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Jun 17, 2005

Lets go for a run!
I'm looking to replace my old and feeble Nexus 9 tablet, and could use some light productivity/office features on the go, so I'm thinking a chromebook is my best bet.

Budget is around $500 - I can spend more if necessary but this will mostly be for a capable second screen device, some streaming media, android apps and video meetings/light productivity work so I don't need anything high end. I have a recently built gaming PC that handles 99% of my needs.

Appreciate any and all suggestions assuming my idiot rear end is correct in looking at chromebooks.


Jun 17, 2005

Lets go for a run!

Atomizer posted:

McKracken, $500 is a good amount for a decent low-midrange Chromebook, and as I wrote recently I got the top-spec Duet as a Best Buy open box for like $240. I'm not 100% sure on your needs, though; any Chromebook will do everything you mentioned, but when you say "light productivity/office" how much typing are we talking about? A tablet-style device, especially with an undersized keyboard, is going to be miserable if you have to spend any significant amount of time typing; for example I can check my e-mail on the Duet, but I'm switching to literally any other device if I have to reply to anything.

If your needs are met by a newer Android tablet, then fortunately there are current models that are surprisingly reasonably priced (e.g. a Lenovo M10, a Wal-mart "onn." branded tablet, and even an Amazon Fire HD 10 with the Google Play Store added are among the options.)

Probably not much typing at all - the light office productivity stuff would mostly be for occasional zoom meetings where I have to share my screen and run a powerpoint. I've found that to be an absolute nightmare on my Nexus because of how the android zoom app works on that device. I assumed a 2 in 1 would suit that purpose while also giving me an upgraded tablet.

I don't really have much, if any, need for a dedicated laptop.

e: When doing some research on this a while back I had read that the android tablet market was kinda dwindling and most of the better features were going into chromebooks.

McKracken fucked around with this message at 22:39 on Mar 23, 2021

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