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Sep 7, 2016

Sappo569 posted:

I can't wait to see Ben mocapping a space fighter pilot


Feb 16, 2002

The call is coming from inside Dr. House
Grimey Drawer


What we are rolling out now is a complete rewrite of core and branched systems. It has nothing to do with Lumberyard integration. Early 2016 the decision was made to scrap almost our entire codebase and start anew. Whilst this means years of potential new coding, our animation and art teams have continued to refine and refactor. What they produce now is purely and simply momentous. No other studio has the capacity for such amazing work. There has been thousands of custom animations and facial expressions that rival the top Hollywood computer graphics companies.

Then what is heading back to redesign? I used refactor the correct way, before I get poo poo for that. Everything you see currently is gone. 2.6 no longer exists. The beta we are getting out this year, and I mean this year, is a total rebuild -- not refactor, har -- of code. Flight models, first person feel, networking, persistence, items; all of what's in 2.6 is completely gone.

The foundations and creative tools for new content are in place are nearly complete. They are decades ahead of what other companies have, even AAA studios. Chris bet big on big ideas and now our entire team is starting to see that investment pay off.

I'm not afraid to say 2020 or later is release. I'm unafraid because our backers are unafraid; every single one of them continue to walk-the-walk and not just talk-the-talk. Chris made the right call to wipe out what was previously in place. Things were too fractured; now everything is under one house, one rule, one idea. No more outsourcing. No more wondering what company added or subtracted.

Beta is a turning point for the entire project. I won't comment on Amazon. The air here is different. The feel of the company is different. Progress, rapid progress, is being made now, more than ever before. Designers are putting in systems and testing them within the same week. If I can sum up in one word what we all feel: joy. To not only be a part of this project but to truly go where no one has gone before.

You don't post positives, not from what I've seen. Maybe this will be different.

his nibs
Feb 27, 2016

:kayak:Welcome to the:kayak:
Dream Factory
Grimey Drawer

harsh but fair

Feb 27, 2016

his nibs
Feb 27, 2016

:kayak:Welcome to the:kayak:
Dream Factory
Grimey Drawer


Jan 14, 2017

by FactsAreUseless

I love Cymelion

big nipples big life
May 12, 2014

2020 is the only part of that i don't find far fetched

Virtual Captain
Feb 20, 2017

Archive Priest of the Stimperial Order

Star Citizen Good, in all things forevermore. Amen.

"You don't post positives, not from what I've seen." copy-pastes the e-mail, it's all bad. :lol:

Jan 14, 2017

by FactsAreUseless
The person who wrote that thought it was positive.

Sep 30, 2009

2020, get in

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

TrustmeImLegit posted:

The person who wrote that thought it was positive.

Space Crabs
Mar 10, 2007

by FactsAreUseless

TrustmeImLegit posted:

The person who wrote that thought it was positive.

technically it is since it's someone taking news and spinning it in an extremely positive light.

To try and be the anti derek I'll surmise it

They abandoned the entire game and started over without telling anyone, and have been selling people the game they abandoned for a year. Now Random Developer is incredibly optimistic that this was indeed a good thing because the game they haven't even made will totally be "Decades ahead."

Backers will fund this for 4+ more years because

At least this means backers can now say that development didn't start until 2016 and CIG has only had one year to start figuring things out.

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

So is that the new rig they bought. That didn't need facial dots?
Wait it doesn't matter

CIG is saving backer money you see , by doing this mocap in house (like they bought the entire setup to do years ago)

Cost savings !

Blue On Blue fucked around with this message at 22:13 on Mar 23, 2017

Rad Russian
Aug 15, 2007

Soviet Power Supreme!
Crobber will re-write the script again and they'll need to reshoot everything in 2018.

Nov 6, 2005

🥄Mah spoon is too big!🍌

This would be good news and the right call if it was 3 years ago and an engine change as well.

