What is the deal with Muslim marriage contracts? So many jokes along the line of "Did you hear what Fatima put in her marriage contract? The bit with chicken for dinner twice a week?". I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of jokes.
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# ¿ Feb 6, 2025 22:40 |
Have a nice Eid celebration. I know you said you would probably never do a Hajj, but could you do a run down of what happens during a Hajj? The different rituals, symbolic acts etc? BattyKiara fucked around with this message at 12:06 on Sep 2, 2017 |
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Do you have a favourite part of the Quran? If yes, what is it about that part that speaks to you?
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Why is there no Islamic music? The call to prayer sounds like it should be the base of a rich musical tradition, but it isn't. Why not?
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Why is green such an important colour in Islam? And since green is so important, what do you never see Arabs wearing green?
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Thank you for the music replies. I guess my question is more about Islamic art and music in general. You do not have to be a Christian to appreciate a lot of church art, or church music. I mean, most of my favourite classical music is religiously based, and visit any art gallery and you find a lot of cool, religiously themed art. Just curious why there isn't as cannon of Islamic in origin music? I get that the whole "no depicting Muhammed or any other prophets etc" rule means there won't be a lot of Quranic inspired paintings around, I just didn't know there was also a rule against music.
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Is Ifrit just another word for Djinn, or are they different? I know Islam has a lot of angels. Are there different types of angels? And are the angels humans with wings like in church art, or are we talking those freaking Old Testament angels with wheels and eyes galore?
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What is the Muslim view on drugs in general? I know alcohol is an absolute no-no, but smoking pot? Taking various party drugs? Or have my Muslim co-workers found a loop hole here?
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Beta Orbiter posted:Sorry, phone posting, but I also forgot to mention that what the Prophet Muhammad PBUH said specifically was "Whatever intoxicates in large quantities, in small quantities is forbidden." So that could really be translated to any intoxicants or personal addiction, not just alcohol. But there are exceptions for pain killers I hope? As in "Ali takes morphine because he has cancer, the morphine leaves him high, but pain free. Is Ali still allowed to pray?"
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Thank you for interesting and informative answers. But of course, this leads me to yet another medical question involving drugs. So we have established that you should stay clear of any intoxicants, including medical ones, when praying. But what about mental illness? Let's take bipolar disorder. Where you might end up taking drugs that alter your mind in order for your mind to function properly. Yes, simplifying a lot here. On one hand you could say that the drugs alter your mind, and that means you are not in a clear state. But on the other hand, if you go off your meds you might also have a very confused and not at all in the right place for prayer mental state. What I'm trying to say here is that there must be a lot of grey areas?
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This question is sort of outside of the topic, but I hope it is allowed anyway. Do Arabic names have meaning? As in, is it common to use adjectives as given names? Religious or otherwise. As in, do people name their children things like Beautiful, Green, Knowing, Merciful, etc?
BattyKiara fucked around with this message at 13:03 on Jan 2, 2018 |
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Mosque question: I recently visited a nearby mosque (disappointed, no resident cats) and learned about the NO SHOES rule. Which I can understand. But what about Muslims in wheelchairs? Do the wheels count as shoes since they touch the ground? And when you wash before prayers, do you also wash the wheelchair? Same with artificial limbs, do you wash your "new" arm or leg? Or remove the artificial limbs before prayer?
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Ramadan Kareem to all you Muslims out there!
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Is brushing your teeth or using mouth wash seen as breaking your fast? I don't want to be rude, but a few of my co-workers, including the super friendly security guard who always greets everyone in person, have absolutely horrible cases of bad breath at the moment.
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Eid Mubarak to you Muslims Goons who don't mind answering my sometimes weird questions.
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I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but last x-mas, I brought in sweet biscuits for everyone at my work place. They repaid me. First day after Eid, I got a present. ![]()
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Tendai posted:Resurrecting this thread with dumb internet Islam humor That made me spit juice on my screen. Thank you.
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Eid Mubabarak! to anyone who celebrates.
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My Muslim co-worker just told me her brother is gay. And she was perfectly fine with it. As she saw it, the Quran verse about "men who do not have attraction to women" (or something similar, I don't speak much Arabic, her English is not exactly fluent), could mean gay men as well as well as eunuchs. Not really a question, just something I thought was a nice thing to share.
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This sounds like a really great lecture. My Muslim co-workers always tells me to "stay away from Sufis, they use magic and stuff, not true Muslims", but this sounds pretty great to me.
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Tendai posted:One of the favorite questions I got from a kid once was "If you're on the opposite side of the planet from Mecca do you just lay on the ground" There is a small atoll that is literally the antipode of Mecca: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tematagi
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# ¿ Feb 6, 2025 22:40 |
Grape posted:I'm sure your coworker has enlightened thoughts about Shia as well (or Sunnis if they are Shia). In her defence, the conversation went something like this, over lunch: Me: Can you explain something about Islam to me? Her: You are going to revert? YAY! Me: No,, I'm happy as a Christian, but can you explain the difference between sunni and shia? Her: We'll get you yet! Well, you see when The Prophet died... Me: No, I mean, what are the differences today? Do you have different rituals or prayers? Her: Well...hm...er…When we wash before prayers we start with (sorry, I forgot the exact thing, but something like this, probably messing up the details here) our hands and work up to the elbow, they start at the elbow and wash down towards the hand. Also (Another cleaning detail about nose before ears or something). Me: I see...Christians often split over little details too... Her: They are still Muslims! Just stay away from Sufis. They do magic and stuff. Not real Muslims! This is all from memory, any mistakes are all my fault. I did find it weird that Order of washing various body parts was so important. Never was very good at the whole "rituals must be THIS correct to count!" part of any religion.
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