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Jan 9, 2012

Just gotta keep walking down that road.
This LP can now also be found in the LP Archive:

I've also started an LP of the next game, Shadowrun: Hong Kong. You can find that thread and join us here!

What's this then?

Shadowrun: Dragonfall is an expansion pack (or a major DLC if you prefer) for the 2013 RPG Shadowrun Returns by Harebrained Schemes, originally released in February 2014. If you need a refresher about what the Shadowrun universe is all about, I wrote a brief summary about it at the beginning of my LP of Shadowrun Returns. This LP will generally assume you've either read that LP or played through the original game yourself, though story-wise the two are not connected in any significant way. Prior experience with the Shadowrun universe beyond the previous game is also not required, though I will again mention that both the SNES and the Sega Genesis Shadowrun games also have LPs in the archive and both are worth checking out if you haven't yet done so.

Okay, so I'm familiar with Shadowrun. What's Dragonfall about?

Dragonfall takes place in late 2054, a few months after the events of The Dead Man's Switch campaign from Shadowrun Returns. It leaves behind the classic Shadowrun location of Seattle and switches continents to Europe, more specifically to the anarchist-ruled city of Berlin located in the Allied German States. Compared to The Dead Man's Switch which was a very by-the-numbers Shadowrun campaign primarily aimed at introducing the setting for Shadowrun newcomers, Dragonfall's focus is more heavily on its storytelling and characters which have both gained a great deal more depth from before.

This alongside a host of other improvements such as the introduction of a set crew with their own distinct personalities and character arcs led to Dragonfall kind of overshadowing the game it originated from. Many consider DF the best Shadowrun video game of them all, and it enjoys the reputation of a modern classic amongst many RPG fans. However, in its original form it was still somewhat dragged down by the fact that it was an expansion to and inseparable from Returns, meaning it shared many of the original's mechanical issues such as nebulous damage systems.

So, enter Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut. Released in September 2014, over half a year after Dragonfall's original release, Director's Cut is a completely stand-alone version of Dragonfall. This version made further improvements to the original, with the most notable changes being a complete overhaul of the cover and armor systems and the introduction of unique skill trees for your crew members. It also added a handful of brand new missions, so if you played the original Dragonfall but never came back for the Director's Cut, there'll be something new for you in this LP as well. All in all Director's Cut is the definitive version of Dragonfall and it made an already very good campaign even better. It probably goes without saying that this is the version we will be playing.

So without further ado, let's get to it, shall we?


Part 01 - Create-a-Criminal Returns: Dragonfall
Part 02 - The Vault Hunters
Part 03 - Questions and Quarrels
Part 04 - Introductions
Part 05 - (Kreuz)basar of Wonders
Part 06 - The Fragrance of Dark Coffee
Part 07 - Even More Ways to Move Up in the World
Part 08 - Hotel Inspection Day
Part 09 - Time to Blitz
Part 10 - Know Your Friends

Part 11 - Ahead On Our Way
Part 12 - The Great Plot Dump of 2054
Part 13 - Heading Off to Work
Part 14 - Trial & Tribulations
Part 15 - Turnabout Trial
Part 16 - Back to Business
Part 17 - Smuggled on Your Shoulder
Part 18 - To Err is Humanis
Part 19 - Posthumanism
Part 20 - Bad Scalp Day

Part 21 - Ghosts of the Past
Part 22 - Dawn of the Wizard Age
Part 23 - The Sewer Pipe Samba
Part 24 - The Patriarch's Plea
Part 25 - The Well of Health
Part 26 - Real Work for Real Workers
Part 27 - The Pharmassacre
Part 28 - The Spider's Grasp
Part 29 - Darkness
Part 30 - The Bad Old Days

Part 31 - Pieces to the Puzzle
Part 32 - Breaking and Later Entering
Part 33 - Into the Sealed Realm
Part 34 - In Royal Service
Part 35 - Defenders of the Realm
Part 36 - A Harebrained Scheme
Part 37 - Tensions in the Night
Part 38 - Information Scavenging
Part 39 - Hurrying Slowly
Part 40 - Bits and Pieces

Part 41 - Blitzing Off
Part 42 - The Meat of the Matter
Part 43 - Accounting Errors
Part 44 - Chemical Pursuits
Part 45 - A Toxic Work Environment (Part 1)
Part 46 - A Toxic Work Environment (Part 2)
Part 47 - Man and Metal
Part 48 - Prisoner of Blood
Part 49 - Doom & Gloom
Part 50 - Divided Halves

