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Silver Falcon
Dec 5, 2005

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and barbecue your own drumsticks!

"Will it Cat?" Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate: Prowler Mode

Click the cat for full playlist

I also post on Twitter when I update, so you can also follow me there! I mostly post random stupid poo poo from whatever game I'm playing at the time.


Monster Hunter is an action RPG series by Capcom. It features ridiculous/huge weapons that you use to smash giant world-destroying monsters in the face, carve up their skin, and wear their skin as a hat so you can beat up even bigger and meaner world-destroying monsters. The main thing setting it apart from other hack-and-slash type games is that MonHun makes you commit to everything. There is no dodge cancelling. There are effectively no i-frames. Once you make an attack, you gotta finish that poo poo, son. Even something so simple as drinking a healing potion requires you to put away your weapon (in most cases), press a couple buttons, stop, quaff it down, and do an "Oh yeah!" flex animation. None of which can be skipped, and all of which can be interrupted by aforementioned world-destroying monster knocking you on your rear end.

It's great fun!

The Actual Game I'm Playing

Monster Hunter Generations is a side game of the 4th installment in the series. It features several new mechanical additions, most of which are not relevant to the scope of this LP.

One such addition, which is a series' first, is very relevant to this LP. In most Monster Hunter games, you can hunt with AI controlled companions. Usually, they're Felynes- intelligent cats that sprinkle their speech liberally with cat puns. In 4U and Generations, your Felyne hunting companions are called Palicoes, and you can customize them and forge gear for them just like your human Hunter.

In Generations, you can not only hunt with cats. You can be the cat.

See this cute little guy right here? You can kill monsters with him!

Generations introduced Prowler Mode, where you take control of your very own Meownster Hunter. There are even Prowler-specific quests with objectives tailored to the Prowler's strengths and abilities. But the game does not restrict Prowler use in any way. You wanna be the cat? You can be the cat all you dang want.

In this LP, I will be doing the single player campaign of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate as a Prowler. I may rope in some friends to help meowt in multiplayer quests, but frankly those losers don't cat nearly as well as I do. :smug:

And then it went Ultimate

Generations Ultimate is the "G-rank" expansion of Generations. Usually, when Monster Hunter games are released in not-Japan, Capcom skips straight to the G-rank, or Ultimate, version. In Generation's case, they didn't do that. Because they said Generations wouldn't get a G-rank version. They lied. Monster Hunter XX was released in March 2017... with not a whisper about localization. And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. In fact, with the announcement, and subsequent release, of Monster Hunter World, most fans of the series gave up on ever seeing XX localized.

Which is a shame, because XX added a bunch of really nifty stuff!

Then out of the blue, Capcom announced XX would indeed come to the west, in the form of Generations Ultimate! This announcement happened when this LP was a good chunk of the way through the main game. So the LP was put on hold for a bit to await Ultimate. Part 25 and onward take place in GenU, moving from the 3DS to the Switch.

More about Prowlers

Let's face it, Prowler mode is a gimmick. It's a good gimmick, but it's clear the game doesn't take Prowlers very seriously at all. Prowler quests won't even make you fight a proper, large monster until you're Rank 4, and you don't have to actually kill one until Rank 6. Rank 6 is endgame poo poo. For comparison, regular human Hunter quests dump you right into killing large monsters almost from the word go. That said, there are reasons to use Prowlers, but even I won't deny they have drawbacks.

  • Don't need items. Prowlers don't need to carry around pickaxes, bug nets, potions, traps, or any of that silly human stuff. This frees up a lot of space in your inventory. Because of this, regardless of how good/bad you are at Prowler mode, Prowlers are purrfect for gathering quests.

  • They can gather/mine/carve faster than humans can, making them even better at such quests.

  • They don't use stamina. Prowlers can run forever and don't need puny things like well-done steak to keep them going.

  • Palico armor is very cheap to make. Monster Hunter is notorious for requiring you to farm for rare drops from monsters to craft your armor and weapons (and then not giving you what you want). Cat armor is crafted from generic "scraps," made from any monster part. So that pile of lizard scales you got while farming for its rare drop will do you just fine!

  • No armor skills. Hate the fact that your fashionable armor has lousy skills? Worry not! Prowlers don't do any of that poo poo. Fashion Hunt all you dang want. The only thing you have to worry about is your defense, and even then... not really.

