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Aug 12, 2011

It was summer of '99 when Nintendo dropped a game that would change the world of Pokemon forever. Okay, maybe it wasn't that influential. But it certainly made a big impact in it's own right. A game that no one asked for, yet everyone wanted.

Pokemon Snap is a first person rail shooter in probably the oddest sense of the term. The point of the game is to capture Pokemon. Only instead of catching them in Pokeballs, we'll be catching them in photographs. The whole game is about taking pictures. That's it. We are gonna take pictures of Pokemon. And honestly? I love every bit of it. As does anyone I've ever talked to about the game. So much so that a big community of people would have loved a sequel that will probably never happen. But I digress.

We take control of Todd Snap as he is called to a desolate island by Professor Oak. As per usual, the good Professor needs us to do his work for him. So we will be taking pictures of all 151 63 Pokemon. The game is by no means long. Especially with a rather short Pokemon list, only covering about 40% of Gen 1's roster. But dammit the game is so charming with some great replay ability as you try to get the best photograph of each little critter.

The Let's Play

It is my job to escort us on this island adventure. Episodes will vary in length as necessary. To start they won't be very long, and I plan to update once a week. I'll explain the game mechanics and about some of the key features to getting some of the better photographs. I do not know how to get the best photo of each Pokemon, and we will probably not be getting the best for each. There is some nuance to getting points and it all comes down to how Professor Oak feels. That said, enjoy this cute little game. I'd also like to add, please no spoilers of things that we haven't seen. If anyone is coming into this thread without knowledge of the game, I'd like for them to be surprised by the levels and Pokemon. That said, if it looks like there's a cool thing I may be missing, feel free to message me in whatever way you see fit. Just keep it out of the thread.


Episode 1 - Beach
Episode 2 - Tunnel
Episode 3 - Beach | Tunnel
Episode 4 - Volcano
Episode 5 - River
Episode 6 - Beach | Tunnel | Volcano | River
Episode 7 - Cave
Episode 8 - Valley Two Times
Episode 9 - Valley One Last Time
Episode 10 - Pokemon Signs | Rainbow Cloud
Final Episode - Every Stage | Final Clean-up

Characters and Tools

Todd Snap
Todd is the protagonist of Pokemon Snap. Professor Oak hired him to go to Pokemon Island with the ZERO-ONE to take pictures of wild Pokemon behaving naturally for a Pokemon Report.

Professor Oak
The Pokemon Professor. Once again getting someone to do all his work for him. Mostly just telling us how good our photographs are. Get used to a lot of voice clips from him.

An all-terrain vehicle given to Todd in order to navigate Pokemon Island. Has the ability to be used in three forms. Ground, water, and hover. Yeah. Some great technology being used to take pictures of Pokemon.

Apple Shaped Pokemon Food
Pokemon food in the shape of an apple. Now, Pokemon food never looked like this in the anime, so I don't know if the original Japanese version just had an apple and the English translation changed that, but it's kind of weird. Good for throwing though. Can be used to lead Pokemon around. Also apparently to just throw at Pokemon? Come on Professor Oak. That ain't right.

Pester Ball
A small ball to be used by throwing at Pokemon to annoy them. It's also filled with a purple gas that I'm sure is safe for Pokemon. Right, Professor Oak? Right?

Dash Engine
A completely normal upgrade to our ZERO-ONE that allows us to boost through the course at great speeds. This one is actually helpful and doesn't harm the Pokemon in any way. Unless you get stuck on them which is very likely.

A flute that can awaken sleeping Pokemon and make Pokemon dance. A pretty normal item, as it does not appear to harm any pokemon, as long as you do stop playing it at some point. Please don't make them dance forever.

Warmal fucked around with this message at 12:41 on Jul 21, 2017


Jul 23, 2013

Just your friendly neighborhood photobomb raptor.

Man,I have so much nostalgia for this game. :allears:

Oct 2, 2013

Warmal posted:

Professor Oak
The Pokemon Professor. Once again getting someone to do all his work for him. Mostly just telling us how good our photographs are. Get used to a lot of voice clips from him,

The Professor has been smoking some oak I see.

Jun 29, 2013

Yeah Baby Yeah !

Warmal posted:

Professor Oak hired him

How much is he getting paid? Because I'm pretty sure beating the poo poo out of other kids' rats and pink marshmallows pays so much better

Mycroft Holmes
Mar 26, 2010

by Azathoth
sequel when

Aug 12, 2011

I hope we get a sequel any time. The Switch would be an excellent console for a new one.

Sjs00 posted:

How much is he getting paid? Because I'm pretty sure beating the poo poo out of other kids' rats and pink marshmallows pays so much better

Considering everything presented to us. Professor Oak is probably trying to pay Todd with "experience" and "exposure."

