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Jul 7, 2009

Rule of acquisition #111:
Treat people in your debt like family...exploit them.

I'm having a difficult time deciding between the Samsung Chromebook Plus and the Asus C302.

The aspect ratio is kind of a wash for me, I think the Samsung would be better for my purposes (school work and web browsing) but I also don't think I would mind the Asus' ratio. Mainly what I'm having trouble with is whether the stylus in the Plus is worth it. My idea is that I'll be using the Chromebook itself to write notes rather than use a pen and paper. I know I can get a stylus that will work with the Asus, but is the Samsung's purpose-built? As in, will it feel better/be easier to write with the Samsung vs. the Asus with a stylus?


Jul 7, 2009

Rule of acquisition #111:
Treat people in your debt like family...exploit them.

gently caress me I wrote that whole post meaning the Pro, not the plus. I have an old Chromebook (Intel 2840 I think??) and while I know its age and 2GB of RAM are probably why it's so slow I've decided that moving forward I'm definitely going with an m3. I guess I'll try to check out the Pro at Best Buy, I went to one a couple weeks ago that had a Pro on display but it was missing the pen.

Jul 7, 2009

Rule of acquisition #111:
Treat people in your debt like family...exploit them.

thebigcow posted:

Why don't Chromebooks come with more ram?

They don't really need it and they're built to a pricepoint* so it's an easy way to save money. I still use my old, old Acer with 2GB of RAM and yeah it's not very fast but it's honestly not as slow as you would think, especially with only one or two tabs open. Really the worst thing about it for me is the screen resolution.

*It looks like Google's plan is working and lots of companies are making premium Chromebooks now with 8GB of RAM which is honestly pretty exciting.

Jul 7, 2009

Rule of acquisition #111:
Treat people in your debt like family...exploit them.

I'm selling my old chromebook and just wanted to make sure a Powerwash is enough to securely erase it, and if not, what should I do?

Jul 7, 2009

Rule of acquisition #111:
Treat people in your debt like family...exploit them.

Best Buy has their Black Friday ad up and is actually selling a ton of stuff at BF prices* including the HP x360 Chromebook with 8GB RAM and i3 for $350 which seems like a hell of a deal. The white color is the only one advertised as BF price but the blueish one is also $350. I'm very tempted since something like the Asus C434 is still hundreds more.

*The ad specifically says "planned" Black Friday price so who knows.

Jul 7, 2009

Rule of acquisition #111:
Treat people in your debt like family...exploit them.

I guess along with the rest of the world I'm in the market for a Chromebook and the Acer Spin 713 is sold out everywhere. I don't need the convertible factor (I have a convertible laptop now and never convert it) but I really wanted a 3:2 laptop. The Pixelbook Go is looking like my best option unless someone has an idea about where the 713 is in stock? I've also seen used Pixelbooks on eBay for $550, but I'm a bit wary of buying used. Thoughts?

Edit: Acer sells refurbed direct on eBay and they have i5 Spin 713s for $560. That seems like the best idea?

Humerus fucked around with this message at 13:46 on Aug 29, 2020

Jul 7, 2009

Rule of acquisition #111:
Treat people in your debt like family...exploit them.

Bolt posted:

If you're ok with used, I have a Samsung Chromebook Pro that has been treated very well and only used when I decide I need a browser/android app and it's within arm's length, like right now:

I have 4 Chromebooks including a Pixel Slate and HP Chromebook X2, so I should get rid of some of them. They're all 3:2 but this is the non convertible one and is lighter than either (with their keyboards attached).

Depending on your use case I'm not sure you need an i5. My Pixel Slate is the i5 version and there's basically no difference between it and the Samsung Chromebook Pro's M3 speedwise.

That's very tempting, I was actually looking into getting the Samsung Pro a while back but then my in laws gave me a Lenovo Yoga which is a great computer but I want the simplicity of a Chromebook. The M3 chip is definitely good enough for me and I assume better with battery life than an i5. I'll have to think on it.

Jul 7, 2009

Rule of acquisition #111:
Treat people in your debt like family...exploit them.

I didn't act fast enough on the refurb 713, so I got a Pixelbook Go. I really want this to last a while and I feel better with 8GB of RAM rather than 4, and the used Pixelbook would have been cheaper but... I'm a bit apprehensive about dropping $500+ without any solid protection.

So with that being said, I'm wanting a printer that I can set up and use wirelessly with ChromeOS, and scanning is a must. I've seen people saying Brother has an Android app you can use on a Chromebook, but I'd like some specific recommendations.

Jul 7, 2009

Rule of acquisition #111:
Treat people in your debt like family...exploit them.

MrNemo posted:

Out of interest question: how much have Chromebooks actually moved on tech wise in the last 3-4 years? Basically if I'm thinking about getting a new one just because my 3 year old Chromebook is starting to suffer from daily use, would say a reconditioned 2017 Pixelbook with top specs be potentially better value than a Pixelbook Go (assuming it is actually reconditioned so not factoring in much wear)?

I can't comment on a comparison between the two but my Pixelbook Go is incredible. I have a pretty high end PC for games and the PBG seems just as fast with web stuff, if not faster. I have the cheapest one too, the M3 I think?

Jul 7, 2009

Rule of acquisition #111:
Treat people in your debt like family...exploit them.

Is there a screen cleaning mode for Chromebooks? Like "disable touchscreen for a minute" or something similar? Specifically the Pixelbook Go. I've seen if you enable developer options you can just turn the touchscreen off completely but something temporary would be preferable.

Jul 7, 2009

Rule of acquisition #111:
Treat people in your debt like family...exploit them.

I have the m3 and it's been a champ. I used it for school heavily, so weird publisher websites with quizzes and poo poo and a ton of Microsoft Office stuff, mostly web apps. Using Chrome for whatever feels no different than on my PC which has a Ryzen 3700x and 16GB of RAM. The closest I've come to playing games though has been using the Steam Android app to in-home stream games. It seemed fine. Netflix and other streaming services are fine too, I just use the website not apps.

I'm sure there's a use case for the i5 but I have never felt like I needed more.

Jul 7, 2009

Rule of acquisition #111:
Treat people in your debt like family...exploit them.

Any recommendations for a comic reader for a Chromebook? I have a Pixelbook Go so I can install Android apps but I figured I should check for one that scales onto a big(ish) screen well. File format is CBZ, from Humble Bundle (if it matters).


Jul 7, 2009

Rule of acquisition #111:
Treat people in your debt like family...exploit them.

Terminus posted:

Just jumping in with another vote for Perfect Viewer. Using it for the same file types from Humble Bundle and it works great on my Slate.

Yeah thanks, seems pretty good! Time to finally read Spawn.

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