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Feb 20, 2012

Fucking technology...

At least I HAVE THIS!
Excellent you guys are back. Shame the Call of Duty LPs crashed and burned (Like the franchise dohoho!) Fun to see an MGS2 LP, most people go for 3 instead, but Raiden's Excellent Adventure in New York is fun times.


Feb 20, 2012

Fucking technology...

At least I HAVE THIS!

Pythonicus posted:

Cross posting from the Destiny thread:

Well, poo poo. We just get things back off the ground here and Mother Nature says "this can't stand." I'm in Florida right now and it's looking like a pretty decent storm is headed our way for the weekend. I hope that things work out and that we don't collectively as a state get flung into the atmosphere, but it's fairly safe to say that you probably shouldn't expect LP updates for this upcoming week and for maybe a couple weeks beyond. I'll do my best to keep everyone posted as things here develop

Don't worry too much about the LP, just try to stay safe and all that.

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