Warmal fucked around with this message at 13:08 on May 2, 2017

Nov 4, 2014

I won this avatar on a technicality this thick.
What if they make a game like Pokemon Go but with Pokemon Snap mechanics?

Mar 10, 2013

Mraagvpeine posted:

What if they make a game like Pokemon Go but with Pokemon Snap mechanics?

It'd probably make more sense as an update or addon or something to Pokemon Go.

Aug 31, 2001

Such a chill game. Looking forward to the rest of this LP.

Aug 12, 2011

While I can see them making a photography based update for Pokemon Go, I don't think it'll quite hit the niche people want. Some of the most fun parts of this game, are the little puzzles in it. Such as having to take multiple pictures of Lapras in order to bring it closer. It's a game that knows what it's capable of and pulls it off majestically. If you don't know or notice, you'll only think Lapras is a low point photo to fill your report. And you can already take a photo of your screen in Pokemon Go so I'm not sure what they would do to change things.

Nov 8, 2009

I love the potoo,
and the potoo loves you.
Huh, never thought I'd see an LP of this game. Spent so many hours on it as a kid.

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

How long is this sucker?

someone awful.
Sep 7, 2007

*picture of a meowth getting straight up murdered* It's pretty funny! :haw:

I loved this game as a kid, and I lived a few blocks away from a Blockbuster video with one of the printer kiosks so I spent way too much of my pocket money printing out stickers of my favorite pictures I took. Even the first stage has me reeling in the nostalgia.

Apr 12, 2010

by VideoGames
I want a voice clip of Oak's WELCOME BACK with that little sting that plays when you hit the lab. Pokemon Snap was fun, especially for a first effort. I know I'd play a Snap 2. :(

Skippy Granola
Sep 3, 2011

It's not what it looks like.
I remember this! Wow, what a nostalgic little game

Aug 9, 2010

Such a weird concept for a game. I remember (unsuccessfully) pitching my mom getting it for me. Ended up as a rental, which was still pretty good considering Pokemon's popularity and the general lack of duplicate copies at my friendly local game rental place.

Aug 12, 2011

someone awful. posted:

*picture of a meowth getting straight up murdered* It's pretty funny! :haw:

I loved this game as a kid, and I lived a few blocks away from a Blockbuster video with one of the printer kiosks so I spent way too much of my pocket money printing out stickers of my favorite pictures I took. Even the first stage has me reeling in the nostalgia.

My Blockbuster was on the other side of the city. But every time I went I made sure to take my copy. It's funny because years after the Kiosks disappeared, a new Blockbuster popped up on my side of town. This game is on the Wii U's virtual console, and obviously you can't have the pictures printed anymore. But instead now you can share your photos on the Miiverse which is pretty cool as well.

I'm sorry you never got the game oldskool, but at least you still got to play it.

Jul 21, 2008

Warmal posted:

This game is on the Wii U's virtual console, and obviously you can't have the pictures printed anymore. But instead now you can share your photos on the Miiverse which is pretty cool as well.

Of course, if you post a picture to Miiverse (or the Wii's local message board, for the Wii version) you can print it yourself, either by using the Miiverse web interface or copying the picture to an SD card.

Blueberry Pancakes
Aug 18, 2012

Jack in!! MegaMan, Execute!

Bogart posted:

I want a voice clip of Oak's WELCOME BACK with that little sting that plays when you hit the lab. Pokemon Snap was fun, especially for a first effort. I know I'd play a Snap 2. :(

Technically it came back as a minigame in Gen VII.

Aug 12, 2011

Samovar posted:

How long is this sucker?

The game isn't long by any means. We only have 63 Pokemon to Photograph after all. Less than half of the original generation. You can guess at how many stages there are based on the size of the Beach tab and looking down that bar. We'll get enough stages to fill that out. But I will keep the exact number an unknown for now.

Jade Star
Jul 14, 2002

It burns when I LP
If i remember right there's also reasons to backtrack. Optional/additional things to take pictures of, and tools like bait and... agitate balls? I don't really remember. But eventually you can throw poo poo at the pokemons to make them do stuff or to get better pictures of them.

Aug 12, 2011

There is a couple of things we will be getting that will have us re do a couple of levels. There were some things on the beach we couldn't get pictures of after all.

Aces High
Mar 26, 2010

Nah! A little chocolate will do

wait you unlock stuff? poo poo and here I thought the game just started with it (I only ever rented this and, unsurprisingly, everything was already done)

Aug 12, 2011

There are actually quite a few things we end up unlocking. If you played a copy that was already finished I'm sure you know.

Episode 2 - Tunnel

This time we go into a dark and scary tunnel. The closest thing this game has to a sewer level. It doesn't have as many Pokemon as the beach, but it still provides some neat stuff. Also, by completing the tunnel we got a new item.