  • Prowlers excel at support. They can learn skills that heal and buff their allies, cure statuses, and even give their companions infinite stamina for a short period! That's not to say they can't kick rear end on their own, but it takes some set up... More on that later.

  • Cats can automatically see the location of any large monster(s) on the map. For that reason alone, it's worth it to hunt with at least one Prowler. They can save you a lot of time tracking down your quarry! Certain Palico builds can also tell you when a monster is weak enough to capture! (Note: this functionality is only available to human controlled Prowlers in GenU.)

  • Lastly, and most significantly, they have 9-lives. Oh pshaw, you say, of course they do. They're cats! No, no. That's not what I mean. When mere humans drop to 0 HP during a quest, they are "carted," dragged back to base camp by a helpful band of Felynes before the monster can finish them off. If you cart three times, it's game over, quest failed. (This also holds for multiplayer quests.) Prowlers work a bit differently. When they reach 0 HP, they eat a stashed acorn for a partial HP refill. They can do this twice before being carted for real. So, they quite literally have 9 lives. Oh, and your acorns are refilled if you sleep in the bed at base camp. This means, Prowlers are only really constrained by time on quests, if you hoof it (paw it?) back to base camp after losing your acorns.

  • They're cute, and fun to play as!

  • You're a dang cat, what do you expect? If normal human Hunters are outmatched and outgunned by the vast majority of monsters, Prowlers are doubly so. They aren't as durable as their human counterparts and they don't hit as hard. Hunts will take you longer than average. You would think Prowlers would be relegated to suppawt-bot role and... well you might be right. But we'll see, won't we!

  • You're tiny. Prowlers have a tough time targeting specific monster bits to break/hack off/etc. But since you don't strictly need those parts to craft cat equipment, it's less of a big deal than you would think.

  • Less variety. Prowler Mode essentially counts as a separate weapon. So, they only have one moveset while human Hunters can have over a dozen, based on what weapon they have equipped. Prowler weapons can have slightly different properties, such as being blunt or sharp, or being better at melee or ranged attacks, but it's nothing compared to the variety proper Hunters get. Note that this problem is mitigated somewhat in GenU.

  • No armor skills. I know I also listed that in the pros, but it also is a drawback. Prowlers can have some of the same skills Hunters can get on their armor, but they're innate- determined when you recruit a Palico. This means Prowlers, and Palicoes in general, are heavily dependent on the blessings of the RNG. It can take ages to get the cat you want. I will go into Palico builds in more detail later. Just keep it in mind for now.

  • They can't use items. See above, but it can also work against them. Your ability to heal/buff/set traps/etc. is determined by your innate skills. Didn't roll a cat that can set traps? Too bad! Try again.

To be honest, it can get preeeeeetty tedious trying for an ideal Palico/Prowler build. Fortunately you don't need to be ~*Optimal*~ for most things. I did the entire single player campaign, that's every single quest, and went all the way to the end of G-Rank in multiplayer as a cat, and it was fine. The game doesn't really punish you for being a cat... up to a point. Yeah, you start getting into late G-Rank or super ultra post-game challenge stuff, you might want to try putting on your big girl pants and crafting yourself some proper armor and weapons. Unless you're me, that is.

And anyway, being a Prowler is just plain fun!

Ultimate Cats?!

Generations Ultimate gives Prowlers a poo poo ton of new toys to play with! The biggest change is that some of the "Styles" that humans get to play with in Generations get baked into Prowler movesets. We will go over this more in-depth in the videos and the "Prowlers and Mew" write-ups.

Before we dive in, Thread Rules

1) Don't spoil poo poo! Not everybody watching this has played Monster Hunter (Probably?), so don't spoil monsters we haven't seen yet. If you just can't help gushing about your favorite monster, at least spoiler tag that poo poo.

2) Don't be a dick. This is a chill LP for chill people.

Useful Resources

There's a wealth of MonHun information to be had out there! Here are some helpful links:

Kiranico's MHGen Database has pretty much anything you would ever need to know
a Google Doc Spreadsheet of Quest unlocks and other useful info
another Google Doc Spreadsheet featuring monster info, cat skills and moves, and more
Ye olde Monster Hunter Wiki
MHGU DB an app for Android havers who want MonHun info on the go
There's also Ping's Dex, which is a comprehensive desktop app. Unfortunately the official download currently returns a 404 error. Here is their Facebook page, which may or may not get updated... or go (ahem) here for a rehost in the meantime

Silver Falcon fucked around with this message at 22:01 on Mar 25, 2021


Silver Falcon
Dec 5, 2005

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and barbecue your own drumsticks!

