![]() Latest Episode: ![]() ![]() Isn't this like the 80th Battlefield game? Why Battlefield 1? Battlefield has a weird problem with numbers. This is technically the 6th mainline BF game (not counting Battlefield: Bad Company series, Modern Combat, BF1943, Hardline or the play for free games which would bring the total to like 14 if I counted all the Play For Free games right) and so yeah, it's kind of weird that they decided to call it Battlefield 1 when the last numbered game to come out was BF4. The logic is that because the game has a World War 1 theme and World War I was the "dawn of all-out-war" as the game's marketing material will tell you, that this is the earliest logical setting for Battlefield. And hey, it's not like their first game was called Battlefield 1, so it checks out! World War I as a setting? are you dying in a trench constantly? Oh, yeah, we all remember this famous WWI incident: ![]() If you can't tell, I'm being sarcastic. I wouldn't call this a WWI setting, I would call it a WWI theme. All the guns, vehicles, locations and so on are all ripped from WWI and the surrounding time period, but you'll see dozens of people running around with weapons that had a production run of 6 and guys firing machine guns that took three people to operate as if they weigh ten pounds in this game. A certain creative license was taken here. In truth, it's all for the best. The game is really fun with some great map design (and some garbage design) some great changes to the multiplayer, amazing visuals and other positive and negative points I'll be sharing through the Let's Play. LP Format I'm going to take you through the single player, which is now more of anthology series than a single story thread. It's surprisingly well done from that perspective even if the gameplay and AI can be a bit lacking at times. I'm also going to be doing a bunch of multiplayer videos. The first few are going to ease people in to the classes, vehicles and mechanics of the game and then we're going to be doing full matches with limited commentary/guests. We're looking at two videos a week, but the mix may be more of single player than multiplayer or vice versa any given week. Will you teach me about WWI? I'm not aiming to make the LP historically informative and I need to stress that. WWI is a really hot topic now. If you need some historical context The Great War YouTube channel is dedicated to going through WWI week by week 100 years after the events happened. They also do a bunch of videos on individuals, WWI life, weapons and tactics from WWI. I highly recommend watching at least some of these if you need a WWI fix. They also made some contributions to historical research for this game. If you are looking for a day-by-day writeup take a look at Trin Tragula's blog, which is doing just that. If you are more inclined to podcasts go listen to the exhaustive Hardcore History series Blueprint for Armageddon that covers the war and the leadup to it in great detail. I hope you have like 20 hours to spend on that. I can also recommend A World Undone which looks at the people and tactics (or lack thereof) that made WWI the mess that it was, but remains sort of high level with very little of the "life in the trenches" sort of stuff you may be expecting. I will sprinkle little historical facts or whatever through the videos and maybe in the thread, but I am not an expert on WWI and don't claim to be. That said, I'm going to be talking to people about WWI later on in the LP. WWI is one of those conflicts that shaped a lot of things that came after it, yet it gets very little attention in US schools; mostly because the US barely got involved in the war before it was over. I thought it would be interesting to talk to people from countries far more involved in the war to discuss what they learned in school and how their country looks at the events leading up to WWI, the war itself and its aftermath. I've messaged a few people about this already but if you are interested in talking with me about your country's WWI experiences/education PM me or post something about it in the thread. Episodes ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Lazyfire fucked around with this message at 01:31 on May 12, 2017 |
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 04:36 |
MULTIPLAYER![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Lazyfire fucked around with this message at 01:12 on May 10, 2017 |
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![]() This is very much a training mission where you are supposed to learn some of the very basics of the game (outside of flying). Oddly, it doesn't teach you a goddamn thing about stealth and that's a big part of the infantry segments in the first two war stories. I find that odd, like DICE is bad at single player campaigns or something. I have trouble thinking of a better introductory level for a game. Here's this violent struggle over a blown out church or town or something and every time you die you just go to the next person because WWI was a completely hosed conflict with industrial scale deaths. It reminds me of the hotswap system introduced in Modern Combat, which allowed you (while playing that game's anemic single player campaign) to warp to any of your allies at will or when you died. It was a really innovative idea for the time and I'm still sort of surprised it didn't appear in future BF games as part of the single player as they could have just put some rudimentary AI on re-purposed multiplayer maps and given you some objectives and been done with it. I have something of a conflict with the final moments of the level as it shows maybe the one moment of German humanity in the game. While the game doesn't make them proto-Nazis or anything I was semi hoping that maybe, just maybe, there would be a German chapter to the campaign just so you don't feel like it's a reskinned WWII game. Some of the Operations game mode introductions do humanize the "bad guys" a bit if you are playing as them, which makes it a bit better, I guess.
