I’m a semi-observant jew and the times I‘ve done Yom Kippur and the like, not drinking was far worse than not eating. Props to you guys managing it for a whole month.
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# ? Feb 14, 2025 09:09 |
yeah, the "not even water" bit of Ramadan has always sounded like a near-superhuman challenge to me. then again the most self-denial i've done with food is, like, giving up candy and soda for Lent when i was a kid ![]()
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Yestermoment posted:It's more that not drinking water throughout the day gives you stank breath. I didn't know it controlled bad breath? Brushing teeth and mouth wash shouldn't break the fast anyway, and you can always use mouth wash or some sort of breath uh spray throughout the day.
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Yeah, I mean I still brush my teeth and tongue. It's not that hard core.
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Ramadans over so Eid Mubarak to everyone, and well wishes, for what its worth ![]()
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Eid Mubarak you dumb goons ![]()
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Tendai posted:Eid Mubarak you dumb goons Was this the first year we didn't have any quarreling about when the new moon was sighted for Eid? ![]() ![]() ![]()
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Yestermoment posted:Was this the first year we didn't have any quarreling about when the new moon was sighted for Eid? For me people think using telescopes to sight the moon was a convenient excuse so the government wouldn't give people long holiday vacations. Or do you mean politically like if Iran or oman held the eid a day earlier or later? cause thats true, i haven't heard the news making a big deal out of it.
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Eid Mubarak to you Muslims Goons who don't mind answering my sometimes weird questions.
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i drove by a mosque yesterday and in the parking lot they had a bunch of bounce houses and stuff for the kids ![]()
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The bounce house is sunnah ![]()
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I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but last x-mas, I brought in sweet biscuits for everyone at my work place. They repaid me. First day after Eid, I got a present. ![]()
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Tendai posted:The bounce house is sunnah In these parts, Chuck E Cheese sees a massive influx of business right around now. Its a madhouse.
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Resurrecting this thread with dumb internet Islam humor![]()
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thicc? thic?
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thick (pbuda)
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Tendai posted:Resurrecting this thread with dumb internet Islam humor That made me spit juice on my screen. Thank you.
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Eid Mubabarak! to anyone who celebrates.
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Earlier you described there being problems with Islam, push-back from orthodox Muslims and some Muslims being reactionaries. Do you ever worry that their interpretation of what is written in the Koran is more correct than yours? Something I've read in stories about radicalized Muslims joining ISIS is that they are not impressed with wishy-washy apologia for problematic parts of the Koran and they respect the Islamists for 'telling it like it is'. For example, Islam appears to demand that apostates be actively killed by Muslims. I get the impression that you'd disagree with this position despite the scriptural support for it, but are you concerned that what you call the orthodox and/or reactionaries are actually right about that?
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Local mosques here came together and organized a "Super Eid" celebration in the big football stadium in Minneapolis. 30,000 people showed up! I didn't go, but they did a lot of outreach saying non-Muslims were welcome to attend ![]() https://www.mprnews.org/story/2018/08/21/photos-thousands-fill-us-bank-stadium-for-super-eid-celebration
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Mukip posted:Earlier you described there being problems with Islam, push-back from orthodox Muslims and some Muslims being reactionaries. Do you ever worry that their interpretation of what is written in the Koran is more correct than yours? This is kind of a complicated question and I had a hard day at work, so if something doesn't make sense, let me know and I'll clarify. To put it simply, no. I don't worry about that. One person's wishy washy apologia is another person's progress or Reformation, depending on how you want to phrase it. I believe that Allah wants us to improve, to better ourselves individually and as a species, and part of that is realizing there is a core sense of humanity that shouldn't be violated. At the time it was handed down, Islam was in some ways a very progressive idea; the idea that that had to stop with the death of Muhammad strikes me as slightly ridiculous. Part of this ties in to the way I and many others interpret the Islamic idea of free will and similar concepts. The idea is not that Allah decides what you are going