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Nov 12, 2016


jony neuemonic posted:

yeah i don't know why this is controversial. blasting someone on glassdoor probably isn't going to hurt you, but it definitely isn't going to help you so why bother?

because labor has to stick together and glassdoor is a god send in our corporate hellworld


Nov 12, 2016


Notorious b.s.d. posted:

wow some p. deece 6.5 figgies itt

yeah, really

although living in the paris of appalachia helps thumb my col / pay ratio a bit

Nov 12, 2016


Emacs Headroom posted:

edit: its probably my socialist streak that compells me to tell people to post on glass door, and be radically transparent about salaries. everyone lets get more money from the VCs

my company encourages everyone to post to glassdoor and surprise our numbers are not only fairly accurate but we generally aren't dicked around on salary either

crazy how the ends up working :thunk:

Nov 12, 2016



Nov 12, 2016


Captain Foo posted:

what is wrong with you

he's english, i think

Nov 12, 2016


Enderzero posted:

i'm pretty sure asking "when was the last time you took PTO" got me hired - the hiring manager had never heard that question before, and she mentioned that she encourages her team to use sick days if hungover and to make sure they use up sick balances by end of year. that was a strong signal as to their culture, and it correlated very well with what i've seen here on the job. thank you for materially helping my improve me life.

yup! I asked that when interviewing at my current job and got a really positive reaction as well. spoiler alert for a year and a half later: this is the best job of my career hands down

Nov 12, 2016


i included 'elected president of marching band' when i first left college :smugmrgw:

Nov 12, 2016


carry on then posted:

i wasn't talking about the initial application. someone posted that if an internship applicant mentions to them that coursework is a focus day-to-day, they automatically ask the hardest technical questions to embarrass them

have you not worked with fresh grads? especially fresh grads with 'pedigrees'?

they absolutely need to be knocked down a few pegs once they enter the workforce. the cockier they are about their excellent grades the harder you have to knock them. humility is a positive attribute

Nov 12, 2016


Notorious b.s.d. posted:

no one cold calling you off linkedin is ever worth your time

recruiters are a necessary evil, sure, but the ones who are trolling linkedin are the bottom-feeders' bottom-feeder. they literally had nothing better to do than pitch long shots.

if you have a very specific niche that actually narrows down the pool a bunch it can be useful but that's about it

Nov 12, 2016


Share Bear posted:

i dont program in my free time, why would i have a github

why would any company willingly contribute to open source

serious q

you sell a core but very flexible product that your consultants build custom tools that connect to it over the years through various engagements. you open source the tools so that as the tool becomes more popular customers fix bugs for you. e z p z

Nov 12, 2016


HoboMan posted:

what's a good interview question to get a manager to accidentally admit if they micromanage everything?

first two questions on the list should cover it. if they start talking about daily meetings, extremely specific metrics, and strange qualities expected out of employees then it's a bad sign. however this is also luck of the draw because who you end up working for directly may not have been involved at all in interviewing you.

Nov 12, 2016


that's uh, quite an av you've got there, homercles

Nov 12, 2016


anatoliy pltkrvkay posted:

how to succeed on your take home interview: use your demo enterprise account to submit high-priority support tickets asking for assistance on your take home questions.

it did work for about a day until i complained to the department attempting to hire this candidate that they hadn't properly onboarded this particular "customer"

ShadowHawk posted:

I automated half my job and taught interns to do the other half, then got laid off.

interview thread is good this morning

Nov 12, 2016


i've only worked with one stanford grad in my career so far he was very sure to let everyone know how he was from stanford and was also easily in the bottom 10% in skill amongst everyone i've worked with

Nov 12, 2016


Kudaros posted:

Is it worth it to get certifications while I'm still technically student?

Also I had my first phone interview today and it went well. Meeting in person in two weeks. Stoked to not be a poor.

First question right off the bat was "is this job going to bore you?". Nah man, I'm actually curious about stuff.

it can’t hurt but in my experience it won’t help you much either.

Nov 12, 2016


Star War Sex Parrot posted:

Systems-y stuff: drivers, embedded, file systems, recently expanding that to DBMSs (working on an in-memory database project currently and finding it cool)

Also doing CUDA stuff right now which is neat. I’m all over the place as long as it’s C or C++

you’re west coast right? send me a PM i have something you may be interested in

Nov 12, 2016


Star War Sex Parrot posted:

Im in Pittsburgh right now (CMU), I intend to be west coast in 10 months

sent you a pm

Nov 12, 2016


mongo recruiter just hit me up again


Nov 12, 2016


Penisface posted:

The people I interviewed with were also keen to know if I would be around for 3-4 years, which is pretty crazy considering how long the average foreigner seems to sticks around here. If they want that to happen and they are not totally oblivious, then in their heart of hearts they know that sooner or later they must either give me stock or up my salary.

