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Mar 6, 2016

Hello everyone

Gamescom 2017 Interview
GameStarDE & Christopher Robins

25 Aug 2017

How much longer will we have to wait [for Squadron 42] ?

Well ya have to wait a little bit longer ah... I mean it's going, it's going really well aah, we're not showing it here at Gamescon, aah... because... I... for me I want to have it at a... certain level of uh... POLISH and um, so... we're working at get... getting it there but, ah, there's a lot of the STUFF that we actually we show in our uh, UPDATES on ATV and a lot of... some of the STUFF in three point zero is specific STUFF that is ah, ENABLING and being used for um, Squadron 42 and in fact some of the STUFF that we, ahm, you know, introduced like the PLANETARY TECH, ehm, we also put into Squadron Um Forty Two, so there are, there is, you know... case... is when you... go down on like a MOON or a PLANET and it's something like that, so...

... ahm, but no, it's going... it's going very well, it's just... a huge amount of uh... HIGH QUALITY AAH PERFORMANCE AAH... and motion capture aah... DATA aah... that we're bringing in and making sure that ahm... when the characters are moving around that they look really great and really fluid, going between like AI pathing like from one location to another... you know... merging into like... scenes that we shot with the characters so we're... we're really trying to... make you feel like you're part of the story and feel like you're hanging out with AI you know just running around and ehm...

... I think it's gunna be really great, uhm-I'm-uh-eh-did... it's... it's ahm... s'gunna be... worth... the wait lemme put it that way

Is there one specific feature right now in the alpha 3.0 that you are especially proud of?

Well I... well I mean the planetary tech... so this is gunna be the first time that the community, ah, can go, and... and LAND on... in the case of Three Zero, mooooons, or in the case of this asteroid planetoid, they're FULLY REALISED, every inch of 'em you can move around and explore and you can cir-cum-nav-i-gate the entire conference (sic) of the moon if you wanted to, ah, and... ah.. it's ah.. you know... the amount of additional playable area that comes into the game now compared to what was in say two point six three, aah it's HUGE and how much the game is gunna OPEN UP cos we're introducing the planetary tech compared to what we were thinking we would have in the game... uh... ah, you know... we sort of made the BREAKTHROUGH so to speak... uhhh... i-it's really exciting, there's a lot of gameplay that's gunna come out of it, it's one of the reasons why maybe things are taking a lot longer than... uhm... you know... SOME OF US... or you know... I'd like to... things move faster too... ah... would LIKE... ahh... but... once we've sort of opened up the potential of these planets we... because of the sort of DETAIL and the FIDELITY we're going for, we also need to make sure that there's... STUFF TO DO ON THE PLANETS

... and uh, you know... we are.. focused on STUFF, we're not just creating the planets but also creating, sort of... ah... SYSTEMS that will uh... allow the... whether it's... ah... you know... ECO SYSTEMS or uh... FLORA or FAUNA... aah... that... you know... MAKE IT ALIVE or THINGS TO DO ON IT or you need to sort of uh.. PROCEDURALLY YOU KNOW... create... little uh, OUTPOSTS or TOWNS or VILLAGES beyond the central landing zones, cos you know, the original version of STAR CITIZEN we were aiming to be a bit more like PRIVATEER or FREELANCER were we had indvidual sort of BEE SPOKE landing zones but you couldn't explore the planet, you would essentially be in ORBIT around the planet and you would have a LANDING and we would have a CINEMATIC that would transition you down and then you were, you know, essentially moving round a small limited FPS area were you could go to a SHOP and BUY THINGS and go to a BAR and TALK TO PEOPLE and get a MISSION...

...aahhh... you know... get your SHIP REPAIRED GO BACK TO SPACE so...

ahh, you know NOW we have WHOLE WORLDS OPENED UP TO YOU so the amount of ah, potential for exploration, long term in the game, and for players to do THINGS, for instance, you know, maybe... CREATE THEIR OWN LITTLE BASE or their own little SETTLEMENT on a moon or you know a planet that no one else has sort of gone to that particular area is... is... HUGE... the gameplay potential is amazing, we're only just seeing the very very very beginnings of it in three point zero and I'm really excited, ahm, as we start to roll out more STUFF for three point one and beyond.

