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gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


Boiled Water posted:

i may soon be entering contract negotiations with new companies, how much more can i reasonably ask for ?

Refuse to give a number and just keep saying reasonable compensation. If they offer less than double current turn it down imo


gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


Valeyard posted:

I'm doing a tech test for a company here, it's very simple, about an hour of work.

Assuming all goes well I'm planning on asking for a base salary bump to the equivalent of 40% higher than I'm on just now, although I won't be telling them a percentage. Should I ask for 50% instead? Is this too high, too low? I can't double my salary here unless I moved to London, then it would be possible. Or if I done contract work here or London

This is exactly why you shouldn't give a number. If you ask for 50 and they can only do 40 they'll tell you and you'll get 40.

If you ask for 40 and they were going to give you 50 they'll just say "yeah sure 40".

If you let them offer first then you don't have the opportunity to underbid yourself

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


Valeyard posted:

Thankfully I haven't told the company any numbers yet, but when the recruiter hit me up (random recruiter, not internal to the company) I did give him some rough figure about what I was looking for.

Hopefully this should be ok, if I actually get an offer from the company then i will let them pitch at me first

Sorry this breaks down a bit through external recruiters. They will 100% lowball you to the company and even if you refuse to give them a number they'll make up a low one for you. gently caress external recruiters.

The principle is still sound though so we'll see. They'll have a number in mind before talking to the recruiter

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

I'm looking at moving jobs and the first feeler I get is from a vc blockchain bullshit startup promising an "exceptional package" that means 90% stock options otherwise they'd have called it "salary" right?

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


Penisface posted:

it means the ceo has/is a huge dick

it's a vc blockchain startup I think that goes without saying

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

i'm so bad at lying

recruiter asked for my current salary, and I was like "oh around X-Y" where X was suitably inflated

them: "no whats the number?"
me: "uhhhh. um. the number? *pause*. X?"

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

i had a recruiter email me today with a junior dev position for 20k in london


lmao indeed

gonadic io fucked around with this message at 20:20 on Jan 10, 2019

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


Progressive JPEG posted:

drugchat in the interview thread

i guess it fits

Especially since at $lastjob the recruiters would do coke together in the bathrooms

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


toiletbrush posted:

Is it bad form/does it make you look like a pussy if you get sent roles for Lead but say you really just want to be a regular dev?

take the lead role and salary, just do the regular dev job

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

meanwhile here i am recording webcam answers to interview questions in some online timed bullshit thing

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

applied for a rust position, during the interview it transpired that the position was a go/lua one with the potential to maybe one day involve writing a small utility in rust

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


Boiled Water posted:

I've only met a handful of hiring managers who understand this concept. "What? You don't like coding all time every day all the time? Surely this means you don't care about making our fart apps!"

just had this same discussion with a coworker where he was like "i would never hire a person that doesn't do at least research* in their own time"

*: by research he meant bare minimum reading tech blogs and node release notes

he's just had a kid so let's see what his opinion is in a few weeks

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011



I happen to come across your profile in Job Site

markov recruiting?

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

interview call scheduled for 33 mins ago. no call, no response to email, nobody has appeared in this hangout they sent me, no nothing.

kind of tempted to sit here for the scheduled hour just so i can say i can but also life's too loving short

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


the kool-aid is free!

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


Farmer Crack-rear end posted:

lol is there any other loving sector* of the economy that has homework as part of the interview process

*almost posted "industry" but i don't believe that term applies

many have actual accreditation and qualification, so don't need to do it per job

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011



Yeah this is fair. I think my issue is less with fizzbuzz and more with having to solve involved problems in a whiteboarding session. It's just not how I work and despite a lot of effort I'm still really bad at it.

the good places either 1) do 1-2hr take home, and/or 2) 1 hr pairing on a actual real problem

coming up with a good interview pairing problem is hard though. it's gotta be realistic to not be dumb alg-trivia bullshit but doable in 30-60 mins. requirements clear enough that we don't play 100 questions for an hour but loose enough that a candidate can interpret it into multiple possible implementations instead of requiring that they come up with our exact solution.

at $CURRENT_JOB we basically take a extremely stripped down version of one of our apps and get a candidate to implement it's core functionality.

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

in the spirit of programming, we should make a new one to join all the others together in

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


Xarn posted:

We want to go from 2.5 ppl to 5 ppl and I get to interview the potential newcomers...