Episode List

Episode 1 Character creation and Our First Quest.

Episode 2 Wherein some cats are recruited and we finish the tutorial.

Episode 3 We fight our first large monster and see what the game really thinks of Prowlers.

Episode 4 Time to check out the other three towns.

Episode 5 What's the big deal with those Big Boomerangs, anyway?

Episode 6 This is what happens when a hunt goes... poorly.

Special Episode 1: Let's Cat Together! The first multiplayer video!

Episode 7 Accidentally unlocking the Urgent for Rank 3

Episode 8 Croaking the Toad

Special Episode 2: Leeloo Nyallas Multicat Here be the second multiplayer video!

Episode 9 Fishing and Fashion

Episode 10 POOGIES!

Episode11 Grand Fashion Plans, thwarted!

Episode 12 The Clusterfuck

Episode 13 Squirt the Big drat Hero

Episode 14 Totally Safe Gathering Quest

Episode 15 Our way to Rank 4 is clear!

Episode 16 Clearing out a few things. Next time, the Urgent for Rank 4!

Episode 17 The real Monster Hunter starts here!

Special Episode 3: Flavor Finds a Way Third installment of multiplayer shenanigans

Episode 18 Questing in Rank 4

Episode 19 Cleaning up Village Quests in Rank 4

Episode 20 Defense Prowler demo

Episode 21 Bombing Cat Demo and our first Capture quest

Episode 22 Featuring special guest Cichlidae

Episode 23 Amaterasu and the Bombing Cat Squad

Episoe 24 Cleaning out more village quests

Special Episode 4: I Ran out of Angry The Fourth multiplayer shenanigans

Special Episode: Breaking Felyne News part 1

Special Episode 5: Qualification in Animal Multiplayer Shenanigans the Fifth

Special Episode: Breaking Felyne News part 2

Monster Hunter World Stream

"Will it Cat?" Ultimate Begins Here

Special Episode 6: Droppin' Bombs on Yo' Moms The first ULTIMATE multiplayer shenanigans!

Episode 25 The first proper ULTIMATE update. We finally rank up to 5*

Episode 26 Fighting and Beast cat demo

Episode 27 The two flavors of Adept

Episode 28 The last of the key quests in Rank 5

Episode 29 Clearing out a few things before we take on the Urgent for the next rank

Episode 30 That's the last of those pesky requests. Next time, Glavenus!

Episode 31 Ranking up to 6*!

Episode 32 New friend! (Who none of us like)

Episode33 Edgelord dragons and Smash chat

Episode 34 A very loud boy

Episode 35 Punch-a-saurus

Episode 36 Sir Reggie Fils-Amie and Shagaru Miyamoto

Episode 37 Onwards to High Rank!

Episode 38 New friends!

Episode 39 Muddy Buddy

Episode 40 Wetland chat and spider facts

Episode 41 Wherein Liquidy is right about things

Episode 42 Fox McCloud channels his inner redneck

Episode 43 New friends!

Episode 44 Another new friend who is not as annoying as Thardus

Episode45 Beast Cat vs. Niblesnarf

Special Episode: Breaking Felyne News part 3

Episode 46 HIPCHECKS

Episode 47 Not as many hipchecks

Episode 48 Liquidypoo's favorite monster!

Episode49 Last Key Quest before next rank!

Episode 50 Onwards to Rank 9!

Episode 51 Prowler Quests, they are still terrible

Episode 52 Another new friend!

Special Episode: Breaking Felyne News part 4

Episode 53 BEEP BOOP

Episode 54 Yarr, Spoopyween!

Special Episode: Breaking Felyne News Part 5

Special Episode 7: Nyakarkos

Episode 55 New friend and new main Prowlers

Episode 56 Cervantes' Revenge

Episode 57 drat portals!

Episode 58 No, we have not fought the SPOILER! yet!

Episode 59 He's the last member of The Fated Four (huh)!

Episode 60 Last hurrah before Valstrax!

Episode 61 Scratch one jet-fighter dragon!