Part 51 - Traipsing Through Twilight Town
Part 52 - Warehouse Warfare Returns
Part 53 - Engineered Solutions
Part 54 - Engineered to Fail
Part 55 - On the Road of Redemption
Part 56 - Through the Halls of Haunting Memories
Part 57 - To the Heart of It All
Part 58 - In the Face of Adversity
Part 59 - On the Road of Revenge (Part 1)
Part 60 - On the Road of Revenge (Part 2)

Part 61 - Cuts & Runs
Part 62 - Going Software
Part 63 - Out for Blood
Part 64 - Intravenous Solutions
Part 65 - A Lethal Incision
Part 66 - Paid in Full
Part 67 - Paid in Excess
Part 68 - Housecleaning
Part 69 - A Nice Little Recap
Part 70 - A Chipload of Answers

Part 71 - A Trampled Community
Part 72 - Neighbors in Arms
Part 73 - Spirits & Spellslingers
Part 74 - The Predator's Den
Part 75 - The Hunter's Prize
Part 76 - Siege Preparations
Part 77 - The Scene of the Crime
Part 78 - High-Intensity Lab Work
Part 79 - Consumed by Fire
Part 80 - The Final Push

Part 81 - The Shadows' Verdict
Part 82 - The Friends We Know
Part 83 - Denouement in the Dark
Part 84 - A Dragon's Due (Ending Showcase 1)
Part 85 - Digital Devil Saga (Ending Showcase 2, Part 1)
Part 86 - Digital Devil Saga 2 (Ending Showcase 2, Part 2)
Part 87 - The Beginning (Ending Showcase 3, Part 1)
Part 88 - The End (Ending Showcase 3, Part 2)

Kanfy fucked around with this message at 09:35 on Dec 14, 2020


Jan 9, 2012

Just gotta keep walking down that road.
MUSIC LINK COMPILATION (in order of appearance)

Kanfy fucked around with this message at 13:45 on Nov 28, 2020

Jan 9, 2012

Just gotta keep walking down that road.
Part 01 - Create-a-Criminal Returns: Dragonfall


(You should listen to the main theme!)

Unlike in the previous LP we're going to start directly from the character creation this time because the player character of Dragonfall is more connected to the world around them than Returns' was, so using a placeholder for the first update would feel weird. Since the process and mechanics are largely unchanged from before, we're just going to focus on what's relevant and different. If you want a more in-depth look of everything here, I again point you to my previous LP.

As before, the first step is the difficulty selection. A major stat-inflating bug related to difficulty levels above Normal was discovered during the course of the previous LP, and at that time I also found out that a lesser version of it had carried over to Dragonfall as well. For that reason we'll be at least starting on Normal, just in case. The overall difficulty level of Dragonfall is quite a bit higher than that of The Dead Man's Switch, so even on Normal you're gonna have to pay a little more attention to what you're doing.

Then to the character creation itself. First is a choice between male or female, but as before this is almost completely cosmetic, only having an effect on dialogue here and there.

Next up are the races, with an extremely lazy copy-paste job because they're the exact same as in the previous game. Man, cutting corners is just the best.

Same deal with the archetypes. We'll be making a custom character, but it'll fall under one of these regardless.

This time around, I'll be leaving the archetype for the thread to decide because one of the numerous improvements from Returns is the ability to use a crew member for Decking checks! The future truly is here.

I should mention that the archetypes not covered by any of the crew members are Mage and Physical Adept. Incidentally it's the exact same case in Hong Kong, I'm not sure why the developers are so averse to Mage and Adept companions. In any case Mages remain hilariously useful and powerful and Adepts actually aren't trash anymore either, though they also don't really peak until Hong Kong. You by no means have to choose between these two mind, bringing duplicate archetypes is no big deal. Listen to what your heart tells you.

A quick refresher on the Karma system, also unchanged from before.

There have been some adjustments to the skills themselves. The most significant change is the introduction of throwing weapons as a separate weapon class, meaning a variety of throwing weapon abilities have been added to the skill which previously only made you better at throwing grenades. Other changes include the addition of sniper rifles (still governed by the Rifles skill) and a variety of armor piercing skills (more on this when we get into a fight).

Note also that we start with 60 Karma (63 here since I picked a human when taking this screenshot) this time around, almost twice as much as we did in Returns. We're not some scrub amateur runner this time.

And last but definitely not least, we have the character name.

Here's where we hand over the controls to the thread. Please vote for what you want to see in the following categories:

1. Our sex: Male or Female
2. Our race: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Ork or Troll
3. Our archetype: Street Samurai, Mage, Decker, Shaman, Rigger or Physical Adept
4. Our streetname: 2-12 characters. Do keep in mind that this is what everyone will call us so y'know. Be creative but also try to come up with something that we can all look at for the entirety of a long RPG.

