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Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

Just got a Master's degree in compsci. Now I need a job. Any tips?

Note: I'm in Canada. I fortunately have a nice local job board, but it's a slog - I got to the offer phase but we ultimately couldn't agree on a flexible schedule (I have a slightly broken body clock) and also they wanted me to come in w/ 50 other people every other week (I'm looking for fully remote work only until I and everyone I live with are vaccinated).

I guess it's just sending out resumes, but it's starting to get to me.


Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.


protip: leave canada

your country sucks because everything costs more but you get paid less. move to the silly con valley, run that grift, get that paper

I don't have to pay $999999 if I get sick, though, so... tradeoff? :D

Seriously, I don't want to work for big tech. I want a job in the city I'm in.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

Boiled Water posted:

Which city is that?

Also nothing, in theory, stopping you from getting a remote job "in" silicon valley.

Victoria, BC.

And there isn't anything stopping me, sure, but anyone big enough to have a silicon valley branch already risks being big enough to set off red flags in my head on account of their sheer size.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

Acer Pilot posted:

probably more opportunities in the gvrd tbh. most of the faangs are here and are doing remote


My dream is actually working for a company on the smaller side (not more than 100ish employees, could be closer to 25 or less) just generally being a Useful Computer Person. Goodness knows there's enough call for such.

Quackles fucked around with this message at 08:21 on Nov 19, 2020

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

bob dobbs is dead posted:

you didnt need a mscs for that

I did if I wanted to not be treated like a code monkey while doing it.

Mostly, though, I did the Master's because I didn't want to leave university.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

Acer Pilot posted:

did you do any co-op? what did you specialize in for that msc?

I already have a job on my resume with a company that did an online map thing. So I have roughly 7 years of experience.

The MSC was in distributed systems. Specifically Byzantine Agreement.

TheFluff posted:

most workplaces/bosses hate flexible hours, because they love control. you can sometimes get them to accept it once you have some leverage in the negotiation (that is, your value to the company), but finding a smaller company that accepts flexible hours for a junior position, in a city with a population of 85k, during the covid-19 situation, is needle-in-haystack territory. best of luck - you'll need it.

I'm applying for Senior Developer positions, which are both comparatively more numerous, and also I qualify for with my experience, etc.

Also, I don't need full flex hours, just time-shifted ones (start later in the day, end later in the day).

Would it help if I posted my (redacted) resume?

Quackles fucked around with this message at 17:53 on Nov 19, 2020

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

Schadenboner posted:

Hey, don't blame me: I tried to tell them but they still passed me to the next round!


A philosophy of job hunting:

You have a friend named Davetthew. He is not very good technically, but he is overwhelmingly full of confidence, and as such he applies for jobs he thinks he'd be even only somewhat qualified at. However, his confidence in himself often carries him through otherwise unfortunate spots of the hiring process.

You're better than Davetthew, but you don't have as much confidence - so, when you're not sure about yourself, "what would Davetthew do?"

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

syntaxrigger posted:

So my primary exit strategy didn't work out. Seems they went with someone else. Which I am not letting get to me.

Made a list of places that seem exciting to work but I am seeing a languages I don't know as well as java/spring like golang, ruby(did NOT know that is what github uses), and python. I feel like I am letting this trip me up. How important would you say knowing the language is to a job using that language if you know another OOP language?


I've found that porting my experience from one language to another is the easy part (unless it's Objective-C). The hard part is working with existing libraries, frameworks, etc. - especially if they're poorly documented.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

You forgot Python.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

DuckConference posted:

We take this issue very seriously. We broke your trust, and we're going to do better moving forwards.

Well, of course. With some care and attention, you can snipe with an opinion on programming languages on every new page. :v:

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

Private Speech posted:

One company I'm interviewing with wants me to make ring-0 spy software to put on employees computers (they are a cybersecurity company).

They're probably the most likely to come with an offer, but at the same time, eugh.

‘Ewwwwww’ sounds about right, to be honest. Are they at least planning to pay you a king’s ransom?

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

asur posted:

Also gently caress that dude who said a person's resume is garbage. You're never changing his mind so you might as well walk out and tell the boss or recruiter why.

This happened to someone I know:

Founder: "We didn't consider your Masters in Computer Science to be relevant experience. I don't really put much stock in education because I'm not educated myself."

This was for a developer job.


Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

carry on then posted:

culture fit lmao

Apparently, in the foyer, that company had themed pictures from several Christmases with the staff dressed up as a family (and one dressed up as the dog).

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

bob dobbs is dead posted:

i dunno what foreplay means in your corner of the world but thats just a horny rear end recruiter thing

horny rear end-recruiter? 🤔

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

raminasi posted:

out of curiosity, was there a non-obvious reason for this or were you just that set on only hiring people who give away their labor in their free time

Would you hire an artist without a portfolio?

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

taco_fox posted:

lol if you think I have any desire to write code if I don't get paid for it

Please understand that I don't intend this as any sort of slam on you, dig at you, etc. But I'm curious. What made you decide to go into programming in the first place, if you knew you didn't really like doing it that much?

I ask because I find that I find it hard to avoid writing code purely for my own utility or amusement, quite outside of what I do for work.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

Achmed Jones posted:

what is waas?

was not was.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

Wait, you make how much in Victoria? Doing what? I was under the impression wages for programmers, at least, were depressed there.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

Good to know. I suspect what employers are willing to pay has gone up since 6 months ago.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

huhu posted:

Yesterday was my last day. Today they laid off 30% of the company, 50% of the engineers. My glass of "I told yall so" tastes real good tonight.

