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lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???

bob dobbs is dead posted:

i annoyed the poo poo out of dweck by continuously noting that all her growth mindset experiments could just as easily be explained by noting that the application of power degrades learning. the toddler gift experiments, the 2012 study, nearly all of it. certainly explains the frequent failure of the interventions cuz they themselves are an expression of power...

reading this gave me a minor "aha" moment thank you


lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
everything about public schools is good except for the folks who are mad the whole time that they don't go to plutocrat school

there seems to be an outsize number of those in the computer touching departments

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
yeah i know a lot of young people going through the intern/new hire interviewing circuit and i have not heard of a company checking your leetcode score lol. you'd be lucky if they even looked at something like a github. they're just interested in whether or not you know how to solve silly little programming problems, so everybody spends time doing a million leetcode problems instead of learning about designing complete software

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
i keep the link on my resume just in case, but the only time it's ever come up in an interview was when i applied to a very small, local software company for an intern position. bigger tech just seems like a numbers game to me tbh, nobody i know has felt seen for their particular talents or interests in an interview

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
i'm not sure if this is the right thread to ask this, but any chance a yospos oldie could take a look at my resume? i'm gearing up for tech intern recruiting season and it would be nice for somebody with interviewing experience to give some advice. i trust the people here to know what they're talking about

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???

it has some minimal but unavoidable identifying info so uh be nice :allears:

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???

Achmed Jones posted:

id move education to the very bottom or above activities, but otherwise that's a good resume. and that's a very minor thing obv

thank you so much for the feedback! i've considered this, but i'm just not sure exactly what recruiters / interviewers focusing on interns prioritize when looking at a resume. it's definitely something i will keep in mind as i keep iterating (:

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???

this is good feedback! i think i'll add more to skills to emphasize what kind of work i am looking to do / would excel in, and also move it after more concrete experiences

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
yeah the big reason i am starting this early with optimizing resume, etc is because i am desperately trying to gtfo of defense and into a role that gives me more versatility in guiding my career

unfortunately i sort of washed out with my first year intern offers, though i've been told that it's common for tech to pass over first years so i'm hoping for better luck this time around

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
i didn't know that waas was a thing, so thanks for putting it on my radar. i'll definitely apply through there as well. that amazon pay is interesting, since the amazon interns i know from school are making around $50/hr this year in addition to living stipends

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
it's affirming to hear good feedback, and i appreciate all the advice.

GenJoe posted:

apple hires sophomores as interns (or at least did a while ago), your resume is definitely good but do know that some FAANGs literally only recruit from their target schools (stanford, umich, etc) unless you know someone who can get a recruiter's ear

w/r/t this, i will say that i am generally averse to working at the kinds of companies that do such selective recruiting anyway. i will definitely be pulling all stops to get my info in front of as many eyes as possible, though. upperclassmen have shown me the magic of applying to as many companies as possible and then chain backing-out on accepted offers as you receive better ones

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
actually i did not. don't know how i managed to remove other things but missed the biggest font on the document. i don't think it's really a big deal but i will update it regardless

the job fairs at umd have actually been kind of sad recently, we haven't had recruiters from a lot of big tech / faang / desirable companies. the cs fair is going back to in-person this fall though so hopefully that will provide better opportunities

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???


did you get to take a meesh class before she retired? go terps

actually have not heard of her before just now. i've only taken through 132 so seems like i missed something special. i had fawzi though if he was doing his thing back in your time. go terps!

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
hell yeah i love lovely job aggregators. thanks (:

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
i got sent a written interview for an intern position that i would be excited to place into (firmware development for a well-established but not necessarily prestigious tech company). i'm going to open it when i get home from work, but before then does anybody have any insight on how to stand out with this form of evaluation? i'm used to live behavioral interviews, and i'm not sure how the content that recruiters or hiring managers look for changes with a written evaluation

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
yeah they have a leetcode-style online assessment as part of the standard app, so i think this is probably the "human factor" second-stage rejection filter. i'd like to believe i can pass that but i use something awful dot com so it could go any way tbh!

