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Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Nuclear Tourist posted:

I got Battletech for some spare change on a Steam sale and I just spent like two hours reading lore in the character creation menu, what is happening

I couldn't bring myself to care about reading all of that in each mission. It's not as much fun or as interesting when there aren't pubbies to troll with it like in the early (good, beta) days of MechWarrior online.

Qtotonibudinibudet posted:

it's a shame paradox ran HBS into the ground, though i think the battletech lead designer left before that and idk what she's doing professionally nowadays

This kind of thing is especially weird when there's such demand for sequels. Kind of like how the XCOM series is basically on ice because Firaxis decided Marvel's Midnight Suns was a good idea.


Oct 16, 2006


Exciting Lemon
"Why should we pay a licensing fee for a property/game people want to play when we can instead not pay for a low cost low quality game to be made instead?"

Wrong Theory
Aug 27, 2005

Satellite from days of old, lead me to your access code

Duzzy Funlop posted:

I swear I refused to believe this was a real game until I saw the steam page

Just noticed they mention coop on the page. Game looks like it could be crazy fun. Who hasn't had this exact idea at some point in their life. Probably adolescence but still.

I am liking how Helldivers 2 feels less sanitized than modern games. Like screw it friendly fire is always on and the sentries will shoot the enemy through you. The terrain will screw with you. You are not some elite soldier as much as you are meat for the grinder. I don't even think you technically are "one" person, you select your name that is the ship full of frozen PFCs.

Pre-load is up for FFVII Rebirth BTW. 145 GB. Also Ed dropped in Street Fighter 6.

Oct 16, 2006


Exciting Lemon
I can’t believe it’s going to take so long to get rebirth onto the PC, sad

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

3 months isn't it?

Nuclear Tourist
Apr 7, 2005

M_Gargantua posted:

Sounds like you need to drift off listening to the sonorous voice of Tex Talks Battletech.

He's got a handful of ones about various lore events, and a bunch of ones on key mechs, their variants, and importantly, short stories of individual pilots or how they played into those bigger historical events.

Thanks, I listened to a few of these while at work today. This franchise has largely sailed under my radar, I think the last Battletech thing I touched was Mechwarrior 2 back in the 90's.

SerthVarnee posted:

That does not narrow down the list of suspects.

Draconis Combine! Or so the tooltip told me.

Duzzy Funlop
Jan 13, 2010

Hi there, would you like to try some spicy products?

Stardew valley content patch drops in about three weeks, that should be a solid new playthrough till the Elden Ring DLC consumes me.

Oct 15, 2004

Wrong Theory posted:

I don't even think you technically are "one" person, you select your name that is the ship full of frozen PFCs.

You are not one person. By default your voice is randomized each time you die and a new helldiver is defrosted. Hell, when you go back to your shop after being in someone else's, you step out of a cryo pod.

Pretty sure they just space you and defrost a new one. Cheaper than flying a shuttle back for you.

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

facialimpediment posted:

This kind of thing is especially weird when there's such demand for sequels. Kind of like how the XCOM series is basically on ice because Firaxis decided Marvel's Midnight Suns was a good idea.

it aint quite that. Firaxis owns the XCOM IP and will be making an XCOM 3: the studio is known for exactly two IPs and there's no way in hell they're not gonna make more of those. Jake Solomon wanted to do "something else" and Firaxis was willing to let him run with it, understandably so given that Marvel is a big IP and Jake's worked miracles for them in the past. didn't quite work but hey, Midnight Suns is still a good game, if a commercial failure. the devs and game designers are still largely in place though

comparatively, the Battletech videogame IP is owned by Microsoft and Paradox didn't want to pay them for it again. they put HBS to work on some completely new Lamplighter's League IP that flopped hardcore and, AFAIK, basically liquidated the studio. it is gone

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug
So my friend has a Steam Deck and it got me to pick up a cheap Asus ROG Ally steamdeck clone.

I like it. Weird how portable PC gaming has become.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Lamplighter's sucked. I got maybe 5 minutes into it and every character was just trying so hard to be quirky. There may have been a decent game there but gently caress if I could be bothered.

Wrong Theory
Aug 27, 2005

Satellite from days of old, lead me to your access code

CommieGIR posted:

So my friend has a Steam Deck and it got me to pick up a cheap Asus ROG Ally steamdeck clone.

I like it. Weird how portable PC gaming has become.

