# ¿ Dec 21, 2016 07:31 |
# ¿ Sep 11, 2024 14:48 |
ArfJason posted:I want nothing more out of the excruciating transition through this mortal coil than having the one reprieve from the onslaught of modern jew controlled media that is counter strike devolve into endless nonstop pre 2005 snark about the fresh as gently caress team fortress 2 jokes and the synthesized AIDS that is blizzards latest garbage. Please, make more epic as hell jokes about what a MOBA is truly defined by and the hilarious self referential mouse sensitivity jokes or the as gently caress youre just bad thing that will make us all unhinge our jaws in laughter becoming the cataclysmic chant that brings about some homosexual elder god to life.
# ¿ Dec 21, 2016 10:16 |
# ¿ Dec 21, 2016 10:21 |
# ¿ Dec 21, 2016 15:48 |
CR in early 2016: STAR MARINE IS ALREADY IN SHUT UP ABOUT IT -panics offscreen and cusses at every employee, fires interns at random for problems that don't exist. -CR inks deal with Amazon- CR: ALL HANDS ON DECK FOR -CIG puts out mediocre space shootymans in less than a year. Its totally broken- -CR triea to pimp amazon- CR: THIS IS COOL AND GOOD YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME!
# ¿ Dec 27, 2016 09:41 |
PUA Pick Up Artist PUA Persistent Universe - Alpha
# ¿ Jan 1, 2017 03:53 |
# ¿ Jan 2, 2017 01:25 |
My insider source tells me that Jared needs the second job because CIG are behind on their payments. "Trimming the fat" as it were. This is also why his presence on the official CIG forums has dwindled. He simply doesn't work enough hours at CIG to put out a weekly update anymore. Ben's dissaperance remains a mystery, although its been hinted that he simply stays at home and collects disability cheques while drawing some money under the table from RSI'n'co.
# ¿ Jan 3, 2017 10:29 |
TheAgent confirms one of my leaks: Chris Roberts removing himself from the project to allow himself to "focus more on rewrites and mocap (again)" is really a plot by Chris to slowly remove himself from the limelight before disappearing entirely from Star Citizen/CIG/RSI/etcetc. Expect to see him in a non-extradition country within the next 3 months, most likely some march break bollocks. There are also rumours that Sandi is in the process of divorcing Chris, again. This one may not be true as they didn't remarry, to my knowledge. This is easily verifiably by the fact that Sandi never wears her ring. Also, lol, she's getting full custody.
# ¿ Jan 6, 2017 11:03 |
ManofManyAliases posted:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yLTm8DZ8s4
# ¿ Jan 9, 2017 02:29 |
Star Citizen: We built the plane but forgot how to fly it Star Citizen: In Development since Far Cry (2004)
# ¿ Jan 9, 2017 11:06 |
Tippis posted:I wonder where he manages to reconcile the notion that UE4 was in development since 2003 (by one person!), with the notion that picking UE wasn't a good option when they started, especially when UE4 had been unveiled and presented to developers in 2012. I also wonder how he thinks all bajillion UE games (and training sims, and architectural/structure sims, and CG animation suites) that have come out since the late 90s were done without the source code… They weren't all done in UnrealScript. Also, one of the major selling points of UE4 was how easy it would be to migrate to, so none of the stuff they'd need to work on early on would really get in the way of that kind of upgrade. COBRA began in 1988, therefore Unreal Engine 4 began in 1998
# ¿ Jan 9, 2017 12:10 |
# ¿ Jan 10, 2017 03:37 |
Star Citizen: All your posts are full of insults and bullshit, unlike mine you dumbass idiot
# ¿ Jan 10, 2017 10:47 |
Well you don't know what they are doing, so it must be unprecedented!
# ¿ Jan 10, 2017 13:46 |
Tippis posted:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unreal_Engine_games NO. UNREAL ENGINE 3 IS poo poo IT CAN'T PUSH AS MANY POLYGONS! Furthermore, they couldn't have used Unreal Engine 4 even though it came out in May 2012, months before the kickstarter ever happened. BUT DEVELOPMENT STARTED IN 2014!!!!!!!
# ¿ Jan 10, 2017 14:07 |
The video explains it well, with pictures and everything! He can't be credible, he's got a whole reddit sub dedicated to him!
# ¿ Jan 10, 2017 16:00 |
Mirificus posted:https://twitter.com/TheRealGremlich/status/818647216252481540
# ¿ Jan 10, 2017 19:18 |
Madcosby posted:haha nice burn dude you showed him Finally, a post from Madcosby I can frame on my wall.
# ¿ Jan 10, 2017 19:33 |
Madcosby posted:I'm not sure if ithis is an insult, but if it is, I expect goons to rush to my aid and protect my honor, as I have also programmed many garbage video games and hate star citizen. "I'm not owned! I'm not owned" he said as he shrunk into a post about Derek Smart.
# ¿ Jan 10, 2017 19:44 |
"I want something original, like Star Citizen" said nobody, ever.
