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Finger Prince

Chess, but when you say check, a waiter comes and brings you a bill. Checkmate and they give it to your opponent.


Drink-Mix Man

You are an odd fellow, but I must say... you throw a swell shindig.

Chess, but you're just smashing the pieces together and making little fighting noises like they're action figures

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
"We three make a band of merry widows"

"But... my husband's still alive"


Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
Karma comedian.

Your fate is to be a washed up hack getting booed off stage to atone for misdeeds in a past life.

Karate Bastard

Heh heh, watch this *commits atrocity, for ironic punchline in next life*

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
Sloth's learn sign language. Communications are going smoothly. They are surprisingly clear thinking and intelligent. The discussion is lucid and stimulating. Then suddenly, the Sloth discovers the existence that human's have a technology known as an "alarm clock". A sudden dark cloud seems to pass over the scene.

Finger Prince

I'm a sexetarian. I only eat food I can gently caress.

Drink-Mix Man

You are an odd fellow, but I must say... you throw a swell shindig.

Finger Prince posted:

I'm a sexetarian. I only eat food I can gently caress.

hmm, does it count as "loving" tomato soup to insert one's genitals into it, or it just giving myself a little soup bath?

Finger Prince

Drink-Mix Man posted:

hmm, does it count as "loving" tomato soup to insert one's genitals into it, or it just giving myself a little soup bath?

Hot tip, you can make tomato soup by loving a tomato.

Drink-Mix Man

You are an odd fellow, but I must say... you throw a swell shindig.

Finger Prince posted:

Hot tip, you can make tomato soup by loving a tomato.

speaking of hot tips, if you decide to gently caress the soup, let it cool down a bit first

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
This town has a new sherrif. Moby Dick.


Look, this town ain't big enough for even just one of us

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
Every time someone says you name your life goes twice as fast.

Karate Bastard

That's why I changed my name to Ezebrazuhl.

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
My Daddy always told me "you gotta keep a stiff upper lip before they gently caress you in the rear end!"

Man, I don't know what the gently caress he was talking about.


20% cooler
Moby Dick but it's AI generated porn of Richard Melville Hall

Drink-Mix Man

You are an odd fellow, but I must say... you throw a swell shindig.

Star Trek alien cosplaying as human by covering their big bumpy forehead prosthetic with a bigger, smooth forehead prosthetic

treasure bear

Drink-Mix Man posted:

Star Trek alien cosplaying as human by covering their big bumpy forehead prosthetic with a bigger, smooth forehead prosthetic

just politely nodding and saying 'uh-huh' to guy with a big head talking about honour a lot

Karate Bastard

Putting a prosthetic mop or something on top to emulate that gross fuzzy mold growing on humans

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
Doing the Star Trek mask thing but there's more masks. Underneath all the masks there's a shapeshifter.

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
Captain Rage-for-no-reason. The least welcome superhero.

Karate Bastard

After Captain Ragequit. He can almost save however many orphanages he wants, but I don't think anyone will forgive that time he flew off in a tantrum and wrecked Mount Rushmore when Luthor pepper sprayed him.

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
Captain Ragequit just needs a hug really. The last person who tried giving him a hug when he was in one of his rages ended up a bit splattered.


superhero who refuses to use his powers as some sort of self-imposed challenge
he often fails to save people, but defends himself by saying that if it was easy it wouldn't be a super feat at all

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Karate Bastard

This looks like a job for...... CAPTAIN SHITMYPANTS!!!

Wtf no you're Superman

No I'm not, I'm wearing groucho glasses. *hnrrg*

Drink-Mix Man

You are an odd fellow, but I must say... you throw a swell shindig.

Karate Bastard posted:

This looks like a job for...... CAPTAIN SHITMYPANTS!!!

Wtf no you're Superman

No I'm not, I'm wearing groucho glasses. *hnrrg*

This stunt extra backfires when people notice Captain Shitmypants looks just like Clark Kent with a moustache, now everyone at the office won't stop calling him Captain Shitmypants.

Oh no

Karate Bastard posted:

After Captain Ragequit.
And his famous cry “You know what? Fine, then!”


by Pragmatica

(and can't post for 5 days!)

Drink-Mix Man posted:

This stunt extra backfires when people notice Captain Shitmypants looks just like Clark Kent with a moustache, now everyone at the office won't stop calling him Captain Shitmypants.

"This looks like a job for...... CAPTAIN SHITMYPANTS!!!"

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
A chess variant called Guess. There are no visible pieces and opposing players are not allowed to know the moves of their opponent.

Captain Ragequit is the reigning champion of Guess.

Karate Bastard


Karate Bastard fucked around with this message at 20:05 on May 16, 2024


new body modification trend
removal of the outer scrotum but keeping the testes
you keep your zipper down and carry them in your pocket like a chain wallet

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Drink-Mix Man

You are an odd fellow, but I must say... you throw a swell shindig.

RavenousScoot posted:

new body modification trend
removal of the outer scrotum but keeping the testes
you keep your zipper down and carry them in your pocket like a chain wallet

Stopping a crime by throwing my elongated, sackless testes like a bolo

Finger Prince

Drink-Mix Man posted:

Stopping a crime by throwing my elongated, sackless testes like a bolo

The Teabagger

Drink-Mix Man

You are an odd fellow, but I must say... you throw a swell shindig.

Finger Prince posted:

The Teabagger

"It's Tea Time" I say with a smirk before speeding off in my convertable Ballmobile, exposed testicles flapping behind me in the wind


walking down the street twirling my balls like an old timey police officer's baton

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
Walking down the street
and every face I meet
Is marked by wonder
at the shiny balls
that dangle at my feet.

Karate Bastard

Accidentally flushing your balls down the toilet

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
How to outwork everyone by not working.

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
Waking up in a fantasy world and the currency is Groins.



by Pragmatica

(and can't post for 5 days!)

Prurient Squid posted:

How to outwork everyone by not working.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

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