to do, but rather that Allah knows what you're going to do. They sound similar but are when you think about them two very different concepts. We are given choices, that often spring from previous choices we've made, going back and back and back. For me, the way I interpret Islam and existence as a whole ( I don't really know a good way to word that last one, sorry), this is a fairly obvious hint that we are granted the ability to come to the decisions we make ourselves. That, in turn, applies to the way we approach faith and our fellow humans, and everything else in the world around us. I refuse to believe that Allah would rather have us be cruel than merciful. I cannot believe that. I'm honest with myself and with Allah that my faith, in the sense of having faith or the ability to rely on someone, hinges on this core belief. In the end, if I'm wrong, at least I did my best and tried to help others do their best in the way that harmed the world the least. I know the road to hell is paved with good intentions and all, but quite frankly, I'd rather have good intentions than none or malevolent ones, if that makes sense. Tendai fucked around with this message at 22:19 on Aug 22, 2018 |
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Mukip posted:Earlier you described there being problems with Islam, push-back from orthodox Muslims and some Muslims being reactionaries. Do you ever worry that their interpretation of what is written in the Koran is more correct than yours? I'm not Muslim and have read the Quran for a grand total of 15 minutes but I can assure you that your post is bad and you should feel bad. You show here that you have no understanding of how religious texts function in the minds and hearts of believers, outside of some Glenn Beck "just asking questions" nonsense about a strawman extremist Muslim you have constructed in your tiny mind. Shame on you.
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Lutha Mahtin posted:I'm not Muslim and have read the Quran for a grand total of 15 minutes but I can assure you that your post is bad and you should feel bad. You show here that you have no understanding of how religious texts function in the minds and hearts of believers, outside of some Glenn Beck "just asking questions" nonsense about a strawman extremist Muslim you have constructed in your tiny mind. Shame on you. I'm a Christian and I sometimes have anxiety that various aspects of liberal theology that I tentatively accept are wishy-washy modernism. Islamic reactionaries are real, and we have Christian reactionaries too. Pretending that extremist Muslims exist solely in his mind isn't going to make the problem go away. Obviously, only focusing on Islamic extremism is prejudicial and wrong; fundamentalism is something to be resisted in all religions.
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Lutha Mahtin posted:I'm not Muslim and have read the Quran for a grand total of 15 minutes but I can assure you that your post is bad and you should feel bad. You show here that you have no understanding of how religious texts function in the minds and hearts of believers, outside of some Glenn Beck "just asking questions" nonsense about a strawman extremist Muslim you have constructed in your tiny mind. Shame on you. Islamists are a real group of people in the world and are active in many countries propagating their ideology to millions of people. gently caress off with your "strawman", you dribbling retard. @Tendai. I understand treating religion figuratively rather than literally, that's what a lot of people do. I don't know if you heard about it or not, but do you agree with the letter that was recently published in France by a bunch of politicos/intellectuals arguing that parts of the Koran needed to be adjusted or even deleted? Since you think that parts of the religion are anachronistic.
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Mukip since you're obviously so well-versed in the subject and sure of yourself, I assume you will deign to show us where the Qu'ran says that apostates should be killed, and of course, why that would take precedence over Al-Baqara 256, if you believe there is scriptural basis for such.
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I never said that I was an expert, you passive-aggressive worm. When I referred to scriptural support for it I was referring to both the various Islamic quotes that promote the policy, the fact that plenty of clerics and conservative Muslims in general agree with that position and that apostasy is a a capital offense in both Saudi Arabia & Iran among plenty of other Muslim countries. I asked because I was genuinely interested in to what extent Tendai feels doubt about his position when it's apparent that there's plenty of Muslims who disagree with him, which is an obvious fact of the matter.
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Mukip posted:gently caress off with your "strawman", you dribbling retard. Mukip posted:I never said that I was an expert, you passive-aggressive worm. bigotry is a hell of a drug
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nice job with the casual ableism btw. you make adolph proud I'm sure
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But I suppose you referring to "little brains" isn't ableism, somehow. It's a good job you two are here to protect Tendai from questions that aren't softball enough, just like he never asked you to do.
