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Sep 12, 2008
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I've been at my first computer toucher job for almost two years now, and I am itching to leave. The benefits (except pay) are amazing and everyone is chill. However, the thought of being here until retirement really unnerves me. Also I don't really have a desire to learn CICS nor ISPF. So I applied to two different companies last week, with one giving me a coding assignment. I forgot how terrible I am at these things, so I guess I shall go through leetcode.


Sep 12, 2008
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:

cics and ispf are going to remain popular long after you're dead

Oh there is no doubt about that! The mainframe backend has uptime in decades. It's truly an amazing thing how talented the mainframe teams are here. I just would rather stick to being a user instead of a developer.

Sep 12, 2008
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Heard back from a pretest I did Saturday morning. They ended up rejecting me. I assumed it was going to happen though. I was on the last question, which asked for a tree traversal that printed every level on its own line. Instead, I gave them a pre-order traversal. Also this will sound like a complaint, but I was in the third hour for it and I just didn't want to spend another hour or so on it. I'm sure it means I'm too "dumb" or something, but it just means I need to practice more. At some point, I should be able to recognize how to solve these things. Better luck next time! :D

mekkanare fucked around with this message at 02:29 on Dec 27, 2018

Sep 12, 2008
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Rex-Goliath posted:

these questions are dumb as gently caress and not at all related to any real job...

i wouldn't worry about it

I agree. It sucks but nothing I can do, so no point to worry.

Penisface posted:

the boss has told me that in order to leave the company i need to sign a non-compete

Tell him 我慢。I'm sure he'd love it.

Sep 12, 2008
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I would work 9 to 5 if I could. 9 PM to 5 AM. Instead I take a state van, so my hours are set at 7 am to 4 pm. It is nice not having to drive downtown and find/pay for parking.

Sep 12, 2008
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Everyone's finally back from vacation as I am getting rejection emails this week. At least there's closure!

jit bull transpile posted:

is all of yospos abusing drugs just to do their jobs?

I'm too milquetoast for that.

Sep 12, 2008
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Failed another coding screen last night. Usually I post the questions to my github, but I couldn't be assed this time. I am really not good at translating pseudocode and descriptions on how to solve the problem on paper to working code.

gonadic io posted:

meanwhile here i am recording webcam answers to interview questions in some online timed bullshit thing

Gross. I did one only once and it was for an internship at Epic. Although I am very glad I never did get out there. I sincerely hope that it is worth the effort for you.

Sep 12, 2008
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Captain Foo posted:

anyway I have an interview tomorrow

Best of luck to you.

The entire interview process for my current workplace was: thirty minutes behavioral call; one hour onsite, thirty minutes doing a "what does this code do and where are its errors", thirty minutes behavioral; and thirty minutes discussing the offer with my supervisor and supervisor's supervisor. They have since replaced the code review with doing a whiteboard.

Sep 12, 2008
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SardonicTyrant posted:

I mean, if they want to be paid in "exposure", that's cool.

No, that drags the already horrible interview standards down for the rest of us.

Sep 12, 2008
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qhat posted:

Official offer came through, total comp is 37.5% higher than my current role excluding options (which I also get), plus a 10k signing bonus. Can't hand in my notice soon enough.

Nice going!

Sep 12, 2008
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iospace posted:

So I threw my stuff into here, and I have one major complaint:

The lack of locations they allow you to select is absolutely bullshit, and they don't allow you to put in a city that is not listed. My loose definition of a "major city" is a city that has a major 4 sports team in the US, exempting Green Bay. By this standard, they're missing: Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, Milwaukee*, Kansas City, Portland... I could go on. There's a lot of locations missing and it really hamstrings the site.

*Milwaukee is a weird duck because of how close it is compared to Chicago. It's 90 miles, so if you select Chicago, you might get some Milwaukee jobs. However, not having any of the major Ohio cities, ESPECIALLY Columbus, is dumb if you ask me.

My experience has been any web site like this doesn't give a gently caress about any other city than San Francisco and New York.

This morning I took a coding test for Amazon's entry level Security Engineer position. I got through the first problem no sweat, but the second one was basically asking to implement A* search in fourty-five minutes. I'll just say I did not remember how to implement A* search correctly in fourty-five minutes. :rip:

Sep 12, 2008
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bob dobbs is dead posted:

This is wrong, sometimes they also care about palo alto and mountain view

(I suspect there's more developer computer touchers in mountain view than Ohio)

Oh yeah my bad. I always think that they're suburbs that are 10 miles within each other but looking at a map I see it's not the case.

Sep 12, 2008
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Schadenboner posted:

Also why doesn’t anyone in Wisconsin do MLK day?

I had off :shrug:

Sep 12, 2008
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Schadenboner posted:

Is it a Wisconsin company?