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Ah, the game that was one of the reasons why Titanfall 2 bombed in sales so hard. At least this one is good, and not just for the variety of seeing WW1 instead of another sci fi/modern/WW2 setting. But, I think we'll start Lazy's suggestion of our country's experiences with World War One off with one of the more opportunistic of those countries- Ireland. See, at the time the war broke out, Ireland was campaigning for "Home Rule"- effectively the right to self-govern within the British Empire. Around 1912-1913, the Home Rule Party, led by John Redmond, finally succeeded after a good four decades of trying to achieve it (The story of one of the previous leaders, Charles Stewart Parnell, is a particularly interesting moment in Ireland's political history). As such, Redmond was quite popular in the eyes of the Irish around the time the war got started, and people on both sides of the Home Rule debate (Nationalists wished for Home Rule, while Unionists were comfortable under the Empire and didn't wish to rock the boat) were supportive of sending our boys to the front. Germany's swift advancement through Belgium , now known of as "The Rape of Belgium" is highlighted as a reason for why they chose to fight- partly because Belgium was a fellow Catholic country. Overall, roughly two hundred thousand Irishmen of both Catholic and Protestant persuasion joined the army, most of them part of three specially made divisions- the 10th, 16 and 36th Divisions. But as with all of the nations that fought in the War, those numbers were cut down- depending on if you count Irishmen from non-British nations or not, the official death tally for the Irish was between thirty thousand (British only) and nearly fifty thousand (Including non-British countries). In particular, the 10th Irish Division suffered very heavy losses at Gallipoli in 1915 (Though the Gallipoli we see doesn't include any Irishmen AFAIK), while the 16th and 36th Divisions were shattered at the Battle of the Somme in 1916.The massive death toll led to a sharp decline in recruitment following 1916, which didn't help when the Catholic Church reversed their opinions on the war as well. Finally, reports of poor treatment of the Irish at the hands of British officers began to spread- despite only making up 2% of the combined British forces, 8% of total executions done by the British were to Irish soldiers (Roughly 26 of these soldiers have been retroactively pardonded) It's worth noting that Ireland is one of, if not the only, members of the British Empire to never impose conscription- a brief crisis flared up regarding it in 1918, but it was dropped after the US entered the war. But perhaps the largest reason for the drop in enlistment came from a rise in nationalism in 1916 (That aforementioned opportunistic moment), to an event that Ireland just finished celebrating the 100th anniversary of- the 1916 Rising. Seeing that "England's difficulty is Ireland's opportunity," a group of rebels comprised of various walks of life staged a military uprising in Dublin during the Easter Weekend of 1916. The attempt lasted less than a week before the British had brought in battleships to shell half of the city, forcing the rebels to surrender. They were summarily executed, with some of the rebels being assigned to prison camps (Future President Eamon de Valera avoided execution due to having an American passport- the British didn't want the Americans to get angry over them killing a US citizen, so de Valera was allowed to live). The initial reaction to the Rising was scorn and disgust- they had caused the destruction of a large portion of Dublin and cost thousands of people their homes. But after the British forces swiftly executed the seven leaders, the reaction did a complete 180 and the leaders became martyrs. It's actually speculated that at least one of the leaders, Padraig Pearse, went in expecting to die as part of a "blood sacrifice"- that his death would inspire future rebels to pick up his sword, so to speak. Regardless, sentiment towards the British and Redmond became especially bitter. Despite achieving it in 1913, Home Rule had been officially delayed until after the war, leaving Redmond looking like a fool. Combined with the stories of the high mortality rates and the Rising causing a resurgence in nationalism and independence, Redmond's reputation plummeted. And that's pretty much the story of Ireland's involvement in World War One.
