CARES Act style program is setting up interviews in the spring to prepare me for interviews in the summer for onboarding for fall. But the guy who set it up last time isn't here this time so I must post and pray. I cannot wait to find out where they try to pipe about 100 of us folks.
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# ¿ Feb 7, 2025 18:38 |
Get me into the metaverse.
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I'm sitting a zoom call with sorority sisters showing everyone a YouTube video of a dude doing a talk sponsored by google about interviewing and I don't understand why the halls of power are gated this poo poo sucks who even wants it who cares
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Just a breakdown after hour 13 of being on camera shackled to computer. I shoulda been a streamer instead.
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Sapozhnik posted:jesus christ who the hell is forcing you to do that Lern2code bootcamp with a housing stipend, government funding. The requirements have been straightforward easy but ugh, the thing that pushed me over the edge was family member inviting me to her corporate zoom jockey gig where she plays professional development materials and takes attendance. Im getting my first check tomorrow and that should soothe the soul.
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Trimson Grondag 3 posted:holy poo poo is that a thing these days? python gulag with ‘code will set you free’ on the door? Just give 50 vets a Kali vm and point them at the opposition.
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CarForumPoster posted:You didnt have a say? Theres a slavery/indentured servitude provision in basically every US government contract. If you know of a government contractor violating provisions of their USG contract you may be entitled to whistleblower compensation. Don't! Historically speaking America has been EXTREMELY unkind to whistleblowers
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Rudest Buddhist posted:What are the best job boards to hit these days? I’ve been going through LinkedIn Jobs pretty hard and that’s working well but what else should I be spamming for remote work? My bootcamp gave me access to their curated job board and it seems to be 80% linkedin by volume.
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Currently thinking of pivoting to being a content moderator for Metaverse. My cover letter would be my steam achievements page for Hypnospace Outlaw. My reference would be an SA mod.
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hbag posted:wait but why is it okay to gently caress with me Captain Foo posted:you’ll figure it out when you’re older ![]()
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echinopsis posted:Oh I don’t disagree at all. Oh gently caress yeah, you accidentally built a phara army. Now that is actual, real, earned loyalty. That shits the bomb, fuckin drop it on those management scrubs giving you the loyalty poo poo.
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Did mock initial interview today, rated 10/10 would talk to me again. Now I just need to do it foreal. Very comfortable talking about myself. Buddy didn't do too well and he said he has to watch King's Speech over the weekend.
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Jabor posted:this is a stupid attitude too. being on-call means you're making sacrifices even if you never actually get paged I was on call without additional pay while I was in the military, where I was actually owned by my employers. This was to keep things running after some Scandanavian volcano threw ash in the air that degraded a fleet of aircraft. This is my personal bar for urgent on-call activity, if it doesn't pass that bar then fuuuuuuuuuuck that pay me and give me a phone. my homie dhall posted:playbooks are bullshit too, if you have scenarios you can write a playbook for, you can automate responses to them Playbooks are meant to be read by someone you've never met, to be stored in a drawer nobody opens, during an hour no one should be in. They are invaluable to operations that are 24/7, have kafka-esq turnover, and way more people than a single brain can keep phone numbers for.
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On the 31st I am attending my bootcamp's Launch day where we meet and greet their contacts. On the list there are 14 suitors: 3 Fintech, 3 staffing agencies, 5 consultant firms, the feds, and two life insurance companies. I get to pick 4 to see. I feel like a southern debutant getting hype for the ball.
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Same. Working payroll was what radicalized me. There's no merit or sense in this system, just leashes for the dogs who rely on wages instead of drawing power directly from the source (PPP Forgiveness). But none of this is interviewing. I must keep that dark knowledge bottled up while I smile directly into the camera during a mass zoom meet and greet.
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Aight let me post some PSYCHO poo poo to get us off this fuckin derail.![]() Yesterday I attended a thing, while I was doing the thing I saved some drafts for thank you cards and schedule sent them this morning. Tell me if this is psycho poo poo, bootlicker poo poo, good professional poo poo, or just poo poo. Edit: Noticed these were tagged to my personal account rather than government name account. Fuuuuuuuuck, oh well low stakes. KirbyKhan fucked around with this message at 14:21 on Jun 1, 2022 |
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The Fool posted:its boomer poo poo, at least Good looking out, phone posting will fix when back on workstation. Yeah, boomer catnip artisanaly handcrafted. As natural as shitpost
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Reposted for posterity
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The desire for portfolio work is what turns every private bootcamp's capstone into a blog post. Which is a marvel in way, to take someone who has not touched computer and get them to learn enough rituals to stand up a WordPress blog in AWS and configure the network to exclude known malicious actors. But let's be real we all tore down those instances and migrated our posts to Medium because money
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nudgenudgetilt posted:was this actually your idea, or was it an assignment at a half-rate boot camp? Both yes. I've seen Thank You card back when I was doing entertainment industry stuff in the mid 2010s so its not completely foreign to me. All the folks in my home network are boomer as gently caress, so that's where the ~extra~ formality comes in. I think it's useful, especially right now before I make my Things_Ive_Applied_To.xls. It has a place, idk it inserts me into someone's inbox in a pleasant way doesn't take much time.
