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Maximum Leader
Dec 4, 2014
I looked around for job openings in my area and ~70% are PHP and the rest C#, I should probably look at more sites but it was very demotivating


Maximum Leader
Dec 4, 2014

Boiled Water posted:

I usually take my current salary (which is grossly inflated from living in tax-country scandinavia) and add 50%. So far no complaints from recruiters, so I'm wondering if I should put even larger numbers.

Really? I was under the impression that it was really easy to hit the programmer salary roof here. Surely the salaries are not grossly inflated compared to American (or German/Dutch/Irish) salaries, even before tax, or am I wrong?

Maximum Leader
Dec 4, 2014

Neslepaks posted:

lol if you think in 30 years corps wont be locked into arcane php baggage just as they are to cobol now

I don't know if facebook is still stuck in php land but if they can't get out then there's little hope for anyone else

Maximum Leader
Dec 4, 2014

Boiled Water posted:

You'd think it would be easier to change a smaller shop than facebook. Think turning a sloop versus an oil tanker full of poop.

Yes but a smaller shop isn't going to have hundreds of engineers reinventing the wheel over and over again

Maximum Leader
Dec 4, 2014
got ghosted after my take home test :(

Maximum Leader
Dec 4, 2014
I found a company that's ~85% one-liner 5 star ratings with the rest describing dysfunction and sweatshop-like working conditions at length. averages out to a 3.5 company rating. they might want me for a backend role but I'm kind of hesitant

Maximum Leader
Dec 4, 2014

FMguru posted:

hes just saying all those things to get elected, he doesnt really believe them. if you were smart and savvy like me, youd understand this!

weve had a lot of fun in this thread tracking farmers slowly coming to realize that trump wasnt kidding when he said hed launch a scorched earth tariff war with china to punish them for all the bad deals theyve forced on us

the result:

the silos are full so now soybeans are piling up in the open, hoping to find buyers before they rot

I bet its worse for all the Chinese who are hungry for some soy beans right now

Maximum Leader
Dec 4, 2014

qhat posted:

I thought Scandinavian salaries were outrageous by EU standards. Maybe that's just Norway I'm thinking of?

the swedish currency lost a lot of value in the last ~5 years compared to EUR and USD which makes our salaries look smaller and other european salaries look better in comparison.

i'm making like ~90k USD if you count my bonus and temporary per diem, free rent and some other expenses that i get because i'm on a project in another country atm plus my bonus.

Maximum Leader
Dec 4, 2014

jesus WEP posted:

working for IBM: bad idea or terrible idea?

you know they're going to make you use lotus notes right

Maximum Leader
Dec 4, 2014

Boiled Water posted:

How much quality of life does this buy you in Stockholm?

not the op but I make similar money with 3 years experience and it’s actually decent compared to a lot of other European capitals that I’ve compared to. the renting situation is not really a free market so unless you have extremely good contracts, expect to pay a lot (can be over 12k for 1br in inner city) or put down 15% for a mortgage. it’s not legal (or according to policy or something) to offer mortgages with less than 15% down but it does happen sometimes (contacts again I guess).

Maximum Leader
Dec 4, 2014

TheFluff posted:

that's really good with that experience, i think. do you have a degree?

always interesting to compare notes on pay - thanks for posting. the union salary statistics aren't really reliable for this type of job in my experience because the number of non-unionized workers is so large.

yes, I have a bachelor’s degree. salary is decent but I could make more switching company, I’m quite comfortable where I am for now though.

Glassdoor is pretty good for salaries, if you don’t put in anything other than location in your search you will get a top list of companies there.

Maximum Leader
Dec 4, 2014

refleks posted:

He's replied quite a bit. At some point he edited out that the software request that was denied was something from Jetbrains. Just lol if you refuse 200 dollar expenditure on Intelij and act surprised when they quit.

lol I hope the freeware tool was eclipse

Maximum Leader
Dec 4, 2014
there's no ethical consumption under any alternative modern system either. the hunter-gatherer societies really had ethical consumption though. farming was a mistake, we need to go back to our roots.


Maximum Leader
Dec 4, 2014

barkbell posted:

so i got this job offer working fullstack react/spring on basically google adwords, but at my current company on another team the senior dev quit the same day i did and theyve approached me with that position.

its some nodejs position where the app is running serveless in s3, mongo for data, and lambda functions. oh and theres a cms frontend written in svelte. this is a terrible thing and i shouldnt even be considering this right?

it sounds quite bad but I'm sure it could be even worse. I'd consider it only if the cash was right and your other options are worse.

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