I have had a steam deck OLED for like 2 weeks now and I love mine. Got EmuDeck up and running to run old emulators as well as Fightcade for arcade games. Not to mention most of my steam library can be played on it. That OLED screen is beautiful, if they end up announcing the Switch 2 and it doesn't have an OLED screen and I absolutely don't need it I might just wait for the inevitable OLED model.

On another note if FFVIIRebirth doesn't end in a game of Queen's Blood I am going to be disappointed. Sephiroth can wait, it's time to d-d-d-d-duel!

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

Been playing Total War Warhammer I & took a glance at the cost to get every playable race, lol like $200. If a sale knocks that down by 75% then sure.

Jun 18, 2006

“We don’t really know where this goes — and I’m not sure we really care.”
TW Warhammer is an awesome series, easily the most played for me on Steam. None of the DLC is really required, I own all of them but there's definitely legendary lords I've never touched.

Some of my favorite factions are core races/lords. Honestly I'd get Warhammer 3, and then 2 first. Way more additional lords and you can use the combined Immortal Empires map in WH3. Lots of quality of life and balance changes since WH1 came out.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers


Oct 16, 2006


Exciting Lemon
I want a Total War but Battletech.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

M_Gargantua posted:

I want a Total War but Battletech.


Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

M_Gargantua posted:

I want a Total War but Battletech.

All you can do for your mechs is ask for a certain size class; will it be an Atlas, or a Charger? Do you get a Locust, or like 5 Urbies? :twisted:

Mar 13, 2011

It has been two zero days since last incident.
Big Super Slapstick Hunk

Nuclear Tourist posted:

Thanks, I listened to a few of these while at work today. This franchise has largely sailed under my radar, I think the last Battletech thing I touched was Mechwarrior 2 back in the 90's.

Draconis Combine! Or so the tooltip told me.

Well the Rimworld Republic got a headstart on that, crushing the Star League in the meantime.

Then the Draconis Combine, Steiner, House Davion, Cappellan Confederation and Free Worlds League all decided that they should be first lord and the others certainly shouldn't.

And then Succession wars 1 through 3 or 4 happened.

And of course Space AT&T is just murking people left and right if they foolishly publish new discoveries.

In conclusion every faction consists entirely of assholes.

House Cameron gets special mention for deliberately sabotaging their own colonies though.

Mar 20, 2009

SerthVarnee posted:

Well the Rimworld Republic got a headstart on that, crushing the Star League in the meantime.

Then the Draconis Combine, Steiner, House Davion, Cappellan Confederation and Free Worlds League all decided that they should be first lord and the others certainly shouldn't.

And then Succession wars 1 through 3 or 4 happened.

And of course Space AT&T is just murking people left and right if they foolishly publish new discoveries.

In conclusion every faction consists entirely of assholes.

House Cameron gets special mention for deliberately sabotaging their own colonies though.

They might actually be talking about the fall of the Second Star League, which happens early 3062 with 2nd Whitting Conference electing Kurita to 1st Lordship.

Nuclear Tourist
Apr 7, 2005

I think I'm beginning to understand what it's like for someone who is new to something like Warhammer 40k when they suddenly realize that there's like 30+ years worth of lore to dig through before you can figure out what is happening.

Anyone got The Thaumaturge yet? Looks pretty promising.

Jun 16, 2003

Nuclear Tourist posted:

I think I'm beginning to understand what it's like for someone who is new to something like Warhammer 40k when they suddenly realize that there's like 30+ years worth of lore to dig through before you can figure out what is happening.

Anyone got The Thaumaturge yet? Looks pretty promising.

Its right there in the opening line, "There is only war".

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

lol just learned that in the early 90s the game company Sierra had the opportunity to buy post-Wolfenstein 3D, pre-Doom ID Software for $2.5 million, & ID was enthusiastic about the idea but Sierra bailed when asked to provide a letter of intent & $100k advance payment. Minor error.

Punished Ape
Sep 17, 2021
I would play a Wolfenstein point-and-click.

Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

Hyrax Attack! posted:

lol just learned that in the early 90s the game company Sierra had the opportunity to buy post-Wolfenstein 3D, pre-Doom ID Software for $2.5 million, & ID was enthusiastic about the idea but Sierra bailed when asked to provide a letter of intent & $100k advance payment. Minor error.

lol yeah I just learned that reading Romero's autobiography. Wild lol.

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

Oh nice I read it in The Sierra Adventure, pretty good book about the game company. Lots of interesting production stories like how in the early days phone calls to the tip line just went to the home phone of the company owner, & how guidebooks were so popular they’d outsell their games.

It was a Kickstarter book & while well written & researched, badly needed to include screenshots of games to help give context to less known projects.

