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Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

In every takehome I've delivered, the interviewer went "Oh wow, you wrote tests for this?", so I wouldn't sweat it too much


Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

Personally I'd try to do a solid job that does what is asked, and doesn't go too overboard (who knows who's going to evaluate your work, and during what boring meeting, and with what deadlines), and use the solution discussion afterwards to wow them with the extra expertise (here's what I did, what I could have done, but didn't do because etc)

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

KidDynamite posted:

got one of the 6 hours zoom dealies with apple. lord loving help me. i'm going to schedule it a month out because i need to study my rear end off for algo poo poo and honestly some of the ios frameworks i don't use on the reg.

also apple hiring managers are very weird. the things they say make me feel bad for being an ios engineer that has touched service and backend code and also been put in positions where i had to write android and frontend js. as much as i would love to touch only swift, it hasn't ever worked that way for me.

You got this!

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

Corla Plankun posted:

lol, I volunteered to "help" with a python interview and it turns out im leading it by myself and i need to prepare a whole thing. anyone have any fond memories of coding questions in interviews that gave you room to flex and didn't make you want to die?

Don't ask trivia questions, that sucks. It's better to have a discussion over a code challenge or take home assignment.

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

I don't think we should include bob dobbs' rear end in a top hat.

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

kdrudy posted:

Interviewed a guy yesterday that, when we asked why he was looking, felt it was important to tell us one of the reasons is a vaccine mandate at his current job.

Sorry, I was just having a real hard time with this one

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

Smythe posted:

"hysterical" is a gendered slur. mods?

Go home Smythe

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

Smythe posted:

in a bizarre twist of fate, YOSPOS is my home forum. Too hosed up to believe! but true!

I knew there was something wrong with you

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

cinci zoo sniper posted:

i implemented interview problem in 2 ways - o(nlogn) and o(n). they told me o(nlogn) is faster than o(n), and instructed me to further improve the former variant.

even if this would have been a joke, this is like “boss jokes about firing you” tier of appropriateness of jokes. and that’s not touching the obvious language difficulties the interviewer, a non-native speaker, was having.

o(nlogn) is faster than o(n)...... NOT

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

cinci zoo sniper posted:

other context for that interview: it was the first and hopefully the only time in my life where i had to type python code in a google doc, with interviewer copying it and running it in their interpreter

When (not if, because lol) that happens to me I hope I have the fortitude to just hang up on their asses, honestly.

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

carry on then posted:

what is a bonus?

A miserable pile of singles. But enough talk

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

That's good poo poo pizza.bat, thanks for poasting

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

Waroduce posted:

got an offer at a pretty large enterprise healthcare software company. like a billion plus in revenue, pretty cool coming from a start up. This large company purchased a start up that was like 5 or 6 years old, the rest of the small team bailed after their payouts so its the lead technical and the lead product guy who is also the founder. Pays 150K, no stock or anything, 10-20% bonuses based on ~stuff~ , work life balance seems nice and my calculus here is that I'll get exposed to a real company that is large and operating at scale to dovetail with my start up experience. Its a very mature company thats been in business for a long time and has a serious market share.

My concern is that they use off-shore indian devs and I've never worked with them. All I've heard from my limited previous start up experience is that off-shore dev situations are best avoided and if you walk into them be prepared to have to really micro-manage, overly specify stuff and write incredibly detailed user stories and requirements. The hiring manager and lead product guy mentioned they've been with them the whole time and its his team so maybe....better? But I'm not really sure if I should take it or decline.

The role will be responsible for integrating this start ups product into the wider enterprise suite to being with and than going from there so I expect alot of HL7 based API work to start with.

any thoughts? how annoying is running off-shore dev teams and such?

Also as a friendly reminder since it's just happened to me....government contracts means a drug test is part of the offer

E: A product role btw not software engineering or anything actually technical capital T like you guys

Ime working with offshore devs sucks if you're their peer having to wade through their lovely code. Otherwise, they give product people a deliverable, just like as if the team was local.

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

Heavy algo screens are cargo culting nonesense because the big MAANG boys do it, especially for python positions where you won't be writing your own c extensions for cython. Your gut feeling is right and the right people will prefer someone that can identify the real bottlenecks of webshit (architecture and db)

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

Steve Jorbs posted:

Back in March or whenever I was speaking to a recruiter who asked if I was into crypto as conversation. I just told him, "No, not really," and then he went off anyway about his holdings in DOGE, GME, and AMC.

This here is the difference between a recruiter and a crooter

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

KidDynamite posted:

was asking the dev interviewing me questions at the end of a tech screen "... so how does company x do that?" "i don't know how many other interviews you're on but this is for company y"

loving woof. i got both questions correct so if i don't get it going to say it's entirely on that.

lol negging your interviewer

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

cinci zoo sniper posted:

ill likely end up with the american tech job in the end, and with “likely” i mean “unless a giant asteroid destroys north america”. the finance job had higher expected tc, and likely higher tc ramp rate than working for americans without jumping titles or companies, but it ended up being a classical case of executives who can’t let it go and insist on hands-on operations involvement severely loving up the process of closing the contract because they don’t have time to read my emails thoroughly, yet do have the gall to try legalsplaining me my post-soviet civil law environment with eton-oxbridge british offshore plutocrat accent

pro tip: if a dude owns a vat registered llc, chances are a request for contract text change substantiated as “My company name is written incorrectly in Art. 2 (4)” may have legal ramifications, and is not in fact a daft brogrammer’s attempt to cosplay doing business alongside the big boys

Congratulations comrade, we've fitted your back lower right molar with a cyanide capsule in a case of emergency. Now stack that paper

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

You nerds arguing:

The person you're arguing about :

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

Let bear

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

Archduke Frantz Fanon posted:

grats. this thread gave me the confidence i needed to not say a number first. signed the papers and gave notice but they are gonna call my references still? to make sure i dont torture small animals or something?