Episode 62 Cat vs. Giant Angry Pickle

Episode 63 That Fucker

Episode 64 You sure we didn't fight this guy already?

Episode 65 The last of the non-Elder Dragon Key Quests

Episode 66 Decision time!

Special Episode: Breaking Felyne News part 6

Special Episode 8: G-rank cats! Special stream of the LP crew reaching G-rank, LIVE!

Episode 67 Will the real Nakarkos please stand up?

Episode 68 The King of Hellfire

Episode 69 The Frozen Titan

Episode 70 The Stormlord

Episode71 :salt:

Episode 72 No more Ms Nice Cat

Episode 73 Kush Ball

Episode 74 Toaster

Special Episode 9: DEVIANTS

Episode 75 The last of the single player monsters

Episode 76 Silver's Least Favorite Monster Only Worse

Special Episode 10: More Like Lao-Shan WRONG

Special Episode 11: Hellbutt

Special Episode 12: It Will Cat!

Special Episode 13: Instructions Unclear, hit with weapon

Special Episode 14: More like FART-alis

Silver Falcon fucked around with this message at 20:28 on Feb 15, 2021

Silver Falcon
Dec 5, 2005

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and barbecue your own drumsticks!

"Will it Cat?" Official Meownsterpawdia

Meownsterpawdia Part 1

Meownsterpawdia Part 2

Meownsterpawdia Part 3

Meownsterpawdia Part 4

Meownsterpawdia Part 5

Meownsterpawdia Part 6

Meownsterpawdia Part 7

Meownsterpawdia Part 8

Meownsterpawdia Part 9

Meownsterpawdia Part 10

Meownsterpawdia Part 11

Meownsterpawdia: Meet the Deviants part 1

Meownserpawdia: Meet the Deviants part 2

Meownsterpawdia Part 12

Prowler Customization Guide

Prowlers and Mew- Your Purrimer on Prowlers

All About Support Biases

How to Scout the Purrfect Prowler

Palico Pals

Prowlers and Mew: Ultimeowt Edition- Your Ultimate Purrimer on Prowlers


Ultimate Prowlers

Ultimate Palicoes

Best in Cats- Purrfect Kit for your Kittens

Equipment Descriptions

Weapons, Weapons, and More Weapons!

Silly Hats Only

Fashionable Coats and Such

A silly drawing by your OP

Silver Falcon fucked around with this message at 22:06 on Mar 25, 2021

Aug 20, 2013

Hey, heads up. I'm about to unleash my rage.

Man, It's been forever since I've played Monster Hunter. Can't wait to see more of us beating down giant monsters and stealing their flesh and bones. (Not like we can use them, since y'know, we're a cat)

Nov 1, 2006

Nyu for 1d4 points of damage
How is the community for this game? Truth be told, I've never actually played a Monster Hunter game. Watched people play it, even as far back as the PSP days, but never taken the splurge myself. I see this game came out last year; is there still a solid amount of people playing?

For your LP, will you be meeting up with random players? With players you meet from this thread and elsewhere? An amalgamation?

If you'd like us to create cats by choosing their stats, as opposed to giving them to you via streetpass or whatever, could you please post the template you'd prefer us to use? Thank you.

sethimothy fucked around with this message at 18:32 on Oct 17, 2017

Jul 14, 2011

I'm just exploding with mackerel. This is the aji wo kutta of my discontent.
Oh man, I'm HR4 finally and if you need a goon Prowler for Hub quests, I'm down!

Sep 8, 2011

I now regret trading my copy of Generations. Oh, the adventures we could have had!

And I know I'm jumping the gun, but we need an orange tabby to be one of our Prowlers. With a cream underbelly, and green eyes. Named Tucker.

Okay look, I want my cat to be a Prowler, okay?

Mar 2, 2012

Looking forward to this lp :getin:

Jan 3, 2014

Every puzzle has an answer.
I really like the loading screen and the menus. I don't know what's the style called, if anything, but it looks really great. I've played only a tiny bit of this game, so thanks for explaining mechanics for non-MH people and showing off catventures!

Oct 5, 2014
I get my fun here. Enjoy!
It is difficult for me to imagine cats hunting monsters. All the cats I know are too lazy and/or scared. Kudos to a cat that will be different!