Will there be anything on Friday, maybe a small teaser [of Squadron 42] ?

Ah, no, no, not at Gamescon.

What's the big part that is actually missing and preventing you from finishing Squadron 42? What's holding it back?

Ah, well I mean the... the... the... the big part is kind of what I was talking about before which is sort of... aah... trying... we... we very much want to get the quality of the animation and how the AI move around to be the equivalent to what you see sort of in like pre-rendered cinematics... cos we spent all this time shooting with these amazing actors... we spent about A HUNDRED... just over a HUNDRED DAYS doing PERFORMANCE CAPTURE and that's a MASSIVE amount of time to shoot so, for instance, most big-event movies are $150 to $200 million, they usually don't shoot for more than a hundred days, so... they shoot maybe 80 days, 90 days, ahm... and ah... so... for the amount that we have there, we have all these great performances so it's a vast amount of performance data and animation and motion, ah... and STORY... ah, we really want to make sure it comes across so when you're playing the game and you're moving around in it you're... they're... talking to you, you know, OLD MAN who is played by MARK HAMILL or, ah, you know, the various other characters that you're, uh, playing, uh, the game... like alongside with...

... because you're in... you're basically inside this MOVIE as opposed to sort of... you know the WING COMMANDER 3 and the WING COMMANDER 4 was sort of... you... you... you were like the STUNTMAN flying the ship, you got on the back of the ship, you would see what MARK HAMILL did and you would say, "No! Go... sort of... take this choice or this choice!", and, well in this case it's YOU and you happen to be the LEAD STAR in the MOVIE...

... so getting that to be the fluidity that we want, uh, because it's a huge story, ah, and dialling that in, ahm... is... you know, has been taking a BIT LONGER than we ANTICIPATED...

So what you're saying is the other parts, for example the missions and stuff like that, they are further along?

Well yeah, no... no we have... we don't... we... we... well we... we've... you know we've still... we're still working on, uhm... say, the final like ASSETS AND STUFF but we've blocked out all the MISSIONS and chapter... what we call CHAPTERS... we have these CHAPTERS

...uh, that each one would sort of be the equivalent of... you know, several missions in ah, say a WING COMMANDER because they would be sort of... LINK...

You can already play those missions from start to finish?

Well so, so YES... we haven't BLOCKED what you... what you... what you would call sort of DESIGNER... somewhere between white and grey boxes and levels we're going to take to a more finished state but we're taking ah, certain ones... we're taking, so for instance we were talking about showing, ah, a sequence last year that was, ah, you know ONE SECTION of the story that we were gunna take to a finished level... and you know we're still basically doing that, we're in production on all of them... um... we, you know... we'll be showing some things at some point... ah, just it's not gunna be at Gamescon and I would hate to make promises because, ah, you know, last year I said, "well we're planning to show, uh, ah, uh... you know... a... a... piece of some Squadron 42 gameplay" and then we ended up not getting it to the point where we were happy with... but we didn't show it and everyone was very UPSET and ah, I felt kinda BAD because, one, we also showed some amazing stuff on the planetary tech... Homestead and all the sort of the next level of what the planetary tech was like and...

... that was actually like, in my mind, really great stuff, but... it was sort of... partly the HIGH of that was... was AFFECTED by the, uh... the fact that we didn't show Squadron 42. But no, you know I mean, I would say it's sort of the ANIMATIONS and the AI because we're going for a level of AI that you don't normally have so we want... ah... you know... when you're on, say... the ship you're serving on, at the beginning of the game it's the STANTON which is an IDRIS CORVETTE, you know all the crew have their full, you know... they have a SCHEDULE, they get up in the morning they EAT BREAKFAST, they go about their JOB, you know they go GET LUNCH, go back to their JOB...

... have CHIT-CHAT over DINNER, maybe UNWIND...

... then go back to SLEEP...