And remember: If you don't care, at least quote someone else's answer and go "Yeah I'm fine with this". I know you lazy bums are still around. :colbert:

We'll give the voting a day or so.

Voting has concluded.

Kanfy fucked around with this message at 21:32 on Dec 6, 2020

V. Illych L.
Apr 11, 2008


Female Human Mage named Rosa

Aug 1, 2005

Do you think this is funny?

V. Illych L. posted:

Female Human Mage named Rosa

If we go with Elf, I think that there's a fantastic character portrait to go with this name.

eta: otherwise tho this gets my vote.

GunnerJ fucked around with this message at 20:44 on Dec 6, 2017

Nov 4, 2010

Amazon's German cousin: Aegea, female elf mage, she's more specialized.

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015
Her name is Nirosta.
(At least at these parts, you can use the name of the company to mean steel - seems fit, to a German shadowrunner)

Nov 5, 2011

I'm afraid so.
I like how the description makes a big deal about how there's no evidence that trolls are dumber than any other race, right before informing you that your intelligence is getting capped at 6 if you pick these big doofuses.

May 4, 2013

Me? Oh, my name's not really important. After all...
I'm just a lowly servant.

Man, you're quick.

I would think somebody that would go well would be a Female Human Mage called Feueralarm. First they wonder what the name is about, then they get it. Because they're on fire.

V. Illych L.
Apr 11, 2008


the Rosa name is a sort of homage to fallen berlin revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg, which seems fitting to this game's setting

Sep 6, 2007
Male Human Mage named Rammstein

Aug 19, 2016

by FactsAreUseless
I forgot to say it (Pretty sure my post got eaten) but I loved the Returns LP. Definitely wasn't expecting you to start this so soon, so kudos for the last LP, and good luck for this one.

Anyway, for the character, I'll leave naming for more inventive people than I (Though I like Rosa) and simply vote for a Female Elf Mage.

Feb 18, 2011
I'm glad you took no time at all to start on this LP and I'm looking forward to it since I loved Dragonfall. :D

As for the character

V. Illych L. posted:

Female Human Mage named Rosa

V. Illych L. posted:

the Rosa name is a sort of homage to fallen berlin revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg, which seems fitting to this game's setting
This sounds good.

The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Male ork mage named Vinnie.

Jan 9, 2012

Just gotta keep walking down that road.

TheMcD posted:

Man, you're quick.

I would think somebody that would go well would be a Female Human Mage called Feueralarm. First they wonder what the name is about, then they get it. Because they're on fire.

This was an easy start since I could just go "well this is all the same as before" with almost everything. Plus it's not like I can do any kind of real work on the LP before we've settled on a character, so I'm getting all kinds of time off here.

Kanfy fucked around with this message at 20:51 on Dec 6, 2017

Jul 3, 2014

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Elf Mage

Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

Oh bless you, I am never going to finish this game and I'm really curious about where its plot goes.

Feb 17, 2011

The Devil sounds like smoke and honey. We cannot move. It is too beautiful.

woah, your jumping right in huh?

V. Illych L. posted:

Female Human Mage named Rosa

yeah this seems as good as any to me

Jan 27, 2008

Biden has sat immobile on the Iron Throne of America. He is the Master of Malarkey by the will of the gods, and master of a million votes by the might of his inexhaustible calamari.
Sure, you can bring a decker...but you really don't want to.

Female Decker Ork
named Staat Zerschlagen

Apr 16, 2003

Royalty is a continuous ripping and tearing motion.

Fun Shoe
Female Troll Mage named Frau Heidi.

Jul 23, 2013
Male Troll Mage named Armstrong. Muscle wizard!

Oct 9, 2011

inspired by but legally distinct from CATS (2019)
Dwarf Mage

I recently played through as a decker/rigger and it was definitely nifty, but I’m interested in seeing what being a mage type brings to the game.

May 4, 2017
And i thought you would be taking a break...

Male Ork Decker named Parzival

Of course i would like to go hybrid with it. Pistols or Rifles preferred.

While Decker/Riggers are a lot of fun in Dragonfall, seeing the same build again might be a bit boring.

OutofSight fucked around with this message at 21:18 on Dec 6, 2017

Fighting Trousers
May 17, 2011

Does this excite you, girl?

Meinberg posted:

Dwarf Mage

I recently played through as a decker/rigger and it was definitely nifty, but I’m interested in seeing what being a mage type brings to the game.

