as a Jew, I've never actually gone through the whole "Santa Claus" thing. I have no idea what it would have been like to believe in the Red-Suited Home-Invader and his Global Potlatch -- confusing, I assume. But what I'm interested in is how you came to the realization that your parents were lying to you. What's your story? How old were you? Did you figure it out yourself? Did someone tell you?
If you write, I will make it better.
# ¿ Dec 22, 2016 05:57 |
# ¿ Sep 13, 2024 03:21 |
My Imaginary GF posted:If you're going around a kindergarten saying Santa ain't real, you're engaging in some attention-seeking behavior indicative of potential developmental delay. Holding you back would be a good call. we never did any of those gift-giving personifications. Gifts are from your parents. A friend is having trouble convincing her kid that Santa's not real, because the kid is terrified of Santa.
# ¿ Dec 22, 2016 14:01 |