Might for the file or process formality. Current job asked me for two references after i had signed the contract

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

at my place we have associate eng before eng

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

champagne posting posted:

anything and everything to pay entry levels less

do you also have a graduate program?

You betcha

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

Corla Plankun posted:

is there a modern book that can catch me up on the new stuff?

whenever i write a userscript to fix a lovely website I'm always pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to write vanilla js and i honestly do kinda want to learn more. But I will never learn a js framework for as long as I live because that poo poo seems like even more useless and easily-obsoleted knowledge than the D&D sourcebooks i memorized as a teen.

Specifically, maybe, ES6 and Beyond

Armitag3 fucked around with this message at 13:23 on May 14, 2022

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

Enderzero posted:

reposting here bc it got buried in cjs by an hbag meltdown:

got my first promotion ever, to senior dev! only took 13 years workin lol

but, uh, the comp change is only 10%. that seems rather low. not sure if I should ask for more but I am getting by and take a 2 hour nap every day and have an incredible mentor. maybe just hang out, learn more, work relatively little and see how the recession goes

Grats. A couple of devs are quitting current job where I’m at for presumably higher pay at smaller startups, which would be business as usual any other time, but not sure about how wise that is now with a recession over the tech sector looming

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

kalel posted:

question: what are actual good responses to the question, "what are some of your weaknesses"

because I feel like that question is a trap. you're not supposed to answer truthfully unless it's 1) utterly inconsequential, or 2) easily spun into a strength like "I care too much"

I've had success talking about my weaknesses if I've not only identified them but am actively working to improving them. Ultimately I think the question is used to suss out if you're capable of honest self-evaluation and if you think it important to work on your areas of improvement.

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

ultravoices posted:

how do you a/b test an interview, give them a lobotomy and try agin?

Come in again with groucho marx glasses

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

PIZZA.BAT posted:

exciting pl/sql contracts in akron ohio!!

PM shouts every night
In Ohio
Crooked devops on sight
In Ohio
Every day is a fight
In Ohio, Ohio

Got teams to lead
In Ohio
Main dev on leave
In Ohio
Pretty sure he got the 'vid
In Ohio, Ohio (livin...)

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

post hole digger posted:

wife had a call with a crooter today and brought up salary completely unprompted :cripes::bang: i think she lowballed herself too :rowdytrout: i told you.... so many time.... no...... :negative:

why do we fall master bruce

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

Kernel Sanders posted:

the whole american 0-2 weeks notice is wild to me. over here it’s _at least_ a month, but usually 2-3 months (unless you hosed up and they want to get rid of you, then it’s a 3 month garden leave).

That's at-will employment for you. The 2 weeks notice is a courtesy so you don't leave on a bad note. If by "here" you mean Europe, then yeah it's because we have actual employment contracts.

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

PIZZA.BAT posted:

interview went really well. just one left this friday with the guy who will be my euro counterpart

pray for p dece six and a half figs, friends

sending figgie vibes, good luck on the dealio

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

barkbell posted:

So just had the call with the CEO.

He dodged the question about disagreements saying you just need high EQ and disagreements happen every day. CEO and CTO _are_ the board. 14mo runway via a single pre-seed round and they have a couple 6 figure b2b contracts currently.

I dunno what to think this is the first time I've entertained an interview from an early-stage startup like this. My gut feeling is this is a bad idea in the current economy.

If my own CEO is anything to go by he says that VCs are very shy right now and that the market for financing startups is about debt (as opposed to moonshot investments). Might be an idiot since I don’t know anything about this, but i survived a round of layoffs at current company and i’m gonna stay put for a while anyway.

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

i once set up a custom background of myself looking into the room at myself

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

everybody clapped immediately

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

echinopsis posted:

is it bad to have a linkedin you never look at or keep up to date? would none be better than incomprehensibly obsolete
You should keeping up to date but don’t look at it regularly no

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

echinopsis posted:

in my photo I am wearing one of those nerdy pharmacy dispensing coats

except the bottom button isn't done up because I am a bad rear end

An image is worth a thousand buzzwords

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

theflyingexecutive posted:

are there any tech pm roles that are more entry-level than Project Manager? a lot of postings i'm passing up attach a lot of emphasis as having worked specifically in software pm (and specifically in scrum), which i don't really have. is most pming just "coder forced to schedule until they literally can't do both anymore"?

Assistant (to the) Project Manager?

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

Cybernetic Vermin posted:

while the conversational stuff is garbage one of my hopes for a positive social effect gpt models will have is that it will extremely quickly make all humans dismiss any text which doesn't immediately get to a real point as bad (and likely ai). reversing a long trend towards higher word counts as a demonstration of work ethic/schooling/whatever.

it seems almost unavoidable, i am myself already a lot quicker to dismiss any text put in front of me that has the least sign of meandering through some set things.


Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.


Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

AWWNAW posted:

just got a written offer for major figs and it requires a drug test?!?!

can you even leetcode those?

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