# ¿ Jan 10, 2017 20:08 |
http://nerdsontherocks.com/151-proof-movies-wing-commander-drinking-game/ 1.Commedic – Whenever someone shouts “medic,” take a drink. 2.Wings on Fire – For every explosion or ship destruction, take a drink. 3.Any Ole Commander – Whenever someone is given an order, take a drink. Take 2 drinks whenever someone disregards those orders. Take 3, if someone listens to the orders and ends up dead anyhow. 4.Wing Commanders – For every reaction shot of the pilots in their cockpits, take a drink.
# ¿ Jan 18, 2017 01:02 |
ManofManyAliases posted:People care way too much about a loving video game, tbh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFoC3TR5rzI
# ¿ Jan 20, 2017 02:42 |
Decrepus posted:This is a defense mechanism people use when they financially shrink into a corncob. I believe you mean "financially shrink into some dough."
# ¿ Jan 20, 2017 04:42 |
Don't judge home interiors, just exteriors.
# ¿ Jan 22, 2017 23:47 |
The fact that none of you can vibrate wildly, strike a T-pose, and meld into the table like me is loving Ya'll make me sick.
# ¿ Jan 22, 2017 23:58 |
Mr. F! posted:I'd say any thread other than obsessing about a video game and the people who are making that video game, for 450+ pages. So the Nintendo Switch thread is bad and should be closed?
# ¿ Jan 23, 2017 02:42 |
alf_pogs posted:i haven't kept close tabs on it but if it's anything like the wii u one... I'm just trying to gauge how stupid you have to be to think there's an arbitrary limit to how many pages a discussion can have before it has "run its course." But hey, at least we have the posting equivalent of a failed Tiananmen Square man with the FYADites, GBSers and whoever else coming around and telling us the world is round as if it'll somehow start changing posting habits of the people in this dead gay forum's dead gay thread about a dead gay game.
# ¿ Jan 23, 2017 02:50 |
ManofManyAliases posted:8 Million more and we can finally make the game as Derek had said! Wooooooo What you shitizens don't understand is that Derek made those predictions years ago before the project was expanded with such things as PROCEDURAL BIRDS that the community demanded Chris Roberts add to Star Citizen. As a result, its only reasonable that Derek's prediction would also increase. You only have the community to blame, its not
# ¿ Jan 24, 2017 04:18 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fImt5NcJhd0&t=253s You're ruining my movie, man!
# ¿ Jan 25, 2017 18:55 |
TrustmeImLegit posted:https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/5qejbq/do_you_realize_what_scs_ai_can_achieve/ Even in the vast emptiness of space (marooned on this small planet) its still possible to shoot once and somehow hit another ship. (We're going to rock civilisation) Even still, these spergs come up with a lot of words and theorycrafting. But I guess its boring to say "THE SHIP YOU HIT HAD SHIELDS, WHICH ABSORBED THE BLOW." -The crew continued T-posing and bugging out in piece until arriving at their destination, bacjwards and warped inside out, before causing large sections of the docking yard to split away from the main body and float away, never to be used again.
# ¿ Jan 27, 2017 15:53 |
ManofManyAliases posted:No - absolutely not. Just more FUD to get the thread moving a bit. Prove it.
# ¿ Jan 28, 2017 08:18 |
# ¿ Jan 28, 2017 13:06 |
It's okay, CIG won't sue because being called a scam by an online presence is no big deal and CIG is being really benevolent right now and they should get on their knees and kiss the hand of Roberts.
# ¿ Jan 28, 2017 15:33 |
ManofManyAliases posted:*Mass* departures. If a person or two left, I'd like to know how that equates to "mass." Depends on how much they weigh, dumbass.
# ¿ Jan 28, 2017 16:51 |
TheAgent posted:also what exactly is ground breaking about this project No but you see, Star Citizen is taking all games and genres and smashing them together like a toddler does with several jars of playdough and hoping that its parents will approve of the result. Its a 1st Person 3rd Person Farming Trading Economics Flight Sim Combat Game with literally any scenario you can think of being possible! Can your character get cancer? Yes, of course! Can you adopt a pet, and will that pet have a detailed background that would make even the most accomplished poet, and novelist, weep at the detail and prose? loving DUH IT WILL! Can I make all my money back from selling in-game items to other players so that my 10,000 dollar investment doesn't look so loving stupid? GET CHRIS ON THE LINE, HE CAN ARRANGE IT!
# ¿ Jan 28, 2017 17:03 |
Nah guys, I can't go out today, I'm too busy telling people that what they are doing is bad and wrong and so is doxxing.
# ¿ Jan 28, 2017 17:17 |
The Titanic posted:I think if anything beyond how to/not to scam people come out of this, it should be the importance of graphics. No no, you see, Star Citizen is still generating an income. Therefore, there is no way that Star Citizen could be experiencing any problems. -/r/StarCitizen
# ¿ Jan 29, 2017 06:35 |
Still waiting on that gameplay video with live commentary
# ¿ Jan 29, 2017 16:18 |
# ¿ Sep 11, 2024 14:48 |
Rants are the path to the Smart side. Rants lead to anger. Anger leads to doubt. Doubt leads to refunding.
# ¿ Jan 29, 2017 16:48 |