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Feb 2, 2016

by Fluffdaddy

Phoenix Command

Phoenix Command is a role playing system produced by Leading Edge Games in 1986. Getting three reprints, with the latest being 1991. It has over a dozen supplements, including rules for donkeys stepping on landmines, tanks, artillery, and hand to hand combat. The game is played on a hex map, with a scale of 2 meters per hex. Every turn is 2 seconds long and divided into 4 half-second impulses where movement and combat are executed simultaneously.

How it's played

I do not play, I merely bare witness to the grog abyss... I will be using the full, advanced ruleset with all supplements.
I'm going to go ahead and dedicate a whole post to how play very soon.


How it will be done will, in broad strokes, be that you, the audience, vote on what equipment we buy and who we hire. Then, you will vote on a support asset of some kind. Then, you will vote on what mission will be played, then finally, create and vote on a plan of action. There may be consequences to what you do, so choose carefully...

Every mission will be then be played and posted.

Yooper posted:

After a brief period of US isolationism the world got itself into a shitfit. Wars are no longer being fought in buttfuckistan by major operators but across the globe in many, many regions. Now with a reduced budget, and a desire to keep taxes down, the US has sanctioned a bunch of Private Military Contractors.

(That's us BTW)

With the defunding of NATO congress has decided to make these PMC's earn each buck instead of just pissing it away in procurement. There's a midterm election coming and by god the senator from Kentucky cannot have a tax increase. Similar situations have occured throughout Europe. In a nutshell it's like Ayn Rand wrote the military defense budget.

Fortunately there's pockets of stability. Unfortunately most of the rest of the world poo poo in a bag and lit it on fire.

In 2019 China invaded Taiwan, or rather tried to. A fierce missile battle ended with the Taiwanese launching a tactical nuclear warhead into the Chinese invasion staging area. An hour later they launched a second missile that airburst over Guangzhou. The Taiwanese not only had managed to design and manufacture there own subs but also had retrieved some warheads from K-219 near Bermuda.

In the ensuing months China broke apart as a nation as the economy collapsed. Today there is everything from rampant capitalists to staunch Maoists. Beijing is trying to bring it all back together but it's a damned mess. In many areas it's unclear who's really in charge.

The Taiwanese subs were suspiciously close to a variant of the US Navy. Speculation was that the US assisted the Taiwanese in designing the subs as conventional missile subs and they had no idea of the Taiwanese nuclear capabilities.

In this same area North Korea is making GBS threads on South Korea but open hostilities haven't started. Yet.


Russia in the East is a province of its own that as long as it supplies raw materials to Russia in the West, no one asks any questions. Oddly enough the fishing fleets in this area have proven to be the greatest source of friction as everyone is out to harvest those waters.

India and Pakistan haven't tossed nukes at each other but Kashmir is still a sticking point. It was an autonomous UN zone for about a week and then the shitstorm hit. For now it's a no mans land that no country dares claim. Tibet is in the midst of a rebirth, though China still has the hammer down.

Eastern Europe is simply the unstable zone. Russia, unable to conquer it all militarily, has instead sought to destabilize the zone economicaly, militarily, and culturally. Romania skirmishes with Bulgaria. Ukraine and Poland went at it. The Balkan states are just a huge basket of gently caress no. Estonia leads up the anti-Russian league but lacks anyone with any muscle to back it up. For now Russia is satisfied to just create the chaos.

The Former Yugoslav states have merged into an odd economic zone that purchased all of Greece's debt from Germany. Now they manufacture weapons for sale to damned near everyone else. Greece is poor but mostly stable. Though a good deal of Greek nationalists are foaming at the mouth for independence.


Turkey still stands but drat near everything near her is a dumpster fire. Iran and the Saudi's came to blows once and both sides were completely embarrassed by the UAE Air Force. The UAE is the only stabilizing force at the moment and if they pull back it'll go to poo poo.

North Africa has settled into a staging point for everyone to get the gently caress out and to Europe. Italy is the main collection point to send them all back. We won't get into the rest of the details of Africa right now. But reserves of rare earth metals there have proven to eclipsed even the demand, and cruelty, for mining diamonds.

South and Central America is a playground for the CIA and DEA. PMC operations in that area are discouraged unless sanctioned. As of now the lithium deposits in Chile and Bolivia make those countries like Saudi Arabia was in the 1980's. Rich.


Who We Are

Officially known as the U.S. Army Recruit Class of 2020, these fine American boys unfortunately failed Basic Training. Unfazed by their failure, this class decided to take whatever skills they actually learned and take them to the market. A new merc' company called Hired Goons decided to hire this group, in all their wisdom.