Aug 23, 2006

Chew on that... you overgrown son of a bitch.

sethimothy posted:

If you'd like us to create cats by choosing their stats, as opposed to giving them to you via streetpass or whatever, could you please post the template you'd prefer us to use? Thank you.

Silver's gonna put up the giant template for cat creation tomorrow, just so the thread doesn't get too overloaded with info. Prowler creation is surprisingly robust, so hopefully it won't disappoint!

Mar 20, 2014
If you need a hunter to join you online, my pirate and his crew of cats, including a prowler of his own, are willing to help ya out.

Silver Falcon
Dec 5, 2005

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and barbecue your own drumsticks!

sethimothy posted:

How is the community for this game? Truth be told, I've never actually played a Monster Hunter game. Watched people play it, even as far back as the PSP days, but never taken the splurge myself. I see this game came out last year; is there still a solid amount of people playing?

For your LP, will you be meeting up with random players? With players you meet from this thread and elsewhere? An amalgamation?

If you'd like us to create cats by choosing their stats, as opposed to giving them to you via streetpass or whatever, could you please post the template you'd prefer us to use? Thank you.

The community is still very active! If you mosey over to the general MonHun thread in Games and/or their Discord channel, you will have no shortage of people to play with. You can also play with randos, and folks seem to have fine experience with that. I've never hunted with randos. I have a small group of friends I hunt with.

For the LP, I'll probably stick to my usual group and perhaps have some room for guests from the thread as well? The multiplayer bits will mostly be side content, so I can kind of do whatever with it.

AltaBrown posted:

I now regret trading my copy of Generations. Oh, the adventures we could have had!

And I know I'm jumping the gun, but we need an orange tabby to be one of our Prowlers. With a cream underbelly, and green eyes. Named Tucker.

Okay look, I want my cat to be a Prowler, okay?

Yeah like Liquidypoo said, I'll give a cat creation template for ya'll tomorrow, but designing/naming your cats after your pets- both past and present, is totally encouraged! Probably half my stable of Palicoes on my main file were named after my childhood pets. The rest were a random assortment of video game and cartoon characters. I had a pink, green, and blue trio I called the Prowlerpuff Girls.

Anyway, thanks for the words of encouragement, everyone! I've been looking forward to doing this LP for awhile.

Oct 10, 2007

Kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty.

7c Nickel
Apr 27, 2008
Ohh boy, Ive got a few kitties that you might find fun. How are you handling audience purrticipation? Do you want us to post advertisements for our cats in this thread? Also I would be down to Nyan it up if you need help with junk.

7c Nickel fucked around with this message at 01:44 on Oct 18, 2017

Jul 22, 2007

Hail all those who are able,
any mouse can,
any mouse will,
but the Guard prevail.

Clapping Larry
I respect how they've pulled this one off. So, if you were playing a more normal game, what's the purpose of Prowler Mode? Does it level your catico pal up faster than just regular sidekicking? Or is it just, like, people asked if they could be a kitty long enough and now you can be the kitty?

Mar 20, 2014

Silver Falcon posted:

  • Don't need items. Prowlers don't need to carry around pickaxes, bug nets, potions, traps, or any of that silly human stuff. This frees up a lot of space in your inventory. Because of this, regardless of how good/bad you are at Prowler mode, Prowlers are purrfect for gathering quests.

  • They can gather/mine/carve faster than humans can, making them even better at such quests.

  • They don't use stamina. Prowlers can run forever and don't need puny things like well-done steak to keep them going.

  • Palico armor is very cheap to make. Monster Hunter is notorious for requiring you to farm for rare drops from monsters to craft your armor and weapons (and then not giving you what you want). Cat armor is crafted from generic "scraps," made from any monster part. So that pile of lizard scales you got while farming for its rare drop will do you just fine!

  • No armor skills. Hate the fact that your fashionable armor has lousy skills? Worry not! Prowlers don't do any of that poo poo. Fashion Hunt all you dang want. The only thing you have to worry about is your defense, and even then... not really.

  • Prowlers excel at support. They can learn skills that heal and buff their allies, cure statuses, and even give their companions infinite stamina for a short period! That's not to say they can't kick rear end on their own, but it takes some set up... More on that later.

  • Cats can automatically see the location of any large monster(s) on the map. For that reason alone, it's worth it to hunt with at least one Prowler. They can save you a lot of time tracking down your quarry! Certain Palico builds can also tell you when a monster is weak enough to capture! (Sadly this functionality is not available to human-controlled Prowlers, but you can tell if a monster is sleeping or whatever.)