Eh not a company per se... I'm with the state itself :rip:

Sep 12, 2008
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Surprisingly Amazon said they want to go a technical phone interview but my dumb rear end replied, "Sure, I'm available after 5 PM during the week as I'm not taking off work to talk."

Sep 12, 2008
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I blindly accept what's asked of me without asking questions and fret over it after the fact. It's something I need to work on.

I definitely have the privilege of being picky. Despite my complaints my work environment is very accommodating, especially wrt mental health.

Every time you post about Epic I am more and more glad that you got out of there.

Sep 12, 2008
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KidDynamite posted:

i'm carpet bombing applications and apparently you have to login with facebook to apply at amazon

hell world

I just had to make a separate amazon jobs account. Don't know what you're doing.

Sep 12, 2008
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All non-essential state buildings closed to the public tomorrow due to the cold weather, which means I'll be staying home. Guess I will try to grind leetcode? I hit 50 and stopped doing them due to being really lovely at them.

Sep 12, 2008
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Amazon recruiter sent me another link to schedule phone interviews. I already marked that Thursdays 6PM to 7PM are the only times I'm giving you. If you think I'm going to take time off for your nonsense, look elsewhere.

Apple I haven't received an email since I applied at the beginning of the month.

Small firms I have gotten rejections or nothing. That's cool with me, everything's a fart app and I'm only looking for work elsewhere so I can make figgies and not freeze my rear end off. Not sure how else to apply to jobs other than firing off into the hole. I don't have a social network as all my coworkers are lifers.

Sep 12, 2008
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:

post your resume on indeed and let recruiters spam you

I am legitimately curious. Is that not a recipe for disaster? I am under the impression that these recruiters don't have access to any additional information, since if they did they would not be trolling job boards looking for resumes but instead advertising themselves like a realtor or something.

Sep 12, 2008
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Penisface posted:

thanks thread, i got a new job and a 66% number go up in figgies

it's a lot less amazing if you take into account that it's only a 36% raise compared to 3y ago, but i am still happy for having this

Very nice job!

Skyl3lazer posted:

Good news the shutdown ended in time for me to not lose my new job hurray

Do people who had a start date during the furlough really lose that job?

Ciaphas posted:

company i just screened with says part of the interview process is homework that should only take "a couple nights at most"

um, yes, i'm funemployed, but

"Oh cool, I would like a couple of nights worth of pay."

Sep 12, 2008
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I wrote cover letters when I was looking for work after being a non-traditional student so I could talk about something other than computers on it, not that I can remember what it said anymore. It worked for my current job but again I'm pretty sure it's an outlier. I know for a fact that whenever a new position has opened where I am at work every resume, including the cover letter, is looked over because the devs/managers who go over them sit adjacent to my cube.

I'm not planning to write a cover letter anymore.

Sep 12, 2008
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Interviewer asked me how my current job makes sure current practices when designing software are best and I had nothing for him. Sorry dude, if it compiles and doesn't mung up the rest of the system somehow it's probably going in. I liked the part where he mentioned how there would be very little legacy code to deal with, and I wanted to mention that last week a coworker found code still in use that invovled checking for people born before 1900.

Skyl3lazer posted:

Well for me, I was a contractor that couldn't be onboarded with my govvie project, so there was literally no billable work for me to do. How long they would have paid me a salary for doing no billable work wasn't a question I enjoyed asking (obviously I didn't ask them directly)

Oh I see. Really messed up that people were calling the furlough a free vacation...

Sep 12, 2008
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I basically said if there's any questions about the way code is shunted in to defer to get input from architects or senior developers.

feedmegin posted:

I mean, it's been a whole two years since the last person born before 1900 died, so that actually doesn't seem that bad? :shrug:

I don't know exactly what the check was for as it was in some mainframe transaction, but what I didn't convey in my last post was that the guy was basically doing a dickwaving about how little legacy code there was compared to the company having been around for ~30 years and I was biting my tongue.

Don't expect training and be able to cover your rear end as you'll be blamed a lot for everything?

Sep 12, 2008
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Dijkstracula posted:

be careful of the one pitfall of that scenario, where both companies livelock themselves waiting for the other to give you an offer for them to counter

Ah, the dining pinheads problem.

Sep 12, 2008
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KidDynamite posted:

this is the poo poo that gets me. they obviously know the system can be gamed. why is the process still the way it is?

The idea of denying someone because of "culture fit" is too nebulous, but denying them because of failing to complete a test is a "verifiable data point", so that's okay. At least that's my take on it.

Sep 12, 2008
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the worst part about interviewing is that the payoff is having to go to work

Sep 12, 2008
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ADINSX posted:

So I had a tech screen with Amazon last Friday... I'm not sure I want to move forward at all, its a pretty thirsty move to call a guy that's turned you down after just a phone screen. We had a hard time hiring in the seattle market at my last job and we'd never do that.

