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Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty was released on the PS2 in late 2001, amidst some fairly notable world events (including one in particular that caused the game to need edits before getting shipped out of the cutting room). A year later, a new, expanded version, Substance was released for the PS2 Xbox and PC, including a new boss rush mode, the various non-canon Snake Tales, and a Skateboarding minigame similar to the Tony Hawk games of the late '90s. And then, nine years later, Kojima and Konami decided they needed a reason to release it again, and so we come to the HD Collection, with MGS2, MGS3, and Peace Walker packaged in and released on the PS3/Xbox 360 and, FOR WHATEVER REASON, the PS Vita. The HD Collection takes from the Substance version of MGS2, but sadly cut out the Skateboarding mode (presumably either because of copyright issues, or because they needed the space on the blu-ray/DVD to fit all three games upscaled in 720p).

This LP I'm trying something a little different. I understand that there are several LPs of this game (some even dating all the way back to the olden year of 2007), and thus most, if not all of the goons that come visiting will have seen this game several times. Because of this, I'm forgoing the cut/uncut audio, and instead offering something else. Every story video will have us blathering over everything, so if you prefer a more atmospheric LP, I'd suggest going to check out one of the others. The real draw, I think, for this LP will be the other portion of videos: the speedrun tutorial. The format will look something like this: each update will have at least one story video, and once a segment of the game is finished, I'll post the speedrun equivalent video. I've divided the game into 6 separate segments in terms of the speedrun, so the updates containing the tutorial will be fairly few and far between.

As for my speedrunning pedigree, I am--as of 1/28/18--the third fastest player for Normal difficulty (because I am a baby) full game runs on the HD Collection version, clocking in at 1:23:50, and sixth for European Extreme at 1:49:03 (because I am also bad).

For this particular series, I've got with me my perennial partner in LP taste-crime, Grayfawks, and returning from all the way back when I did Portable Ops, fellow Metal Gear enthusiast Shindragon. For the first video, it's just Fawks and I, but the second video will mark Shin's premier.

Also, for those of you waiting for the resumption of the Destiny LP, we're back up and running on that one, too.

So, with all of that out of the way, let's get to:

:siren:Each image header is the Polsy-ed YouTube video. No other mirrors currently exist for the videos.:siren:

:siren:Bonus Content: MetalGearSpeedRunners MGS2 Normal Tournament matches:siren:

Round 1, Match 1: Plywood_ vs. Raichu - commentated by Forensic_ and Pythonicus
Round 1, Match 2: Jesusgeuse vs. MackMcD_ - commentated by Forensic_ and Plywood_
Round 1, Match 3: Tomma_16 vs. Pythonicus - commentated by Plywood_ and ImRuKuS
Round 1, Match 4: Tyler2022 vs. pdPreciousRoy - commentated by Pythonicus and RaichuMGS

Semifinals, Match 1: Plywood_ vs. MackMcD_ - commentated by Forensic_ and ScoutPwnage
Semifinals, Match 2: Tyler2022 vs. Pythonicus - commentated by Plywood_ and MackMcD_

Finals: Tyler2022 vs. Plywood_ - commentated by Forensic_ and RaichuMGS

Pythonicus fucked around with this message at 07:08 on Mar 18, 2018


Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Like a bad case of indigestion, you can always count on us to crop back up every couple of years or so.

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.

ChaosArgate posted:

I think there might be a tiny bit of desync in the video?

You aren't wrong. I've tried everything I can to fix it, but I think my capture card's been slowly crapping out lately. I have the next video recorded from the HD version as well, so I'll see what I can do to fix those up, but after that I'm just gonna move to using the PC port, since I won't have to worry about it with that.

Edit: Nevermind! I was right, my PVR's crapping out for recording purposes, even though it's fine for streaming (?), so there's no way for me to fix the desynch issue without tons of unnecessary hassle. That means I'm just gonna have to re-record things. No big deal.

Pythonicus fucked around with this message at 04:52 on Aug 23, 2017

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
This update is a little late in coming since I had to re-record the back two-thirds of the tanker, but all's well. No more gradual audio desynch, and a lot of fun little visual oddities abound since this is now being played on the PC version with various fixes and a widescreen mod!