  • Lastly, and most significantly, they have 9-lives. Oh pshaw, you say, of course they do. They're cats! No, no. That's not what I mean. When mere humans drop to 0 HP during a quest, they are "carted," dragged back to base camp by a helpful band of Felynes before the monster can finish them off. If you cart three times, it's game over, quest failed. (This also holds for multiplayer quests.) Prowlers work a bit differently. When they reach 0 HP, they eat a stashed acorn for a partial HP refill. They can do this twice before being carted for real. So, they quite literally have 9 lives. Oh, and your acorns are refilled if you sleep in the bed at base camp. This means, Prowlers are only really constrained by time on quests, if you hoof it (paw it?) back to base camp after losing an acorn.
A benefit of the first point is that you can also bring additional stuff to give to your human hunter allies.

Chimera-gui fucked around with this message at 07:17 on Oct 18, 2017

Feb 3, 2010

by R. Guyovich
I don't have much to say because I'm not really that familiar with Monster Hunter, but I enjoyed the first video, and happily look forward to more.

Silver Falcon
Dec 5, 2005

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and barbecue your own drumsticks!

7c Nickel posted:

Ohh boy, Ive got a few kitties that you might find fun. How are you handling audience purrticipation? Do you want us to post advertisements for our cats in this thread? Also I would be down to Nyan it up if you need help with junk.

Cat customization guide will go up later today! Long and short is you can either fill out the template I'll provide or scout a cat in-game and take a screenshot.

Glazius posted:

I respect how they've pulled this one off. So, if you were playing a more normal game, what's the purpose of Prowler Mode? Does it level your catico pal up faster than just regular sidekicking? Or is it just, like, people asked if they could be a kitty long enough and now you can be the kitty?

If you're playing as a human, it still pays to use your Prowler on gathering quests, like the one I did in the first video. Cats can cram a lot more stuff in their pockets because they don't need to bring along pickaxes or bug nets and silly things like that. (If you're a human, you would need to bring a bug net to catch bugs, for example. As you saw, Dusty just brought one of his own.)

As far as I know, being a Prowler doesn't make your cats level up faster, though there are a few cat-specific buffs. There are no benefits to being a Prowler in normal play other than... being a cat.

I'm not sure why Capcom added Prowler mode. It seems to be a one-off thing. The only other game to have it is XX, which is sort of an expansion pack for Generations... and which has not been released outside Japan and shows no sign of being released. The next main entry in the series, Worlds, doesn't look like it'll have Prowler mode at all. :(

Silver Falcon fucked around with this message at 13:18 on Oct 18, 2017

Silver Falcon
Dec 5, 2005

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and barbecue your own drumsticks!

Palico Customization

Before we dive into any more quests, I want to have some better Prowlers to work with than that beat up stray we picked up. Plus we'll need some extra paws eventually to work with the trader and... some other things. Basically it pays to have a lot of Palicoes on hand.

That's where you come in! I showed off the Palico custimzation in the first update. Here, I'll give a detailed breakdown on your options so that you can create your very own Palico for me to Scout and use on Hunts! I might even pick your Palico to use as my Prowler! Who knows! At the very least I'll try to bring along all viewer-created Palicoes on at least one hunt.

General note: on a Hunt I can bring along the lead Prowler, and up to two Palicoes.

Anyway, let's have a look at our options, shall we?

First up is Coat

These are the options you can pick for your Palico's coat.

First, Felyne. The default coat resembles a Siamese cat.

Melynx are the troublemakers of the Felyne world. Distinguished by their dark fur.

Next is Striped. Want your Palico to look like a miniature tiger? Pick this one!

Monotone is an option if you prefer a single, flat color.

Next we have the Two-tone coat, for your classic tuxedo cat. Fancy! Unlike the Melynxes, these have a lighter belly.

A popular coat, the Calico is also available.

Lastly, the loveable Tabby.

The next option is Eye Shape

This is the full list of options. I'll go through them.

First, the Normal, default eye shape. Pleasingly almond-shaped.

Next is Thin. With slitted pupils, this is what a normal cat's eye looks like, if you want a realistic Palico.

Closed eyes, if you want your Palico to look like Brock from the Pokémon cartoon.