Apple Shaped Pokemon Food
Pokemon food in the shape of an apple. Now, Pokemon food never looked like this in the anime, so I don't know if the original Japanese version just had an apple and the English translation changed that, but it's kind of weird. Good for throwing though. Can be used to lead Pokemon around. Also apparently to just throw at Pokemon? Come on Professor Oak. That ain't right.

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

Warmal posted:

Apple Shaped Pokemon Food
Pokemon food in the shape of an apple. Now, Pokemon food never looked like this in the anime, so I don't know if the original Japanese version just had an apple and the English translation changed that, but it's kind of weird. Good for throwing though. Can be used to lead Pokemon around. Also apparently to just throw at Pokemon? Come on Professor Oak. That ain't right.

I don't what's so weird, I regularly feed animals by throwing their chow directly at their heads.

Nov 8, 2009

I love the potoo,
and the potoo loves you.

Samovar posted:

I don't what's so weird, I regularly feed animals by throwing their chow directly at their heads.

I remember using this and the next unlock to pause the rail shooter by stunlocking enemies on the track in front of the vehicle. The vehicle automatically stops when it's about to hit a critter, so lure something into its path and knock them down, and keep them knocked down, to give yourself as much time as you'd like in a spot.

Jun 6, 2004

My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.

Samovar posted:

How long is this sucker?

I remember taking more time on the bus to get the game than actually needed to get all stages unlocked.

Apr 9, 2010

I set fire to the rain watched it pour as I touched your face
"Apple-Shaped Pokemon Food" makes me feel almost as uncomfortable as the time I saw a Hungryman TV Dinner that said "Pork-Shaped Cutlet".

Blaze Dragon
Aug 28, 2013

Oh man, I love this game. It's one of the best Pokemon spinoffs with the Stadium duology (the N64 just was a great period for Pokemon, apparently) and I'm sad that we never got more of these. I played it way too late though, already as an adult, I thought it was a lame idea as a kid. Oh, how wrong I was, this game's awesome, especially with how silly the photos can get. For instance, I have this one saved entirely due to how silly it looks:

Poor Electrode.

Aces High
Mar 26, 2010

Nah! A little chocolate will do

pokemon stadium had that weird peripheral that allowed you to play the Gameboy games through your tv right?

Blaze Dragon
Aug 28, 2013

Aces High posted:

pokemon stadium had that weird peripheral that allowed you to play the Gameboy games through your tv right?

The Transfer Pak, yeah. You could play the GB games on the Doduo/Dodrio Tower, at increased speeds, it was very neat.

Aug 12, 2011

Most of the Pokemon Games on the N64 were good. The notable exception being Hey You, Pikachu! Which I also have a copy of and never got anywhere.

Aug 12, 2011


We didn't unlock a new level last time, but we did unlock something else. The ability to use apples. So now it's time to go through some old ground and see what we can do now that we have these delicious non-fruits.

Episode 3 - Beach | Tunnel

Blueberry Pancakes
Aug 18, 2012

Jack in!! MegaMan, Execute!
That poor Electrode looked like it was in pain at the end. :smith:

Blaze Dragon
Aug 28, 2013

Hobgoblin2099 posted:

That poor Electrode looked like it was in pain at the end. :smith:

Exploding is probably not the most pleasurable experience.

And this game wants you to make them explode just to get cool pics.

Todd is a monster.

Aug 12, 2011

Granted it is Professor Oak who is making Todd do these pictures. Considering his track record, he may be the true monster. That Electrode didn't deserve this fate though.

But we do have an update now!

Episode 4 - Volcano

Things are getting heated now. Fire Pokemon are really cool. The designs are usually simple for the most part. Magmar being quite the exception.

Jade Star
Jul 14, 2002

It burns when I LP
Feel like you missed a Charizard picture opportunity somewhere. Or did the course end too soon / not have the item needed to make a charizard appear?

Aug 12, 2011

The Volcano is probably one of the areas with the lowesr Pokemon counts. But we havent seen everything yet. If you feel like there is a Charizard, we may see one later.

get that OUT of my face
Feb 10, 2007

I'm pretty sure you were about to get Charizard at the end. If my memory serves right, you knock Charmeleon into the lava crater and it evolves. But you exited the level before it could happen.

The lack of Fire-types in Gen 1 has nothing on Gen 4. Before you get the expanded Pokedex, the only new Fire-type available to you was Chimchar and its evolutions. It also had Ponyta and Rapidash, giving you a grand total of five.

Blaze Dragon posted:

For instance, I have this one saved entirely due to how silly it looks:

Poor Electrode.
Looks like it's taking a big poo poo. :haw:

get that OUT of my face fucked around with this message at 18:33 on May 23, 2017


Aug 12, 2011

Yes i did time it that way. Im trying to spread out the hidden mons a bit as we will need to return a couple of times to get everything done. Ill leave that one alone, but in the future please keep the ways Pokemon show out of the thread as per op instruction.

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