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susan b buffering
Nov 14, 2016

Pendragon posted:

just finished 3 hours of phone interviews for junior candidates. I'm done talking for today. on the plus side all seemed pretty smart and I'll probably bring all three in for an on-site.

on the subject of callbacks, I asked my boss what he says to candidates that don't make it.

"I tell them we'll get back to them and then usually don't get back to them"

not about to let that slide after reading this thread.

my most recent internship rejection email said they decided to move forward with another candidate

sent from a NOREPLY email which seemed a bit tacky


susan b buffering
Nov 14, 2016

i tried to be truthful on an app that was like “what is the highest salary you want?” and put NaN but that pesky validation got in the way

susan b buffering
Nov 14, 2016

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

i'm not going to take a job that requires me to fill out a form on the internet to apply

that’s cool i’m still finishing my undergrad so that’s what 99% of openings available to me want

even with a referral from an employee they still make me fill out the form

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