You know, there's a whole SCHEDULE and CYCLE and they're... so we... it's almost... like a level of sort of SIMS SIMULATION FOR THE AI, we're also using that... the planet's using that for the PERSISTENT UNIVERSE and uh... so just DIALING THAT IN WELL, ah, getting that WORKING, so that's the SUBSUMPTION SYSTEM which we're making GREAT PROGRESS ON so it's in three point zero... all the missions run on subsumption... now all in Squadron, everything runs in subsumption whereas before it wasn't, it was using sort of an older CryEngine system.

So just getting all that in, getting that all up to the level, and making sure that it's ah... you know... PERFORMING WELL and LOOKING GREAT... DIALED IN to look as great or better than anything else... which is what it's going to do... it's just taking some time unfortunately.

What is the best way to experience Star Citizen? Are you going to play it on one monitor or two? With a gamepad? With keyboard & mouse? Is it for joystick? What is your personal preference?

Ah. Aaaaahhhh. That's... ehm... kinda hard to qua... I mean we basically build the game and support the game for everything so... whether it's... joystick, ahm... you know, gamepad... ah, keyboard mouse... ah, and they all have sort of pros and cons it's sorta hard to say, I mean obviously for running around on foot and sort of the FPS stuff, um, keyboard mouse is probably the best

Ah, for flying I'd say that joystick, I mean I know there's some people that feel like the MOUSE FLY is too easy and it gives people an edge but... I... I mean, I'll just say that, like, when we do STUFF when we're trying to fly stuff around, so for instance we were, ah, you know... ah, in the PRESS we were sort of showing a preview of what we'll do on FRIDAY and I'm hoping people will like what we show... ah, so I don't really wanna spoil it, it's pretty cool, ah... but it would definitely have been better to have a joystick, ah, for the, ah, you know... so we had... a sort of mix of... of PR PEOPLE PLAYING and sort of, some were playing HOE TAS and some were playing MOUSE AND KEYBOARD... some of the things were easier to do with the KEYBOARD than they were with MOUSE... ahm, so for me, ah... I would say, ah... know I HAVEN'T SET IT UP YET but ah... um... my... a nice little wide monitor, you know, the one that's kinda sort of... 4k across, one of the curved ones... ah, and then uhm... you know... I tend to sort of ah, switch between a HOE TAS and a mouse... a keyboard... a mouse keyboard for running around doing stuff, HOE TAS for the flight stuff.


Mar 6, 2016

Thank you everyone it means a lot!
Been lurking now for a few months, real life has been busy and good. Hope everyone is in good spirits and also be well PGabz you hilarious old rogue :)

Now is a good time to get your own CIG source(s) btw, everyone is talking. Mostly to Derek though. Marketing and admin in LA don't count MoMa I'm looking at you. There's actually stuff in that transcript that confirms a leak going back to last December (bolded), but the reason the SQ42 stuff wasn't shown last year is not the reason CR says it is.

Just DIALING IN the next piece of that interview now.

Mar 6, 2016

Gamescom 2017 Interview
GameStarDE & Cock Rogers

25 Aug 2017
@ 1h15m
link to part one

Is there somebody who's stopping you? Really Chris, you got all these ideas, but we've got to finish a game, is there somebody who says, 'OK, we go until we get to this point and then we try to do it" ?

I mean I... I would say, ha!

Ahh... that... in the case of Star Citizen, the concept of finishing the game is probably pretty loose. I would say that the time that we stop adding stuff and making Star Citizen better will probably be the time that the game dies as an online game, and so we're always going to be sort of adding features and content to keep it alive, if you look at every single sort of online game... that's what they do, I mean it's when people stop adding content or functionality to it the game's dead...

So you know, if you look at EVE ONLINE ten plus years later, you look at World of Warcraft ten plus years...

Yes but I guess the question was more in the direction of, 'get to version 1.0 and then keep going from there'...

