For me, the rape wasn't so much this massive predominant factor as it was the final piece of evidence for how far gone she was. In the beginning she was this whipsmart, tough, firecracker of a girl always ready to fire poo poo back and here she is getting raped in a hot tub and other than her initial instinct to leave, there's just no fight in her. You can tell she knows nobody will care if she yells. She knows Bryce will get away with it. She knows he's going to say something to someone and they will continue perpetuating the slut myth. All of the other circumstances are what lead to that rape occurring the way that it does. Her even being there. Her knowing there's nothing she can do. Her believing any efforts to speak up are futile. If Bryce tries that on the Hannah we see with Kat, the result is completely different than what the reality was. And that reality is only reached through all of the other little things that happen.
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# ¿ Feb 17, 2025 17:52 |
The thing that seems readily apparent to me at this point is that what prevents people from suicide and what educates people about suicide are entirely different things that do not work in conjunction with one another at all times. This show is probably not the greatest thing in the world for people who have considered suicide or have had suicidal thoughts. For people who haven't had those thoughts and aren't actively aware of it, this seems to be a useful tool. In my mind, this appears to be something which is attempting to inspire a conversation rather than something that talks people off of a ledge and for that purpose, I believe it succeeds. Based on all of the things I've read that talk about how this show is counter to suicide prevention techniques, I don't really know that you can make anything that serves the dual purpose of advocacy and treatment for an issue this sensitive. So the question becomes which of those is more useful for this medium, which I believe is trying to incite advocacy. At the end of the day, I have seen more people talking about this subject than I've ever seen before and I think that says a lot for this show.
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Invicta{HOG}, M.D. posted:I didn't quite understand how she knew Kat if she just moved in. And then I guess she was walking around town and to her old house at the end and wondered if maybe there was just another high school in the same town that she switched to. But then her parents were talking about moving to avoid a WalMart thing. Maybe I just missed something early on. They didn't really establish it but I think she moved during the summer so she had some time before school started.
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TheBizzness posted:Who is the worst offender that wasn't even on the list? Rapey McHotTub is the 12th tape? Principal Bolan Or if you're talking kids, that Montgomery De La Cruz kid.
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