Also, for those of you who may care, our LP of Destiny has also resumed!

Pythonicus fucked around with this message at 14:44 on Sep 4, 2017

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Cross posting from the Destiny thread:

Well, poo poo. We just get things back off the ground here and Mother Nature says "this can't stand." I'm in Florida right now and it's looking like a pretty decent storm is headed our way for the weekend. I hope that things work out and that we don't collectively as a state get flung into the atmosphere, but it's fairly safe to say that you probably shouldn't expect LP updates for this upcoming week and for maybe a couple weeks beyond. I'll do my best to keep everyone posted as things here develop

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Alright, after having a hurricane attempt to blow me away, getting sick with bronchitis, and dancing the commentator shuffle, we're back. This time Fawks, Shin and I finally get our asses out of the tanker.

Edit: I nearly forgot that this was mentioned in the video. One of my favorite YouTube videos of all time:

And, you know what that means! We're finally to the point where the thread title becomes actually relevant. For the speedrun videos, I am commenting alone over the video, since there's a LOT of things that need covering, regarding movement, strategies, and that sort of thing. But that's enough about that. Let's learn you how to go fast.

Pythonicus fucked around with this message at 04:50 on Oct 3, 2017

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
So I apologize in advance for the fact that Shin and I literally could not stay on the topic of MGS2 this video, but there's really nothing interesting going on. This update sets the stage for our time in the Big Shell complex as Raiden. This update I also have to remind y'all that this entire LP is under a full-spoiler rule, so if you haven't played this or later games in the series and don't want to be spoiled, now is officially the time to get outta Dodge.

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.

Thread, you've gotta help us on this one: which actor does Peter Stillman look like more, Louis Gossett, Jr, or Steve Harvey?

Pythonicus fucked around with this message at 11:42 on Oct 16, 2017

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Update's coming up soonish. Had a busy week last week and couldn't pull footage for an update, but we've got something ready for this week. In the meantime, look at what kind of poo poo I have to put up with. :v:

Some memes just refuse to die.

Pythonicus fucked around with this message at 04:01 on Oct 30, 2017

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Here we have it.

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.

KieranWalker posted:

So, out of curiosity, is it actually possible to set off the big bomb in Strut A by moving around carelessly, or is that whole codec call just to scare you? I used to think you'd die horribly if you got too close to the thing, but after watching you run right up to it just now I'm not so sure.

I've never managed to trigger the bomb from proximity in any of my plays of the game, so unless it's a VERY specific thing, I don't think it's possible. Not even on European Extreme, where it's MUCH easier to get closer to the bomb--I've nearly bumbled completely into it, and it still hasn't blown up.

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Had to take another week off last week, but this week's update will be live tomorrow whenever I can manage to make the time to put it all together!

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.

Apologies for the wait, everyone. This time, we go through a 'boss' to fight a boss.

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Last update we were without Fawks, this time we're down a Shindragon. Funny how things work out :v:

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Speaking of speedruns, the community's putting on an MGS1 All Bosses tournament that I'd highly suggest checking out! Some solid (...heh) runners on display! The tournament is being hosted here

As for MGS2, update in just a little while!

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Well, time to one up Snake and kill a jet.

And while we're at it, let's do it quickly, too.

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.

Let it be known that Prez is a goddamn fool.

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Sorry for the wait. Holiday season, catching a drat cold, and cursing stupid witches all take a lot of time out of your day.

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Today, let's take a nice relaxing jaunt with Emma, where absolutely nothing awful will happen to anybody. At all.

KieranWalker posted:

Kojima really needed an editor, in the same way George Lucas needed an editor. I've compared this game's story to bad fanfiction before, but the whole thing between Otacon and Emma kind of drives it home.

I do appreciate how good the gameplay is compared to the original MGS, though. It really was night and day.

I actually started to learn how to speedrun MGS1 and my word is it a trip trying to get used to how things changed in between. I played both games to death back when they came out and it's still a system shock.

EDIT: Tonight, both MGS1 and MGS3 are being played on AGDQ's stream! If you want to see some of my MGSR buddies completely ruin some of the other games in the series, I'd highly suggest tuning in for it. On top of that, after AGDQ, MGSR's putting together an MGS2 normal tournament that yours truly will be taking a part in. Schedule's not quite ironed out on it yet, but it'll be starting some time within the next couple of weeks. Follow and keep an eye out on if you wanna see some racin' action.