But... but... the thing is... what... why is... what is version one point oh? Because at this moment if you back Star Citizen you can download two point six three, you'll be able to download three point zero... VERY SOON... so it's, you know... the content we have, YOU have, so in the case of three zero you'll be able to GO BETWEEN THESE MOONS, when we go to three one we'll put HURSTON and STANTON in, you'll have more planets... we just... we give you THE GAME... so you're getting it as it's happening. So it's not like we're, ah, not giving it to you until a certain point, as we're... I mean that's the difference between what we're doing with Star Citizen and what you would traditionally would do, say a PUBLISHER would work on the game, but you don't get it, maybe they'd tell you about it, do a little marketing but you don't get to play it until right before...

... you know maybe they'll do a, you know a QUICK BETA THING like they do, you know, so BATTLEFRONT or something like that, but, em, you know... you're not playing, you know... what EA's developing two or three years before they're releasing it.

So first you're getting to play it as we're building it, so, ah... it's the idea of like... this... sort of particular FINISH LINE, for me in the Star Citizen sense? Ah, doesn't make so much sense. We... I mean, we generally have a fairly, ah... set... of... general, ah, FEATURES, but as certain things come online, say like the planetary tech, you go, 'OK, we need to do THESE things to make THIS thing interesting', and yeah so it does add some features and functionality ah, to do it, but... ah, we're... we're building a... a world that I think, ultimately people are gonna wanna spend a lot of time in and so I care about making sure that that's going to be the most interesting experience.

So that's what I'm doing, it's not like I'm adding control here, and believe me I wanna finish... ah, you know... ah, NOT finish... but I wanna get it to the point where I feel like... ah... I don't... you know... it's like this point where... and then I'm sort of adding additional stuff versus getting to... the, ah... SIDE where I think 'OK we've got the basic functionality of all the game stuff in there'

Thanks for being here and for answering our questions

That's alright, hopefully I did an alright job, hope I didn't make it... eh... so... you know, challenging for you with my long answers to ah... to ah, translate into German but you seemed to do a great job

If I didn't do it correctly they will put it in the comments, a-haha, somebody's always doing it

Ok so tomorrow, tomorrow night and I think we're live streaming it, uhm... so it's generally always, ah... kinda FUN event and uh... I think we're gonna show some... we're gonna show some PRETTY COOL THINGS that hopefully people will like.. uhm... so check it out

Mar 6, 2016

Does anyone remember way back when mocap was in engine in two clicks

Around the Verse: Episode 2.35
Jun 9, 2016

Brian Chambers & Sean Tracy

@ 16:20
Sean Tracy:
Ah... one of the BIG ONES is some TOOLS that we do within MAYA and our... our... MOTION BUILDER... ah... ahh... SETUP... there's a BIG ONE that we use with a company called RED NINE called SCENE MANAGER and uh... SCENE MANAGER and ASSET MANAGER is basically a way within MAYA to take all our PERFORMANCE CAPTURE in basically TWO CLICKS... and you're WITHIN MAYA, builds up all the CHARACTERS, they've got all their WEAPON ATTACHMENTS... TWO CLICKS and it's OUT TO ENGINE

And does anybody remember when way, way back CR was asked this by

b] interview with Chris Roberts
Sept 7 2016,90207.html
An excerpt from 26:24[/b]

Well I am looking forward to seeing where the game is going to be in one year, and if the HULL CLASS has not been released I'll be bringing a certain UNCLE and we'll talk some more

I actually think there's a... there... there... there's a GOOD CHANCE by... NEXT YEAR that there... could be a HULL CLASS... because we've got the MISC SHIPS, we've already got the STYLES and the basic, I mean once we've built one or two of the ships at SCALE like the STARFARER'S a big scale MISC ship, it's much quicker for us to build the first, when we build the first one because there's a whole STYLE and MATERIALS and SHADERS that you build for the different MANUFACTURERS... so the MISC... so the ahh... HULL CLASS is uh... I think... by the next time... by next GAMESCON... will be... you know... it... whether it's FLYING right then it'll be VERY CLOSE TO


Mar 6, 2016


Jesus Christ I'd forgotten how funny this thread could be


Mar 6, 2016

Thank you to everyone who has posted a 'welcome back', I don't want to reply THANKS MAN to everyone individually, except if MoMA welcomes me back, I'll reply to him.

