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cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
Remote interview with an engineering manager and product manager for a product designer position in NYC today.

I'm also flying up for an in-person round in a few weeks. I'm hoping that means I'll get the good good and move out of my hometown forever.

Need the luck and positive vibes.


cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now

qirex posted:

good luck on those, for both the pm and engineering manager maybe emphasize that you like finding shippable solutions over maniacally pursuing design perfection, good relationships with those 2 people will largely determine your success there

I have my first in-person tomorrow but I thought it was next monday until this morning so now I'm scrambling on getting my portfolio presentation-ready

That's p much how I operate with our current devs. I have some FED knowledge and exp but I have a BFA.

Good luck on the folio crit.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
Follow-up: The PM definitely tripped me up mostly cause I've only worked with lovely PMs or not one at all. :(

Connected with the Engineering Manager cause of talking shop and my history.

So about what I expected.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
I aced a phone screen with Chase bank and it's in Chicago and seems like a good spot to get on the ground with a place that's changing their views on UX. Could get in there and kick some rear end and get a lead role or get into their research side that doesn't really exist right now.

Plus Chicago would give me a better quality of life and the job would most likely pay more and I'm not staring at possibly having to rehome one of my dogs bc she would do poorly in the dog hating city of NYC. Also wouldn't have to sell my car, could afford to live close to climbing and bouldering and also still live close to the lake and a mass transit line.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now

qirex posted:

I interviewed for a design strategist role at Chase a few years ago, I didn’t take it because the salary offer was kind of sad and there would have been a lot of travel but it’s a big group and they’re definitely investing in UX.

They might have change tune cause it's a 6 figgie w-2 contract and looking to roll over to perm in 6 months. I did contracting with this tech co last time and it's how I got my current job. My skillset is definitely more advanced over what they're playing with so I could do well.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
Chase gave me an offer and I was pressured to accept. The lead designer didn't have the best things to say off the record to where it feels like even more of a step back tech wise and skill wise. The salary is huge and it gets me out of the state into the Chicago market though? I'll be a UX Designer still not integrating with customers and access to no research. The tech stack is a desktop PC and they just got the newest Axure.

Things are getting worse at my current job with the micro-management getting turned up on our devs. Luckily no one pays attention to lone designer so I've still got some space.

I'm still not feeling great about this position. I have had a lot of growth in my current position in spite of it feeling like an albatross on my resume. I'm afraid of putting another albatross on there. I haven't gave notice to my current company yet.

Still flying to NYC and doing an in-person at a sweet company there on Monday and my friend got me back into Humana's pipeline, which can be a position in Louisville or Chicago.

Not sure if I should rescind my acceptance and wait? I'm so burned out I've been applying and interviewing for 8 months now. What does the YOSPOS think?

cheese eats mouse fucked around with this message at 19:40 on Apr 10, 2019

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now

Captain Foo posted:

if you already accepted, don't rescind unless you are accepting something else that's way better; you can keep looking for jobs even after you get a new one

Yep! I'll find out more next Monday and hopefully get some answers then. I think the NYC job will be so much better.

I do like the lead. We clicked instantly and I think working with her and the other designers will at least be a nice change from being the only person.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
i had to add an extra bullshit old design position bc people looking at my resume thought i started work as a front-end dev then moved into design when really i was trying to be a terrible coder for the money and it turned out i couldn't write a complex function to save my life.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
NYC interview today. I’m pretty stoked for this one.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
I think this job wants to hire me? or at leas the designers want me. I’d be the first traditionally trained designer on their team.

cheese eats mouse posted:

I think this job wants to hire me? or at leas the designers want me. I’d be the first traditionally trained designer on their team.

yep got the jerb. asked for more $$ over my initial offer. leaving KY in may

cheese eats mouse fucked around with this message at 01:30 on Apr 16, 2019

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
holy gently caress rescinding the chase offer was like breaking it off with a needy guy you went on one date with

I’m moving to nyc :toot:

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now

echinopsis posted:

just as an example : I directly see the impact of how lovely software that GPs use creates errors in the prescriptions I see on the daily. it’s obvious that almost all the errors come down to poor UI/UX in the software (not because the doctors are poo poo)

i'm ux person who has worked in healthcare tech and now in food tech ama

most of your time will be spent working as a team of one bashing your brains against people who don't know what ux is, like bad ux and want to implement it, like good ux but don't want to pay for it.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
i don't work for uber eats, door dash or grubhub or any of the others btw just to clarify tyvm

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now

qirex posted:

anyway echi feel free to pursue ui/ux but the actual design part is the easiest and least important, figuring out how to wrangle stakeholders and deal with the realities of shipping software is the key bit

almost every piece of terrible software has at least one designer, maybe even a whole team of people, who are killing themselves to not let it be even worse

this is truth. the whole thing. there are so many bad things i want to fix. the amount of actual design i do is like 10-20% of my job, the rest is communicating to others wtf i made and why it should be done via my own research or secondary research, then a tech lead comes and picks it apart and my pm tries to get as much little scope as possible. i'm a research focused ux'er though.

i left health cause business wanted to push customers to their worst medicare advantage plans when they're best option is basic medicare.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
that's by design so you give up lol

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now

theflyingexecutive posted:

Here's the new resume, with a couple more questions:

-how up front do I get in a cover letter about my experience?

your cv should be your first sales pitch and you should be way more aggressive than what you think you are being. have a generic template that connects your xp to the general job descriptions. a lot of job descriptions are very similar. you don’t need to mention your skills will translate bc anyone in hr with half a brain can see applicable translation. it’s why I hard yes’d on our new UX Researcher coming from a background in on premise research of architecture.

here’s a closing snippet from my “tell me about yourself” response script. i got hired that day and way more call backs after retooling to be an aggressive salesman of myself.


For the last two years at COMPANY I've been working closely with developers, business analysts, and upper-level stakeholders on restaurant focused products which include front of the house management apps, web portals for accessing restaurant data and a consumer facing booking app and widget. My responsibilities have included creating design guides patterns for different platforms, being a user experience advocate among the company, juggling and prioritizing multiple different product deadlines.

I will be successful at ROLE because I am not afraid to work with different product roles, love talking to restaurant users and researching their needs and wants, and can recognize collaboration and communication issues and solve them

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
i get about 1 recruiter email a day. most times its boring/desperate crypto and fintech. here’s a fun one that dropped.


I hope you're doing well and staying safe. I'm ---- from Robinhood. I came across your profile and I'm impressed - you'd make a phenomenal addition to our growing design team at Robinhood. We are looking for more designers to help us best support our 12M+ customers and help us elevate our product to the next level.
If you're interested in being on a design team where you can have a true impact on our product and our customer experience, I'd love to tell you more.
Would you be open to a call?

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
I've hit a weird point in my role and domain area. There is very little organizational hierarchy to our current design team and most of us are starting to mature and the team is starting to get top heavy. There is only one other associate director, everyone is mostly senior and then my boss who is at the Sr. director level. My manager is aware of this and wants to promote more AD's but from within the company. That leaves me and the other sr. designer on the consumer side. I'm at a restaurant SaaS company so mostly there is focus exclusively on B2B so I'm in a weird niche area of B2C. Me and the other designer have been partnering together this year and have been balancing each other's skill sets and I think our work quality has been exemplary as a result.

My rub is w/ there being only one other A/D, he is overstretched and I don't really want to be in the same position as him, but also want to start being able to build a structure on the consumer design side of the org. I've been doing broader roadmapping for improving the much neglected account experience on our white label ecom site, which has been really fun work for me and helping to mentor our summer design intern. Even worse is upper management seems to have no clarity on how to handle B2C/ecommerce and our consumer facing products are suffering from outdated UI and dropped table stakes UX. This latest project I'm on has disrupted almost every roadmap, was a snap decision with no planning that was decided to move forward during their exec offsite. My PM got removed from the project for pushing back too much. So I'm really very done with this insanity and want the project to fail because it will continue to encourage this behavior.