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In a weird twist the British Commander in Chief for the first year and change was John French, who not long before the war began had to resign as Chief of the Imperial General Staff because he had promised the army wouldn't attempt to quell any uprisings against Home Rule by Loyalists. The book mentioned in the OP has more details on how that all worked. Today he probably would have been forced into retirement or given an obscure administrative role. Instead he got to lead all British forces on the continent.
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A great-great-uncle on my mother's side died to friendly fire. I'm not sure which battle, I should probably talk about it more with my grandmother to find out more. In the anniversary of the war in 2014 there was a big thing about an art installation at the Tower of London where there was displayed 888,246 ceramic poppies, one each for each British and Commonwealth soldier that died in the war. The installation toured a bit and then each poppy was sold, the proceeds going to various charities. My grandmother brought one, to be the poppy that represented that Uncle specifically.
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LashLightning posted:A great-great-uncle on my mother's side died to friendly fire. I'm not sure which battle, I should probably talk about it more with my grandmother to find out more. The UK did/is doing a lot of WWI stuff, which I think helped contribute to the resurgence of interest in the war over the last couple years. The US, by comparison, seems to be doing nothing outside of contributing smug internet historians to remind everyone that Bolt Action rifles were the standard issue weapons for WWI.
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Battlefield 1 is an amazingly fun game. The multiplayer is pretty good considering the sadness that was Hardline and the issues that plagued Battlefront. The single player campaign is one of the most enjoyable FPS campaigns I have played in a long time. The fact each miniature story focuses on the characters and attempting to underline the fact that WW1 was a hell on earth, rather than some amazing story of bad rear end super soldiers saving the world single handily, really makes it stand out from the crowd. The tutorial alone was an excellent piece of design. Military history and equipment has been a passion of mine for a very long time and I recently finished reading Infanterie Greift An so I am a bit disappointed that there was no German side to the campaigns; though I am pleased as an Australian to see us feature.
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I was also a bit dismayed there was no German side to the game. When the mission titles were leaked and people saw one was "The Runner" there was a ton of speculation that the chapter would have you playing as Hitler as that was what he did at the start of the war. It was never going to happen, but it was at least an interesting idea.
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I'd be happy to do an effort-post about Canada's involvement in the Great War. Our involvement was something of a pivotal moment in our history, helped to forge our national identity. I'm a former Canadian Forces reservist, and my artillery regiment fought at most of the major engagements of the war including Ypres, the Somme, Amiens, Mons, and the two most iconic battles in Canadian military folklore, Passchendaele and Vimy.
MA-Horus fucked around with this message at 00:35 on Jan 12, 2017 |
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Hi folks, for the last two years I've been keeping a blog following the war day-by-day; it broke down over the summer cause I was busy with real life, but it's going to restart in some form or another soon. In any case, you've still got a complete narrative from the July Crisis in 1914 through mid-August 1916, with the first tanks rolling towards the Somme (and their crews cooking bacon on the engines as they went). I hate FPSes because I can't shoot straight, but I've been waiting for someone to do an LP so I can find out if the game can at least be entertaining cobblers that might get people interested in what really happened, and I was encouraged to see that the devs actually knew that there was fighting in places like Italy and Iraq as well as France and Flanders. (PS: Dan Carlin is very dramatic, but he's only read one book and it was published in 1962; many of the things he presents as Undisputed Fact have been thoroughly disputed over the last 55 years, and he does extremely annoying things like talking a lot about Austria-Hungary and Serbia to set the scene for the assassination, and then never mentioning Serbia or A-H again the instant that declarations of war begin rolling in.) Trin Tragula fucked around with this message at 01:16 on Jan 12, 2017 |
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^^Mr. Tragula's blog gets my fullest endorsement as a good place to learn about World War One.Mycroft Holmes posted:Someone is doing an lp of Battlefield 1 and is requesting people post about WWI history as they are not knowledgeable. Zeppelins don't attack in the daytime [drops mic]
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Trin Tragula posted:Hi folks, for the last two years I've been keeping a blog following the war day-by-day; it broke down over the summer cause I was busy with real life, but it's going to restart in some form or another soon. In any case, you've still got a complete narrative from the July Crisis in 1914 through mid-August 1916, with the first tanks rolling towards the Somme (and their crews cooking bacon on the engines as they went). Seriously, follow Trin's blow if you want an excellent day by day look at the first two years of the conflict following multiple sources officers and soldiers including the man in his avatar who more or less is the French version of the Blackadder character in the final Blackadder series set in the first conflict. If you really like his stuff you can pick both of his books up in e-book form for your Kindle too! BF1 is a pretty drat fun decent game that is more in line with 1942 and Bad Company 2 in some reguards to the more modern titles, and while things aren't exactly 100% accurate now (understandible due it being a cultural history themed entertainment product) and I am hoping in the next few months it will improve steadily. While pubbies seem to make a noise about the weaponry and for some weird rascist reason the skin tone of some soldiers more or less everything you see was there. Not used in that way or amount, but it was part of the setting.