Anyway I didn't want to miss CIG's last gamescon ever.

Mar 6, 2016

I'm still excited for Citizencum.

Mar 6, 2016

That was woeful, tragic, funny, bad and good all at the same time.

The stuff about the AI being "nope, no chance" must be true.

Mar 6, 2016


BeigeJacket posted:

Someone posted this Greatest Hits compilation earlier upthread.

If you watch at 3:10 the stereo image is the wrong way round.
Left and right channels are swapped, so when the character walks off to the left, her audio moves off to the right.

e: 3m10s

"So if you notice there, so it's... it... so the... the... the voice is fully DIAGETIC"

SomethingJones fucked around with this message at 10:52 on Aug 26, 2017

Mar 6, 2016

Summary of today's Twitch stream so far

1. Ship sales, buy them now before the prices go up
2. Trading cards
3. Damage control
4. Damage control

Mar 6, 2016

Lando - "So what else, what else went on?"


(blank stares)

"Quantum travel, quantum travel was cool""

Lando - "OK so lets move on"

Mar 6, 2016


Einbauschrank posted:

Germany is infamous for its death ramps

Mar 6, 2016


smellmycheese posted:

In case you missed it - here is the complete presentation accompanied by audio of Goons laughing their asses off, and Derek Smart shouting "I FUCKIN CALLED IT"

This is loving amazing

Mar 6, 2016

Guys this video of you laughing your asses off at Star Citizen is HILARIOUS

Mar 6, 2016


D_Smart posted:

That's pure nonsense.

Man I've missed this thread

Mar 6, 2016


Daztek posted:

When are you returning to discord :v:

As soon as the check clears

SomethingJones fucked around with this message at 00:21 on Aug 27, 2017

Mar 6, 2016

Can I just say that the Gamescon video with goons rolling around in hysterics and drunk derek in the middle of it all was one of the funniest things I have ever watched.

Even the text comments from both discord and twitch was just too much.

Also the AI, why isn't there more on here about the AI, afaik the whole way they wanted to do AI is completely hosed and the mocap doesn't fit the models or even the scenery

Fake edit - just saw G0rf replying to Beer about players manning the cash registers. Yeah that sounds about right.

Mar 6, 2016


Sabreseven posted:

Things must be getting bad for SC, the shills have started to invade places like 'Liveleak'.

Comments section for now has mostly people taking the piss out of the face over internet bollocks, pictures of 'Sloth' from the goonies movie etc. There are a few SC shills trying in vain to promote it however and making out like it's nearly release time. :D

The last couple of days have shown to me a shift in the shill marketing, bear with me, let me explain

It was like this for 2 years:
Look at game x doing it wrong, here is a video of SC doing it right. Followed by pre rendered marketing video.

This has changed, mention of other games has been dropped. This is the first significant shift in the shilling, I thought it might happen last year but here it is.

Now it's 50% damage control over Gamescon and 50% pure marketing of the game on its own merits.

There is nowhere to go from there except to 100% shilling of the game *as such*

Why is this significant? Because they are moving to address the criticisms levelled at them (fake videos, actual paid marketing shills) and each time they do this they reveal more of what they actually have as a functioning product.

Look at gamescon, what's the big picture - try and do it live without pre rendered videos in the middle of it. Failed utterly.

Look at now the forum shills - try and show the game as it is, everyone already knows the marketing vids are nonsense.

The burndown videos are part of this shift, the schedules were an early move in part of this shift.

As they move to reveal more and more reality in order to address the very very prominent cries of FAKE it becomes clearer to a greater number of people just how deep into development hell they are.

As the months go on, CIG by way of needing to continue their marketing will be forced to reveal more reality. The gap between CR's words and that reality will grow exponentially and might even snap.

I don't want to call this an ELE... but it's the closest thing I've seen to one in all the time I've followed this.

tl;dr only staunch backers are buying the fantasy, CIG have started marketing the reality to outsiders. This is the very very very early alpha of this marketing.

