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Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

I need to play Alan Wake 2 as I got it for Christmas, but I want to replay Alan Wake 1 first, and I just haven't had the time. Curses.


Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

Handsome Ralph posted:

I need to play Alan Wake 2 as I got it for Christmas, but I want to replay Alan Wake 1 first, and I just haven't had the time. Curses.

I played through years back & liked it but settled for YouTube plot recap videos as a refresher. Guessing current editions omit the VERIZON billboards during tense nightmare segments.

Nuclear Tourist
Apr 7, 2005

The car that he drove in the first game was a funny one too, I guess Alan Wake was one out of about five people that actually bought a Lincoln MKT.

Jan 15, 2006

Nuclear Tourist posted:

The car that he drove in the first game was a funny one too, I guess Alan Wake was one out of about five people that actually bought a Lincoln MKT.

Is that the one that is really good for rolling boogers in?

Jun 16, 2003

Hyrax Attack! posted:

I played through years back & liked it but settled for YouTube plot recap videos as a refresher. Guessing current editions omit the VERIZON billboards during tense nightmare segments.

Eh, given what their rates were it's appropriate fir a nightmare section.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Handsome Ralph posted:

I need to play Alan Wake 2 as I got it for Christmas, but I want to replay Alan Wake 1 first, and I just haven't had the time. Curses.

Don't leave out American Nightmare as well, or at least watch all the Scratch videos. Excellent, hilarious villain.

Just wrapped the first Alan Wake II DLC chapter and yep, y'all definitely need to play the base game first. It's as batshit as was advertised.

Hyrax Attack! posted:

Guessing current editions omit the VERIZON billboards during tense nightmare segments.

It is nice that Epic Games basically funded Remedy for all of Alan Wake II, so there's zero weirdo Energizer Battery promotions. And the feds get a poo poo-rear end rental.

Aug 5, 2015
New Doom.

Duzzy Funlop
Jan 13, 2010

Hi there, would you like to try some spicy products?

Skull-grinding Flak-dispenser is metal as gently caress.

Also, piloting giant mechs and Doom?


Duzzy Funlop
Jan 13, 2010

Hi there, would you like to try some spicy products?

Also, fan-made trailers have been getting increasingly nuts over the last couple of years

Nuclear Tourist
Apr 7, 2005

May I tempt you with a circa 2010 Ford Fusion?

Oct 16, 2006


Exciting Lemon

Duzzy Funlop posted:

Also, fan-made trailers have been getting increasingly nuts over the last couple of years


Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Duzzy Funlop posted:

Skull-grinding Flak-dispenser is metal as gently caress.

It’s some :black101: poo poo, and I am here for it :getin:

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

bird food bathtub posted:

Manor Lords has me hooked pretty good since Friday. Early access stuff like two policies you can sign, ever, on a tree that shows like 20, and the tutorial is not going to give you critical information so you learn the hard way. Games still fun, I'm getting stuff figured out and getting solid progress towards kicking that baron's rear end.

Plays kinda like Starcraft but not just "build a pylon". A much more detailed and engaging city system where you're optimising buildings, managing personnel and supply chains, planning yearly crops for food and so on. Going to war takes a huge chunk of your population out of the shops and fields so can grind your economy to a halt.

Battles can usually be won by bigger numbers and push armies together if you want, but if you get down low and start looking there's morale bonuses that matter, charging spearmen hurts like a motherfucker, the high ground matters, flanking will destroy armies with no armor from behind, archers force units to run through engagement range reducing stamina for the melee and more I haven't found yet.

I think there's also tools for an eventual castle building/siege step in province control.

I put a few hours into it today and I can't help but feel Farthest Frontier does the town side better, and while the combat is deeper and the region mechanic is interesting it's just.... not that exciting. That said, it's still early access.

Oct 16, 2006


Exciting Lemon
I’ve put 80 hours into Ultimate Admiral in 2.5 weeks.

It scratches the right sort of grog.