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As an Australian there are a few interesting things about the war here, mostly related to Gallipoli. A lesser known fact however, is that Australia fired the first Allied shots of the war (WW2 as well, but that's only relevant as it was from the same fort) from Fort Nepean
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Nebakenezzer posted:Zeppelins don't attack in the daytime Based on what we see in this game, I think they only attack in the daytime.
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BF1's character models have an incredible and accurate amount of detail as well I might add, It is a shame though some assets have been cloned and reused. Hell they've even got the sackcloth used as improvised camoflage for the Brodie helmets.
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SeanBeansShako posted:BF1's character models have an incredible and accurate amount of detail as well I might add, It is a shame though some assets have been cloned and reused. Later on you see some Australian soldiers modeled wearing caps under their helmets. Honestly the most unrealistic part of this game is that tank crewmen can just project normally and be heard over the engine without needing to wear spall masks or bang on the walls with a wrench to get someone's attention.
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Lazyfire posted:I was also a bit dismayed there was no German side to the game. When the mission titles were leaked and people saw one was "The Runner" there was a ton of speculation that the chapter would have you playing as Hitler as that was what he did at the start of the war. It was never going to happen, but it was at least an interesting idea. Not to mention that Storm of Steel is the title of Ernst Junger's memoirs of the war. His various experiences would have certainly made for interesting setpieces, especially the stuff from 1918 when everything is starting to fall apart for the Germans. quote:The shelling now passed over our heads, on to the Langemarck-Bixschoote road. We weren't even that happy to see it. So far we hadn't seen the wood for the trees; danger had come down at us on such a massive scale and in so many guises that we couldn't really begin to cope with it. After the storm had passed over our heads, everyone had time to prepare themselves for what inevitably must come.
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I still think it is a drat shame the game mode where all classes have basic bolt action rifles along with all the other weaponry is tucked away behind menus or a custom specialist server sort of thing. But yeah, the best thing Battlefield 1 has is Operations, which needs to have a few more maps and tweaks. It is the perfect game mode for the people who want a more solid less chaotic style frontline.
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chitoryu12 posted:Honestly the most unrealistic part of this game is that tank crewmen can just project normally and be heard over the engine without needing to wear spall masks or bang on the walls with a wrench to get someone's attention. And I'm sure it will be covered in more detail later but considering zeppelins were giant, fabric bags full of extremely explosive gas they were absurdly difficult to shoot down when they first appeared and caused some serious concerns because they could bomb things virtually unopposed. I don't recall them ever being used for more than strategic bombing though... they weren't really nimble enough to run missions like close air support. I doubt you'd ever actually see on on a battle field.
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SeanBeansShako posted:BF1's character models have an incredible and accurate amount of detail as well I might add, It is a shame though some assets have been cloned and reused. Since launch people have been pointing out that DICE sort of went nuts with some of the details and equipment in the game. I end up pointing out a couple things in later videos, but even in multiplayer there are some weird things I wouldn't have thought they would bother with. Like, if you look at the eyes of a gas mask as someone is wearing it you can see the lead work underneath the front pane of glass. I have no idea why they thought to do that, but they did. Probably something no one will notice.
