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Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Private Speech posted:

it feels like they're just cargo-culting google/amazon more than anything

This is basically how technical interviews are designed everywhere.


Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

raminasi posted:

my favorite feature of LinkedIn is that ignoring recruiters costs them money


Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Google has a few SRE books out there. This one was the first they wrote and is meant to explain how they view SRE work. It's worth a look and definitely dispels the notion that an SRE is not an SWE.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

qsvui posted:

lol i have to give a presentation for my interview. is this common? has anyone done anything like this?

I've run into that a few times, but for various "scientist" roles. What are you interviewing for?

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

I'd take a presentation over a whiteboard round any day.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

They're probably still not going to hire anyone over 25.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

There's a good chance that the recruiter and hiring manager were not on the same page until after your interview. Hanlon's razor and all that.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

They have an internal candidate but need to make a public posting to comply with The Rules.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

That looks like a typo for 1-2+, which has its own issues, but it at least doesn't require time travel.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

The Something Awful Forums > Discussion > Serious Hardware / Software Crap > YOSPOS > interviewing: senior experience, junior remuneration

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Tech Sector Job Interviews Assess Anxiety, Not Software Skills


A new study from North Carolina State University and Microsoft finds that the technical interviews currently used in hiring for many software engineering positions test whether a job candidate has performance anxiety rather than whether the candidate is competent at coding. The interviews may also be used to exclude groups or favor specific job candidates.
This sounds like it might be obvious, but the effect size estimates are definitely new.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Having Amazon on your resume would make a big difference in your next job search. Keep that in mind.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

The Management posted:

if a company gave you a take home test that took 10 hours to complete, I’d suggest telling them to gently caress off.


Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

raminasi posted:

if there is a risk that the company actually cannot afford you, it is sometimes worth answering that question

amazon does not have that risk

Yes and yes.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

No matter what you have in your interview process, a substantial fraction of your candidates are going to hate it. That's just life.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Schadenboner posted:

I mean, moving to Ohio is rarely a "net-positive transaction" (as the kids say these days)?

Columbus is an underrated city, but yeah, the state kinda sucks.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

I don't think one page is a hard limit, but you should definitely put anything you really want people to see there. Certainly by the end of the second page every reader will have already made up their mind, so there's no value in going past that.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Keep in mind too that having Amazon on your resume is going to open a lot of doors down the line.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

ThePeavstenator posted:

How important are CVs when applying to big tech companies?

When I've been the interviewer I've never really cared if a candidate's CV was good or if they even had one, but I'm wondering if I should be sweating over my CV a little more if there's going to be a lot of other candidates applying to the same position at a bigger company.

Your resume/CV doesn't matter that much once you get to the interview stage, but it's the most important thing to get you there. Before any conversations happen, the document is all the company knows about you, and it's what they're using to decide whether to talk to you in the first place.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

I'd write a cover letter if I were guaranteed a response, but taking the time to write one and hearing nothing stings worse than just hearing nothing in the first place. As a result, I don't write cover letters any more.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Check glassdoor to see if there are salaries posted for the position you're interviewing for. If not, do some research on the market range in their geographic area. Either way ask for something near the top of the range.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.


Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

PIZZA.BAT posted:

the tech poc take home assignment that i did two weeks ago? they knocked me an entire title because i didnt prepare a powerpoint presentation for the demo. i was hoping that maybe today’s interview would provide a different angle and maybe allow me to clarify things. lol nope

Did they at any point indicate that you should make slides? Or is that just something that they assumed you would know to do?

PIZZA.BAT posted:

you nailed it. saw some nasty comments on their glassdoor regarding no respect for work life balance. guess i know the story behind those now

at this point i’m wondering how i even respond to that email because lmao what the gently caress

I'd be seriously tempted to say what I actually thought. It's easy to say that when I don't have to actually make the call, but I'd be thinking seriously about it.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Bored Online posted:

their end of the bargain

Unless you have something in writing, they haven't made a bargain. Your boss might have the best of intentions, but unless they take some action to back up what they say, it's just talk, and talk is cheap.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

FMguru posted:

being unemployed sends the strong signal to many potential employers that you are damaged goods in some way


Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

It basically comes down to whether your short term pain is enough to justify having to go through the hiring process again in a year or so when the overqualified candidate leaves. It might be, but that's a call for your team to make.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Interesting problems
Social value
Good pay

If you can get two, you're doing well. All three seems to be a pipe dream.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Finance might be OK if you stay the gently caress away from traders. I didn't and boy howdy was that miserable.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Check Indeed.

I think recruiter spam is at a pretty low level right now. No one's really hiring.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

In my last search Indeed consistently had the most relevant postings. Maybe it depends on geography and specialty.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

PIZZA.BAT posted:

otoh is it really a bad thing if your company knows you're looking?

It's pretty bad if your company has a policy of firing anyone even suspected to be disloyal.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

raminasi posted:

i remember the guy who didn’t believe that recursion was real. not didn’t think of it, not bad at it, not couldn’t analyze it. refused to believe that a function calling itself could ever possibly work. 20 years of experience.

A colleague of mine interviewed a guy who, when asked about the complexity of a piece of code, stated that it was complicated because it had a lot of loops.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Pile Of Garbage posted:

idk about the US...on the other hand i guess if you lived somewhere with no legally mandated leave accrual or pay-outs then employers might be more "flexible" (read: actually screw you over)

Sounds like you do know about the US.

Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

DuckConference posted:

i think the ivy league bias was more of a thing around 2005-2010, it doesn't seem to still be a big limiter these days

but yeah seeing attendance at an ivy league school would definitely be a red flag for me on a resume. you're trying to hire a competent person to do a job, not provide a sinecure for the kids of old money.

The old money kids aren't studying CS or applying to jobs at your company.


Aug 23, 2007

It's okay if you have any questions.

Most companies would've stopped talking to you after turning you down for the first position, so it's unusual, but not bad.

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