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other people
Jun 27, 2004
Associate Christ
What's the deal with the Lenovo Duet 3 chromebook tablet thing? I can find the larger Duet 5 for sale all over but the smaller 3 cannot be found and the lenovo website lists it as unavailable. Is this just supply issues or do they really not make it any more?

I am in europe if it matters.


other people
Jun 27, 2004
Associate Christ

mystes posted:

You mean the new version that literally just came out? I think most places just don't have it yet.

The old 11 inch one that I guess wasn't called the 3 has recently been on sale everywhere.

Doh. Somehow I missed that this one is totally new. Their model naming is so mixed up.

I am interested in the 11inch one with the detachable keyboard and snapdragon chip.

There is already an older model with a mediatech chip but we already have a tablet with it (android) and that thing suuuucks.

For chrome tablets there isn't a lot to choose from. There is an asus cm3 or something but it has the mediatech and is also hard to find.

other people
Jun 27, 2004
Associate Christ
Alright so I bought a lenovo duet 5 and it is alright. But what is extremely frustrating is that the linux vm/container feature won't install. Even immediately after a powerwash, the installer takes about three minutes and finally just says the installation failed and that's it. Is there one weird trick to get this thing to work?

other people
Jun 27, 2004
Associate Christ

mystes posted:

It's probably not this but just in case: Did you just turn it on within the last hour? Has it updated to the latest chrome os version yet?

Yeah I've had it for a few weeks now and let it do updates. These things are so great when they work but when they don't everything is so opaque :(

other people
Jun 27, 2004
Associate Christ

CaptainSarcastic posted:

Did you set enough storage space aside for it? My Chromebook is now EOL, but I recall having to dedicate a certain amount of disk space to it when I set Linux up on it.

It defaults to 10GB and I have left it there 🤷. What kind of giant linux is this?

It still doesn't work BTW. It is too late to return it but it has turned out to be a sad device. It is too big, the battery life sucks, the keyboard is useless unless you are at a proper table, and no linux. No one in the house uses it.

other people
Jun 27, 2004
Associate Christ
Is there a way to get python & IDLE on a chromebook without using the linux development environment? I want to set it up for my kid but it is not possible to enable the linux env on their family-managed account and that seems to be the only way to get IDLE.

other people
Jun 27, 2004
Associate Christ
I saw some of those in my searching. They seem to be aimed at professional use cases. I think there is too much going on there and it will be distracting. That is what is one of the key features of IDLE, it is very plain.

It does make me wonder if we could access python/IDLE on a remote system somehow. There is an always-on linux system in the house...


other people
Jun 27, 2004
Associate Christ
For now I have given up and I am letting them use IDLE running from my account's linux env.

I found this android app that is indeed python idle but it runs a full x11 env to do it and it is not a pleasant user experience.

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