I sort of want to reach for the A/D role to get it over the summer promotional frame, work it for a year then turn in my resignation and take 3-6 months off work. The promotion would probably make my current designer partner report to me, which feels awk to me since we've been equals for as long as I've been employed. This time frame happens to be the last of my majority vestment, which as at this point is about 2 extra years of salary I could bank if I run out the clock. I've been with my current company for 2.5 years at this point. The benefits are really great too along with a generous RSU program.

Should I just stay in my current level though and let the other senior designer go for the position? How would getting to more middle management position and then leaving look when/if I decide to get back to design? My story would be I tried the position, did like got burned out/didn't like it got burned and when getting back into the job market will prob apply for senior designer again.

tldr I want to gently caress around and find out about being a middle manager in a mismanaged side of the business

cheese eats mouse fucked around with this message at 16:35 on Oct 12, 2021

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
found out yesterday our yearly reviews have no impact on our figgies so why even bother now lolol

asked what does and my manager has no clue. thanks HR

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
someone asked about inflation and if that's a factor and he did have that answer! it's not factored at all.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now

qhat posted:

inflation is the base of all pay rise so you basically got a pay cut and should start clicking on those LinkedIn buttons

i'm sticking around for another 1.5 years because of an extra 1.5 years of pay in vesting options. then i'm going to be funemployed for a few months

deffo started designing a new portfolio.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now

qhat posted:

this is what a signing bonus is for

plz point me in the direction of a product designer signing bonus. i'm not being sarcastic cause i've never heard of it in my field.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now

qhat posted:

unless we are literally talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars.

It's about that yea...

there's a bit of a line i have if it goes lower/reaches a certain point on price, the refresh they gave us is not worth sticking around vs my initial pre-IPO grant.

i realize i am i good problems territory. i also broke down crying from stress for the second time in a year today so we will see where/when i really break.

i'm balancing this vs looking to taking time off and trying my life working in a bakery and painting/drawing for fun when i'm not creatively burned out.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
i keep a running gsheet list of my impact over the year. it’s easier to note it when it happens, like when a c level asks to see a UX research presentation or when there’s a shift in some big metric or when i get a shout out from a team member for helping them out.

it helps with writing year end reviews and pitching for that title bump. it’s also good for when your morale or self confidence is in the gutter to see the positive impact you make.

cheese eats mouse fucked around with this message at 05:41 on Dec 7, 2021

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
anyone know good/bad stories about slack post salesforce acquisition? recruiter wants to move me to hr round. i’m slinging my resume and work samples together this weekend.

they asked for number, did not give number.

this is for a lead ic role in product design.

i also might pass for now since im facing a cross country move in 2 months and im getting away with resting and vesting in my current role.

cheese eats mouse fucked around with this message at 03:52 on May 8, 2022

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
my short list of places i want to start slinging to

google (maybe but i want full remote and they’re very on the in office train)
doordash (maybe but also jfc at how they treat their contract workers)
comedy option, deliveroo

wouldn’t mind sticking around e-commerce, mostly just don’t want to be making dashboards and analytics tools and keep me the hell away from any design system management position. would rather gouge my eyeballs.

cheese eats mouse fucked around with this message at 03:59 on May 8, 2022

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now

qirex posted:

if you don't mind let me know what number you get if you get there, since salesforce is one of the places I'm looking at and I'm at lead/staff ic level

lol one of the reasons I'm looking is our new director wants to put me on framework design

I told em I’ll contact in 3 months mostly cause I’m facing a cross country move in 7 weeks and I just don’t want to handle interviewing and moving stress in the same time frame. plus I need more time to prep my portfolio for prime time.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now

rotor posted:

well, printmaking. I liked lithography a lot.

you can go to like a blick and pick up some lino cut, paper, and printing ink and have some fun. i know it's not litho, but lino is very doable at home. just use a rolling pin to transfer the ink. i think you can do litho too. ceramicists make their own silks screens for screen print transfers for decorations. it's all on youtube

cheese eats mouse fucked around with this message at 15:41 on Mar 23, 2023

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
I am also on the market as I got got in a restructure mid-June. Signed onto stand-up and no one there.