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
in terms of actual interview stories, i had one last year where a very southern interviewer just told me i'm handsome and then chatted about race cars for twenty minutes. i got the offer

being very white and male is unfortunately helpful in this country yeah

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
this is good advice. i did try my best to show my excitement, and even filled out the "open comments" field like some kind of schmuck. i just need to remember not to get too invested in any one thing since i've already put out 30+ apps and the number is constantly growing

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
got a technical interview queued up for the summer position i really want :kiddo:

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???

lord fifth posted:

got a technical interview queued up for the summer position i really want :kiddo:

didn't do as well as i would like, but i think that's okay for my first live coding interview. the interviewer wanted to stay to let me ask questions even though he was late to a meeting, which was a cool. don't think i'll move on / get an offer though, and that's just fine!

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
this is true! i'll just wait for an email hopefully sometime this week. maybe i'll be pleasantly surprised (:

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
have an internship technical interview with a well-known unprofitable late stage startup scheduled friday. kinda stressed since i dont have much technical interview experience - any tips from olds?

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
this is a very, very helpful list. thank you so much! a lot of this ive picked up from leets codes and doing online assessments but it's super useful to have all these topics in one place to refresh myself

i cannot express enough how useful this is for me and how grateful i am. i will ride this wave to an offer and secure my summer corporate housing

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???

lord fifth posted:

have an internship technical interview with a well-known unprofitable late stage startup scheduled friday. kinda stressed since i dont have much technical interview experience - any tips from olds?

mandatory report back: the interview was super chill and with an engineer a year out of college. he had me design a hashmap from scratch, which happens to be a project i did in my cs class last semester. got positive feedback and chatted with him about the company until he got kicked out of his conference room :D

thanks yospos for giving me wings

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
had a final round for an internship position today and had to do a graph traversal problem that involved multiplying edge values. i was praised for evidently being the only one out of ~200 intern applicants he's asked that question to do depth-first search on a graph iteratively instead of recursively ....

i'm not the only one who was expressly taught that doing recursion on a graph is awful practice right ????

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
to clear up the context we're talking university-level technical interviews where people are used to using python or java or whatever from leets codes. none of these kiddos use lisp

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???

bob dobbs is dead posted:

a basic thing about programming in the wild is that it can be deeply unfortunately stupid

like you would expect that specific dfs tail call bustin the stack fuckery to not kill peeps by fuckin w their car brakes, right?


holy poo poo. i feel like i generally write good code but remind me to never work in a shop where my code quality is relevant to peep's lives

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???

lord fifth posted:

had a final round for an internship position today and had to do a graph traversal problem that involved multiplying edge values. i was praised for evidently being the only one out of ~200 intern applicants he's asked that question to do depth-first search on a graph iteratively instead of recursively ....

i'm not the only one who was expressly taught that doing recursion on a graph is awful practice right ????

got an offer :cool: i credit yospos as a whole and this thread

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
unfortunately uber. gonna keep interviewing to see if i can find a company that isn't making GBS threads money out both ends but it's a good start

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
i will prevail

i want to believe they won't run out of money by summer but this graph is frightening

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
will it be a problem on my resume? my current mindset is anything is better than defense but i dont know what opinions in industry are

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
i have processed all the yospos advice thank you
fwiw i pointedly did not apply to any of the other companies nnt referenced

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
a transistor radio i can believe. but a home? fat chance in my generation

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
as a student and intern, whenever i see someone in my age group post like that on the linky i block them

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???

nvrgrls posted:

You should rescind any internship offer as soon as you find out the prospect posts on linkedin.

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
the phd student i do research with worked at epic right after his undergrad and he seems to think that applying for grants/fellowships and interacting with IRBs is better than anything he did there. so that might tell you something

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
the intern interview circuit is 100% asynchronous evaluations and live programming puzzle exercises and i dont know if i can blame them for it. i read companies like roblox get 50,000 applicants for just a few hundred available positions, you have to do something to stem the tide of bscs failstudents

i dont personally mind it for fake short term jobs like internships even if prepping for it is annoying. but i know it's gonna start pissing me off real quick post graduation

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
literally every single interview i have done for underclass level intern positions has been orders of magnitude more complex or domain specific than fizzbuzz. who is giving fizzbuzz to real applicants??

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???

nudgenudgetilt posted:

a teacher friend recently told me her curriculum includes teaching fizz buzz to elementary students. they use different words, but it's literally "here's a list of numbers, write foo next to multiples of 3, bar next to multiples of 5, and foobar next to multiples of both"

yeah i did something like this in elementary school. class got in a big circle and youd go around counting. you had to say the special word for each multiple or you were out of the game (and a stupid loser)


lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
well they all require going to work, so

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