A lot of the underlying mechanics will feel very similar to anyone who ever got into Aurora4x. But it’s wrapped up with a coherent focus and a UI that works.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

M_Gargantua posted:

I’ve put 80 hours into Ultimate Admiral in 2.5 weeks.

It scratches the right sort of grog.

A lot of the underlying mechanics will feel very similar to anyone who ever got into Aurora4x. But it’s wrapped up with a coherent focus and a UI that works.

Yeah Ultimate Admiral is great, I love being able to build my own ships. Gameplay can be frustrating but otherwise rewarding. Gunnery is inaccurate though I suspect that's fairly realistic.

May 1, 2009

The Boeing 737-200QC is the undisputed workhorse of the skies.
Weird timing, I just got back into Rule the Waves 3.

orange juche
Mar 14, 2012

Hey two finger how are you regarding space diesels? This seems up your alley lmao, it's an alpha tech demo, but all the engineering systems are functional and work in a way that is sensible to someone who understands engineering.

orange juche fucked around with this message at 05:52 on Jun 15, 2024

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

i only clicked through that video briefly but it looks close in theory to the simulators i trained on

pretty neat but god i don't want to do that for fun hahaha

Redeye Flight
Mar 26, 2010

God, I'm so tired. What the hell did I post last night?

FrozenVent posted:

Weird timing, I just got back into Rule the Waves 3.

I've put hours into RTW3 in a way I haven't for anything since I first got into Paradox games in undergrad.

The drat thing is so easy to just boot up and fall into the spreadsheets and be lost for hours drawing pixel boats.

orange juche
Mar 14, 2012

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

i only clicked through that video briefly but it looks close in theory to the simulators i trained on

pretty neat but god i don't want to do that for fun hahaha

Yeah that's just the engineering plant, the other systems are supposed to be similarly detailed, since it's supposed to be "Starship simulator" and while this guy is doing it all himself, you can task AI crewmembers to assist with things so that you're not doing all this poo poo yourself, or you somehow rope friends/random internet people into doing the annoying poo poo for you.

I'd say this is overly ambitious for a small dev team, but the guy who's making this has done this thing 3 or 4 times before with similar levels of attention to detail for both Star Trek (got a C&D from Paramount lol) and Orville (Got the opposite of a C&D, got an attaboy and encouragement).

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

Sep 2, 2011

Be friends!

There is a demo out for this on steam and it seems promising. More like Into the Breach than Xcom and pretty funny as well.

Dec 2, 2011

What is a soldier but a miserable pile of eaten cats and strange language?
Someone is making a game with the most German name imaginable.


orange juche
Mar 14, 2012

Germans just making up words

Apr 14, 2011

Ataxerxes posted:

Someone is making a game with the most German name imaginable.


The trailer looked pretty cool though

Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

Have been playing Aliens: Dark Decent this past week, and oh man is it hitting all sorts of dopamine buttons for me.

It's like XCOM 1/2 had a baby with Shadow Tactics or Desperados 3. Supremely fun, especially if you're an Aliens fan.

Jan 15, 2006
I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable playing as a German manning a cannon against an invasion. I'd be constantly asking if I'm the baddies

Nuclear Tourist
Apr 7, 2005

Yeah, Aliens Dark Descent is legit. I hope it gets some DLC or a sequel.

Mar 13, 2011

It has been two zero days since last incident.
Big Super Slapstick Hunk

orange juche posted:

Germans just making up words

We do that in Denmark too.

My dad once mentioned that he used to be a panserafværgekanongruppefører
which in English is a AT-gun team leader.

Oct 16, 2006


Exciting Lemon
You are the bad guys in Papers Please too but it’s what made it such a good game and story.

Duzzy Funlop
Jan 13, 2010

Hi there, would you like to try some spicy products?

Ataxerxes posted:

Someone is making a game with the most German name imaginable.


Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

this looks interesting

Jan 15, 2006

M_Gargantua posted:

You are the bad guys in Papers Please too but it’s what made it such a good game and story.

