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boop the snoot
Jun 3, 2016
Played FFXV and I'm like level 30 and I would like to say I think Witcher 3 is superior in just about every way.


Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
MGS5:PP - I had no idea I had to 'accept' all the challenge rewards.

So much poo poo to click on.

The Rat
Aug 29, 2004

You will find no one to help you here. Beth DuClare has been dissected and placed in cryonic storage.

MGS5: gently caress youuuuuuuuu episode 29. That was so loving stupid. I basically sprinted around in circles the whole time while Quiet pinged off the Skulls. Once she had killed a couple, I could slow down and take enough time to aim a rocket launcher.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
Life of an MSG5:PP soldier : I wear to god sir! I was standing right next to the tank when it just flew off into the sky!

Nov 1, 2008

ded posted:

MGS5:PP - I had no idea I had to 'accept' all the challenge rewards.

So much poo poo to click on.

there is an accept all button

Nov 1, 2008

The Rat posted:

MGS5: gently caress youuuuuuuuu episode 29. That was so loving stupid. I basically sprinted around in circles the whole time while Quiet pinged off the Skulls. Once she had killed a couple, I could slow down and take enough time to aim a rocket launcher.

I tend to hate boss fights and MGS is no exception to the rule. One minute its a stealth game the next you're fighting weird, pseudo science super soldiers.

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

Reverand maynard posted:

I tend to hate boss fights and MGS is no exception to the rule. One minute its a stealth game the next you're fighting weird, pseudo science super soldiers.

I agree dude. Even when the bosses are cool, I just wanna get on with my adventure. This same argument applies to Dark Souls series also. I like adventuring and exploring, not fighting giant scary things <:saddowns:>

The bosses aren't that bad in MGS1, but they get worse until V which has only one big one and I love it. V best Metal Gear.

Edit: And bosses are really the only things that make Extreme runs super difficult. Sure the game itself is made much more challenging but the bosses are brick walls of difficulty in those modes.

Feb 15, 2005

Fart Sandwiches posted:

I agree dude. Even when the bosses are cool, I just wanna get on with my adventure. This same argument applies to Dark Souls series also. I like adventuring and exploring, not fighting giant scary things <:saddowns:>

The bosses aren't that bad in MGS1, but they get worse until V which has only one big one and I love it. V best Metal Gear.

Edit: And bosses are really the only things that make Extreme runs super difficult. Sure the game itself is made much more challenging but the bosses are brick walls of difficulty in those modes.

The core of Dark Souls is the bosses, though.

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this


The core of Dark Souls is the bosses, though.

The core of dark souls is adventuring and getting items! I don't hate the boss battles but I'd rather just keep merrily adventuring.

Nov 1, 2008

I also just hate bullet sponge enemies in FPS games as a means of increasing difficulty and that's what most bosses are in FPSs.

PookBear fucked around with this message at 19:20 on Jan 3, 2017

boop the snoot
Jun 3, 2016
the bosses of the original dark souls were pretty cool

finally beating ornstein and smough or whatever that duo's name is after like 150 tries was probably the most gratifying feeling of the entire game.

Jun 29, 2003

Liberate you from your wild curiosity
I thought the core of Dark Souls was dressing up in progressively sillier outfits and foregoing better gear because god dammit that shield clashes with my hat :mad:

Dec 31, 2004

Be Gay!
Do Crime!

Fart Sandwiches posted:

The core of dark souls is adventuring and getting items! I don't hate the boss battles but I'd rather just keep merrily adventuring.

The core of dark souks is that is Zelda for grownups.

Feb 15, 2005

Dress for ~fashion souls~ unless it makes you fatroll.

Aug 12, 2003

Morbid Hound

They're wearing uniforms, so I feel this belongs here.

Helldump Immunity
Sep 11, 2001

pretty much rollin with the dad farm these days

Nov 1, 2008

That being said I love the weapons in MGSV and any slight problems I have with boss fights is over shadowed by shooting dudes in the head with retro 80s era weapons while a helicopter over head is playing 99 luftballoons.

I'd suck dick for a FN FNC with silencer IRL.

Tiny Timbs
Sep 6, 2008


The core of Dark Souls is the bosses, though.

I totally get that but I feel the same way as him. I have a ton of fun exploring and picking up cool loot and killing guys and kind of resent it when my progress is blocked by a boss.

Jun 1, 2006


did anyone not like bloodborne or is it just me

idk i really prefer dark souls, bloodborne isnt bad but its not my jam, and ive tried a bunch to get into it

Jun 18, 2006

“We don’t really know where this goes — and I’m not sure we really care.”
I've only played Dark Souls on PC so playing Bloodborne on PS4 and having such a huge drop in performance pretty much made me not want to play it.