How much of "the clan" got laid off?

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

huhu posted:

0 lol.

Shoulda joined.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

Gazpacho posted:

i keep getting these contacts where the 'crooter emphasizes that the client company's founders are mega-rich, like that's supposed to motivate me :confused:


interviewing: where the wild 'crooter roars

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

Kernel Sanders posted:

stop saying ”puter”, you’re not twelve

interviewing: stop saying 'puter, start saying 'crooter

Quackles fucked around with this message at 08:29 on Sep 29, 2021

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

Achmed Jones posted:

on the upside, you'd definitely get that "interesting and challenging" feeling for the first few years. and in tech you can switch jobs pretty often to bring it back. it's always temporary though - at some point you just know what you're doing and the opportunities for real interesting problem solving slow to a trickle. but that's what hobbies are for!

That's only if you're inspired by the macro level challenge. What I find interesting is the micro level - the writing of the code itself.

I will never be bored in the life I have chosen.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

Achmed Jones posted:

i guess you're lucky - most code i deal with isn't interesting or difficult (unless you're switching frameworks/languages/etc)

that sounds snarky but it's not intended that way! it's legit lucky if you have a job that is continuously interesting

No, I mean that the act of programming itself is what I enjoy, regardless of what the code is.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

champagne posting posted:

the solution to this terrible systemic issue is forcing refractors everywhere you go (if at all possible)

have your workaround be the refactor

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

echinopsis posted:

everyone at work gets pissed off at the doctors loving up prescriptions (it happens all the time) but it's so obvious to me that it's their lovely software lol

well, I mean doctors could proof read their poo poo before they sign it, but thats too much to ask for

I try to read my doctor's prescriptions after he signs them, but I can't read his handwriting

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

CarForumPoster posted:

epic is a big improvement in many cases

the worst coders write emr software, it’s just so tedious and boring

I almost got hired by an EMR company.

Well. Almost got hired is a bit of a stretch. First, they said, "We don't think you're qualified for the intermediate programmer position, would you be interested in a junior programmer position?"

I regarded this as a mortal insult, but I needed a job so I went to the interview anyway.

Then, at the interview, the founder said to me (in person), "I didn't count your Master's degree as worth anything because I'm not educated myself."

We parted on poor terms.

I didn't get the job.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

The Fool posted:

actually no, he’s just an rear end in a top hat

masters degrees are worth less in this field generally, but not worthless

and the way it’s read, he wasn’t just discounting the masters, but op’s entire education. which is lovely and wrong

He sounded pretty apologetic as he said it. I suspect he's had one or more people blow up at him for similar remarks before.

Edit: Also, I had a number of years actual work experience and he was down on me 'cause I didn't do co-ops in university ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Quackles fucked around with this message at 17:52 on Oct 5, 2021

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

cinci zoo sniper posted:

decent but not MANGA (Facebook is now Meta).

I’m torn between saying “that’s a pretty cool acronym” and “Facebook needs its old name to stick around like a scarlet letter F”

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

CMYK BLYAT! posted:

put your contact info and then the job posting text verbatim; nobody is going to read it other than the applicant tracking system

I’m like 80% sure this is terrible advice. I’ve read that ATS auto-rejects happen a lot less than people think.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

QuantumPotato posted:

oof. had a first interview for a senior position at SketchUp yesterday, things were going pretty well, then in literally the last 5 minutes had a technical question sprung on me, it wouldn't have been so bad except they wanted me to write actual code in a shared google doc. was the classic "find the longest consecutive string of 1s in an array of 1s and 0s" question, but with the abrupt context switch from personal questions, the awkwardness of coding in a word processor, and the time limit, i blanked and things didn't go well. i was able to fumble out a solution, but it wasn't great.

Ew, they couldn't even spring for a CoderPad?

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

KirbyKhan posted:

Currently thinking of pivoting to being a content moderator for Metaverse. My cover letter would be my steam achievements page for Hypnospace Outlaw. My reference would be an SA mod.

I don't know if this is a shitpost or not, but be aware that Facebook content moderators don't get enough therapy and there's no guarantee the stuff you flag will get taken down at all.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

PCjr sidecar posted:

are you this good at getting jokes in real life too

I'm standing in here, aren't I? :v:

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

qirex posted:

I have a friend who was interviewing there but she wasn't super stoked on it so I told her "just say a really stupid number" and she texted me back like 2 days later just "welp"

"Yeah, I'll sell you Minecraft... for 1 billion dollars."

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

bob dobbs is dead posted:

its new es6 hosed up poo poo, is the rub. spread operators and arrow funcs far as the eye can see

Wait, what’s wrong with arrow functions?

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

Achmed Jones posted:

gently caress it achmed claims the quad

achmed takes the fifth?

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

qirex posted:

(in fair YOSPOS, where we lay our scene),


Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

post hole digger posted:

pretty sure our corp values include the phrase 'outrageously audacious' somewhere in there. i janitor fuckin containers for a living. shut up.

Are they outrageously audacious containers? :v:


Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

hobbesmaster posted:

if anyone wants to know the way you’re supposed to handle that according to Amazon specific interview coaches (a very real thing that exists) you identify the leadership principle (every question should map to one primarily) and tell one of the stories you prepared that is applicable to that leadership principle.

No offence, but that sounds like a bunch of bull-💩.

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