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![]() nice job, also, with the "this poster needs to respond to my nazi inquiry, and you should shut up because they didn't specifically ask you to say anything". very convincing that i shouldn't call you out as a richard spencer brownshirt......not
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Mukip posted:I never said that I was an expert, you passive-aggressive worm. When I referred to scriptural support for it I was referring to both the various Islamic quotes that promote the policy, the fact that plenty of clerics and conservative Muslims in general agree with that position and that apostasy is a a capital offense in both Saudi Arabia & Iran among plenty of other Muslim countries. I asked because I was genuinely interested in to what extent Tendai feels doubt about his position when it's apparent that there's plenty of Muslims who disagree with him, which is an obvious fact of the matter. No I'm not being passive-aggressive; I would like you cite the things you referring to, and if you don't, then you can gently caress straight off. The criminal code of various nominally Islamic countries does not constitute scriptural support for a given policy, in case you were unaware. I say this not to be passive-aggressive but because you seem to have a genuine problem understanding this. I'd also point out that you seem to have missed the fact that Tendai is a woman, but as reading comprehension does not appear to be your strong suit anyway, I'd much prefer to address the more glaring flaws in your dreadful posting before moving onto other things.
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Yes, you "just know" that my question was in bad faith and that I'm a nazi, and now you're getting off on the deserved thrill of outing me. Good job and keep up the good work. Every ask/tell thread should have a self-appointed police force, unasked for by the OP, that uses it's psychic powers to poo poo up the thread by attacking people for asking the wrong question or being the wrong person to ask them, the wrong people being those you "just know" are nazis of course. I will now retire to my Glenn Beck strawman factory. PT6A, I never asked Tendai to prove that her position was correct. I was only interested in how certain she was in her position. You clearly failed to comprehend the purpose of my original question given that you're spoiling for some theological argument. Either that or you seem to have a problem with me pointing out that many Muslims who agree with the death penalty for apostasy exist in large numbers, which they unarguably do. I'm sorry that I didn't know Tendai was a woman, but perhaps that explains why you "defenders" have shown up.
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i didn't know tendai was a woman either but somehow i still refrained from expressing nakedly fascist viewpoints. hmm
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I'm sure you have a very sound definition of the word fascism.
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Mukip posted:I'm sure you have a very sound definition of the word fascism. i do. it is "your posting". now run along little adolph
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i also note our resident thread scumbag has spent zero effort trying to explain or defend their 4chan-level rhetoric after they were called out on it. the personal attacks and casual use of "retard" as a pejorative are pretty telling
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My Muslim co-worker just told me her brother is gay. And she was perfectly fine with it. As she saw it, the Quran verse about "men who do not have attraction to women" (or something similar, I don't speak much Arabic, her English is not exactly fluent), could mean gay men as well as well as eunuchs. Not really a question, just something I thought was a nice thing to share.
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I'm not a muslim but if ISIS were right I'd want to give (their) god the finger anyway, so it's pretty irrelevant if they're right or wrong. If they're wrong, gently caress them. If they're right, gently caress them and god.
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ISIS has a killer social media presence, though.
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# ? Feb 14, 2025 09:09 |
In the words of Malcolm X: Brothers! Brothers, please! This is a house of peace! Be cool, be calm. (Admittedly those are his last words but still, chill the gently caress out) I appreciate that I'm apparently not enough of an rear end in a top hat to not have people willing to defend me but it's not needed; if I don't want to respond to something, I won't. Be chill. Mukip posted:@Tendai. I understand treating religion figuratively rather than literally, that's what a lot of people do. I don't know if you heard about it or not, but do you agree with the letter that was recently published in France by a bunch of politicos/intellectuals arguing that parts of the Koran needed to be adjusted or even deleted? Since you think that parts of the religion are anachronistic. BattyKiara posted:My Muslim co-worker just told me her brother is gay. And she was perfectly fine with it. As she saw it, the Quran verse about "men who do not have attraction to women" (or something similar, I don't speak much Arabic, her English is not exactly fluent), could mean gay men as well as well as eunuchs. Not really a question, just something I thought was a nice thing to share. ![]() Osama Dozen-Dongs posted:I'm not a muslim but if ISIS were right I'd want to give (their) god the finger anyway, so it's pretty irrelevant if they're right or wrong. Ferdinand the Bull posted:ISIS has a killer social media presence, though.
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