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Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Oh Neal. Never change.


Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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That looked like a bit of a board by Harry Z there

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Fun Shoe

Wonderllama posted:

Crosby being a bitch tally: 1

Wait til PK breathes on him and he falls down easy. He even has a good excuse to do it now with that stank breath

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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This feels like a wasted challenge I didn't see any goalie interference there

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Sharks Eat Bear posted:

so anyway, olli maatta loving sucks

Him and Hainsey...god I miss Letang.

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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There's that Sid

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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oh drat that was so close to not a goal.

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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ThinkTank posted:

Preds shoulda challenged

Yeah I thought it looked on but I'd be curious to see a closer angle

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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ThinkTank posted:

Me too. It was close as hell and certainly worth the risk.

Forsberg channelling his inner Henrik Sedin.

Even if the puck didn't go over before him it can still be onsides if it was deemed he had control as he entered the zone which you could obviously have argued he did

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Fun Shoe

ThinkTank posted:

I have no idea where the "had control" thing suddenly came from. Offsides has never been called like that. The only time an attacker can precede the puck into the zone is if a player is skating backwards which Crosby objectively was not.

Yeah I don't know it must not have been close either way or Nashville would have surely challenged

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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god drat those saves

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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yeah thats a goal i thought that went in

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Sure woulda been nice to have a challenge if that was offsides...dang it Sully

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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This game is not my kind of game

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Ron Hainsey and Olli Maatta are the gifts that keep on giving if you enjoy Pens misery

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Dammit the Pens are actually playing pretty well but the Preds flippin the table and scoring on every chance they get now

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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AsInHowe posted:

Shoot gloveside on Murray.

I like how the media trumpets this like it's some great discovery. Every goalie sucks on shots high. The elite ones just stop almost everything down low. That's the only difference between them and a backup.

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Moxie posted:

Penguins still look quite good. I just wish they would stop giving the puck away.

Probably their best game this series. Just losing the goalie battle for once. oh well

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Call me crazy but I think the Pens might still win this game. They've been pretty good.

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Eric the Mauve posted:

This game's pretty exactly what we all worried about coming into this series though: Pens are pretty good, get some chances, but the defensemen are just too drat weak to hold up.

And it looks like Sully is prepared to go down playing Hainsey and Maatta near 20 minutes each to the bitter end, which I may never quite understand

Their d has been fine this game. Murray's just been out dueled tonight. Chances have felt about even to me.

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Fun Shoe

Captain Internet posted:

I hope the pens don't take away the wrong lesson there and think that they need to make pretty passes to beat Rinne instead realize they are not calling interference or hooking in the slot or crease so just get yoke some dudes and take away their hands.

I'm worried about Sully taking the wrong lessons from this and scratching Archibald and/or putting Kunitz back in the top six. These lines have actually worked decently well.

I would swap Hornqvist and Rust though. Horny plays better with Sid and Rust plays better with Malkin.

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Can we just keep drunk Barkley on and shoot Jones and Milbury into the sun?

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Good soup! posted:

Keith Jones is fine, milbury is really really bad

Keith Jones is okay at best.

The only good analyst is Ferraro and that's because he equal opportunity makes fun of everyone

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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lol why are you blowing that dead so quickly it hit him in the loving foot

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Wonderllama posted:

You understand the irony in this tho

If we want to sit here and list petty grievances of the past we will be here all night Lord Wonderllama!

Eric the Mauve posted:

The Pens still have home ice advantage for a best-of-3 so they're still better than even money to win the Cup... but, man, I wish they'd try something different instead of the "let's just keep doing what we're doing and hope Murray dramatically outplays Rinne 2 games out of 3" strategy Sullivan will actually employ.

Feels like it took him two games to figure it out but Laviolette knows how to attack their glaring weaknesses (hint, they wear #65 and #3) now and that's changed the tenor of the series.

They've been fine dude. This has been an even game and the Preds just so happened to have finished better/gotten better goaltending. If the Pens play like this again moving forward they'll be fine.

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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The amount of interference being let go in this finals is awful. This is like 04 all over again.

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Chad Sexington posted:

Well, it'll be a coin flip, but yeah still fine.

And coin flips usually go to the home team since NHL reffing dictates that the home team gets more powerplays.

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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achillesforever6 posted:

Going to be cool when Nashville wins at home

Either that or the Pens win in game 7 with a huge powerplay disparity that causes sas to melt down

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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Fun Shoe

Captain Internet posted:

Haha they do the loving chant for an ENG too

Murray's gotta have that one

Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

How Doers get more done
Fun Shoe
Thanks for that pp with a minute left in garbage time stripes


Ginette Reno
Nov 18, 2006

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ThinkTank posted:

It ain't a series until someone wins a road game

pretty much. I'm not worried until then

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