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Bulky Bartokomous
Nov 3, 2006

In Mypos, only the strong survive.

The REAL Goobusters posted:

they don't stick the landing.

This was the first phrase that popped into my head when the credits rolled. Despite that, I enjoyed the hell out of this series. I thought the cast was great from top to bottom. Alex wound up becoming one of my favorites and I really enjoyed him going around the table and summarizing everyone in a sentence. Him shooting himself was stupid and felt like a really contrived SHOCKING TWIST moment that failed miserably.

I would have liked to see everything tied up more neatly. People going off to jail, people getting fired, outcome of court case, etc. However, I can see how that could be seen as validating her choice so I guess it's for the best. I'm really stupid and cheezy and I would end the show like this:
Justin/or camera boy try to shoot Bryce and in chaos Clay accidentally gets shot, fatally. As he fades he out he is back at the dance with Hannah and it looks and sounds like this Credits roll. No season two. It would have put the two of them together in a way that didn't involve more suicide.


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