I just got an email from them today about doing another phone screen about their "Leadership Principles" :wtc: before doing an onsite. When I had my technical the recruiter gave me like 10 minutes to ask questions, which means I had time for one, and now I don't know if I want to email them the questions or just tell them to gently caress off.

mekkanare fucked around with this message at 13:12 on Feb 14, 2019

Sep 12, 2008
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jit bull transpile posted:

man the numbers people throw around in here as reasonable salaries always make me feel really bad about myself until i remember im a gay woman and make the appropriate handicaps to the figures people say they make.

Also remember what a trashpile WI is wrt to paying computer touching. Most places were expecting to pay me $30k per annum, while I take home nearly that much after maxing my 457b + mandatory ~7% into state pension. Maybe Milwaukee is better, but hell if I want to find out.

Sep 12, 2008
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alright going into ~4 hours of interviews with $JOB_I_REALLY_WANT. i have a decent shot imo but could go either way. nerves arent too bad but my palms are sweaty.

Please make a million bucks a year.

Rex-Goliath posted:

we haven't had a yospos salary survey in a while

$68k (so close). Public Sector WI, 30. First computer touching job. Two years next month.

Shoe status: Ranger snowboots, men's size 13.

mekkanare fucked around with this message at 18:38 on Feb 18, 2019

Sep 12, 2008
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My most memorable classes from college were the non-CS ones, with maybe Theory of Computation being the exception. Most of the professors I had for every class were great people, I just don't readily remember the time spent in those classes.

Sep 12, 2008
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dragon enthusiast posted:

had the weirdest phone interview just now:
- called two hours earlier than arranged
- caller id showed up as unknown so I let it go to voicemail the first time
- kept stammering and putting me on hold
- also I have no idea what I was actually interviewing for lol, the position name he mentioned didn't match anything I had applied for

I think you got asked out on a date.

Sep 12, 2008
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What's the justification for two coding interviews by phone before an onsite with the same FANG company? Is this normal or should I ask the recruiter wtf is up.

Piano Maniac posted:

I have bad news - I ran through the company papers with my wife and man, she was not pleased.
Apparently it's a common scheme in Japan where they take obviously unqualified staff as IT people, throw them at large corps to get yelled at.
Guess who's the unqualified piece of rear end - that's me.

What tells you that this is the same thing?

Sep 12, 2008
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Boot and Rally posted:

I have mixed feelings about this. I suspect it is good if you want to day drink at your desk, bad if you want to do anything or advance, right?

Having nothing to do is not fun at all.

Sep 12, 2008
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In order to solve an interview question, both parties must first agree to what level of the Chomsky hierarchy they will be using.

Also, it'd be nice if tech companies wouldn't expect all the phone interviewing to be between 9a-5p. I'm fairly certain there's teams working every shift.

Sep 12, 2008
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Where's a place I can dump my dumb resume? Here? I have hardly any experience, but would like to be reassured that's the reason I don't get emails back from places I apply to, instead of the aforementioned resume.

Bloody posted:

getting a 100% remote offer i hope it is competitive

So about letting your current place of business of your resignation, was the previous time a one time thing or...

Sep 12, 2008
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I wasn't sure if there was a thread to put it in mainly, but here's what I have:

I'm not really sure what kind of computer touching I want to do so I just kind of apply to whatever sounds interesting. Also

Captain Foo posted:

gently caress yeah ciaphas

Sep 12, 2008
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Achmed Jones posted:

(suggestions and questions)

I transferred, but I will drop the start date. I only ever had the GPA on for when I was applying for current job as it was the first one. I just listed them as CTFs since they are that, although I did not do them at an event. They're mainly there for filler.

I can change the tense. I didn't really want to put the mentoring on at first. I've been here barely two years but my supervisor has already given me four people to "train".

Anyway, I appreciate all of the input you gave me. Still kind of sucks I don't get any emails back from places after submitting though.

Dijkstracula posted:


Thank you very much, I will have to think about how to describe these better than "yeah I added yet another batch job to the framework".

Bloody posted:

i hope its a one hit wonder but my stupidity knows no bounds anything is possible

I believe in you.

Sep 12, 2008
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Like Elmer?


Sep 12, 2008
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KidDynamite posted:


recruiter for company that set up on site called me today to tell me "CTO had some ideas this weekend and we're changing the way we hire for mobile roles so we'll get back to you once that process is settled." I guess I dodged a bullet?? Also someone is surprise quitting the iOS team and suddenly everyone is being nice to me while giving me his work. I feel like I should say no unless I get taken of the performance plan. Can't wait to get the gently caress out of here too.

anyways why would a company(big mobile payments co) have a 6 hour on site? that sounds so miserable i almost want to bomb the pair programming(no i don't i need money)

Of course they're nice to you because they want something from you. I don't know, is it even possible to get off a PIP? Why bother caring if they're going to get rid of you anyway? gently caress 'em!

n.b. I don't know what I'm doing, don't listen to me.

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