For now though, we need a name! And more importantly, recruits! WE WANT YOU FOR SERVICE - Apply for a life as a mercenary today, and I'll create a dossier for you. Submit a picture and you'll even get a nice looking dossier. We have 12 open slots, the rest will be in reserve until we expand our roster. Time to show the Hired Goons what we're made of - we can't let them down!

Phi230 fucked around with this message at 22:33 on Apr 8, 2017


Feb 2, 2016

by Fluffdaddy

Business Proposal
Budget Earmark Hearing

The Pregame

Characters And Equipment
Movement and Combat

Hired Goons Chapter 1 - Tibet Madness

Home Base Established/Base Commander Choice
Base Commander Result
First Mission Briefing
Mission 1: Operation Circuit Breaker Part 1
Mission 1 : Operation Circuit Breaker Part 2
Mission 1: Operation Circuit Breaker Debrief

Hired Goons Chapter 2 - Intermission, Thunderdome, and procurement

Phoenix Command: Beyond Thunderdome - Bracket
Procurement, Base Management, and Instructor Proposal
Plan Illuminati Selected, Small Arms Weapon Selection
Procurement, Base Management, Inventory Update 1

Hired Goons Chapter 2 - Part 2 - THUNDERDOME

Round 1, Fight 1: Potato v. Dwayne "The Dwayne" Dwayne
Round 1, Fight 2: Popete v. Actuary

Phi230 fucked around with this message at 21:12 on Apr 22, 2017

Feb 2, 2016

by Fluffdaddy


Roster| Dossiers

Table of Equipment

In Memoriam

Graveyard remains empty.

Phi230 fucked around with this message at 17:54 on Apr 22, 2017

Added Space
Jul 13, 2012

Free Markets
Free People

Curse you Hayard-Gunnes!
Noone has every actually played this game. It's impossible. This is the kind of game that lonely nerds buy and read to themselves because they can't find an actual game group, or that one rear end in a top hat tries to bring to game night and he's never invited back.

... gently caress it, Actuary.

Added Space fucked around with this message at 02:19 on Apr 8, 2017

Sep 11, 2013
I'll take one of the sniper rifles on assumption that it'll keep me well away when someone fumbles a grenade and blows the squad up. Sign me up as Potato.

Quinntan fucked around with this message at 03:20 on Apr 8, 2017

Oct 6, 2009

This will make sure you don't suggest to the KDz
That he should grow greens instead of crushing on MCs

Grimey Drawer

Popete reporting for duty. I'll attempt to qualify for the M60 squad machine gun.

Popete fucked around with this message at 02:40 on Apr 8, 2017

Telsa Cola
Aug 19, 2011

No... this is all wrong... this whole operation has just gone completely sidewaysface
Telsa Cola reporting for duty. Lets hope I die hilariously.

Dec 12, 2009

by R. Guyovich
Dread signing up! Can I have that sweet lookin M40A1 to shoot people in the eyeball?
Am I gonna need dice for this beast of a game?

Feb 2, 2016

by Fluffdaddy
To clarify, everybody starts as a rifleman, but must qualify (aka survive) for weapons. I will be taking down qualification requests right now, as to know what weapon your dude will train for as that becomes available (XP, equipment availability).

Telsa Cola
Aug 19, 2011

No... this is all wrong... this whole operation has just gone completely sidewaysface

Phi230 posted:

To clarify, everybody starts as a rifleman, but must qualify (aka survive) for weapons. I will be taking down qualification requests right now, as to know what weapon your dude will train for as that becomes available (XP, equipment availability).

It it possible to stay as a rifleman?

Feb 2, 2016

by Fluffdaddy

Telsa Cola posted:

It it possible to stay as a rifleman?

Sure! I'll be doing the full dossier and character creation soon on a person by person basis as the roster fills up.

While everyone starts as a rifleman, you don't have to change roles. You can in fact specialize. Depending on your stats, you may be a good rifleman but also good at recon, or a good artillery spotter for example.

I will soon be doing full effort posts deciphering equipment and their stats, how they work, and character creation and how that works as well in a series of posts explaining this insane system, including combat before we actually kick this thing off.

Phi230 fucked around with this message at 02:36 on Apr 8, 2017

Oct 28, 2010

Could at least flip one or two, maybe.
Steve will be the one man that survives despite all odds.

Jul 4, 2010

Snake Doctor reporting for duty!

May 23, 2009

Death before dishonor?
Your terms are accepted.

Grimace Howlington III volunteers. Especially if I get that M60.

Mar 28, 2011

So long, and thanks for all the fish gallbladdΣrs!

Simpson MacFish reporting in

Would love to get my hands on that M203


simplefish fucked around with this message at 03:21 on Apr 8, 2017

Aug 15, 2015

Lets get our X tons of Duranium back!

....Is that still a valid thing to jingoistically blow out of proportion?

