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  • Locked thread
Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
You all like movies? I like movies.


Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Let's wrap this whole story up, shall we?

And while we're at it, let's kill two birds with one stone.

While we may have finished the game, there's still one thing I'd like to do to send the thread off. Saturday, March 17th (tentatively), I'll be doing a live speedrun with Grayfawks and Shindragon along for the ride over at this link.. If you want to hear us blab over some moderately fast Metal Gear, that's your place! Of course, the date's not set in stone, so keep an eye out here for any updates.

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.

Pythonicus posted:

While we may have finished the game, there's still one thing I'd like to do to send the thread off. Saturday, March 17th (tentatively), I'll be doing a live speedrun with Grayfawks and Shindragon along for the ride over at this link.. If you want to hear us blab over some moderately fast Metal Gear, that's your place! Of course, the date's not set in stone, so keep an eye out here for any updates.

This is happening tonight! We'll be starting up in about 5-10 minutes if you want to catch this live! Otherwise, I'll have this highlighted and up on YouTube for future reference!

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
As promised, here's the video from earlier tonight. Thanks everyone for watching, we're done here!

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