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Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

I keep searching for a well hidden gun



The Aardvark
Aug 19, 2013

Went up Borrego Palm Canyon a bit. A good amount of water flowing down from Hot Springs Mountain right now and with another storm coming through this week it should be more.

The Aardvark fucked around with this message at 20:07 on Jan 30, 2024

The Aardvark
Aug 19, 2013

Valley of Fire State Park

A bit of Red Rock Canyon

loving around some benchmarks in Storm Canyon at Anza Borrego Desert State Park

The Aardvark
Aug 19, 2013

Went out to Goat Canyon Trestle in the kinda rain storm we had.

The Aardvark
Aug 19, 2013

Did a loop that hit up Pyramid Peak, Marble Peak, and Rosa Point over the weekend. The goal was to also bag Mile High Mountain but I was gassed at Rosa Point to add another 1100ft over four miles after going up 4700ft.

Never met the guy but Steve Fausset has been the desert peak muse for my friends and I, his name is on a bunch of the registers back to the 90s, so it was sad but fitting to find out he passed on this way.

The Aardvark
Aug 19, 2013

Another year, another time taking a friend up Whale Peak who hasn't been. Almost stepped on a new friend while coming down the canyon.

The Aardvark
Aug 19, 2013

Did some camping with a group this weekend, so hit up Middle Peak at Cuyamaca Rancho State Park early Saturday. Saw some wild turkeys.

The Aardvark
Aug 19, 2013

Quick and easy one today to knock out peak 100 on my list of 100 peaks in San Diego County. 96% humidity and about 67° at 6am and all the marine layer.

The Aardvark fucked around with this message at 06:23 on Jul 8, 2024


Hotel Kpro
Feb 24, 2011

owls don't go to school

Dinosaur Gum
Cross posting from the hiking thread:

I was out at RMNP on Saturday to hike up a mountain called Mt Alice. As usual, the earlier you arrive the fewer the people and the further into the wilderness you go the people disappear as well. Got lucky with the sunrise right as I got to a good vantage point

Then it was on to Lion Lake #1 followed by Lion Lake #2 followed by the aptly named Snowbank Lake.

It was endless tundra and rock until the summit.

Supposedly the views are better from the next closest peak but I elected to go the other way on the way back.

Going back the other way to Boulder-Grand Pass is fine until the descent off the plateau. It's a real lovely chute with tons of sand and loose rock. By far the worst part of the hike.

Apparently this lake is called Lake of Many Winds

There were tons and tons of wildflowers, I thought these were the coolest

Back to Thunder Lake before the long trek out.

Ended up being 18 miles roundtrip and close to 5000 feet of climbing. Also it was hot. At over 13300 feet it was just barely what I would call cool. And as I went down it just got hotter and hotter. Dunked my hat into every stream I passed to try and keep cool. Not sure what it was about the exertion or the heat but I don't think I slept more than two hours that night, fairly typical for me after big days like this.

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