You can choose to be a good guy, though.

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Handsome Ralph posted:

Have been playing Aliens: Dark Decent this past week, and oh man is it hitting all sorts of dopamine buttons for me.

It's like XCOM 1/2 had a baby with Shadow Tactics or Desperados 3. Supremely fun, especially if you're an Aliens fan.

I loved it. There’s a new game + option once you clear it the first time, turns out max level marines are effective pest control even with basic rifles! :getin:

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

Still enjoying Alan Wake 2. Probably 3/4s or so done, some takes:

-Saga is a drastically more interesting character than Alan, and her levels are more fun & compelling. I like trying to land crossbow bolts in Coffee World & the plot hook of her daughter is fascinating. Alan’s subway level was good but the endless noir city is dull & I get it Alex Casey is hardboiled. Although the musical level was neat.

-good combat although inventory management is terrible, I’m on PC & can do whatever I’m trying to do except select a healing item in combat. Click, nothing, click click no I don’t want to move it click click I’m dead. If I have stuff preassigned to number keys it’s fine but holy cow Resident Evil figured this out decades ago.

-the Twilight Zone homage is getting thin, and I tried the first Night Springs mission when it was offered & it was oddly badly written & paced. The waitress endlessly shoots taken & loves Alan & that’s it no twist.

-tiny quibble, was digging the vibe at the start of the game up until Nightingale autopsy when felt like developers rushed the scene & ignored details. It’s cool when Scully does autopsies but she’s a doctor & dresses appropriately, Saga just dug right in & I don’t even think had gloves on. Then after when there are (new) dead bodies around two deputies wander in to see what the hubbub was about, & they’re not caring a dead deputy is in plain view by their feet, & when you go upstairs no one is interested how multiple coworkers just died. I know it’s a horror game but up to that point Saga was all about crime scene procedures & we were gathering clues, felt off to have the cops not react. A few voiced lines of “oh no!” & an ambulance outside would have done the job.

Jul 21, 2004

Finally finishing Horizon:Forbidden West, and looky looky what's coming out soon

Duzzy Funlop
Jan 13, 2010

Hi there, would you like to try some spicy products?

I just discovered a cheese-strat for one of the top five most-annoying Elden Ring DLC bosses entirely by accident and I feel so goddamn accomplished

Nuclear Tourist
Apr 7, 2005

Incredibly late to the party on Elden Ring but I just got it on the Steam summer sale, I'm only ~5 hours in so far but I can tell that this is something pretty special. The last Fromsoft game I played was Dark Souls 2 which I for some reason did not like at all, so I'm glad to see that they appear to be back in business.

I immediately turned off all of the multiplayer poo poo and set everything to offline mode, what kind of sick bastard wants to deal with other people in a soulsborne game?

Jul 11, 2004

Prepare for my priapic projectile's exalted penetration
Nap Ghost

Nuclear Tourist posted:

I immediately turned off all of the multiplayer poo poo and set everything to offline mode, what kind of sick bastard wants to deal with other people in a soulsborne game?

If that turns off the sign and bloodstain system, I'd reconsider that.

I've played the game as essentially single player but didn't expressly turn off the multiplayer interaction. You won't get just blindly attacked unless you're already summoning in parties to help you or joining other people's worlds by choice.

The signs run from dumb jokes like "try hole" next to a spiky object to very useful like clueing you in on a hidden door/item around a corner or advising you to look up when there are nasty enemies hanging from the ceiling. The blood stain, you can interact with it to see a ghost-track of another player's last few seconds alive. Most of this is just someone dodge-rolling and then doing a death animation, but you'll find things out like "no, you can't jump off this ledge" from them.


Jun 18, 2006

“We don’t really know where this goes — and I’m not sure we really care.”
Definitely play online, you don't get invaded unless you choose to or summon players to help.

Lots of dumb and amusing tips, but also lots of helpful ones.

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