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Psychotic Weasel posted:It's a shame that they just had the guy you play as right after that segment whip out a gas mask to counter the mustard gas instead of forcing the player to find a handkerchief, force themselves to piss all over it then round around fighting with one hand while the other holds a urine soaked rag to your face so you don't die. Then after all that you just sink into a bottomless pit of mud, never to be seen again. Warfare in the early 20th century was pretty horrifying, all told. Well that is sort of stuff from 1915 and 1917, really gently caress whomever backed of the name of the game to the Battlefield 1 instead of Battlefield 1918. The game more or less does capture the tone of the last year of the 1st World War in both setting and technology and feels more like a successor to both Battlefield 1942 and Vietnam to me rather than anything to do with old school Battlefield 2. Lazyfire posted:Since launch people have been pointing out that DICE sort of went nuts with some of the details and equipment in the game. I end up pointing out a couple things in later videos, but even in multiplayer there are some weird things I wouldn't have thought they would bother with. Like, if you look at the eyes of a gas mask as someone is wearing it you can see the lead work underneath the front pane of glass. I have no idea why they thought to do that, but they did. Probably something no one will notice. I never noticed that when I put on the mask, neat. The sound in the game is loving killer too. Shame they didn't get somebody to Austrian German/have the soldiers for Austria-Hungary speak Czech or Hungarian instead though.
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SeanBeansShako posted:I never noticed that when I put on the mask, neat. The sound in the game is loving killer too. Shame they didn't get somebody to Austrian German/have the soldiers for Austria-Hungary speak Czech or Hungarian instead though. They probably didn't want to have 12 languages just for the Austro-Hungarians alone.
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Mycroft Holmes posted:They probably didn't want to have 12 languages just for the Austro-Hungarians alone. They missed a hilarious chance to do every voice command in a different langauge. Also, It agree it sucks that both the Hellfighters and not a single Central Power army gets their own single player mini campaign.
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Nice; I've been wanting to get a good look at this game. Thanks to the Australia Tax, I couldn't really justify the expense of buying BF1 - especially since it would only be for the singleplayer as I don't play multiplayer games... But yes - I'm Australian and went to school here, though we had a choice between studying ancient and modern history at high school and unfortunately I chose the former, so I'm not going to have much to offer in the thread. WW1 certainly had lasting effects here though; for example, Australian soldiers are still often called "Diggers". Also I live in Canberra, so the Australian War Memorial is close by. It's pretty great - and they have a huge WW1 collection. There's a Google maps "see inside" thing for the War Memorial; I think this is the entrance to the WW1 area, if anyone wants to have a poke around. Good luck though; it's a bit maze-like in there even if you're not jumping around like you're playing Myst. On the weapons side of things, I thought it was interesting that they apparently had Ian from Forgotten Weapons in as a consultant on some of the more esoteric guns they included in the game. There's also a video in which he and TotalBiscuit talk about the weapons in BF1 and how their implementation differs from the real thing and their actual use in the war.
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MA-Horus posted:I'd be happy to do an effort-post about Canada's involvement in the Great War. Our involvement was something of a pivotal moment in our history, helped to forge our national identity. I'm a former Canadian Forces reservist, and my artillery regiment fought at most of the major engagements of the war including Ypres, the Somme, Amiens, Mons, and the two most iconic battles in Canadian military folklore, Passchendaele and Vimy. I knew as soon as he asked there'd be some pushy Canadian running in to take credit for Vimy ![]() Joking broseph, but don't forget the other stuff: - Conscription Crisis and how it helped widen the gap further between English and French Canada - A bunch of black guys came from the US to Canada to fight because they weren't allowed to back home. I also think Canada fielded Asian and Native soldiers. - Canadian Navy (probably not mentioned in this game) did some good work before it became a mostly land battle e.g. pre-1918 - The poo poo they pulled on Currie when he got back home - John McCrae
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It really is a shame they didn't do two versions of the UK for the campaigns, as that would sadly be the only way to almost represent all Commonwealth and British forces. Still, they manage to represent some very loosely. I believe the game is on sale right now on Origin for any goons in the UK, pick up the base version only ignore the deluxe edition/pre-oreder ALL THE GAME AND FUTURE DLC nonsense.