PS - Chris is a "loose cannon"

Mar 6, 2016


Quavers posted:

$156m. You clearly don't understand marketing development

Small change if you're a coke dealer in LA tbh

Mar 6, 2016

I'll do better

Rusty shitposting

gently caress it

Mar 6, 2016


Quavers posted:

It buys a lot of tickle feathers too :laffo:

You can't fit $2k worth of those up a nostril

The night before hosting a promo video

Without looking like poo poo

Mar 6, 2016


You are a genius if you can repost mentions of other games like this - a test for my theory

The fanbois organically have a tendency to follow and repeat what the CIG guys are posting so I would expect mentions of other games to decline in these threads

Mar 6, 2016


Quavers posted:

The 600i's Pay2Name test has been successful: there's been very little complaining from the Citizen community. When CitizenCon and Anniversary sales come around, I think we'll see a lot more "upgrade your boring ship X to a Named ship for only $30, reserve your ship's name now and it'll increase in value, pledge now"

They're pre-selling name tags for pre-sold ships?

gently caress me.

Wasn't this another thing SC shills were using to bash ED with this year?

How much do you reckon they could sell "be mo-capped and appear in SQ42" for?

Oh yeah that's right the mocap is hosed too and lying in a box of hard drives in the back of a car somewhere

Mar 6, 2016


Jonny Nox posted:

Actually if they say UEC law prevents renaming ships therefore their name is locked in at manufacturing. If you want a named ship you need to buy in before the PU launches for real.

Jesus loving christ

How much and how far are these guys still willing to bend over

Mar 6, 2016


trucutru posted:

Actually, the fanboyos drive plenty of the CIG narrative. Everytime CIG fucks up (so, like once a week) they wait a bit for the fans to concoct the poo poo that they'll gladly drink once it is poured out from an official rear end in a top hat. Last time this was really, really loving apparent is when they created the whole "forex expert traders" explanation for the loan CIG-UK took, which was exactly the explanation given back to then.

Same for delay explanations, excuses for bad PR, etc.

I'm not convinced that these things are concoctions of backers first, then 'officialised' by CIG later.

I think they try them out first and the only people on there they give a poo poo about convincing are the whales - because those guys will gladly tell everyone with lesser money involved to go gently caress themselves.

That's just my take on it fwiw

Mar 6, 2016


Starting to talk about the game *as such*
More 'toned down'
More friendly



Mar 6, 2016


trucutru posted:

I have tagged Lethality with "IT'S LETHALITY" because arguing with him is kind of the same as having a go at fishmech


The way to fight bullshit is with even more, better bullshit.

Like full on confusing mystery bullshit

Mar 6, 2016


trucutru posted:

Ok, last screenshot shitpost today, I promise. Because, :lol:

This is the beginning of a new phase of seeing the reality of the production.

Even more bugs for citizencum

Mar 6, 2016


thatguy posted:

Better, happier, more entertained
Occasional drinks at the pub
/dance3 at the club
Seven days a week
Getting on better with your associate streamer contemporaries
At ease
Having fun
No more scripted dialogue and on-rail demos
A patient, better pilot
A safer ship
Cargo resting in the hold
Sleeping well
No bad bugs
No glitches
Careful to all players
Never griefing in Nullsec
Keep in contact with old devs
Enjoy AtV now and then
Will frequently check credits on Mobiglass
Hole in the wall
Pledges for pledges
Fond but not obsessed
Charity standing orders
On Sundays Dumper's Depot repair
No killing noobs or attacking helpless NPCs
New referral training
Also on Sundays
No longer afraid of the Goons or Derek
Nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate
Nothing so childish
At a better pace
Slower and more calculated
No chance of escape
Now single
Concerned but powerless
An empowered and informed Citizen
Pragmatism not idealism
Will not cry on Reddit
Less chance of being scammed
Tires that don't no-clip
Shot of ship exploding
A good memory
Still cries at the end of Wing Commander
Still pledges with new cash
No longer empty and hollow like an actress
In her 40's trying to make it in Hollywood
The ability to laugh at E:D
Better, happier, more entertained
A dreamer on Spectrum with an Idris


Just brilliant

Mar 6, 2016


D_Smart posted:

I was having a chat with someone who works at one of the studios, and he doesn't think that the above scenario would play out because of Chris' ego. He says that the general consensus among those who are aware that a disaster is unfolding which will affect their jobs, is that those affected will just be told not to come in to work.