Eason the Fifth
Apr 9, 2020

Hyrax Attack! posted:

Oh nice I read it in The Sierra Adventure, pretty good book about the game company. Lots of interesting production stories like how in the early days phone calls to the tip line just went to the home phone of the company owner, & how guidebooks were so popular they’d outsell their games.

It was a Kickstarter book & while well written & researched, badly needed to include screenshots of games to help give context to less known projects.

Kings Quest II and III were my first real PC games and I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Sierra. I probably mentioned it before, but Roberta Williams deserves being up there with Kojima or Carmack as a major name and influence on the entire goddamn medium.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

Eason the Fifth posted:

Kings Quest II and III were my first real PC games and I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Sierra. I probably mentioned it before, but Roberta Williams deserves being up there with Kojima or Carmack as a major name and influence on the entire goddamn medium.

Same. Have good memories of Kings Quest.

Punished Ape
Sep 17, 2021
I enjoyed the Space Quest and King's Quest series, but my jam was Quest for Glory, from Sierra's other power couple Corey & Lori Ann Cole.

It's really cool that the Coles and Williams are still around making games.

Saul Kain
Dec 5, 2018

Lately it occurs to me,

what a long, strange trip it's been.

QFG4 was so good

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug
My main PC games of choice at the time was Aces Over Europe/Pacific, MechWarrior 2 and MechWarrior 2 Mercenaries, and Steel Panthers

Jul 21, 2004

I hate that Sierra got essentially destroyed, but much like the Batman quote if they had survived to this point they wouldn't be the amazing graphical adventure company anymore, they'd be just another shithog like EA or Activision.

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

Yeah they had many classics but the adventure game genre was toast and they were slow to find another identity, & it didn’t help when the founder was shown a preview of Wolfenstein 3D & John Romero remembers him clearly not recognizing the significance.

On another note still enjoying BG3, almost finished act 1 when I realized I had missed recruiting a companion near the beginning so went back & got him, then was amused by the game trying to catch up on all of his story segments at once. Chuckled at declaring of course we’re ride & die allies & I trust him with my life, as the two minutes we’ve spent together have meant a lot.

Punished Ape
Sep 17, 2021

Hyrax Attack! posted:

Yeah they had many classics but the adventure game genre was toast and they were slow to find another identity, & it didn’t help when the founder was shown a preview of Wolfenstein 3D & John Romero remembers him clearly not recognizing the significance.

I haven't read the book you referenced or Ken Williams' book, but wasn't it the acquisition and general corporate fuckery that lead to their closure? They had moved beyond point and click adventure games by the late '90s and were publishing things like Diablo, Half-Life, and Homeworld.

e; all this Sierra talk is making me remember I never finished that King's Quest reimagining from a while ago, so I'm going to go do that.

Punished Ape fucked around with this message at 18:40 on Mar 10, 2024

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

Punished Ape posted:

I haven't read the book you referenced or Ken Williams' book, but wasn't it the acquisition and general corporate fuckery that lead to their closure? They had moved beyond point and click adventure games by the late '90s and were publishing things like Diablo, Half-Life, and Homeworld.

e; all this Sierra talk is making me remember I never finished that King's Quest reimagining from a while ago, so I'm going to go do that.

Oh you’re probably right I have about 50 more pages to go.

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

Ok finished the book, turned out the end of Sierra was a mix of decline in popularity of the adventure game genre leading them to no longer have reliable flagship titles & while they had some success as a 3rd party publisher they spread out their efforts in too many uncoordinated titles instead of a focused effort. Interestingly they almost had a Babylon 5 game released but it was cancelled very late.

It also mentioned how they had moved to Bellevue, WA & so much of their programming talent could easily get lucrative offers when they got frustrated trying to adapt King’s Quest to 3D as the 90s were a boom time for the computer industry in that region. I got a chuckle from the Australian author using Bellevue & Seattle interchangeably.

Corporate shenanigans may have played a part, as the company that acquired them committed $500 million in accounting fraud, leading to many of their sub companies closing. Blizzard was owned by the same company at the time but it had enough best sellers to weather the storm.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice
Half Life 3 will be released some day. I just have to keep faith.

Wrong Theory
Aug 27, 2005

Satellite from days of old, lead me to your access code

Jul 21, 2004

Stardew Valley 1.6 is out. Lotta changes.


Tiny Timbs
Sep 6, 2008

man i'd forgotten that dragon's dogma has not one but two character creators to beat at the beginning of the game

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