Cool, make sure you post 10 times in a row for each separate thought you have.
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# ? Feb 17, 2025 18:04 |
precision posted:Cool, make sure you post 10 times in a row for each separate thought you have. Hey I'm not the one defending a show for young adults that makes suicide an acceptable way to get back at people they don't like.
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Despera posted:If you want to argue this show doesn't present suicide as an acceptable option when the shows name is 13 reasons I committed suicide you might have a tough sell. Hey I just want to mention that it seems like this might not be a great time for you to watch a narrative like this and that's totally ok. You definitely don't have to spend another minute thinking about something that you'd rather not and I don't think anyone here wants to cause any distress.
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It's not like there's an actual argument to be had when you haven't actually watched through the show. You quite literally don't know what you're talking about.
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Despera posted:Hey I'm not the one defending a show for young adults that makes suicide an acceptable way to get back at people they don't like. Any teen that sees the suicide in this show and thinks "Yeah, that's what I'm going to do" was already checked out. It's slow and painful and very, very bloody and there are like a million easier ways to get the job done. e: And also nobody gets any comeuppance for how they treated her, not really. Mulva fucked around with this message at 19:01 on May 1, 2017 |
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Despera posted:Hey I'm not the one defending a show for young adults that makes suicide an acceptable way to get back at people they don't like. Sorry you don't like the show, perhaps there are other threads that may be more to your liking in our vast forum for shows that you DO like.
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You're like everyone else making GBS threads all over this, you watched the first two episodes and decided it's poo poo. I hated the first 5 or so episodes too but by the end I did not regret watching it at all. Watch the rest or ![]()
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Mulva posted:Any teen that sees the suicide in this show and thinks "Yeah, that's what I'm going to do" was already checked out. It's slow and painful and very, very bloody and there are like a million easier ways to get the job done. Not to mention that with the exception of a couple of truly horrific acts, most of the things that happened to her weren't as awful as you were expecting. Sure they were dick high school moments but the show was less revenge and more "pay attention to your children and friends because mental illness is a bitch, completely unpredictable and cries for help are sometimes hard to notice"
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For me, the rape wasn't so much this massive predominant factor as it was the final piece of evidence for how far gone she was. In the beginning she was this whipsmart, tough, firecracker of a girl always ready to fire poo poo back and here she is getting raped in a hot tub and other than her initial instinct to leave, there's just no fight in her. You can tell she knows nobody will care if she yells. She knows Bryce will get away with it. She knows he's going to say something to someone and they will continue perpetuating the slut myth. All of the other circumstances are what lead to that rape occurring the way that it does. Her even being there. Her knowing there's nothing she can do. Her believing any efforts to speak up are futile. If Bryce tries that on the Hannah we see with Kat, the result is completely different than what the reality was. And that reality is only reached through all of the other little things that happen.
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Did she watch ALL 13 EPISODES??? http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2017/05/01/school_counselors_talk_netflix_s_controversial_teen_suicide_drama_13_reasons.html Don't worry I will watch the remaining 12
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I finished watching all 13 episodes. I think I watched the first 4 in an evening, then the next three, then it was one or two over the course of however many nights. The show, at least to me, got tougher to watch with each episode since the emotions and gaining sense of despair and isolation kept hitting closer to home. The last 4 episodes were loving brutal, and (last episode spoiler) Hannah killing herself in the tub was so goddamn tough to watch. Suicide gets romanticized intentionally and unintentionally in most media and that was just...how it happens. Loved the series, will probably rewatch sooner rather than later.
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The thing that seems readily apparent to me at this point is that what prevents people from suicide and what educates people about suicide are entirely different things that do not work in conjunction with one another at all times. This show is probably not the greatest thing in the world for people who have considered suicide or have had suicidal thoughts. For people who haven't had those thoughts and aren't actively aware of it, this seems to be a useful tool. In my mind, this appears to be something which is attempting to inspire a conversation rather than something that talks people off of a ledge and for that purpose, I believe it succeeds. Based on all of the things I've read that talk about how this show is counter to suicide prevention techniques, I don't really know that you can make anything that serves the dual purpose of advocacy and treatment for an issue this sensitive. So the question becomes which of those is more useful for this medium, which I believe is trying to incite advocacy. At the end of the day, I have seen more people talking about this subject than I've ever seen before and I think that says a lot for this show.
