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Soaring Kestrel
Nov 7, 2009

For Whiterock.
Fun Shoe

This is a game of Mafia for nine players, where some things that take place pregame define a lot of how the actual game will shake out.

  • Standard Mafia rules apply, you know the drill.
  • Active participation in forum mafia from all players makes for a more entertaining experience for everyone, and I will not hesitate to modkill players for inactivity. If you find that you're unable to keep up with the pace of the game or if something comes up that will affect your availability, please PM me so that I can look for replacements rather than detract from the game by extending the replacement process. I will prod inactive players via PM, but your warnings will be limited.
  • I've taken the liberty of explicitly stating your role in general Mafia terminology (either via bold text in your role PM or an explictly worded sentence) to minimize confusion for both you and for any rolecops in the game. Please note that this is a generic block of text that will appear in the ruleset of any Mafia game I run on Something Awful and should not be taken to confirm or deny the existence or nonexistence of any role including but not limited to rolecops and vanilla townies.
  • If you would like to sign up as a replacement or if you would like to view the observer doc after the game has started, please PM me and I will take appropriate action. Please keep in mind that if you choose to spectate, you will be ineligible to replace into the game as the observer doc will have setup and player alignments visible.
  • There will be some interesting and unique game mechanics, and the game may not be entirely balanced. This, as above, is entirely in keeping with the game's concept and design.
  • Finally, I encourage everyone to keep in mind that we're ultimately here to play a silly Internet party game. That said, if you feel that you can't deal with another player on a personal level, I encourage you to make that decision before the game starts to avoid replacements down the road.
  • The town alignment in this game is HUMAN-aligned.

Further role information and caveats about How I Define Roles are as such:
  • Failure results will be reported when targeting fails. This means that that you will receive a failure result only if your action was unable to target. This would include things like being jailed or roleblocked, or if your target is jailed. If you succeed in targeting a player, even if your action is ineffective, you will receive a success notification if you have a role that would normally receive a success notification.
  • To be clear: if you have the sentence "You have no special abilities, save for your power of persuasion" in your role PM, that's my way of saying that you have no night actions.

When you sign up, please also PM me two numbers; the first between 1 and 5 (this defines your preferred power role distribution in the game, 1 being mostly vanilla and 5 being role madness) and the second between 1 and 4 (I'm not going to tell you what this one is).

Important caveat: There will be a Mafia game proper here in the interest of intellectual honesty, but in the interest of mod-being-honest-to-his-players honesty Votefinder will probably behave rather strangely this game, deadlines will be perhaps longer than normal, and there may be a lag time before the game itself starts.

Unfortunately, signups are too far down the Votefinder roadmap to make it into this game. Still gotta do that by hand.

Player List:
  1. b-minus1
  2. Hal Incandenza
  3. hexwren
  4. Murmur Twin
  6. peramene
  7. Podima
  8. sentimental snail
  9. Natural 20

There are no other players in this game. Despite any flavor you may encounter, this isn't a bastard setup - it's a standard Mafia game. There is no reward for solving flavor puzzles.

The game has started. Discord is available here.

Current Anti-Lurker Mechanic: 5 posts per 24-hour period starting 8pm 12/6 or receive a Hated stack.

Soaring Kestrel fucked around with this message at 14:45 on Dec 7, 2017


sentimental snail
Nov 22, 2007

I'm going to kill, all the players,

Nov 4, 2009

by Fluffdaddy

Feb 27, 2008


Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
You've already been very helpful.

votefinder fucked around with this message at 01:59 on Dec 5, 2017

Soaring Kestrel
Nov 7, 2009

For Whiterock.
Fun Shoe
oh lordy I left the wrong tag on the thread

Nov 4, 2009

by Fluffdaddy

votefinder posted:

You've already been very helpful.

##vote votefinder

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop

Podima posted:

##vote votefinder

I'm sorry, Pod. I'm afraid I can't do that.

sentimental snail
Nov 22, 2007

I will use my night action, now

Oct 13, 2015

by Fluffdaddy
oh gently caress the hell yes

Aug 25, 2004

"Winning is great, sure, but if you are really going to do something in life, the secret is learning how to lose. Nobody goes undefeated all the time. If you can pick up after a crushing defeat, and go on to win again, you are going to be a champion someday."
(Wilma Rudolph)

If you have an obs chat I want right the hell in, please. No time to play right now but want to follow this.

Murmur Twin
Feb 11, 2003

An ever-honest pacifist with no mind for tricks.
OK OK OK i'll mafia.