Nov 5, 2015

I could believe most of this, but...


They are decades ahead of what other companies have, even AAA studios. Chris bet big on big ideas and now our entire team is starting to see that investment pay off.



Things were too fractured; now everything is under one house, one rule, one idea. No more outsourcing. No more wondering what company added or subtracted.
are pretty stale delusions of the few obsesive backers that still half-listen to critical commentary.

The total rewrite is just to get this piece of poo poo stable. The revolutionary tools that are almost done are for a minimum viable NMS demo. The game you actually want is more like 50 years out. SQ42 is a movie, that only Ben Lesnick will truly appreciate. Get a refund. Donate it to something else if you hate money.

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer


Strangler 42
Jan 8, 2007


Space Crabs posted:

technically it is since it's someone taking news and spinning it in an extremely positive light.

To try and be the anti derek I'll surmise it

They abandoned the entire game and started over without telling anyone, and have been selling people the game they abandoned for a year. Now Random Developer is incredibly optimistic that this was indeed a good thing because the game they haven't even made will totally be "Decades ahead."

Backers will fund this for 4+ more years because

At least this means backers can now say that development didn't start until 2016 and CIG has only had one year to start figuring things out.

Remember when they scrapped all the Illfonic Star Marine stuff and started all over again and got the half-assed Star Marine, 2 years late, we know today? I can't wait to see how this new branch of code behaves and how long until it hits live servers.

4 more years! 4 more years!

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

When the company sends someone along as they don't trust you not to gently caress up.

Jul 9, 2001

Star Citizen is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it's fidelity when you look out your window or when you watch youtube

I can believe the total rewrite part. The rest is a little more difficult.

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

AP fucked around with this message at 22:46 on Mar 23, 2017

Feb 21, 2005

Playing games, watching movies, owning goons. 'sup

Confirmation that Chris saw Mass Effect Andromeda.

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

happyhippy posted:

Confirmation that Chris saw Mass Effect Andromeda.

Mar 21, 2008

It's yet another day in the wasteland.

So have they been throw out of Imaginarium after Chris tired to explain to Serkis how mocapping works one time too many? Or did they actually bring in Ben to do a Porkins tribute, and ended up breaking the studio floor?

Oct 29, 2004

Kings need not raise their voices to be heard

Jul 14, 2016

You should have backed Transverse!

Such good news to hear how the pace of development has quickened! So what does that mean? Oh--nothing at all this year except a new ship and maybe some pants and a hat or two. Exciting times to be a backer. Can't wait to see the color choices for this year's CitizenCon PowerPoint presentation.

Jun 5, 2011

I can help

TheAgent posted:



(...) Early 2016 the decision was made to scrap almost our entire codebase and start anew.
(...) blah blah *we are better than hollywood studios* (...)

Then what is heading back to redesign? I used refactor the correct way, before I get poo poo for that. Everything you see currently is gone. 2.6 no longer exists. The beta we are getting out this year, and I mean this year, is a total rebuild -- not refactor, har -- of code. Flight models, first person feel, networking, persistence, items; all of what's in 2.6 is completely gone.

Beta is a turning point for the entire project. I won't comment on Amazon. The air here is different. The feel of the company is different. Progress, rapid progress, is being made now, more than ever before. Designers are putting in systems and testing them within the same week. If I can sum up in one word what we all feel: joy. To not only be a part of this project but to truly go where no one has gone before.
The most open development of all. If this is a true leak, I wonder how the backers will react at the public announcement...

Also, never mind refactoring. They are using "rebuild" wrong.

And yeah, no poo poo beta is going to be a turning point for the project. Especially since apparently all alpha builds are abandoned and they will just jump to beta with the new codebase.... Lol, I now want this to be true. It would be another amazing page in the CIG's book of feats of incompetence.

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

Star Citizen promotes pot smoking Latinos.

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

That bolt thing is 10k per little box as well , how many are in that first picture. 5?