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Despera posted:Did she watch ALL 13 EPISODES??? It doesn't seem like it, because it's wrong about key plot points.
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sportsgenius86 posted:The thing that seems readily apparent to me at this point is that what prevents people from suicide and what educates people about suicide are entirely different things that do not work in conjunction with one another at all times.
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10 more hours of hana blaming everyone for her death. She literally says that other people are responsible for her death. They aren't. You weren't forced to kill yourself. Hooray for "raising awareness" and "starting a discussion" when this show is going to get kids killed.
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As with various readings in literary criticism, I think movies can also have different viewings and it's interesting to hear about other perspectives and things others saw in the show that I missed. I didn't think a lot about the revenge angle of the show when I first watched it. But I can definitely see how some of the things Hannah says on the tapes and what others have described as her, "smug, gossip girl-esque tone" sound as if she's enjoying thinking about all the attention she knows she's going to get, and the power and control that she's posthumously exercising over other people. This aspect comes through especially in the beginning when she starts the first tape in a nonchalant conversational manner and then almost immediately precedes to blackmail the listener if they don't pass on the tapes. It also comes through in the scene where she's recording herself outside Tyler's window, essentially inviting everyone listening to target him for bullying, which of course they do. This all reminds me a lot of Jon Ronson's great writing on the Sacco controversy. And I think, along the same lines, one perspective on this show highlights a modern culture that takes a perverse pleasure in shaming and bullying others, particularly in cases where it's perceived to be an act of justice. A culture where verbal and even physical violence are more and more considered an acceptable and moral good as long as they're being used against people we think are bad. The tapes are, after all, way beyond a simple suicide note, or even a unique way to raise awareness about bullying and suicide, they're a weapon that the main character uses to emotionally torture those who wronged her. And in that way the ending of the show, where Tyler seemingly becomes a school shooter due to the bullying induced by Hannah (who herself was also bullied, which also lead her to violence) is an apt one, as it shows that not only does bullying have consequences but also that two wrongs don't make a right. -Blackadder- fucked around with this message at 06:02 on May 3, 2017 |
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Despera posted:10 more hours of hana blaming everyone for her death. And if you watched the story, at what point did you think the narrative was supporting her view, rather than showing her as a sick, sad girl that didn't get the help she needed?
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Mulva posted:e: And also nobody gets any comeuppance for how they treated her, not really. Are you saying you would have liked a "victory lap" epilogue, where we see how the fallout from the deposition (I think it was a deposition right?) in the last episode effects everyone? I was really hoping they left it open ended and obtuse so viewers would draw their own conclusions and not the awful prospect of milking it for a season 2.
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Mulva posted:e: And also nobody gets any comeuppance for how they treated her, not really. That would retroactively justify her suicide and be really bad storytelling at the same time.
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I definitely picked up on the doing it for attention angle early but my thought was "She's kind of a lovely person" not "oh man she got those fuckers good!" I didn't get a revenge porn feel from the show at all, at least not in a positive light. Then again I would never watch 10 hours of a show that I hate in a single day just to tell the internet I told you so.
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Ugh they're giving the show a second season. This really needed to be a one season mini series.
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Medullah posted:Ugh they're giving the show a second season. This really needed to be a one season mini series. I'm gonna need 13 good reasons why this is a good idea ![]()
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That's a terrible idea, unless it's just a bergmanesque drama about the parents' process of grief and the strains their marriage undergoes.
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Despera posted:10 more hours of hana blaming everyone for her death. No one has forced you to watch this show. Hatewatching and posting your every thought about it should not be your first instinct.
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If Kurt Cobain's suicide didn't cause an epidemic, nothing will. When Kurt died, everyone loved him and Nirvana's record sales tripled. And nobody was like "oh man, poor Courtney Love" either.
