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Dec 29, 2006

Just finished the show yesterday. Show was okay. I'm still baffled as to Why the other kids who were just sorta mean to Hannah were so worried about it "ruining their lives." Like being a little aggressive with a girl and touching her leg during a date, stealing some notes from a bag and sorta being a dick and not hanging out with a girl anymore, aren't going to affect your scholarships or have you arrested or some poo poo. Yet for some reason the kids are willing to go to insane lengths to try and cover it up. The show also seriously dragged with Clay not just finishing the loving tapes and having him yell "tell me" to tony for the 12th time got old.

Also jesus the second season better be like 3 episodes.


Dec 29, 2006

Open Source Idiom posted:

They're all either rapists, perpetrators of sexual assault, guilty of manslaughter (arguable), or accomplices after the fact. They're all hosed.

Except not really.

1. Justin- took a photo of her panties and spread it around. Also spread rumors. Probably some form of sexual assault, depending on the state. Also didn’t stop a rape. Interesting question of whether he was an accomplice so I’ll let it slide.
2. Jessica- rape victim. Jessica blames Hannah for Alex breaking up with her. Not a crime.
3. Alex- put Hannah on a list for best rear end.
4. Tyler- took a photo of them kissing without their consent. Same crime as Justin.
5. Courtney- lied about being in a photo, sort of threw Hannah under the bus. Not a crime. Guess she’s worried about dad finding out being a lesbian.
6. Marcus- grabbed her leg. Hannah pushed him off. I don’t think this count’s as a sexual assault.
7. Zach- stole notes. He wouldn’t be charged with this, maybe disciplined from the school. It’s arguable whether or not the notes are even Hannah’s property.
8. Ryan- stole a poem. Misdemeanour at best would likely not be charged.

Manslaughter requires significant criminal negligence. Basically the person has to commit an action that could objectively cause serious harm someone. None of that stuff even comes close.

None of this stuff is “life ruining” It would show them to be assholes, but it’s not like they wouldn’t get to college or whatever. The only two guys who should be seriously worried are Justin and Tyler and perhaps Marcus, though I highly doubt it.

Also just because you heard someone on a tape say " I got raped by ______" does not automatically mean you have to report it. The kids just seem to be completely irrational on this one.

Monaghan fucked around with this message at 17:33 on Jun 7, 2017

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