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  • Locked thread
Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
In and I want a critter


Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
Always delete. Just in case.

Dr. Kloctopussy fucked around with this message at 20:03 on Jun 8, 2017

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
this is the dumbest loving interprompt we've ever had.

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

SurreptitiousMuffin posted:

6/10 WHERE THE gently caress IS MOUSE


Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
Bad Seafood with the first ever interprompt story and call for fjgj in week 1

Bad Seafood posted:

It was the hour.

Broken lanterns illuminated the great cage, goons hanging from every bar, between every cranny. Their unwashed mouths carried the hum of the electrical current through the coarse fibers.

The chant broke out.

"Some dudes enter, most dudes leave!"

And spread.

"Some dudes enter, most dudes leave!"
"Some dudes enter, most dudes leave!"
"Some dudes enter, most dudes leave!"
"Some dudes enter, most dudes leave!"

Martello, Stuporstar, and Nautatrol descended upon the combatants amidst the tribal beat, the cries for blood and death.

It was time. It was judgement.

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
In it to win it. <-- incorrect belief.

that's the joke

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
I would like a flash rule please

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
The Tower

Goodbye, my love.

Dr. Kloctopussy fucked around with this message at 20:06 on Jun 8, 2017

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
I'm also in, because look at my avatar

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
In a world with no night

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
Mara's Private Diary: Do Not Read (ESPECIALLY YOU, MOM)
Oooooooooh I can understand what the owls are thinking, so cool. No. Owls are loving boring. You read books and they make it look all cool, and I bet if anyone found out, they’d be like “you have a little owl friend, so neat,” but let me make one thing clear: Owls aren’t loving friends. They are owls.

Dr. Kloctopussy fucked around with this message at 22:26 on Jan 1, 2018

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
Prompt Judging; Adequate Judging

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

sebmojo posted:


All stories are equal, but some stories are more equal than others.

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Hawklad posted:

Ugh three DMs in a row...looks like I need to read more.

:toxx: to crit every story from this week by the sign up deadline on Friday.

You gotta read something other than Thunderdome stories if you want to get better....

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

flerp posted:

also write

Close thread

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
In. Wizards.


No more last minute shenanigans.

100 words to djeser for loyalty.

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Dr. Kloctopussy posted:

In. Wizards.


No more last minute shenanigans.

100 words to djeser for loyalty.

Surprising amount of last minute shenanigans after this.


Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
Your power depends on how many sigils and symbols you can place in public view. If you can pepper a whole city with your signs, you can do great works. Too bad city officials and property owners don't like graffiti.

Luck Be A Lady
1150 words

Dr. Kloctopussy fucked around with this message at 22:26 on Jan 1, 2018

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

sebmojo posted:

inter prompt: yarn (50 words)

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"


They say good things come in pairs, which must be why I won Wizard Week twice! Yay! Or was it bad things that come in pairs? Well, if there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that some things come in pairs: twins, shoes, eyes. Bad Cats.

But what about cops and robbers? Cops and their Buddy Cop? Husbands and Wives? Mistresses and Wives?

Ups and Downs! Ins and Outs! Heavens and Hells! Winners and Losers! (that's some foreshadowing for you, fyi)

So, pick a pair of some sort. Two of a kind, opposites, vague parallels. It can be literal, it can be esoteric, it can be quite nearly anything you want, except a solo or a trio. And then! A story! Well, you knew it had to come sometime. Write a story that at the very least touches on the pair of things/people/places/ideas/etc. and how they relate to each other. What ties them together? How do they mirror each other? How does the reflection thrown back by one affect the other?

If you want to share your pair when you sign up, go for it, they are cool to see. If not, I will forgive you. Because you know what goes together? Transparency and dirty secrets.

DON'T post them in your story post, please.

Other than that, go hog Bad Cat wild, with the usual caveats: no fanfic, no erotica, no nonfiction. Poetry is allowed, though perhaps not recommended.

As ever, all entries will be judged nearly entirely on how much they are enjoyed. Definitely not by printing them out and putting them in front of some Bad Cats and seeing which ones they try to eat first. Definitely not.

But wait! There's more!


Everyone likes getting prizes, and now you can get one just for signing up! (kind of)

People who :toxx: will get an extra-special custom picture of a Bad Cat, holding a little placard with your username or whatever else you want on it (some limitations may apply). Or you can make some other request, maybe the Bad Cats will be a little less bad out of pity and/or respect and do it for you. Who knows what a cat even thinks.

