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  • Locked thread
Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!

I have been playing a ridiculous amount of the mafia web game Town of Salem lately, and as such I wanted to try an open setup forums game based on the same structure of that game. This game will mostly be similar to other forum mafia games, though there will be a few deviations based off of the web game’s rules. If this game is successful, I'll probably create more games in this open format with variations on the roles.

What you must know about playing this game:

Basic Game Information
*This is an open setup game. You will know (almost) the whole list of roles within this game. The list of roles and mechanics of each role is listed below.
*Day One will be slightly abbreviated (about 12 hours long).
*Nights will run for 24 hours.
*Day Two and beyond will run for 72 hours.
*If your role has a Day Action, your action must be submitted before the end of the day.

Hammering, Defense, and Voting
*Hammering does not end the day. Once someone has received over 50% of the votes, a 12 hour defense period begins. The accused is able to bargain for their life and make final pleas in hopes of avoiding their execution.
*During the 12 hour defense period, everyone has the opportunity to PM me with whether they believe the accused is INNOCENT or GUILTY. Votes are not mandatory, you may abstain from voting.
*Once 12 hours have passed, the list of votes of all who voted will be posted and judgement will be carried out. The accused does not have to receive 51% of players voting GUILTY to be executed. If there are 10 players, 3 vote guilty, 2 vote innocent, and 5 abstain, execution will commence.
*If the player is found innocent, the day will continue assuming that 72 hours have not passed since the start of the day.
*If a player is found guilty and executed, the day will end.

Communicating With Other Players
*Mafia Members may ONLY communicate with each other outside of the thread during night phases. At the end of the day, the living mafia members will be given a link to a google doc. This doc will only be open for the duration of the night.
*Other roles that have night communications will be handled in their own way through me.
*If you wish to send a secret message to another member during the day phases, PM that message to me and I will pass it along to the other player. The entire thread will be notified that you sent a secret message.

Night Actions and Last Wills
*As said above, nights run for 24 hours. Actions not submitted within that time limit are forfeit.
*While submitting your night action, it is encouraged (but not required) that you also submit a “Last Will.” Your Last Will can be 100 words or less in length (any last wills longer than 100 words will be truncated at the 100 word limit).
*If you are killed during the night. Your Last Will is posted for the town to read. Think of the Last Will as a diary and last chance to send a communication to the living players.
*Players in a killing role (Mafia/Serial Killer/Arsonist/Werewolf) may also submit a killing note. This note will be posted alongside the information of the player killed in the night.

Victory Conditions
*The game only ends when either the town has eliminated all killing threats to the town or the killing groups control majority of the town.
*Various roles may have their own win conditions and should they achieve their win conditions, the game will continue with them (depending on the role) continuing to play along.

Game Role List
Sheriff - Town Aligned
Doctor - Town Aligned
Investigator - Town Aligned
Jailer - Town Aligned
Medium - Town Aligned
Escort - Town Aligned
Lookout - Town Aligned
Town Killing Role (Veteran or Vigilante) - Town Aligned
Random Town - Town Aligned
Godfather - Mafia Aligned
Framer - Mafia Aligned
Mafioso - Mafia Aligned
Serial Killer - Self Aligned
Executioner - Self Aligned
Jester - Self Aligned

  1. 100YrsofAttitude
  2. 2 penny bottle imp
  3. b-minus1
  4. chaoslord
  5. Flying Leatherman
  6. GulagDolls
  7. Hal Incandenza
  8. Jamuraan
  9. Jonathan Fisk
  10. Kashuno
  11. Mayor Glowku
  12. Mr. F!
  13. peramene
  14. Retro Futurist
  15. Tired Moritz

Mordiceius fucked around with this message at 04:02 on Sep 15, 2017


Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!
Role Information/Possible Roles

Sacrifice yourself to protect one person from death at night, killing their attacker and yourself. You also have 1 bulletproof vest that you may use to protect yourself that night.
Action Type: Night

Heal one person each night, preventing them from dying. You also have 1 self heal to prevent your own death that night.
Action Type: Night

