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Feb 14, 2007

PokeJoe posted:

im getting a lot better at interviewing by giving them. turns out the person interviewing you does not give a single poo poo at all about it, so don't sweat it


i've interviewed replacements for one of my previous superiors (he passed away :rip:), and i'm literally thinking about lunch or something else while interviewing


Feb 14, 2007

Pollyanna posted:

which leads me to ask: has anyone here been in the position to hire people and rejected anyone? if so, what kinds of reasons have you decided against hiring them? what kinds of things can people at large work on and improve in order to better their odds?

i've rejected people because i felt i wouldn't jive with them even if they were qualified :shrug:

Feb 14, 2007

do not count on that bonus being there when it comes time to get paid

also bonuses are taxed at like 50% :wtc:

Feb 14, 2007

all pm’s are garbage

Feb 14, 2007

FMguru posted:

those who can, do

those who cant, pm

Feb 14, 2007

I think they’re trying to figure that out too :v:

Feb 14, 2007

are you guys using typescript when you code in js? trying to find a way to not hate js in the future if I ever need to touch it again.

(im gonna have to touch js again aren’t i :()

Feb 14, 2007

but vsstudio isn’t garbage like eclipse :sigh:

Feb 14, 2007

so i send an email to a with a link to my linkedin and blurb about how the position sounds interesting

the ceo (who is also their cta) emails me back asking for a resume :eng99:

Feb 14, 2007

as a former dba, and probably future one again eventually, I just want more ram and hdd space :(

Feb 14, 2007

Sapozhnik posted:

hmm i dunno man our capex budget is pretty lean this quarter, you'll have to escalate that to the coo

*shovels another $750,000 into the AWS marketing money furnace*

Feb 14, 2007

qhat posted:

Tek systems recruiters from my experience are universally a bunch of clowns who have no idea what they are doing


Feb 14, 2007

Shaggar posted:

florida sucks rear end

listen to this goon

Feb 14, 2007

every ETL position I’ve seen just wants Excel/CSVs dumped into a database. nowhere does reversing a string array come into play

even using something more complicated like SSIS is just column mapping and making sure column types are correct :shrug:

Feb 14, 2007

lurker, but computer-toucher checking in:

taking a year off from working = :discourse:
job hunting after taking a year off = :smith:

Feb 14, 2007


yeah looking at a resume with a 1 year gap is a big red flag and i would probably not even consider it if it came my way.

it sucks but i don't have time to waste

I hoped you were joking, but I know you’re not :wtc:

I have hobbies outside of programming. Sorry I don’t dream in code and spend all of my free time programming :shrug:

Feb 14, 2007

somehow the non-profit healthcare place i've interviewed twice at hasn't asked for a number yet

must be a sign of what's to come :ohdear:


Feb 14, 2007

their pto, according to glassdoor, has everyone starting out with 6 weeks off per year, so that's worth something at least :yosnice:

i was hoping since they weren't for-profit, that they'd invest in their employees, but i guess that's too much to expect these days

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