Guess I'll have content for this thread soon :v:

i've done a bunch of interviewing these last few weeks and didn't get anything specific, just
1) people who didn't read the job description
2) people who claimed years and years of scala programming, got totally messed up over val/var during the pairing test (i'd forgive making the mistake, realising, and then fixing it, but when you spent 15+ mins on it you hosed up)
3) people who loving froze and basically couldn't get a word out during the interview. i tried to be nice, and to prompt for answers etc, and i get it, but also i can't say yes to these people since i have no idea if they know anything or not
4) one guy who did read the job description (which said "senior scala dev"), but decided that we'd made a mistake and were actually looking for project managers with no code experience

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

currently agonising about overengineering for a take home thing they said would take 2-3 hours.

took about that that for a working implementation sure, but now i'm going back and adding proper error handling, comments, logging, making it more efficient etc etc and i don't know when to stop

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

This morning I got a call from a recruiter saying they were putting me forward for a role, then fast forward a few hours and I get an email directly from that company saying "we saw your github" for that same role

I applaud their effort to avoid recruiter fees, but I'm not sure I want to engage with a company that does shady poo poo like that

Or maybe that recruiter somehow found out they were planning on emailing me and jumped in first? A+ scam if so, but I think the simpler hypothesis is more likely

gonadic io fucked around with this message at 18:09 on Feb 11, 2019

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


gonadic io posted:

This morning I got a call from a recruiter saying they were putting me forward for a role, then fast forward a few hours and I get an email directly from that company saying "we saw your github" for that same role

I applaud their effort to avoid recruiter fees, but I'm not sure I want to engage with a company that does shady poo poo like that

Or maybe that recruiter somehow found out they were planning on emailing me and jumped in first? A+ scam if so, but I think the simpler hypothesis is more likely

what do i even do in this situation? just go along with it? tell the recruiter? what about if the recruiter asks?

kinda tempted to just add the company's name in my ignore filter and call it a day, solving the problem once and for all!

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


Cold on a Cob posted:

any chance it could just be a coincidence?

or maybe different hiring manager from company vs the one working with your recruiter?

oh it totally could yeah i have no idea. only information i have is that recruiter told me they were going to make a call, and 3-4 hours later i get an email from company that claims to have found my github and are interested in a chat

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


Cold on a Cob posted:

oh right you wrote "github"

do you have your resume up on your github? if not then this seems super sketch. maybe just a communication error on their part too, like maybe hr knows you were forwarded via recruiter and the contact person there that reached out to you doesn't? idk

it's weird for sure

i do yes, and i have had other people contact me from it. plus i do have "potentially interested" on my github profile.

like i said i cant prove anything it's just the most likely explanation by far

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

yeah, why do i care again? a: i don't really. just replied to the company expressing interest and i'm going to stop overthinking it

e: if anybody asks i'm going to play dumb

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

Take home test I was agonising about was apparently good enough for them to invite me in :toot: honestly I probably should have just done it in Scala my actual day job lang

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011



i think it probably makes more sense to say something really problematic to my male interviewers and see if i still get an offer.

make a comment about your female interviewer to the male ones and see if they laugh

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011



:( this is gonna be me next week


gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

How do people handle booking time off for interviewing?
super annoying when work want notice in advance, prospective companies gotta pull a bunch of people together , booking random days off in the middle of the week is weird, recruiters seem totally incapable of relaying the availability they asked me for

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

Just had a company take great pains to explain to me that I was not in a culture "fit" interview, but a culture "add" one

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


TerminalRaptor posted:

"We need someone who thinks outside the box"

even this is kind of a red flag imo. like what do people mean when they say poo poo like this for a dev? skipping tests? not following known good practices?

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


Symbolic Butt posted:

well, a positive example: I was described once as an "outside of the box thinker" when I quickly sketched a deployment pipeline in one of the places that I was working at. because nobody knew about version control or any stuff like that. they just moved files around over ftp.

that's, uh, not disproving my point

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


ADINSX posted:

I guess, I've actually gotten some pretty good leads from recruiters on linkedin. Not that there isn't a bunch of bullshit, but the ratio is more like 80% noise on linkedin vs 100% noise on indeed.

Hi gonadic MSc,
I hope you are well?

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

God this company is trying their best to put me off with their recruitment process.

Phone screen by a dev which was "what is tail recursion and how does it work. What is a hash map and how does it work. What is a garbage collected and how does it work" where they were audibly ticking boxes and prompting me to the specific answer that was written down

In person is going to be 7 hours (split into 2 days). 4 hours of tech interview, then 3 hours that was described to me as "motivation and personality interview" which some senior person insisted on doing with all hired. In their own words, they usually have made up their mind by the end of the tech interview.

They are however offering mad stacks and their glassdoor is really positive

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

I really hate whoever the first person was wh btold a prospective employer how excited they were for that job in particular. Now we've all got to trot out some bullshit about how eager we are for this particular way to eat and pay rent

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


Schadenboner posted:

I too struggle with ordinary social interaction.

It's a constant struggle.

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

Another rejection, apparently I lacked "certainty and rigour" when whiteboarding Tetris

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


Boiled Water posted:

what the devil is that code for?

I have no idea. I'm a white cishet dude with a compsci undergrad, so it can't be any of the usual culprits

gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011

They were clear that all whiteboard code had ti be actual valid Scala too, no shortcuts or pseudocode


gonadic io
Feb 16, 2011


Ciaphas posted:

I feel like "let's talk about implementing Tetris" might be interesting and informative to discuss, but actually coding/whiteboarding it? With any amount of language accuracy? :barf:

It was a simplified version, I didn't have to do any graphics and didn't have to conform to the rules 100% for example I make all pieces just rotate around their top left bounding box corner.

Kinda tempted to code it up now, I've been meaning to do a project with webass'd rust as the backend and js as the frontend and this is a good candidate

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