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Ugh, I feel like doing the moves my boomer financiers desire frequently runs counter to actually getting a job. It is a wierd life. It is balancing act.
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My wife called in sick to do an interview so the boss dude asked for a doctor's note. So here I am forging a doctor's note in GIMP because we live in a hell world where folks can just demand that so easy. Like it costs $8000 a year in insurance to get 45 seconds with a doc and management wants 30 of those seconds to be used to type out a special love letter from a doctor for them. Ugh
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I used a medical document from our past, unfortunately it is from a different state, so forwarded email explains the labs faxed it to us and I scanned it to pdf. Totally normal thing to happen. The altered file has been scanned and faxed before being printed to capture that authentic artifact degredation. It helps mask the font differences in the dates. Timelines have been made consistent with the present day. Headers and footers preserved. All references to age redacted by sharpy, printout will be waved in front of manager face then returned due to HIPPA concerns. This may be my magnum opus for crafting makework props used for kabuki theater. I still got it baby~ Edit: Got call, interview went great. Let them scrutinize like crazy people, I have already out crazied them with the quality and care placed into this transparent lie.
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bob dobbs is dead posted:that barely matters I think you are confusing a doctor's note to mean an actual message and letter stating the patient must be on light work for fear of permanent damages signed ~doctor~. Employers have no need for that, what they're asking for is proof of physical presence at a place explaining why the human component was outside their cube. So, I just got a lab draw form to fabricate a visit and that's like barely fraud in this world of Apes and NDAs.
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CarForumPoster posted:lol at the idea of demanding a doctors note from an employee I know right. It was outside the realm of possibility in my mind they wanted this. Wife came back and showed me the message. Dude foreal wanted a signed doctor's instruction explaining "why you have to stay home the rest of the day" and lmao rofl. bob dobbs is dead posted:do not document your felonies if you do them. especially do not document the fact that they are interstate. No, I'm not going that far. I thought it was just proof of visit. Now that it has been clarified that they want the HOT DOCUMENTS I just told her that it is "Psychotic poo poo to demand, push back". Like how in our medical system is that even possible to produce authentically!?!? We don't even have a doctor assigned to us yet and it's been like 6 months since she got this bullshit job with it's insurance, no wonder everyone else in her cohort quit already.
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Public education in Utah was :chefkiss: wouldn't trade it for the bougiest poo poo in the world. Blog update: bcc'd boomer financiers some of my initial cold call emails. Current strat is to keep them in the loop for jobs I don't want so their jobsearch brain poison techniques can do what I'm certain they will do. KirbyKhan fucked around with this message at 20:49 on Jun 7, 2022 |
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I got day drunk on a quad in Cambridgeshire. A dude was playing guitar and I asked him to pull up the tabs for "Hit Me Baby One More Time" by Brittany Spears and sang my drunk heart out. That's British private school right? I walked through one.
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Achmed Jones posted:you're right that it's kind of dumb in that you really shouldn't need a "method" or an acronym that says "hey actually answer the question" but some people are really bad at talking to humans and it helps them i guess Oh man, speaking to humans is not common. It blows my mind how people can get away with speaking with only familiar people for like decades. Like pulling teeth getting anything out of folks so far in their shell. Idk, I did toastmasters in my teens. Jackbox Party Discords are basically that.
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I love talking about my favorite thing in the world: myself
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Could be a value add... Could you flip each other's loyalties, do a double agent heist triple cross, and escape the clutches of both companies with ur wife?
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Asymmetric POSTer posted:lol "Oh she has a job too, doing thangs, making money, making moves, job title of girlboss, she is very proud would you like me to show you her linkedin" And that offer will be politely rejected and never thought about again.
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# ¿ Feb 7, 2025 18:38 |
bob dobbs is dead posted:zaibatsus keiretsus and chaebols actually get the substantive bit of this submission routinely. by offering life employment w mediocre pay, lol
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