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well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

i don’t ship bugs, i ship experiences


well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

never, under any circumstances, ask someone why they aren’t customer obsessed

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

ADINSX posted:

Probably the most surprising thing about working for Amazon is people will actually quote these while speaking like little nuggets of wisdom from dear leader

my company has tried to install this a few times, originally because they brought in an ex-amazon guy as ceo and he brought in more amazonians, but it has never taken root except ironically in private, thankfully

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

if you genuinely believe you’ve never shipped a bug to prod, just lie about it. make up a time you did. saying you never have is just going to sound fishy as gently caress

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

rotor posted:

idk i always think an hour isnt really enough

like yes hiring is a hassle but if firing is also a hassle (which it always is) then i need time up front to vet people.

like what do people expect? that you're just gonna hire good people without expending any effort making sure they're good first?

you're right about it not being enough time, but my brain has developed a hard-checkout response at minute 45 of every meeting. that's when i go from ~50% attention to <10%, and i can feel it happening, like a whooshing in my head

so i just try not to interview anymore. time consideration aside, i hate it and it sucks for all parties involved

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

if my interviewer can't quickly identify one of the many things far more wrong with me than my headset size, i don't care to work for such a sloppy outfit anyway

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

thus does rotor administer the controversial “clown test”, which he claims to be 100% accurate, though none have passed it yet

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022


EIDE Van Hagar posted:

i am gonna need you to whiteboard this with you: we have sixteen human resources in the car and we need to get at least four of them stuck in the rungs of this ladder and one to fall backward into this bucket of whitewash.

ok my bad, maybe it’s eide that does the clown test, not rotor

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022


well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

i fled to infrastructure where i have no pm, don’t estimate poo poo, and nobody understand what i do enough to give me grief about it

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

Captain Foo posted:

infra is no escape from the inexorable pull of scrums

it is where i am, but that's only because of my seniority. don't worry, there are plenty of other horrible things that ruin my days

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

rotor posted:

my yospos hottest take is that agile can be done well and is good, actually (if u do it well)

mhmm and how many times have you seen that happen

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

the engineering teams here mostly operate on kanban, except one that switched to scrum on purpose, at the urging of the devs on that team. how hosed up is that?

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

rotor posted:

twice (out of like 12 places)

ok that's honestly more than i would've expected. i think it takes something of a unicorn pm/scrum master/eng manager to work well. somehow the attributes "not overly process driven" and "competent at running any process at all" don't naturally coincide often

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

i am a moron posted:

I’m being a little too harsh though. It isn’t just the stuff they see as beneath them, it’s also anything they don’t understand. Which might as well be anything besides writing code

yeah, in my experience it's less stuff they see beneath them and more stuff they're afraid of. even when it's super simple. even when you've taken great pains to make something complicated simple to do for them, as a treat

lead a horse to water etc. etc.


post hole digger posted:

they may hate doing ops work, but at least they will insist on having access to absolutely everything and wont have any understanding of best practices or how any ops work is actually done.

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

nudgenudgetilt posted:

a huge part of my job seems to be saying either "oh dear god, please don't do it that way" and "oh dear god, why did you do it that way"

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

Poopernickel posted:

I understand the bullshit of jira, scrum, and Agile-with-an-uppercase-A pretty well at this point, but I've never done kanban

somebody give me the tl;dr on kanban, and how it's different / better

basically, no sprints. there's a single prioritized backlog and you just pull from the top of it. for the rest it sorta depends on the org/team implementing it

then there's the lore about how it's borne of the toyota manufacturing methodology, which is very relevant, because building cars and software is exactly the same you see

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

ultrafilter posted:

Naturally, those limits are ignored by a lot of organizations that say they're doing Kanban.

if we’re being honest, some orgs will even ignore the prioritized backlog. really, there is no good process without a competent and disciplined org, it’s not particularly a kanban or scrum problem

but i’ll still take broken kanban over broken scrum — at least there are fewer meetings

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

put some backend devs, web devs, and ios/android devs on the same team, and then tell them to establish the meaning of a story point, as a joke

(i have seen this joke happen in real life)

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

software engineering: constantly migrating from the old bad thing to the next bad thing

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

the fabled application that when inherited by a new dev team they don’t immediately say “what is this trash”

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

ADINSX posted:

I read the other day that they just added loops to cloud formation, so now you can write conditionals and loops in your yaml

cloud formation is for masochists anyway, they'll love that poo poo

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

raminasi posted:

idk about cloudformation but in terraform conditional logic is really useful if you want to make a module that can be used for multiple nearly-but-not-quite-identical scenarios. like: i have a custom aws lambda module that does all of my organization's lambda things for me. sometimes lambdas need to be inside a vpc and sometimes not, so i just expose a configuration option on the module that conditionally does the vpc things.

yes, but terraform is for people who want to do work, not people who want to feel pain, any pain, just as long it distracts them from the void within their soul. that's what cloud formation is for

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

the point of those "tell me about bulletpoint" questions is to gauge the candidate's ability to clearly explain their understanding of a problem and how it was solved. it's just that most engineers don't really understand how to interpret that signal, because they're probably also bad at it

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

raminasi posted:

at algo gauntlets

yeah that is not the appropriate venue for a question like that, and they're essentially cargo culting interview behavior i guess

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

hey, here's something i wish i had known in the past: a big to-do is made about exercising ISOs not being a taxable event, but there's a big, fat caveat to this. you have to figure AMT for your regular income PLUS the "value" of your exercised options (this depends on the company's FMV, which they get to decide) and if it's larger than your normal tax liability, you pay it instead. AMT uses a lower tax rate but removes certain exemptions, such as ISOs

if you exercise a lot of options or they have a high FMV, this can really gently caress you on taxes, all over money you will likely never see

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

raminasi posted:

fwiw my tax lady said that post-2017 this is only worth worrying about if you’re in the neighborhood of $1mil or more. if you’re really risk-averse you can early exercise to avoid it, but most people are going to recommend against that and i’d agree with them.

this was i think in 2019 for me, and definitely under $1mil, so i’m suspicious of that info. also, i was misled by a tax professional into believing there would be no tax implications. i no longer use that tax professional

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

Fortaleza posted:

Portland ftw

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

complaining about californians in oregon went out of fashion a long time ago, we got that out of our systems in the 80s and 90s

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

Janitor Prime posted:

Did a phone screen for Pinterest, it's fully remote in Mexico that I can do from my house by the sea.

Wish me luck

i wish you luck, but i wish pinterest nothing but harm, so i’m not sure how that balances out

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

the thing about californian complaining is that california is very big and populous and has a lot of immigration and emigration and hence it’s very hard to say what a “californian” actually is

we are all of us californians, and we are none of us californians

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

rotor posted:

ok but point of fact: I am literally a californian

sure grandpa let’s get you to bed

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

lord fifth posted:

it was a database query optimization problem and the interviewers seemed mad that my answer wasnt "precompute all possible queries and cache them." weird loving interview. they did specify up front that there was no bound on the time for database construction but, like, what sane person would take that as direction to precompute every possible query ??

i would also give answers at a high level and then they would get mad that i didnt exactly explain what lines of code i would have to change to implement whatever scenario they threw at me. probably not a good company for me

i would simply memorize the database's contents and answer queries myself

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

rotor posted:

take the job and monkeywrench the poo poo out of the place imo


(12) General Devices for Lowering Morale and Creating Confusion
(a) Give lengthy and incomprehensible explanations when questioned.
(b) Report imaginary spies or danger to the Gestapo or police.
(c) Act stupid.
(d) Be as irritable and quarrelsome as possible without getting yourself into trouble.
(e) Misunderstand all sorts of regulations concerning such matters as rationing, transportation, traffic regulations.
(f) Complain against ersatz materials.
(g) In public treat axis nationals or quislings coldly.
(h) Stop all conversation when axis nationals or quislings enter a cafe.
(i) Cry and sob hysterically at every occasion, especially when confronted by government clerks.
(j) Boycott all movies, entertainments, concerts, newspapers which are in any way connected with the quisling authorities.
(k) Do not cooperate in salvage schemes.

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

we're all natural saboteurs

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

well look at mr helljob over here, i guess you win the Worst Career Experience award

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

Raluek posted:

he didn't seem very happy about it, in fact he was complaining to me that this legal obligation was making his job harder by taking away (some of) his institutional leverage, but he did give me the range.

"the law is making it harder for me to gently caress you, don't you feel bad for me?" lmao

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

Pulcinella posted:

Has anyone ever interviewed at a company and thought the company was in way over their heads?

friend, i've exclusively worked for companies i thought were in way over their heads

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

Kazinsal posted:

there are in fact myriad

turns out most billionaires' worldviews are informed by misunderstanding popular fiction


well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

Its a Rolex posted:

Then they asked if they could get a reference for my performance at my current job.

sure, and perhaps i could call your wife and ask if she'd recommend having sex with you, hmm?

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