I actually have a decent story about this. I was super young when I learned, like 5. I watched some Unsolved Mysteries and I became super crazy scared of alien abduction. I also suffer from sleep paralysis and didn't understand it as a kid and it freaked me the gently caress out when it happened and made me think I was going to get abducted by aliens and I started freaking the gently caress out almost every night. My parents had to sit me down and reassure me I was safe and no one could ever get into our house and blah blah blah whatever parents say to scared kids. I retorted, with I think pretty good logic for a little kid, oh yeah then what about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy? They broke it to me that they were not real and they did those things. It honestly didn't really impact me at all since it just made me feel safer about the whole alien abduction thing and it was a cool little secret I got to hold on to for awhile from my sister and other kids. I never ruined it for someone.
# ¿ Dec 23, 2016 03:33 |
# ¿ Sep 13, 2024 02:46 |