This one is the Doe eye shape. Extra wide pupils for extra cuteness.

On the other side of the coin, we have the Sharp eye, for angry eyes Palicoes.

Lastly, you can pick the Scarred eye, for the Palico that has seen some poo poo.

Moving right along, we come to Ear Shape

Again, here are the options, and I will go through them all.

This is the Normal default ear shape.

The Closed ear shape can give your Palico a more timid, shy look.

Round ears are available if you want make your Palico look more like a big cat.

The Perky ear shape makes your Palico look like its ears are pricked. This ear shape looks the most like an actual cat.

Attentive ears are tilted back, for a more cautious look.

Next up, the world of Palico Tails

Once again, here are all the options.

This one is the Normal default tail.

Go with the Round tail if you want your Palico to look like a lynx or a bobcat.

The Long tail looks more like a real cat's tail.

Pick the Bushy tail if you prefer longhaired cats.

And finally, the Crooked tail, for a beat-up sort of look.

Now, this is super important! :siren:You are by no means limited to real cat colors!:siren:

In fact, you can choose from all the colors of the rainbow! There are some preset colors shown here, which you can choose from, or you can drag around in the color bar in the bottom right to find just the right color.

For example, here's a pink cat.

Eye Color is similarly unrestricted! And you can color each eye individually!

For instance, purple eyes!

You can also assign a Voice Type. I played them all in the video, but here's a general description of each:

Type 1 is the default cat voice. It sounds... normal cat-like?

Type 2 is higher pitched, but I've heard cats with higher pitched meows than this.

Type 3 is a deeper voice.

And finally, most importantly you can name your Palico!

For names, please keep it tasteful. OP reserves veto power.

Last thing, Palicoes can have different specialties. You may have noticed our initial Prowler, Dusty, specializes in Charisma. I'll go over all this in detail later, but if you have a preference for what you want your cat to do, here are your options:

Charisma: buffing allies.

Fighting: general asskicking.

Defense: tanking.

Support: setting traps.

Healing: HP and status recovery.

Bombing: blowing poo poo up.

Gathering: obtaining loot.


If you don't have a preference, you can just leave it up to my judgment.

To submit a custom cat, simply copy this and fill it out:

Coat (color):

Eyes (color):






Note: For those of you playing along at home, you can simply scout the cat you want and take a screenshot of the particulars. However I think the only way to do that without homebrew or whatnot is through Miiverse and that's no longer an option. :( RIP Miiverse.

Happy catting!

Silver Falcon fucked around with this message at 17:12 on Sep 5, 2018

Aug 20, 2013

Hey, heads up. I'm about to unleash my rage.

Coat: Monotone (White)

Eyes: Closed

Ears: Round

Tail: Bent

Voice: Voice 3

Name: Korin

Speciality: Healing

Jul 14, 2011

I'm just exploding with mackerel. This is the aji wo kutta of my discontent.
Coat: Tabby (Gray)

Eyes: Normal

Ears: Attentive

Tail: Long

Voice: Voice 1

Name: Poyo

Speciality: Support

Mar 2, 2012

Coat (color): Tabby (Black)

Eyes (color): Thin

Ears: Normal

Tail: Long

Voice: Voice 1

Name: Smudge

Speciality: Fighting

Feb 14, 2011

Coat (color): Monotone (Black, white paw if it lets you do that)

Eyes (color): Thin (Olive green)

Ears: Perky

Tail: Long

Voice: Voice 2

Name: Nanashi

Speciality: Defense

Based off of this guy:

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Silver Falcon
Dec 5, 2005

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and barbecue your own drumsticks!

I am happy people are submitting cats based on their pets. :D Related to that:

AltaBrown posted:

I now regret trading my copy of Generations. Oh, the adventures we could have had!

And I know I'm jumping the gun, but we need an orange tabby to be one of our Prowlers. With a cream underbelly, and green eyes. Named Tucker.

Okay look, I want my cat to be a Prowler, okay?

Did you have a preference for what specialty you wanted your Tucker to be? If you don't, I can pick. The rest of the particulars I can suss out from your picture, but if you want to fill out the full template and make Palico Tucker perfect, go right ahead!

Anyway, I have the next bit of footage recorded and I've recruited Silegna's Korin, the healing cat. I may do some off-screen shenanigans to get a couple more of you guys' cats. Scouting for Palicoes can take a long time.

