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Feb 21, 2008

Did he stutter?


Feb 21, 2008

I'm going to apply and get that job and then not bother to show up, as a troll

Feb 21, 2008

I've got a round two interview (of three I think, plus a small take-home thing at some point) on Monday and I'm stoked, bit of a dream job. I'm incredibly qualified so if they don't hire me they're stupid and wrong

Feb 21, 2008

Interview went terrible :negative: forgot to prep myself for specific project questions so I thought of one on the fly and it was a terrible example that never even saw the light of day and was 1.5 years ago so I didn't remember much :(

Feb 21, 2008

Achmed Jones posted:

oof, sorry to hear it fort. was this part of the same interview set that you'd been crushing so far, or a whole new set?

The former.

Feb 21, 2008

Thinking of just asking for my old job back. Boss’s boss in the exit interview literally begged me to come back but that was in September so who knows now

Feb 21, 2008

I may have accidentally gotten a job lol

Clicked the “apply now” link in a ziprecruiter email instead of the “view job post” link and they reached out and I nailed the interview this morning. They want me to do a small project for them as part of the vetting process but they’re actually paying me under contract for it.

At a startup but it’s all in rust which is cool and if I don’t like it I can keep looking but with less money pressure

Feb 21, 2008

Just had a round 3 interview cancelled


The HR team just informed me that our requirements for the role changed due to management decisions and we'll be only hiring from the Bay Area.

Thanks for your interest in the role and I wish you the best of luck.

Man, gently caress this

Feb 21, 2008

When interviewing people one of the questions I often ask is to tell their favorite/most memorable story of a bug they wrote, even if it never got fixed.

Mine is when I wrote a traffic partner bids cache that instead of just invalidating stale ones with a simple version bump would actually go through every single stored bid and re-load them even if they hadn't changed. The more bids there were over time the longer it took and we came *this* close to the redis cluster hitting its 5 second transaction timeout, destroying the cache, triggering a failover, making every single request taking an order of magnitude longer and taking our whole system down. Fixed it with a simple commit message like "Fix bid cache invalidation bug." and nobody knew until I told them way later lol

Feb 21, 2008

Portland ftw

Feb 21, 2008

Moving to California was one of the worst decisions of my life :patriot:

Feb 21, 2008

Same but Portland and the wallowas

Feb 21, 2008

Got a first-round interview/chat for a super swanky FAANG gig downtown today. I've known the guy I'm meeting with for years, we're old friends and colleagues and this position is a natural fit. Responded to my LinkedIn DM within 10 minutes with "would love to have you on this team" and set up the meeting. Got a good feeling about this one

Feb 21, 2008

It’s for a job at AWS and my friend was upfront that he was mostly trying to convince me *not* to go for it, said it’s dehumanizing but it’s not like I expect otherwise. Said the tough part is learning to be ok with things not being ok around you all the time but the money is fantastic and why his still there even though the job took his marriage. This is “pay off my house in 4 years” money of course I’m going for it

Feb 21, 2008

ADINSX posted:

Yikes lol stories like that keep me from seeking out other teams within aws, I’m in a real devil you know situation.

The stuff I work on is cool, and I know there is other cool stuff out there, but I’ve also seen enough to know that long time amazonians are something to be really wary of. the system sort of rewards bringing out the worst in people in a way I find difficult to describe

The stuff for this position is cool IMO and I've always found making tools and features for other devs to use to be the most gratifying kind of work. I'd describe this friend as a sensitive guy, much more so than me, so there's that.

FAT32 SHAMER posted:

if remote is an option for gently caress You money then… I mean… drat

He mentioned that this job is open precisely because amazon said they'd hire remote anywhere and then pulled the rug and said come in to an office or get let go and welp;

Feb 21, 2008

Some states require a range so for remote jobs you'd often see things like "if in colorado, the compensation range for this position is _____"


Feb 21, 2008

Before this I hadn’t in over 8 years and yeah I bombed some easy stuff.

Gotta say though I’m super envious of Amazon’s online testing setup, especially the project simulation thing

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