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

I am always here to support experimental-style games

Soaring Kestrel
Nov 7, 2009

For Whiterock.
Fun Shoe

IllegallySober posted:

If you have an obs chat I want right the hell in, please. No time to play right now but want to follow this.

I'll do a Discord, will let you know when that gets set up

Natural 20
Sep 17, 2007

Wearer of Compasses. Slayer of Gods. Champion of the Colosseum. Heart of the Void.
Saviour of Hallownest.
Yes, let's go.

Aug 25, 2004

"Winning is great, sure, but if you are really going to do something in life, the secret is learning how to lose. Nobody goes undefeated all the time. If you can pick up after a crushing defeat, and go on to win again, you are going to be a champion someday."
(Wilma Rudolph)

Flying Leatherman posted:

I'll do a Discord, will let you know when that gets set up


Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
i'll join if theres room

Cactus Ghost
Dec 20, 2003

me i want to play

Soaring Kestrel
Nov 7, 2009

For Whiterock.
Fun Shoe
cripes, this filled fast

still missing some numbers, friends

Discord. I'm doing neat stuff with discord roles so it should be fine to post publicly. Probably. If it's not I'll kick people out who shouldn't be in it.

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
My goodness, there are a lot of eager test subjects.


Feb 27, 2008

So is the discord for players or observers?

Soaring Kestrel
Nov 7, 2009

For Whiterock.
Fun Shoe

hexwren posted:

So is the discord for players or observers?

Yes. I'll assign roles to people who need them (including observer roles if people die), you'll only get to see channels that you should see, if any.

Capt. Kent Daniels
May 4, 2017

"Are you seriously going to punch this tortured dude with PTSD in the face"

oh, no

there's more important stuff at stake here, folks

Soaring Kestrel
Nov 7, 2009

For Whiterock.
Fun Shoe

Capt. Kent Daniels posted:

oh, no

there's more important stuff at stake here, folks

not this poo poo again

players will be receiving role pm's shortly, although it's still unclear as to when the game will start per se

Capt. Kent Daniels
May 4, 2017

"Are you seriously going to punch this tortured dude with PTSD in the face"


Flying Leatherman posted:

not this poo poo again

can it, rettig, you're part of the problem

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Can't we all just get along?

Cactus Ghost
Dec 20, 2003

im pooping my pants in anticipation

Feb 27, 2008

Capt. Kent Daniels posted:

oh, no

there's more important stuff at stake here, folks

So who's this clown

Soaring Kestrel
Nov 7, 2009

For Whiterock.
Fun Shoe
All right! All the role PM's are out, and we can get this game on the road. I'll get some deadlines set and hopefully we can get star

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Oh, dear. I don't like the look of this game at all. I don't know what FL was thinking with this setup. I'm sure a robot could do a better job of building a setup than this. Still, I guess we can try to make it work, can't we?

Best of luck, everyone. May the best team win.

The next deadline is REDACTED - that's REDACTED from now.

Soaring Kestrel
Nov 7, 2009

For Whiterock.
Fun Shoe

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

I guess we better hurry?

Soaring Kestrel
Nov 7, 2009

For Whiterock.
Fun Shoe
I guess it's out of my hands now. I've added some information to the OP, hopefully you'll all find it useful.

Best of luck.

someone please fix this.

Natural 20
Sep 17, 2007

Wearer of Compasses. Slayer of Gods. Champion of the Colosseum. Heart of the Void.
Saviour of Hallownest.

So it's approaching midnight here and I'm going to have to sleep soon.

Votefinder what are you doing with the deadline?

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
classic votefinder

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
It's okay, friends. Everything's under control. Let's build a better Mafia together.

Murmur Twin
Feb 11, 2003

An ever-honest pacifist with no mind for tricks.
Votefinder, are we allowed to vote for you? What would happen if we try?

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 1

Not Voting (9): b-minus1, Hal Incandenza, hexwren, Murmur Twin, OMGVBFLOL, peramene, Podima, sentimental snail, Yorkshire Tea

With 9 alive, it's 5 votes to erase someone. There is currently no scheduled break time from the test. After a 24 hour grace period, a countdown will begin. Remember, vote vote vote.

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop

Murmur Twin posted:

Votefinder, are we allowed to vote for you? What would happen if we try?

I wouldn't recommend it. You might not like what happens.


Natural 20
Sep 17, 2007

Wearer of Compasses. Slayer of Gods. Champion of the Colosseum. Heart of the Void.
Saviour of Hallownest.
Hal I'm blaming you for this.

##vote Hal

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