The winner will get 5 minutes of bonafide cuddling with the Bad Cat of their choice! (transportation to and from Bad Cat Mansion not included.)

Cat pictures aren't flash rules, they are just prizes. You don't need to write about cats. Cats are not part of the prompt. They are just here to keep me company, so I feel a little less alone in the world.

If you want a Flash Rule you will be assigned a 90s dance hit.

The usual fine print:
Sign up deadline: Friday 7/14/2017 11:59:59pm PST
Submission deadline: Sunday 7/16/2017 11:59:59 PST

Maximum Word Count: 1500

Special Double Bonus!
You can, if you want, work in groups of two (2) this week! That means 2 people, 1 story. Party Time! Excellent! (No 90s comedy fan fiction please)

Special Double Bonus Maximum Word Count: 2000

Double Djeserdy

Bad Cats
1. Beige
2. Fuubi
3. ModeSix
4. Jay W. Fricks
5. Uranium Phoenix
6. flerp :toxx:
7. Sokoban
8. Ze Bourgeoisie
9. Thranguy
10. big scary monsters :toxx:
11. super sweet best pal
12. Third
13. Phobia
14. Mrenda
15. Killer-Of-Lawyers
16. QuoProQuid
17. Chili

Dr. Kloctopussy fucked around with this message at 20:33 on Jul 16, 2017

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Since I know you mysteriously prefer dogs to cats, I tried to take a picture of Bad Cat 1 with two pictures of dogs. You can see how that went:

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Thranguy posted:

In, and I'll take a 90's dance flash.

Your wish is my command, you get:

Christina Aguilera - Genie in a Bottle

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Uranium Phoenix posted:

I'm in


Question about this: Does this mean two people submit a single story, or each person submits a related or connected story (like the superhero week collaboration)?

Two people submit a single story. If you want to break that story up into two 1000 word stories, I guess I can't stop you.

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Djeser posted:

Hello, I hate cats, I hate my job, I hate you, and I'm your third judge.

How do you feel about 90s dance music, though?

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

big scary monsters posted:

In this 2 win this. And since it's my first time I'll :toxx: too, show me those bad, bad cats.

Alright, I didn't have any big scary monsters hanging around, so I made this monster mask and put it on a stuffed cat. I thought maybe this would clean up Bad Cat 2's act, like one of those scared straight things, but I think maybe she has adopted it instead?

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

super sweet best pal posted:

In and down vs up and out. Flash me!

I don't know what "it" is, but I hope it's good, because you get:

CeCe Peniston - Finally


If you want a dumb prompt-related pun name, you might want to come up with your own b/c I've only had 9 hours of sleep over the past 2 days and all I can think of is Double Djeserdy.

Dr. Kloctopussy fucked around with this message at 07:41 on Jul 12, 2017

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

ThirdEmperor posted:



stupid song

all the gimmicks pls

I tried like 50 times to get Bad Cat 1 to literally just stand in front of a mockup of your avatar, but even when I tried to lure her over with a piece of pizza she was all "gently caress this." Then she clawed the poo poo out of me. I know we joke about blood throne and stuff, but there's only so much actual blood I'm willing to shed here.

I'm not even sure which one of us this song is for, but in honor of this ordeal, you get:

Real McCoy - Runaway

AND. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so since you helped so much with the Double Trouble image banner, I figure you've already used a thousand of yours!

your maximum word count is now 500!

Dr. Kloctopussy fucked around with this message at 22:59 on Jul 12, 2017

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
The rest of you fuckers didn't help me with poo poo, so you're all stuck with 1500.

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Phobia posted:

I'm in. Dead or alive. Let's :toxx:.

You and everyone who toxxes from here on out will get your cat gifs on Sunday!! Sorry for the delay!!

You and everyone who toxxes from here on out will get your cat gifs on Sunday!! Sorry for the delay!!

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
In before submissions close:

Phobia posted:

I'm in. Dead or alive. Let's :toxx:.

I thought if a big scary monster couldn't scare Bad Cat 2, maybe some of your posts would??



Dr. Kloctopussy fucked around with this message at 08:17 on Jul 17, 2017

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Phobia posted:

... Yep. That's one bad cat.

