explained to him that docket numbers don't get handed out the moment you have a case filled, and that it takes a week or two for the court secretary to put it into the system. I told him that once I received my docket number, I would go ahead and give it to him for his own perusal.

He continued to berate me and call me a liar for absolutely no reason at all. So in response, I decided to take a photo of my receipt from the court because he tried to continue to argue with me over the semantics of “filing” versus “submitting” court documents. Even after it was told to him by several people in the chat room that he was wrong, he continued to dig in his heels on his position. I eventually decided it was not worth my time to continue arguing with someone over the internet, and simply ended the conversation.

A few weeks past without a word for me at all. in fact, a majority of the time I'm simply a lurker.

I received my docket number after a few weeks and posted the number in a private area specifically designed for that sort of thing. Derek then told me that this was the wrong chat and deleted it; telling me to post it somewhere else. Considering I was invited to the discord and this channel specifically to keep them updated on my progress, this only perplexed me further.

He then posted all of my suit information to his public lobby, which included my docket number, my real name, and my address… To a room of people where the potentiality of a number of people who threatened my well-being resided.

The only reason I can possibly come up with for you to about-face on me, for absolutely no reason what-so-ever, is that someone came along and did what you’ve been fantasizing about doing for literally four years and that upset your seemingly delicate ego. You seem to lack the ability to see outside yourself and to see yourself for the attention seeker you really are. To then project this trait upon me is just absurd. I barely post.

So keep me blocked, you can’t handle this. Like the “666” of this page number, you are nought but an internet demon. You’re the one sinking into obscurity. This is your own personal room, your own opus maximus, and you’ll be laughed at for all eternity for all to see, long after your dust and gone.

You have an extremely fragile ego, and I pity you.
See ya.
rear end in a top hat.

as said above... :iceburn:

Jun 11, 2016

G0RF posted:

I’m chagrined to see the schism here. When you first joined the Discord, I was pretty skeptical about your refund talk and figured you had some hidden agenda. I believe I was the mod who kicked you out; even if I hadn’t I know I voiced early doubts in the green room about your earnestness.

I was wrong, Streetroller. You did what you said you do and dealt Roberts the fresh black eye he deserved. Beyond that, you and Derek participated in that impromptu live-stream that later led to debate with turbo-zealot James Brand. I honest to God may have laughed harder at that surreal, impromptu theater than at anything in the last five years.

So I’m bummed to see the divisions emerge, especially when the real target is and always has been the morally bankrupt leadership and business practices of Roberts, Gardiner and Ortwin. I am not sure what exactly prompted the new hostilities but whatever they are probably doesn’t matter that much. I still think you did heroic work in your efforts to see the refund through, talk about backer rights in media interviews, put up with abuses of the Zealot fringe and all the rest.

I am both sorry i underestimated you and delighted to have been so wrong.


Means a lot buddy. I enjoy your posts.

I'll continue to update here, because I believe for what I'm doing.
This isn't a stunt for me, or some other attention seeking vendetta.
I promise you --- I am what I say I am. I wear it on my face.
I've found a lot over the years that lying and deception is just too energy consuming.
I'd rather fight for truth... and it gives me a lot of targets.

I believe in consumer rights. I believe Chris Roberts to be a fraud. I have the will and desire to see it culminate to conclusion.

... and finally, laugh at the liars in the end of it all.

Sep 23, 2015

Fun Shoe

Raskolnikov posted:

Posting on 3,666

How are you getting on with the Altered Carbon book Ras? I have now watched about 7 of the 10 episodes on Netflix and, sadly, while there are various direct quotes from the book the screenplay has not too much in comon with the original. It's still pretty good though. the basic concepts have been carried over to the adaptation well. I have always had a problem with TV/film versions of books, the standout being the Lord of the Rings films... I have read the books like 30 times and I cannot watch the films without becoming very very angry - I mean, poo poo, if they just played it at normal speed rather than slo-mo any of the three films would have been about half the running time... Don't get me started. I think the best adaptation I ever saw was Fear and Loathing - now that was perfect. Goons discuss.

Jun 28, 2011

Soiled Meat

Oct 6, 2016

p3666 is a band-aid but I'll take it.

Oct 6, 2016

And no other.

Aug 25, 2017

Streetroller posted:

The only reason I can possibly come up with for you to about-face on me, for absolutely no reason what-so-ever, is that someone came along and did what you’ve been fantasizing about doing for literally four years and that upset your seemingly delicate ego. You seem to lack the ability to see outside yourself and to see yourself for the attention seeker you really are. To then project this trait upon me is just absurd. I barely post.

So keep me blocked, you can’t handle this. Like the “666” of this page number, you are nought but an internet demon. You’re the one sinking into obscurity. This is your own personal room, your own opus maximus, and you’ll be laughed at for all eternity for all to see, long after your dust and gone.

You have an extremely fragile ego, and I pity you.
See ya.
rear end in a top hat.

You are correct here.

Derek had a history of quoting my effort posts in agreement for awhile now across all three of the names I've used to post here. However when I made that post a few months ago speculating about the funding situation and made what I thought was an informed opinion about an actual collapse taking place in Q2/Q3 2018 Derek immediately started being a snide douche to me and his hype man started posting poo poo like this

AP posted:

VictorianQueerLit seems to be seeking credit for calling Star Citizen hosed before anyone else, especially Derek. It's important that we take a moment to acknowledge his genius, which I've obviously failed to do from the attention I'm getting.