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13 Reasons Why I Shot Up the School
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Medullah posted:Ugh they're giving the show a second season. This really needed to be a one season mini series. 13 Reasons Why A Show Didn't Need A Sequel
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hatelull posted:Are you saying you would have liked a "victory lap" epilogue, where we see how the fallout from the deposition (I think it was a deposition right?) in the last episode effects everyone? No, it's a counter to the claims that it glamorized suicide. Not only is it a fairly horrific way she kills herself, but ultimately nobody really learns anything from it. So, you know, fairly pointless as a means of revenge. And the idea of a second season basically shits on the entire concept and really makes it a terrible adaptation. Book, short and sweet, kid listens to the effectively very long suicide note of a person he knew and comes to the conclusion that he should listen and help someone out if he thinks they are in trouble and not put it off. The end. Series is fairly long and meandering because it stretches it out and adds a lot of present day poo poo, and now you want a season 2?
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Maybe season 2 will go full Twin Peaks and it'll turn out Hannah faked it. I wish I were kidding, but it would be preferable to "13 reasons why I shot up the school".
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Hannah's cousin comes to town to solve the mystery of her suicide, until Principal Steven Webber sends her back to Missoula, Montana in the gripping finale. Katherine Langford plays the role but uses her actual accent. In Season 3 Clay starts wearing flannel and waders a lot, and Tony leaves town for a series of boring on-the-road adventures.
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I just want more Kat. ![]()
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Kevyn posted:I just want more Kat. I thought they did a really good job of not objectifying her body, like not even incidentally. That's kind of a rare achievement for tv.
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Yeah, we never even really see her rear end to know if it's the best
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I meant Kat the best friend who moves away in the first episode, and then is in the depositions at the end.
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I didn't quite understand how she knew Kat if she just moved in. And then I guess she was walking around town and to her old house at the end and wondered if maybe there was just another high school in the same town that she switched to. But then her parents were talking about moving to avoid a WalMart thing. Maybe I just missed something early on. I liked the show and am glad they showed the suicide as it is/was. Not a good way to die.
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Invicta{HOG}, M.D. posted:I didn't quite understand how she knew Kat if she just moved in. And then I guess she was walking around town and to her old house at the end and wondered if maybe there was just another high school in the same town that she switched to. But then her parents were talking about moving to avoid a WalMart thing. Maybe I just missed something early on. They didn't really establish it but I think she moved during the summer so she had some time before school started.
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So I started watching this while waiting for the new twin peaks last night and goddamn it is bad. The writing on this show is actually atrocious and max cringe. I will say though that the general conceit of the show and the whole mystery and the tapes makes it a very addicting and compelling watch. But then, watching the show, I hate a lot of these characters and the writing man. A bunch of these people are so bad at acting like Tony. I'll end up laughing by the end of some scenes by just how awkwardly staged they are or even when anyone starts talking. You can definitely feel like this is a young adult version of a mystery drama. From the music choices, to the high school life, it very much feels like a suicide story told through a The OC lens or some poo poo. I'll probably end up finishing the show but theres no way you can say this is quality tv.
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I love Twin Peaks but boy howdy did half of what you just described fit it like a glove.
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TheBizzness posted:I love Twin Peaks but boy howdy did half of what you just described fit it like a glove. Not trying to compare this to twin peaks because that would be dumb and also hilarious, but I'm on episode 6 now and the cringe lines still keep coming. The Honor board or whatever was hilarious because it conveniently placed a lot of the main cast in it to talk about the Hannah suicide in a not so discreet manner lol. And the show constantly wants to show you how cool it is with its references. Like yeah thats right guys we just totally referenced the movie Psycho hehehe ![]()
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# ? Feb 17, 2025 18:04 |
I felt the same way but about 2/3rds of the way through it seemed to finally get better, and after the final few episodes, I didn't regret watching it. It's true though that were it not for the addicting format (and having a history with depression myself) I would have probably stopped after the first or second episode.
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