Private Spanky reporting for duty :patriot:

Crazycryodude fucked around with this message at 05:12 on Apr 8, 2017

Mar 28, 2011

So long, and thanks for all the fish gallbladdΣrs!

E: I got confused already - off to a good start!

Dec 30, 2012

Mario wasn't sure if this Jeb guy was a good influence on Yoshi.

Count (von Count) reporting in. I've been studying my numbers, will you let me count to .50?

Nov 15, 2010

Dwayne "The Dwayne" Dwayne reporting in

Dec 12, 2009

by R. Guyovich
Oh man we all gonna die! Game over man!

Jun 21, 2013

Pvt. Lil' Thighs, son of legendary Hired Goon pilot Powerthighs, reporting for duty.

pthighs fucked around with this message at 18:41 on Apr 17, 2017

Apr 24, 2014

Tiger, long lost brother of Hired Goons pilot Survivor, will be signing up for this one!

Davin Valkri
Apr 8, 2011

Maybe you're weighing the moral pros and cons but let me assure you that OH MY GOD
You'll be doing all the numbers end, right? Can I be silly and put someone in as Sandvich?

Feb 2, 2016

by Fluffdaddy
Just for future reference, any materials that can be used as maps or units on something like Roll20 would be very helpful.

Mar 28, 2011

So long, and thanks for all the fish gallbladdΣrs!

If I can find them I have a fuckton of DnD resources, I'll try to dig them out and dropbox you

In the meantime try some of the more zoomed in landscapey ones from here maybe?

Sep 23, 2005
long live the Space Pope
I'm tired of killing people for free, in as "Dead meat"

Feb 2, 2016

by Fluffdaddy

simplefish posted:

If I can find them I have a fuckton of DnD resources, I'll try to dig them out and dropbox you

In the meantime try some of the more zoomed in landscapey ones from here maybe?

Mapping isn't the hard part, I can find plenty of those, plus some stuff I've accumulated on Roll20 over the years. Its modern infantry and vehicles that are giving me a research sesh.

Mar 28, 2011

So long, and thanks for all the fish gallbladdΣrs!

Ah right, yeah, that's not gonna be something I have

Oct 28, 2010

Could at least flip one or two, maybe.

Phi230 posted:

Mapping isn't the hard part, I can find plenty of those, plus some stuff I've accumulated on Roll20 over the years. Its modern infantry and vehicles that are giving me a research sesh.

Tokentool to turn any 'ole image into a token, but if you search for "tank" under roll20 you'll get a bundle of tanks under free assets. Before they changed how roll20 was laid out you could figure out the author for it who has this massive site of WW2 to modern top down vehicle tokens of all sorts, but I don't know how to reverse engineer a link the same way now.

Feb 2, 2016

by Fluffdaddy
Thanks for the token tool and advice. I found on my own a ton of top-down sprites and I'm harvesting all that. So right now, if you find some cool terrain and wanna throw it up, who knows where Hired Goons will end up in the future so all is welcome.

Mar 30, 2011

Mutiny!?! More like "reinterpreted orders"
In as Bacarruda's Less-Handsome Cousin.

Feb 2, 2016

by Fluffdaddy
All 12 roster slots have been filled, all others are free to sign up but you will be put on reserve until we get more bodies or replacements for the dead

Oct 3, 2013

Never felt at home in reality
Always hiding behind avatars

Sign me up for an LMG Demeisen

Apr 1, 2010
Can sign up as the lovable yet incompetent Medical officer/Surgeon? I may or may not have graduated from a Caribbean medical school. But i did do my residency in Somalia.

sparkmaster fucked around with this message at 05:00 on Apr 8, 2017

Apr 1, 2011

Ambassador to Moonlandia
Aw yiss!

Pistachio the drunken collegecroomate of Hire Goons Peanut reporting to the reserve pool!

Sep 29, 2013

Haram as Fuck.

Well hey everybody, I'd be glad to sign up! My name's Johnny Tragicfate and I can't wait for a chance to show all you swell fellas my picture of my girl back home.

Ikasuhito fucked around with this message at 21:46 on Apr 8, 2017

Apr 16, 2003

Royalty is a continuous ripping and tearing motion.

Fun Shoe
Danny looks forward to being the quiet religious guy who dies in the first reel to hammer the point home to the rest of the unit.

May 13, 2013

Give me a rifle, one round, and point me at Berlin!
Sign me up as Sally "Boy Named Sue" Rotebluse

Mar 28, 2011

So long, and thanks for all the fish gallbladdΣrs!

The more I look into this system, the more convinced I am that you are actually certifiably insane


Dec 21, 2012


I can't understand these kinds of games, and not getting it bugs me almost as much as me being weird
Sign me up as Roland.

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