Agreed. Mage is the one class I've yet to play DF through as, so I'd love to see the game from that angle.

Feb 17, 2011

The Devil sounds like smoke and honey. We cannot move. It is too beautiful.

OutofSight posted:

While Decker/Riggers are a lot of fun in Dragonfall, seeing the same build again might be a bit boring.

when i did my first playthrough i was a decker/mage
i didn't quite understand the essence penality mechanic making that suboptimal but it worked out okay enough

Mar 17, 2007

Female Troll Mage named Furchtlos. :)

Nov 22, 2010

Male Troll Adept named AggroCrag

Feb 20, 2012

Fucking technology...

At least I HAVE THIS!
Female elf decker named Sovrenn

Jan 9, 2012

Just gotta keep walking down that road.

OutofSight posted:

And i thought you would be taking a break...

Male Ork Decker named Parzival

While Decker/Riggers are a lot of fun in Dragonfall, seeing the same build again might be a bit boring.

It took me eight months to finish a 33-part LP, I'm not exactly breaking my back here if that's what you're worried about. :v:

I'll be gone for about a week around Christmas anyway, but I figured we might as well keep things rolling while the momentum's there.

May 4, 2017

AriadneThread posted:

when i did my first playthrough i was a decker/mage
i didn't quite understand the essence penality mechanic making that suboptimal but it worked out okay enough

An odd, but interesting choice, like decker/shaman. Now rigger/mage would just not work. Both parts have heavy karma investment and both parts need plenty AP in combat for the good stuff.

Jul 9, 2012

Nonsense. I have not yet begun to defile myself.

Female Troll Decker named Soosan

I've liked Troll Deckers since the SNES Shadowrun :colbert:

Prop Wash
Jun 12, 2010

Congratulations on finishing the DMS LP! This thread reminded me that although I own the Dragonfall Director's Cut, I only played it back when it was DLC for the original game. Guess I'll be playing along!

Jan 8, 2012
Male Troll Mage named Armstrong. Muscle wizard!

Sounds good.

Nick Buntline
Dec 20, 2007
Doesn't know the impossible.

I am going to break the mold a bit and vote for a Troll Street Samurai focusing on Throwing Weapons.

To add to what Kanfy said: the new throwing weapons are essentially ranged melee weapons, meaning in a single AP you can move and make a "melee" attack within 8(?) squares. They are also directly under Strength, whereas every other weapon is under one of the Combat skills. With the Karma saved (and some of the new cyberware etc. added in the game), it's actually reasonable in Dragonfall to approach/reach the 15 strength cap for trolls and achieve the classic goal of being able to deal more damage with guns by throwing them than firing them (at potentially longer ranges, too).

Also the throwing weapons skills are fun, if a bit prone to wonkiness IIRC.

As for name/gender, let's go with a Female troll named Kanin.

Mar 17, 2007

Nick Buntline posted:

achieve the classic goal of being able to deal more damage with guns by throwing them than firing them (at potentially longer ranges, too).
Finally something completely accurate to pen and paper.

I dont know
Aug 9, 2003

That Guy here...
Male Troll Mage named Armstrong. Muscle wizard!

I like this plan.

Jan 9, 2012

Just gotta keep walking down that road.

Nick Buntline posted:

I am going to break the mold a bit and vote for a Troll Street Samurai focusing on Throwing Weapons.

To add to what Kanfy said: the new throwing weapons are essentially ranged melee weapons, meaning in a single AP you can move and make a "melee" attack within 8(?) squares. They are also directly under Strength, whereas every other weapon is under one of the Combat skills. With the Karma saved (and some of the new cyberware etc. added in the game), it's actually reasonable in Dragonfall to approach/reach the 15 strength cap for trolls and achieve the classic goal of being able to deal more damage with guns by throwing them than firing them (at potentially longer ranges, too).

Also the throwing weapons skills are fun, if a bit prone to wonkiness IIRC.

As for name/gender, let's go with a Female troll named Kanin.

I didn't include the weapon choice in the vote this time but yeah, throwing weapons can be cool and I'll talk more about them once we see them in use. Not exactly a large selection of 'em though.

Nov 21, 2005


sullat posted:

Male Troll Mage named Armstrong. Muscle wizard!

Sounds good.

Not emptyquoting at all, no sir.

Jul 8, 2013

Oh dear oh gosh oh darn
Soiled Meat
Female Human Mage named Munin


By popular demand
Jul 17, 2007


Female troll adept called Beatmistress.

By popular demand fucked around with this message at 11:19 on Dec 7, 2017

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