Since that guy is an extension of Derek it's pretty easy to see he is extremely worried other people are getting his attention/credit. Now I can look back and realize we were a month or so from finding out about the lawsuit so they were pissed off I wasn't entirely wrong about something Derek wanted the credit for.

I can also look back and remember the thread being engrossed in atxspergs leaks and having a great time until Derek openly demanded he answer his PMs and the guy quit posting.

I can also look back and remember that when TheAgent started becoming the thread focus Derek turned lovely on him for no apparent reason, calling him out and saying that he was full of poo poo and that he was doing damage by making poo poo up and leading people on.

Feb 5, 2003

VictorianQueerLit posted:

Look, everyone here likes Streetroller. There is a reason that even your hypeman isn't throwing digs at the guy nobody but you has a problem with.
I know you're trying to bait AP into another boring argument but I have a problem with Street making terrible posts if it's any consolation.

Oct 6, 2016

My plan to take over the page is already derailed. But I'll be back.

Jan 19, 2038


Dec 29, 2005

Hindustan Electronics Employee of the Month, July 2008
Grimey Drawer
As we get into another one of our many internal squabbling phases of the thread, let us not lose sight of the fact that Star Citizen Is Good.

Jan 19, 2038

Also jesus loving christ, 1k USD for a loving monocle?




May 2, 2009

Finishing the game with everyone else's continues

VictorianQueerLit posted:

A Brutal Takedown

Did AP piss on your cat picture or something

Jun 5, 2011

I can help

G0RF posted:

YOUTUBE: Batgirl’s State of the Game - MFDs, Are They Useful?

(Just a quick summary of the latest video from the ever entertaining Batgirl.)

Batgirl down and out about the game; still bitter about losing access to Ben.

She makes her way to her ship because she wants to talk about MFDs, grousing further about frustrations with being shut out of the CIG loop. (If I recall she at one time spoke of an upcoming interview with Eric Davis which ever seems to have fallen through, as well.) She also notes the crappy frame rate she’s dealing with but plans to power through it so she can offer her critique of MFDs in the game.

BOOM! ”What the hell was that?”

BOOM! “That just doesn’t sound right.”

BOOM! (She ignores it.)

BOOM! (She ignores it.)

Batgirl gets to the heart of her frustration — the game is a labyrinth of unintuitive menus and interfaces that make little sense and produce too much confusing navigation work on the player. Batgirl being an honest to goodness pilot pleads the case for using real world aircraft as a reference point in design.

Batgirl switches to a Flight Sim to show a Cessna 172’s pilot interfaces and use them as a talking point.

Back to Star Citizen. She’s in a Freelancer now.

BOOM! Not long after, she’s in combat, and the flood of battle music completely drowns out her ongoing narration about MFDs.

”But all in all, I think that CIG is doing a great job.” She’s eager to see the next 3 releases this year and glad female models will be in by Q4. (Or so they say, Batgirl.)

Some wrap up comments follow, along with yet more carping about not being able to interview employees. (Legitimate complaint Batgirl, after all, Lando happily joined the Space Bro show for an hour and a half just this week.)

Batgirl adds an emotional postscript. She gives her viewers more context about her withdrawal from the community and recent general silence about the game. Yet even as she does this, she serves up as classic a Batgirl moment as past hits like “death by door button” or “Batgirl the Pilot tries to land a ship.”

It’s the perfect ending and makes me only too happy she’ll be returning to regular broadcasting about the game after this period of understandable hurt feelings along with a testing of her project faith. I look forward to the continuing adventures and musings of Batgirl in the months ahead.

That provided a few good laughs thank you. Especially the conclusion.

Nov 25, 2003

Galarox posted:

How are you getting on with the Altered Carbon book Ras? I have now watched about 7 of the 10 episodes on Netflix and, sadly, while there are various direct quotes from the book the screenplay has not too much in comon with the original. It's still pretty good though. the basic concepts have been carried over to the adaptation well. I have always had a problem with TV/film versions of books, the standout being the Lord of the Rings films... I have read the books like 30 times and I cannot watch the films without becoming very very angry - I mean, poo poo, if they just played it at normal speed rather than slo-mo any of the three films would have been about half the running time... Don't get me started. I think the best adaptation I ever saw was Fear and Loathing - now that was perfect. Goons discuss.

I ordered slow free shipping so I've only read the first couple chapters. I love it so far!

Mar 7, 2014

Slava Ukrayini

Clapping Larry

Beet Wagon posted:

In retrospect, we really missed out on a rich, meaty seam of comedy by not keeping a spreadsheet of which minute detail broke which goon's mind over the years.



Chris threw so many people and things under a bus you'd swear you were at a loving monster truck rally.


Aug 25, 2017

TheLastRoboKy posted:

Did AP piss on your cat picture or something

I call poo poo like I see it. Dude is obviously enamored with someone you have to use an electron microscope to detect the celebrity in. That's fine I'd probably gush too except my standards are higher and I'd only white knight at least a D list celebrity like Kathy Griffin.

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