( It took me a minute to realize what those strange sheets of paper were. I need more sleep. )

to be fair, seeing your posts printed out is probably not something that most goons experience on a regular basis...

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Bad Cat 1 and Bad Cat 2, before and after reading your stories.

Low and behold, as was foreshadowed in the prompt post, so it has come to be that a winner and a loser have been chosen. Also some in-between things that shall also have the dubious (doublious??) honor of being mentioned in this illustrious post of judgment.

First the bad:

super sweet best pal, you get a very disappointed look that makes you wish you had been yelled at instead. This wasn’t a story. It was almost a description of what could maybe have been a good story. I know you submitted this at the last minute rather than failing, and while I kind of appreciate that, what I really would have appreciated was an actual story. Boo. (Note for The Archivist: this isn’t a DM)

ZeBourgeoise, I’m afraid that you were at the top of everyone’s at-the-bottom list. That makes you our loser. The best thing I can say about this story is that at least I understood what was happening the whole time. The worst thing I can say is that I understood what was happening the whole time. I just… alien breeding programs continue to be both cliche and repulsive, and not in the like “repulsive is a meaningful reflection on the human condition” kind of way. I did like that the title was accurate, though.

Second the good:

I thought I would do a nice little pair-themed thing, with a winner and a loser and an HM and a DM, but then too many of you wrote stories that were good?? WTF??

Honorable mentions for the following:

ThirdEmporer, this was one of my personal top 2 stories. Good job doing a lot with a little. I will forever take away ⅔ of your words. You squeezed in a lot of humanity into one-or-two characters with just a few details. Also you managed to stick an entire new extreme sport in there at the same time.

Flerp, I don’t want to sound repetitive, but I guess it’s double trouble week, so anyway, this was just really real. Especially for magical realism, if this is what magical realism is. Seriously, I keep trying to think of some brief and pithy description of why we all liked this story, and I just keep coming back to “that’s really a lot of leaves to rake.”

Chili, you encapsulated a complex and problematic relationship into a few meaningful interactions, and then convincingly pulled the couple into a new reality. Very rarely do I see contemporary art rendered well in writing, and you did that within an interesting and well-written story.

And, much like someone has to lose, someone has to win, but this is better, because we actually all wanted you to win because your story is good:

Thranguy! It’s you! Now that I’m writing this I realize that we didn’t actually discuss what we individually liked about your story, because we all just agreed we liked it. What I liked about it was the way you took so many stories about genies and explicitly turned them away, while using them to reveal more and more about your main character. Even though this story was nearly all narration, and very little action (and no dialogue), it still felt like a story, as Dora’s life unfolded through a series of negatives. Strong voice, strong concept, strong character.

So, the time for twos is over, and now there is only one. (It’s you Thranguy, in case that wasn’t clear)

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Wizgot posted:

I'm not sure if this thread is the place to discuss the stories so I would like to apologize beforehand if I'm not following the guidelines.

I would like to know how to interpret the last paragraph of the story Homecoming.

I'm not the author, but my read of it is that the narrator shot his brother to stop him from torturing a woman, and he doesn't want to tell anyone both because he doesn't want to be blamed for his brother's (non)death and he doesn't want to disillusion the villagers about his brother's heroism.

It may be that other people read it differently, or that I totally missed Seafood's intentions there. That's especially easy to do with very short stories and magical realism, soooooooo.... Do swing by the IRC channel if you want to chat about that or any other Thunderdome stuff, we are mostly very nice people >:-]

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
In and ready to be visited by the ghost of Thunderdomes past.

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"
Can't believe I've spent five years of my life with you chuckleheads

Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Kaishai posted:

Stroll through the gallery in Room CXXXVII (A Picture is Worth rand( ) % 1500 words).

I would like an Art, please


Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Sitting Here posted:

That's not true, I care

Every time a goon fails we get even closer to unleashing an apocalyptic Cabin in the Woods-type scenario. Write your stories, jackasses!

Every time a Domer fails,
A little angel goes to hell.

And every time a Domer falls,
The devil even closer crawls.

And every time a Domer feels
Like dropping out, his laughter peels.

And if a Domer's ever felled
By doubt, their heart by him is gently held.

But every time a Domer fills
A page with words,
the devil's plagued
With fearful chills.

  • Locked thread