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Sep 5, 2011

Me? Don't worry about me...
Grimey Drawer
I played through MGS2 I don't know how many times, and somehow it never occurred to me you could crawl through the air ducts in the cargo hold instead of sneaking around all the soldiers watching the speech. Dafuq.


Sep 5, 2011

Me? Don't worry about me...
Grimey Drawer
My money's on Steve Harvey.

Sep 5, 2011

Me? Don't worry about me...
Grimey Drawer
So, out of curiosity, is it actually possible to set off the big bomb in Strut A by moving around carelessly, or is that whole codec call just to scare you? I used to think you'd die horribly if you got too close to the thing, but after watching you run right up to it just now I'm not so sure.

Sep 5, 2011

Me? Don't worry about me...
Grimey Drawer

Pythonicus posted:

I've never managed to trigger the bomb from proximity in any of my plays of the game, so unless it's a VERY specific thing, I don't think it's possible. Not even on European Extreme, where it's MUCH easier to get closer to the bomb--I've nearly bumbled completely into it, and it still hasn't blown up.

Man, now I wish I still had a copy of the game, because I really want to go down there and muck around with trying to set it off. It kind of blows my mind a little bit to think the proximity trigger was bullshit this entire time.

Sep 5, 2011

Me? Don't worry about me...
Grimey Drawer
The Harrier fight is really one of the more ridiculous things in this game. I remembered it being... tougher.

Sep 5, 2011

Me? Don't worry about me...
Grimey Drawer
The Prez is a drat fool, and seriously what is with that crotch-grab?

This is the point where i started to get really turned off by the game's train wreck of a story, and to my dismay it only continued to get worse. The original MGS is probably my favorite game of all time, but I've grown to hate the rest of the series for this nonsense.

I also noticed around this point that the Big Shell and Arsenal Gear lack a great deal of the fancy destructible environments and stuff that Kojima was touting as a big selling point of the game early on, with the demos in the Tanker and what not. Take for instance the vending machine which didn't even react to being shot at with an assault rifle. The latter portions of the game felt kind of barren to me as a result.

Sep 5, 2011

Me? Don't worry about me...
Grimey Drawer
Kojima really needed an editor, in the same way George Lucas needed an editor. I've compared this game's story to bad fanfiction before, but the whole thing between Otacon and Emma kind of drives it home.

I do appreciate how good the gameplay is compared to the original MGS, though. It really was night and day.

Sep 5, 2011

Me? Don't worry about me...
Grimey Drawer
Is it possible to get to that point without the PSG1? If I remember right it's required to get across to Shell 2, isn't it?

I'm just remembering the mad dash up the comm towers in MGS1, and what happens if you don't grab the rope at the bottom on instinct.


Sep 5, 2011

Me? Don't worry about me...
Grimey Drawer

Pythonicus posted:

That's kind of what I was talking about just before the Harrier fight, when I was trying to snipe the Cipher sensor with the SOCOM. There's an urban legend regarding that whole thing in the speedrunning circle, but no one's managed to replicate it thus far, so I'm gonna call it a 'maybe' for getting to sniping without the PSG-1. Of course, even if one managed to skip getting the PSG-1, it's super easy to nab the PSG-1T when you're swimming to the first Vamp fight, either on the 1-2 connecting bridge or during the swim to the first Vamp fight, so there's multiple chances to not screw yourself when it comes to that segment. And, if one did skip the PSG-1, I'm sure it would pop up on the oil fence regardless.

Yeah. Though, I was more thinking in MGS1, they actually planned for your ability to not pick up the rope and had codec conversations for it.

Conversely, this has me trying to remember if it's possible to get the PSG1 early in MGS1 (or TTS; I believe at the very least you can get the PSG1T before Sniper Wolf? It's been a long time since I played it).

Finding ways to subvert the game's expectations (and finding out the devs planned for it) was always one of the best parts of these games. MGS3 is full of that poo poo.

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