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We could also mention the biggest God-drat accidental explosion that occured during WWI When they mentioned the LP in history thread, I was like "I hope it's Lazyfire" - and it is!
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Lazyfire posted:Based on what we see in this game, I think they only attack in the daytime. There is night-time variants of maps. Also dynamic weather (sand storms, heavy rain) but servers need to have that turned on as it can be a bit of a performance hit for some users.
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Gridlocked posted:There is night-time variants of maps. I have some 70 hours in game and have never seen a night map. I do love the dynamic weather simply because anything that reduces visibility also reduces the number of hill wookies.
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SeanBeansShako posted:I still think it is a drat shame the game mode where all classes have basic bolt action rifles along with all the other weaponry is tucked away behind menus or a custom specialist server sort of thing. I played some 200% damage service rifle only games last night. They're a great way to grind to higher ranks because most players haven't figured out how to fight except as twitch shooters or lone snipers, so you'll see half a dozen guys bunching up on the side of a hill or running in straight lines out in the open 200 yards away. I wiped out an entire squad with a Winchester 1895, one shot at a time, because they were all just plinking out of cover.
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JcDent posted:We could also mention the biggest God-drat accidental explosion that occured during WWI Halifax Harbour. There's a Canadian Heritage moment about the explosion. It was mammoth.
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Lazyfire posted:I have some 70 hours in game and have never seen a night map. I do love the dynamic weather simply because anything that reduces visibility also reduces the number of hill wookies. Night maps are confirmed and yet to be dropped by DICE, I hope though they'll be quiet tweaks alongside the more free maps and other content I hope they will be dropping more of last year. One thing I have to say though is they really were dedicated in reusing the base content of the game, and when your done with single player you will notice that huge sections or entire maps are slightly tweaked or aged versions of some of the place you fought over in single player. If you guys squad together to do some multiplayer LPing I strongly suggest Operations for serious mode, with Conquest being a sort of experimental laid back extra.
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SeanBeansShako posted:If you guys squad together to do some multiplayer LPing I strongly suggest Operations for serious mode, with Conquest being a sort of experimental laid back extra. That's more or less how I'm planning on doing things. Ops sort of mixes campaign and conquest/rush and is a really neat mode I wanted to showcase. Conquest is just easier to organize games around, though.
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I honestly still prefer Hardcore over the regular multiplayer. My biggest problem has always been that I spot an enemy and get a shot or two off, but bullet damage is so low with most automatic weapons that they escape or kill me first. My K/D ratio tends to go way up when I play with higher damage. 200% damage with service rifles is loving ridiculous. A hit almost anywhere on the body is a one-shot kill so you can easily make kills at ridiculous ranges with iron sights if the target's moving in a straight line or standing still.
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Lazyfire posted:Based on what we see in this game, I think they only attack in the daytime. I think there were incidents where Zeppelins attacks either in the day and/or close support for army troops, but these are rare because everybody figured out this was a terrible, awful use for hydrogen airships On the other hand, you can't just shoot a Zeppelin and it explodes into flames. There are many instances were Zeppelins were riddled with machine gun fire and they didn't ignite. There was even an incident where a AA shell went through a Zeppelin and exploded above it (that Zeppelin managed to return to base) and another where a AA shell exploded inside a lifting cell. (That Zeppelin did not return to base, but it didn't explode into flame either.)
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The Zeppelin airships in the game explode more or less after taking a heavy level beating, as long as there isn't two AA guns slamming shells constantly into them an attack plane firing the actual rocket into them at the same time they can last for quite a while. Hell until the end they more are less happily floating in the sky on fire with half the gondala missing. Sadly pubbies are clueless or team work isn't consistant enough in the actual game for the Behemoths to last longer than a few minutes which really ruins the whole DEADLY WEAPON OF WAR image they are trying with. Vehicles need infantry support and vice versa to really work without swift death following.
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I feel that this is a good opportunity to post this. I, at least, thought it was pretty amusing/accurate.
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 04:36 |
Nebakenezzer posted:I think there were incidents where Zeppelins attacks either in the day and/or close support for army troops, but these are rare because everybody figured out this was a terrible, awful use for hydrogen airships Purely as a hypothetical, would you consider a zeppelin attack on London very viable?
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