Mar 20, 2002

Sappo569 posted:

So is that the new rig they bought. That didn't need facial dots?
Wait it doesn't matter

CIG is saving backer money you see , by doing this mocap in house (like they bought the entire setup to do years ago)

Cost savings !

You read that wrong, she said "*I* don't need facial dots." She doesn't need them because she's at that age where those start to appear naturally.

Aug 27, 2015

Spent my walletfull, on a jpeg, desolate, will croberts make a whale of me yet?

"Open development shouldn't have paywalls"

"Open development shouldn't have paywalls"

"Open development shouldn't have paywalls"

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer

AbstractNapper posted:

The most open development of all. If this is a true leak, I wonder how the backers will react at the public announcement...

It's the fanboy miracle patch view point applied to Star Citizen, which obviously means the entire game gets thrown out and there's a 30 GB miracle game that CIG has just waiting for the right sale.

Sep 7, 2016

AP posted:

It's the fanboy miracle patch view point applied to Star Citizen, which obviously means the entire game gets thrown out and there's a 30 GB miracle game that CIG has just waiting for the right sale.

It's the SupaSekritDevBuild that was rumored to exist the entire time sillyman.

Strangler 42
Jan 8, 2007


TheAgent's Source posted:

What we are rolling out now is a complete rewrite of core and branched systems. It has nothing to do with Lumberyard integration. Early 2016 the decision was made to scrap almost our entire codebase and start anew. Whilst this means years of potential new coding, our animation and art teams have continued to refine and refactor. What they produce now is purely and simply momentous. No other studio has the capacity for such amazing work. There has been thousands of custom animations and facial expressions that rival the top Hollywood computer graphics companies.

Look, the house is garbage. We started with a bad foundation and had no clue how to hammer nails to boards so we had to start over. But we did manage to save all this nice wall paper! And a few of the wall sconces! Those should look good once we get started on a brand new house! We learned so much from failing to build a house that we're ready to give it another try! (As long as you keep buying luxury toilets and throw rugs for the next 4 years.)

Nov 5, 2015

hot balls man no homo posted:

Look, the house is garbage. We started with a bad foundation and had no clue how to hammer nails to boards so we had to start over. But we did manage to save all this nice wall paper! And a few of the wall sconces! Those should look good once we get started on a brand new house! We learned so much from failing to build a house that we're ready to give it another try! (As long as you keep buying luxury toilets and throw rugs for the next 4 years.)

Sep 23, 2007

So tangibly related to this thread. I'm still very confused as to what is and what isn't "doxxing". Like this is being Doxxed right?


UK developer Playtonic has removed the controversial YouTuber JonTron from its upcoming title Yooka-Laylee.

JonTron - real name Jon Jafari - has found himself in the news in recent weeks following a series of far-right views about immigration, ethnicity and nationalism.

Or is it not. I'm so confused.

Mar 2, 2013
lol from Imaginarium to trinkets and gadgeteeradry.

Jul 12, 2004

One Ring to fool them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to milk them all
and pockets fully line them
Grimey Drawer


The Titanic
Sep 15, 2016


TrustmeImLegit posted:

Reddit Consensus

Know what would be a great idea? If not only was Sandi a main character, but also at least 75% of every random character! Her acting range is so awesome it would be like Oblivion where you barely knew which actor was reading the lines for that character.

Also :lol: that the only thing they keep spending money on is more motion capture equipment that they can later pawn off for pennies to their friends for when CIG goes under. I'm glad so many people are funding the Hollywood dream for the Roberts, who totally deserve it and are 110% modest and respectful of this windfall.

Oh yeah, and that Space Citizen game everybody thinks is being made is totally right around the corner. Literally just a few days or short weeks away from release and you should keep buying stuff for it because you can see how much effort they are putting into the months and months and years of motion capture acting for your MMO space sim. Also redefining internet communications because they can.

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