Pythonicus fucked around with this message at 16:05 on Jan 8, 2018

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Just an update for AGDQ, the MGS block is starting a few minutes from the time of this post. Go watch these games get broken!

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.

KieranWalker posted:

Is it possible to get to that point without the PSG1? If I remember right it's required to get across to Shell 2, isn't it?

I'm just remembering the mad dash up the comm towers in MGS1, and what happens if you don't grab the rope at the bottom on instinct.

That's kind of what I was talking about just before the Harrier fight, when I was trying to snipe the Cipher sensor with the SOCOM. There's an urban legend regarding that whole thing in the speedrunning circle, but no one's managed to replicate it thus far, so I'm gonna call it a 'maybe' for getting to sniping without the PSG-1. Of course, even if one managed to skip getting the PSG-1, it's super easy to nab the PSG-1T when you're swimming to the first Vamp fight, either on the 1-2 connecting bridge or during the swim to the first Vamp fight, so there's multiple chances to not screw yourself when it comes to that segment. And, if one did skip the PSG-1, I'm sure it would pop up on the oil fence regardless.

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Apologies for the last couple of weeks, been hectic setting things up for a few different projects happening IRL and around the net.

One such project is the MGSR MGS2 tournament I've been mentioning, and that is starting TODAY! First match is coming up in just a short while, so if you wanna see some MGS2 done fast, come check us out on

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.

Pythonicus posted:

First match is coming up in just a short while, so if you wanna see some MGS2 done fast, come check us out on

Festivities for today just wrapped up not too long ago, so if anyone missed the action and was interested in seeing the community do their thing, here's the casts for today:

Round 1, Match 1: Plywood_ vs. Raichu
Round 1, Match 2: Jesusgeuse vs. MackMcD
Round 1, Match 3: Tomma_16 vs. Pythonicus

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Hey everyone. It's been a busy month, and I apologize for the brief lapse. We're closing in slowly but surely on the end of the game, though. Three more updates after this one and we'll be done here.

And of course, I managed to almost forget about the speedrun tutorial video that should have gone up with the last update, but better late than never, eh?

Lastly, the MGS2 Normal tournament wrapped up last week and in an effort to not continually add to the post streak, I left linking the rest of the matches for the update, so here they are!

Round 1, Match 4: Tyler2022 vs. pdPreciousRoy

Semifinals, Match 1: Plywood_ vs. MackMcD
Semifinals, Match 2: Tyler2022 vs. Pythonicus

Finals: Tyler2022 vs. Plywood_

If you're impatient and just want to find out who won, here's the standings(ish):

1st Place: Tyler2022
2nd Place: Plywood_
3rd/4th Place: MackMcD/Pythonicus
5th Place: pdPreciousRoy
6th Place: Tomma_16
7th Place: Jesusgeuse

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Today we get a fancy new sword! And then largely forget about it!

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
You all like movies? I like movies.

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
Let's wrap this whole story up, shall we?

And while we're at it, let's kill two birds with one stone.

While we may have finished the game, there's still one thing I'd like to do to send the thread off. Saturday, March 17th (tentatively), I'll be doing a live speedrun with Grayfawks and Shindragon along for the ride over at this link.. If you want to hear us blab over some moderately fast Metal Gear, that's your place! Of course, the date's not set in stone, so keep an eye out here for any updates.

Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.

Pythonicus posted:

While we may have finished the game, there's still one thing I'd like to do to send the thread off. Saturday, March 17th (tentatively), I'll be doing a live speedrun with Grayfawks and Shindragon along for the ride over at this link.. If you want to hear us blab over some moderately fast Metal Gear, that's your place! Of course, the date's not set in stone, so keep an eye out here for any updates.

This is happening tonight! We'll be starting up in about 5-10 minutes if you want to catch this live! Otherwise, I'll have this highlighted and up on YouTube for future reference!


Mar 31, 2011

I just wanted to say...
I love you.
As promised, here's the video from earlier tonight. Thanks everyone for watching, we're done here!

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