Replied a few weeks after to a direct inquiry on LinkedIn, had intro interview, and now interview with VP of design next week. I’m so rusty but it will come back. This time around I have a gently caress ton of IC leadership under my belt and stars appear in recruiter eyes when they hear I also like to do UXR.

But no rush, my unemployment bennies are funded through week 23 of 2024 and I got 3 months severance, plus a year of emergency fund in cash. So I’m not nervous at all, but also feel like that was too easy while seeing other Sr. PD’s write paragraphs of whoa is me on LinkedIn? Another recruiter is like you, 6 month contract, plzzzzz. I had another my first week looking, but didn’t work out cause their design team is in Turkey?!?

also went viral on LI day I was laid off. that was funny.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
I’ve definitely have had some design shipped that was a risk and has been sitting around in prod for years with me wanting to change it after some space and it’s deprioritized by ENG constantly.

Like every UI update I’ve wanted over 4 years

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
it gets shipped but never iterated. love to see it languish irl.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now

qirex posted:

I think I left one job with probably a three year backlog of finished designs they kept deprioritizing

e: if you ever want portfolio crit or anything hit me up, I think you're the only other full time designer who posts a lot here

I’ll DM you. I have two of my big projects up. I could use a resume review too.

I’m meeting with a design director for a second round interview on Wednesday for a series D start up that’s a unicorn in their field.

My only negotiating play I have is “I’m financially independent and willing to walk/not care”

also the design debt backlog. and eng managers wonder why we are sometimes a bottleneck? you guys never prioritize my fixes!!! I’m trying to get it right the first time.

cheese eats mouse fucked around with this message at 20:10 on Jul 10, 2023

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
network came through and talking to an ex-coworker about a position at a start up. he’d be my boss so throw me some other things to ask.

going to ask the questions plus some ways to uncover other red flags and complaints about my previous company. never done a Series A start up but have done small team to non-existent design. seems like it would be a crazy career growth opportunity.

should be an interesting chat. he was at the VP engineering level at my old gig.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
can you write a thesis in 12 months?

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
herding sheep is like engineering management you are already half way there

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now

Its a Rolex posted:

Good experience, glad I did it and it's on my resume, not something I would do again unless I got more control over the work and a better stake in the company

This is how I am viewing it. They're opening to up-leveling the position and I'd be working alongside a staff level front-end engineer, so i'm going to ask about a title advancement to lead/staff.

Pay at this point for me is just a cherry. I'd rather be interested in the work, have a ton of ownership, lead some great projects, etc.

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
I had a second round interview today and drat…I’m still burned out.

the start up initial convo was great and they’re not in a hurry to fill. so will be happy to move forward as I think they’ll give me some flexibility with start date. he knows I was slow rolling talking to him and said a lot of peers recommended me.

cheese eats mouse fucked around with this message at 07:31 on Jul 14, 2023

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now
met with the HR head today for the start up. they have been given a great outlook for scaling. 65 person company already has ladders and future roles defined. plan on hiring more design/research next year and have a hiring plan. regular employee feedback surveys, current focus on personal development. there’s a few people from old company’s early days who are working there and some that are in the interview pipeline. they do have a 2 year run way, can claim profitability next year but plan to grow more. they got their series a in this economy so i’m fairly impressed.

starting to really get excited. have a few more rounds of interviews next and a white boarding session. they’re building the designer interview plane as it’s flying, which is not unfamiliar to me.

having been in the interviewer chair this all feels easy and not stressful at all. srs if you can get some xp doing interviews it makes the process way less stressful.

any good questions to ask EMs at early stage start ups? I have been using The Questions on the first post.

cheese eats mouse fucked around with this message at 07:48 on Jul 18, 2023

cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now

4lokos basilisk posted:

whats the catch? its crypto, fintech or social media? :)

anyway good for you congrats

it’s physical product market research. think new air fryers and food and drink

they’re trying to be the of physical product research

cheese eats mouse fucked around with this message at 18:18 on Jul 18, 2023


cheese eats mouse
Jul 6, 2007

A real Portlander now

qirex posted:

[I owe you a response to your message, I will get to it]

good stuff. also no worries

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