I am not really greedy in terms of money, but I do not want to do what probably amounts to charity work so that someone else gets rich, especially if this is in a startup-style environment where everyone needs to work towards eventual profitability.

yeah asking for a textbook vesting schedule in response to them wanting 3-4 years seems reasonable as hell

Nov 12, 2016


qhat posted:

using recursive submodules (this is just so inherently dumb it's not worth elaborating on),

i didn't even know this was possible hahahaha

Nov 12, 2016


Pollyanna posted:

true, but the timing is the question. can you still do that after accepting an offer?

do you have memory problems or something because this has been plainly explained to you multiple times but you keep coming back to it. it’s really really annoying

Nov 12, 2016


his takeaway at the end of this is actually surprisingly clairvoyant

Nov 12, 2016


Ploft-shell crab posted:

I think it was rex-goliath unless it’s another post you’re thinking of

no tef posted the original set of questions which others contributed to while i wrote the associated explanations because people kept not understanding what the questions were getting at

Nov 12, 2016


the old thread was corrupted so even if i had a link it probably wouldn't work

Nov 12, 2016


also i think rotor or qirex or maybe both may have contributed to that list as well. i used to have a text file with a list of those questions plus good interview questions that i kept ready because i was on a job hunt at the time. every now in the regular discussion in the old thread a new question would pop up and i'd be all 'oooh that's a good one' and into the text file it'd go. it was a while ago though so i forget

Nov 12, 2016


PokeJoe posted:

they're in the OP of this thread you're all posting in

i was assuming they wanted the sauce

Nov 12, 2016


Caganer posted:

no one will fire you before 6 months - a year unless you actively gently caress up

yup. everyone will give you multiple benefits of the doubt if you're the fng. i've only seen a new guy get fired in their first month twice:

- The first instance was a super senior guy that we brought on who in his second week called the vp of engineering a dipshit and ripped apart all the high level design decisions of our product in front of basically everyone.
- The second instance was the guy who some of you may remember from the cjs thread who did tons of faux-alpha male trumpesque bullshit and quickly made everyone loathe him

Nov 12, 2016


Shinku ABOOKEN posted:

the cjs thread moves faster than a cheetah with a jet engine rammed up its rear end. anyone got a link for this one?

it's from a while ago- sometime mid-last year.

basically the guy had absolutely no idea what he was doing and compensated for it by being a colossal dick to everyone. any time he'd say something stupid and someone politely disagreed with him he'd turn it around to trying to make it seem like the person disagreeing was supremely incompetent for even making the suggestion.

on top of that he was the type of dude who saw trump's 'power' handshake and thought that it seemed like a great idea. one day i walked into my office to find him sitting at my desk with all my stuff all over the ground. i asked him wtf and he said he was told it was cool for him to use my desk. i told him I had to use my desk so he got up and walked away leaving my office a mess.

later that day he came back in and tried to take my keyboard as i was using it claiming that it was his

yeah they fired him

Nov 12, 2016


Progressive JPEG posted:

was that finally the thing that got him fired? or something else?

i’m not 100% sure since i’m a consultant and he was with the client but it sounded like they were already working on getting him out and that incident accelerated things

Nov 12, 2016


Dongslayer. posted:

would it be better to admit you dont know the answer in this case or to obviously fake it but make it

ALWAYS admit that you don't know the answer. There's nothing wrong with not knowing something. Someone who has too much pride to never admit they don't know something is someone I absolutely do not want on my team

Nov 12, 2016


lol yeah the answer to 'juniors will just leave anyways' is pretty drat obvious

Nov 12, 2016


pointsofdata posted:

Our graduate hires all do their first 3-6 months on the support/ops desk. It really helps them gain a feel for how the company works and gives them contacts throughout the company. Then when they join a more dev focused team they know what matters and normally come in with lots of ideas. It helps that the support team all do some dev work, and devs are expected to support their own apps.

Still doesn't mean that the grads know much about coding though.

this is actually a pretty decent idea if your company is large enough to handle it

Mao Zedong Thot posted:

how tf do you graduate with a cs degree and be literally unable to program? did i accidentally go to a good school or something?


Nov 12, 2016


Shaggar posted:

networking and nepotism are good and you should never be afraid of exploiting your connections.

yup. my dad could have gotten me a real cushy gig out of college that i turned down out of pride. 6 years later i kick myself constantly over it as i've just now caught up to where i would have been had i taken him up on it.

Nov 12, 2016


kloa posted:

also bonuses are taxed at like 50% :wtc:

lol get a load of this guy

Nov 12, 2016


Star War Sex Parrot posted:

Neat, got an offer to go to NVIDIA this summer

Do I want to go to NVIDIA this summer?

Like internship or real job? Either way that'll look ace on your resume

Nov 12, 2016


man that’s the one thing i miss about erie. winter was absolutely brutal but man the summers were nice

Nov 12, 2016


Poniard posted:

Got a call today from a company that says they are gonna get me ~secret clearance~ but I have to do prescreen paperwork on a pdf that isn't even signed properly. The person over the phone emailed it to me and all their info seems to be in order but I know that poo poo can be faked. There's a page on the company's website that says there are some fun identity theft scams going around where someone calls you and asks for all your personal info as if to fill out security clearance paperwork but you just get owned. I know government contractors are behind the times with technology but I don't know if this is legit or if I'm just being paranoid.

You're never being too paranoid when it comes to gov't security imo

Poniard posted:

I'm gonna make the call that it was legit. They told me I could print the forms out and hand deliver it to the office or the government classic... send it by fax.

and yeah this was the correct choice

Nov 12, 2016


yeah why not as soon as possible and letting them know what your plans are? either they can make it work or they can't

Nov 12, 2016


HoboMan posted:

ok so whoever said recruters can't tell time is correct. the one what ghosted me two weeks ago asked if i still wanted to talk

i set up another call and they failed to call me again yesterday

recruiters are dipshits across the board


Nov 12, 2016


PokeJoe posted:

only trust your fists

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