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Jan 2, 2011


Jan 2, 2011

this company has mandatory fields to asking you what % and $ amount you want to invest in the company. this is a job application.

what's the EU equivalent of the SEC?

Jan 2, 2011

Emacs Headroom posted:

it's a test, clearly

the correct answer is "zero: I act rationally and decouple my investments from my employment so that I minimize exposure to a single company or industry"

field validation only allows integers, but maybe i can put this on one of the other fields like "age", "gender" or "nationality"

i wish i was kidding this is a smorgasbord of things not to put on an application. i don't know what EU laws are though.

Jan 2, 2011

like if this is a crime someone tell me who to report to

i like to cause problems.

Jan 2, 2011

hey folks i did this interview and liked the company. they asked me to do a coding test, which i usually decline because github. but it seemed neat, however, it's pretty obvious this is a real need for them and it took quite a long time to do. they also said of the test "you'll be doing 99% of your job before you even get hired" by doing the test.

i've of course installed a bunch of my own packages in the app so if they try steal the code without hiring me i'll take remote control of their servers lol.

should i ask to get paid for this though?

Jan 2, 2011

Emacs Headroom posted:

coding test _after_ the onsite is unusual. how long did it take you? is this a super small start up who's nervous about making a hire?

i wouldn't ask for money, that would be super weird (and would have been something you negotiated -- like a "contract to hire" position -- before you agreed to do the coding test)

there was no onsite, just a Skype interview.

it took me probably 12 hours, but i'm gonna lie and say it took 6 to seem cool.

Jan 2, 2011

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

you have negotiate pay before agreeing to do it

well i don't really owe them anything. and it seems like code they actually need.

i might demonstrate it working and send them a gif to dangle the carrot

Jan 2, 2011

Emacs Headroom posted:

i've reviewed a shitload of take-homes in my day, and if one I assigned was on the too-long side, I'd appreciate the candid feedback (and the fact that you went ahead and did it anyways) more than I would be impressed by a candidate lowballing their self-reported time estimate. if you can get poo poo done and be honest that's pretty valuable

am I the only person getting actual work as "coding challenges"? 2 or 3 times they have been actually solving tickets of active projects.

Jan 2, 2011

Emacs Headroom posted:

who are these companies? name and shame

Modus and Kleros for a start

Jan 2, 2011

qhat posted:

The whole point of glassdoor is to identify the good companies from the cowboys,

speaking of that, reviewing my last employer is almost impossible because these kinds of websites want to attribute it to companies with a similar name. so i have a very scathing review out there of a company i've never worked for.

Jan 2, 2011

is this allowed

Jan 2, 2011

They also asked if I was hispanic and smoked. Not smoking is a condition of employment. For this remote job.

Jan 2, 2011

wait maybe thats why they waited for the government shut down to pot this job lol

who's gonna enforce stuff

Jan 2, 2011

Valeyard posted:

hello netflix plase hire me i am very famiiar with your products thanks

they are indeed hiring

Jan 2, 2011

qhat posted:

as long as you don't work in the sex industry

found that out the hard way :argh:

Jan 2, 2011

The Management posted:

LinkedIn is both the best site for job searches in my experience and objectively a total garbage website in every way. their app is awful too.

i've had zero replies to LinkedIn job applications and ~26 on Angel List

Jan 2, 2011

do you get to live in a cheap rear end dorm at least

Jan 2, 2011


Jan 2, 2011

qhat posted:

No, the UBC campus is 870 ish a month I've heard. The stipend is literally just enough to keep you living, presuming you never drink, never eat out, never go anywhere but work and home, and eat cheap rear end vegetables every meal.

that is completely hosed up, but i guess i shouldn't be surprised. a million people in Canada make even less than that working full time. maybe you can also take out a student? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Jan 2, 2011

The Management posted:

every company that contacted me from there was a dudebro ceo ideas guy with no understanding of what it takes to do what he wants. and lol at taking shares in lieu of real money.

i just filter it by 6 figgies and up, then there's no equity-only stuff. but yeah my career has been almost entirely dudebros paying me last year's bonus to make the next facebook.

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