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Oct 5, 2004

Reign on me.
I couldn't watch the suicide scene (I'm a hemophobe) but god even listening to it was gut wrenching.


Oct 5, 2004

Reign on me.

Gaunab posted:

Just listen to rest of the tapes already and things might start to make more sense.

Oct 5, 2004

Reign on me.
I definitely picked up on the doing it for attention angle early but my thought was "She's kind of a lovely person" not "oh man she got those fuckers good!"

I didn't get a revenge porn feel from the show at all, at least not in a positive light.

Then again I would never watch 10 hours of a show that I hate in a single day just to tell the internet I told you so.

Oct 5, 2004

Reign on me.
I love Twin Peaks but boy howdy did half of what you just described fit it like a glove.

Oct 5, 2004

Reign on me.
Who is the worst offender that wasn't even on the list? Rapey McHotTub is the 12th tape?

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