Oct 5, 2014
I get my fun here. Enjoy!
Ok, I will submit my pets too.

Coat (color): Calico (normal)

Eyes (color): Normal (green)

Name: Kit Kat

Speciality: Support

Coat (color): Melynx (gray)

Eyes (color): Closed (he's always asleep)

Name: Squirt

Speciality: Gathering

Coat (color): Tabby (orange)

Eyes (color): Sharp (yellow)

Name: Little Man

Speciality: Fighting


No preferences on Eyes, Ears, Tails, or Voices.

Sep 8, 2011

Oh yeah, here we go!

Coat (color): Tabby/Orange

Eyes (color): Thin/Green

Ears: Attentive

Tail: Long

Voice: Type 2

Name: Tucker

Speciality: Defense

And if you end up needing more, he has two adopted brothers who would fill Support and Gatherer rolls.

Mar 20, 2014
Mind if I submit my uncle's cat?

Coat (color): Tabby (Light brown)

Eyes (color): Normal (Green)

Ears: Normal

Tail: Normal

Voice: Type 2

Name: Jade

Speciality: Fighting, Trapping or Bombing would be fine

Nov 5, 2009
Coat (color): Calico (normal)

Eyes (color): Green

Ears: Attentive

Tail: Bushy

Voice: Type 1

Name: Sheik

Speciality: Any

Herr Tog
Jun 18, 2011

Grimey Drawer

azren posted:

Coat (color): Monotone (Black, white paw if it lets you do that)

Eyes (color): Thin (Olive green)

Ears: Perky

Tail: Long

Voice: Voice 2

Name: Nanashi

Speciality: Defense

Based off of this guy:


Silver Falcon
Dec 5, 2005

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and barbecue your own drumsticks!

I am confused. You also want a black cat with green eyes named Nanashi?

Oh, and Episode 2 is uploading. It'll be up in a couple hours, if YouTube keeps going at this pace.

Silver Falcon
Dec 5, 2005

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and barbecue your own drumsticks!

OK, here we go! Episode 2, wherein I start recruiting some of you guys' cats and we knock out the remaining Rank 1 tutorial quests!

Edit: Fixed a technical problem. Video should look much better now!

Silver Falcon fucked around with this message at 11:58 on Oct 24, 2017

Nov 5, 2009

Silver Falcon posted:

I am confused. You also want a black cat with green eyes named Nanashi?

Oh, and Episode 2 is uploading. It'll be up in a couple hours, if YouTube keeps going at this pace.

He is (probably) trying to vote for a single cat named Nanashi to show up in the game.

Mar 20, 2014
Having started with Tri as well I do like Jaggi and its variants Baggi, Wroggi who has sadly only appeared in 3U, and the a lesser extent Maccao more than the Preys/Drones.

Speaking of Great Jaggi though, he does appear as a possible Monstie in Stories which is also fairly cat-centric since one of your three main characters is a Felyne, there is a group of unique Felynes whose collective role has expanded as of the latest update and the second season of the anime, and the second Felyne village in the franchise (Cheeko Sands in Monster Hunter 4 being the first one).

Sep 8, 2011

Can confirm that Great Jaggi can be one of your Monsties in MH:S. Same with Velocidrome, Iodrome, and Great Baggi.

Jul 22, 2007

Hail all those who are able,
any mouse can,
any mouse will,
but the Guard prevail.

Clapping Larry
I do like seeing all the themed kitty armor. Does it unlock kitty skills the same way human armor does, or is it just for stats?

Mar 20, 2014

Glazius posted:

I do like seeing all the themed kitty armor. Does it unlock kitty skills the same way human armor does, or is it just for stats?

Just stats, armor skills are a human hunter only thing.

Last Transmission
Aug 10, 2011

Does the Prowler's carving knife really look like a fish?

Silver Falcon
Dec 5, 2005

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and barbecue your own drumsticks!

Last Transmission posted:

Does the Prowler's carving knife really look like a fish?

You know, I never noticed if it was, so I had a look through the video.

The answer is... kinda? It kinda does. More research is needed!


Silver Falcon
Dec 5, 2005

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and barbecue your own drumsticks!

Update 3 is a bit late because I elected to play Mario Odyssey yesterday instead of editing commentary.

We get to fight our first proper large monster, and see what the game really thinks of Prowlers!

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