A lot of modern console games look/run like garbage compared to PC games, more so than they seemed in the past anyway. But I didn't really have a good gaming PC until the past few years.

Feb 27, 2007

bah I'm pretty much at the limit of CPU power for my motherboard. there doesn't seem like much difference between my i5-4570 and what appears to be the "best": i7-4790 -- unless I'm missing something.

don't really feel like building a new computer so I guess I'll stick it out for another year or so.

no regrets on the gtx 1060 though!

Third World Reagan
May 19, 2008

Imagine four 'mechs waiting in a queue. Time works the same way.
got a few hours to kill before an appointment

time to play quarantine

Tiny Timbs
Sep 6, 2008

Apparently the big fancy 20th anniversary Diablo 3 patch is just a regular adventure mode dungeon with a graphical filter on it, and you're only allowed to play it in January

Hope nobody got their hopes up

Jun 18, 2004

Only emojis can express my pure, simple stupidity.

lol wait is that the Diablo 1 game patched into Diablo 3 that got a lot of buzz? lmao I was excited for it too

Tiny Timbs
Sep 6, 2008

Jun 18, 2004

Only emojis can express my pure, simple stupidity.

oh so in essence they made it worse by keeping the lovely parts for ~~nostalgia~~

lmao made it sound like "hey we're releasing the whole Diablo 1 game in 3"

May 30, 2003
shame on you for expecting innovation in a free update from blizzard i guess

Jun 1, 2006


did a bunch of work on the cabinet, just waiting for my new joystick springs

Bought a holster for the GunCon knockoff, need to figure out a decent way to mount it

got some spacers in and mounted the monitor a little bit better. Corner shots still suck with the TV but Point Blank and Time Crisis run great with my USB foot pedal so oh well

also planning on culling the gently caress out of the MAME romset i got, since theres way too many mah jong ROMS to sort through

boop the snoot
Jun 3, 2016

Nostalgia4Butts posted:

did a bunch of work on the cabinet, just waiting for my new joystick springs

Bought a holster for the GunCon knockoff, need to figure out a decent way to mount it

got some spacers in and mounted the monitor a little bit better. Corner shots still suck with the TV but Point Blank and Time Crisis run great with my USB foot pedal so oh well

also planning on culling the gently caress out of the MAME romset i got, since theres way too many mah jong ROMS to sort through

What does any of this mean

Jun 1, 2006


TBeats posted:

What does any of this mean

sorry, arcade cabinet poo poo

i got new springs because the ones in there now are weak as hell.

i remounted my monitor to try and help with shooting in the corners with the lightgun I've got, it uses a Wii type of lightbar on top, and to calibrate it you shoot all the corners in the config to set the outside limits for when you shoot out of frame to reload. Sometimes if you're getting shot from the corner there's no way to hit him, but hopefully it works better now

I d/l'd a MAME fileset for the arcade games, and it's like 70% chinese knockoff or conversion poo poo. there's like 7k roms to sort through though and i dont have the patience to do it yet

Helldump Immunity
Sep 11, 2001

pretty much rollin with the dad farm these days
Post pics of your cabinet man

Jun 1, 2006


Helldump Immunity posted:

Post pics of your cabinet man

ill take some in a bit

boop the snoot
Jun 3, 2016
Getting a Mortal Kombat 3 arcade is on my bucket list.

Oct 12, 2012

'smeper fi

Nostalgia4Butts posted:

ill take some in a bit

I have a ton of MAME stuff on the raspberry pi 3 I bought. It's amazing what this little thing can push when you overclock it, add a couple of heat sinks, and put a fan on the case.

Nuclear Tourist
Apr 7, 2005

TBeats posted:

finally beating ornstein and smough or whatever that duo's name is after like 150 tries was probably the most gratifying feeling of the entire game.

Can confirm that this was one of the most satisfying moments I've ever had in a video game.

Nuclear Tourist fucked around with this message at 17:35 on Jan 5, 2017

Third World Reagan
May 19, 2008

Imagine four 'mechs waiting in a queue. Time works the same way.

Jun 1, 2006


need to get back into ffxv

Feb 27, 2007


Nostalgia4Butts posted:

need to get back into ffxv


also modded up FO4 and Skyrim Special Edition.

Holy poo poo so pretty on the 1060 (especially Skyrim) :magical:

Dec 30, 2010

Thanks Ape Pussy!
I'm still working through Dishonored 2. I like it a lot more than the first one.

Last night I popped in Steep for a bit. Super cool chill game. It's SSX for adults.


Jun 2, 2014

PSN: tomzombie808

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