And since there are five (2 in US, 2 in UK, 1 in GER) studios around the world, the question is going to be, how are they going to scale down without affecting ALL the studios in some fashion or another? One thing is certain, they will retain F42-UK and parts of CIG-LA because of the nepotism (Chris, Sandi*, Errin) and long-time friends (Ortwin, Derek, Nick, Simon). Others like Zurovek, Tracy, Chambers (love that guy) will of course stick around until the bitter end.

* Though it won't absolve her of liabilities, rumor is that they're totally getting a divorce btw. If they do file, it would be their third; seeing as they've been married to each other twice before.

Do you happen to have any idea what the Derby office actually does?

They'll spin downsizing as part of wrapping up production on something but I don't think that will happen until the new year.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Foundry being bolstered up with staff from LA, they never quite got those offices staffed at the numbers Erin talked about last year.

Also lol at your sq42 tweet, you know they'll never tell anyone - although whales don't give a gently caress about sq42

Mar 6, 2016


LastCaress posted:

Actually wasn't 3.0 due way earlier than December 2016? It was called 2.7 but was was being delayed so much that they renamed it to "3.0" and promised it to 2016

2.7 was the "start of the game proper" according to Erin somewhere in the earlier part of 2016. It had "big systems coming online". After 2.7 was the start of the netcode overhaul supposedly. 2.7 was to continue the work on persistence introduced in 2.6.

It all fell behind and rolled out to 3.0.

3.0 was to have system travel which would have made it a contender for MVP going by Chris's description of an MVP. But then planetary landings became a thing and CIG were losing the seamless planetary landings war. So all hands on deck for planets.

So after GC 2016 Squadron 42 goes on the back burner as the Deutsch build a big round map inside a big cube box and the Brits try to fit the big round map and the big cube box into the anus shaped hole that is the PU.

This completely hosed up any chance of a 3.0 MVP which was just about possible coming out of last year.


Mar 6, 2016


AP posted:

The Derby office is a small dev studio that does face stuff, I've posted about them before.

Wow they killed the 1st two links since I posted that on Apr 2, 2016.


Mar 6, 2016


Quavers posted:

I'm pretty sure his BREAKING NEWS tweets are generated using a few D20 rolls and a lookup table.


Mar 6, 2016

Got it.

The Derby office is two dudes polishing and finishing Chris's facials.

Literally the Office of Facials.

Mar 6, 2016


D_Smart posted:

Right. More importantly, by leap frogging planetary tech, they got to sell ground vehicles like the Nox and the Ursa rover. And of course whatever mining ship they were selling. It was all carefully planned. This was more about making money, than it was about making a game sensibly.

Right, so they spent a year working on tech in order to achieve:

1. Sales of land vehicles
2. To stay contemporary with planetary landings

And in doing so sacrificed:

1. The opportunity of an MVP
2. Gamescon
3. Squadron 42

Mar 6, 2016


D_Smart posted:

Yes. But Spergs get to ride their over-priced chariots on terrain now. As long as they don't try to go up ramps or anything like that.

Well it isn't really 'on' the terrain, doesn't look like they figured that part out yet. Even the ships don't sit on the terrain.

The buggy floats above it at a fixed height and the wheels are popped up and down, it's absolute poo poo. loving Halo had proper vehicle physics.

It doesn't look like there is a physics engine anywhere at all, it looks like they modify the control input going to a free floating camera.

Mar 6, 2016


ManofManyAliases posted:

Well, apparently the surprise was the face-tracking tech. I wasn't too impressed.

I hope you are well and in good spirits.

Mar 6, 2016


Look how fun it is to work for CIG

come work for CIG

look at how fun and goof it is working at CIG

please work for CIG

Mar 6, 2016


Check out this blooper


Mar 6, 2016

So that's where the Squadron 42 script is!

*drops mic*

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