Distract someone each night. Role-blocking a Serial Killer will force them to kill you.
Action Type: Night

Investigate someone for a clue to their role. You will be given 4 possible roles. Possible result groupings: "Bodyguard Godfather Sheriff Transporter" "Escort Serial Killer Veteran Doctor" "Jailor Executioner Vigilante Mafioso" "Lookout Framer Jester Medium"
Action Type: Night

Choose someone each day to jail for the night. You may talk to them and choose to execute them. You only have 3 executions, you can't execute on the first night. Executing a town member makes you lose all your executions.
Action Type: Day

Watch someone at night to see who visits them.
Action Type: Night

Speak with the dead at night. Seance a living player once to speak with them the following night. You may only seance when you are dead.
Action Type: Day

Check one person each night for suspicious activity. Possible results: Not-suspicious, Mafia, Serial Killer
Action Type: Night

Able to see who a person visits at night.
Action Type: Night

Choose two people to switch places with each other at night. You may transport yourself.
Action Type: Night

Decide whether or not to alert during the night, killing all your visitors. You can only alert 3 times. This attack bypasses all night defense other than doctor's protection.
Action Type: Night

Choose to take justice in your own hands and shoot someone. If you shoot a Townie, you will commit suicide over the guilt the next night. You only have 3 bullets, and you can't shoot night one.
Action Type: Night

Choose one person to frame each night. A Sheriff will see the result as a member of the Mafia, and an Investigator will see said target as a Framer or Jester.
Action Type: Night

Choose who to kill at night. The Mafioso will attack the target, if there is one. If not, you will attack the target. You cannot be killed by normal night actions. If visited by the sheriff, you will be seen as not suspicious.
Action Type: Night

Choose a target to kill at night. If there is a Godfather, their decision will override yours, and you will attack their target. If the Godfather dies before you, you will become the new Godfather. Action Type: Night

Serial Killer
Kill someone each night. If an Escort or Consort role blocks you, you will kill them instead of your target, even if you didn't select one in the first place. If you are jailed but not executed, you will kill the Jailor.
Action Type: Night

Trick the Town into lynching your target, who is always a Townie other than Jailor. If they are lynched, you win, even if killed afterwards. If your target dies before being lynched, you will become a Jester.
Action Type: None

Trick the Town into voting against you. Haunt a person who voted guilty if you are lynched, killing them and bypassing all night defenses. A Transporter can direct the haunt onto someone else who did not vote guilty, but only if you selected that person to haunt.
Action Type: None

Mordiceius fucked around with this message at 21:41 on Sep 18, 2017

Jan 28, 2009

Nature Abhors A Vacuum


Aug 8, 2007


Sure I'll take SK

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
Ill play because im a good boy

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

I'll play in a mord game! I hope this is as good as roppongi crisis

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!

Hal Incandenza posted:

I'll play in a mord game! I hope this is as good as roppongi crisis

There is 50% chance it ends in a lopsided town win, 50% chance it ends in a lopsided nontown win, and 50% chance it is a super interesting game.

t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010

I enter

Oct 13, 2015

by Fluffdaddy
deal me the gently caress in

Jan 28, 2009

Nature Abhors A Vacuum

Bumping, still need a good number of folks

2 penny bottle imp
Jun 11, 2008

Innit towinnit

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
ill play

Oct 10, 2005

Jamuraan, J.D. in Critical Reasoning and Logic
Ask me about how good I am at party games! Please god ask me about how good I am at party games!
poo poo sign me up. This puts me in 2 games at once, but I'll try to keep up.

Mayor Glowku
Jul 29, 2012

:pcgaming: :pcgaming: :pcgaming:
:pcgaming: :pcgaming: :pcgaming:
:pcgaming: :pcgaming: :pcgaming:
Signed! Unless I can't! I wasn't sure if it was closed!

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!
That puts us at 10/15

Mayor Glowku
Jul 29, 2012

:pcgaming: :pcgaming: :pcgaming:
:pcgaming: :pcgaming: :pcgaming:
:pcgaming: :pcgaming: :pcgaming:
Or two thirds!

Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer

Mr. F!
Sep 21, 2016

I will join

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
just need 3 more, cmon guys

Mayor Glowku
Jul 29, 2012

:pcgaming: :pcgaming: :pcgaming:
:pcgaming: :pcgaming: :pcgaming:
:pcgaming: :pcgaming: :pcgaming:

b-minus1 posted:

just need 3 more, cmon guys

and gals*

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
Of course. Everyone should sign up.

Apr 29, 2013


So a medium can only use their power once dead?

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!

100YrsofAttitude posted:


So a medium can only use their power once dead?

Medium can talk to dead players every night while the medium is living. Then once dead, the medium has a one time use ability to talk to one player of their choice at night (they use the ability whenever they choose).

It's a fun way to keep the dead players engaged in the game.

Apr 29, 2013

Mordiceius posted:

Medium can talk to dead players every night while the medium is living. Then once dead, the medium has a one time use ability to talk to one player of their choice at night (they use the ability whenever they choose).

It's a fun way to keep the dead players engaged in the game.

I agree.

Soaring Kestrel
Nov 7, 2009

For Whiterock.
Fun Shoe

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before

Mordiceius posted:

Medium can talk to dead players every night while the medium is living. Then once dead, the medium has a one time use ability to talk to one player of their choice at night (they use the ability whenever they choose).

It's a fun way to keep the dead players engaged in the game.

I really like this role. Hell, I'd be happy with any of these roles. I've been vanilla town/mason in the last few games. I want a powerful role haha.

Apr 29, 2013

I'd like one where I can talk to people as long as the people talk back. I'm horribly chatty.

Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer
14 14 14

Jun 4, 2011

i'm player

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!
That makes 15. I will be closing this game while I send out role sheets.

When you get your PM, please reply to confirm. I plan on opening the game at 9AM Pacific Time tomorrow for Day 1.

Nov 10, 2007

If you think calling me names is gonna get a rise out me, think again. I like my life as an idiot!
The sun rises. A new day has begun.

A feeling of uncertainty falls over the Town of Salem. While you don't know who or how, you know that your way of life is under perilous attack by unknown forces.

Day 1 has begun.

Votecount for Day 1

Not Voting (15): 100YrsofAttitude, 2 penny bottle imp, b-minus1, chaoslord, Flying Leatherman, GulagDolls, Hal Incandenza, Jamuraan, Jonathan Fisk, Kashuno, Mayor Glowku, Mr. F!, peramene, Retro Futurist, Tired Moritz

With 15 alive, it's 8 votes to execute. The current deadline is September 14th, 2017 at 9 p.m. PDT -- that's in about 11 hours, 53 minutes.

Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer
what's gucci ##Vote RF before the idiot has time to lurk

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
Hi everyone. Let's make the most of the short day

Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer

b-minus1 posted:

Hi everyone. Let's make the most of the short day

vote RF

Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer

Aug 8, 2007


:qq: Be nice to me

Soaring Kestrel
Nov 7, 2009

For Whiterock.
Fun Shoe
twelve hours? clearly I didn't read the OP carefully enough before signing up

anyway, hi friends,

Retro Futurist posted:

:qq: Be nice to me

methinks he doth protest too much ##vote rf

i kinda wanna see what rf does if he gets to like l-1 if it starts here

Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer

Retro Futurist posted:

:qq: Be nice to me

damnit uh...

##vote 100


Flying Leatherman posted:

twelve hours? clearly I didn't read the OP carefully enough before signing up

anyway, hi friends,

methinks he doth protest too much ##vote rf

i kinda wanna see what rf does if he gets to like l-1 if it starts here

in reality though this is a scum post I think but still looking to lynch and find guilty before they post.

Aug 8, 2007


Don't kill me please. Anyways, confirming that I'm vanilla town



Oct 9, 2012

Where the hell is my SWORD?
Grimey Drawer

Retro Futurist posted:

Don't kill me please. Anyways, confirming that I'm vanilla town


vote 100 in the next 2 minutes or I will go back to voting you

  • Locked thread